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 Code: "SPRING" for 10% off! 

 😈 http://bit.ly/RedFoilLovely 


Teespring reached out to us to try a new design option and so I said yes.  

They used our devil horned Lovely design and laid in some beautiful red foil.  

This is a lickle bit of a try out,  If it does well I hope to do more of them.  I'm seeing what their requirements are for a design to work with the shimmer foil.  A bit of fun so!

The design is available through April 17th, if they let me extend it I will but that was the end date they told me.

I hope ye like like like!  🤗 




I hope they extend it☹️ But I love that design🥺😍


I love it, it's amazing! Ordered my tank top already even though my wallet hates me for it....🤦🏻‍♀️


I really love it, especially in the Superman colours, red&blue! 💞💞💞💞


Sparkly and glittery!! I hope they allow you to extend it and do more designs with this option! 💖


Thank you for sharing!

Khelisie Salvatore

Didn't even get a notification about this post. 2 things I love surprises and sparkly 😆 gotta find the big smiles for the small things.

Sweet Phantasy

Not happy! Twice I tried ordering this t-shirt as and twice Teespring doubled my order. I tried very unsuccessfully to just edit my order but the site allows every edit except "Quanity" order edit. You can edit you size. You can edit the color. You can edit your address. But no where on the site after the order was placed did I see an area to edit the quantity.

Sweet Phantasy

I didn't want to cancel the order, just wanted to edit it, but was forced to because no where to edit quanity.


I want one! It would match my red ruby converse! But with the Aussie $$ being so bad it’s over double the cost including shipping 😨 and with our borders closed it’s such a risk.


I did it though... and one of the enchanted beauty’s because Gancanagh was my first experience with Gael and frankly my go too favourite story and not just because my legal name is Rhiannon and I’m more at home in the forest and sea then with other humans (have also been accused of being a witch by my mates who are adamant something evil follows me, and pesters them when I’m gone). So with all the power my name gives me please let the borders let in my package and my ruby sequinned converse are going to look amazing with the red foil shirt 😉 I can go with out rations hahah


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/uU3kCoL.png"><br> Just saw this now. <br>Quantity is near the colors on the product page. But if you want to edit it from your cart, click on your cart.<br> There is an "edit" button when you look in your cart. You can edit quantity there.