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Baby... you seem a bit sad.  I know you well enough to see it...

Come lay in my arms.  You can let go & relax, maybe get some sleep.

I'll stay with you.


This audio has been on the Playroom channel for ages but it's been missing from mine!  I added heartbeats and gentle breathing to extend it into a  (hopefully) nice calming sleep audio for ya.

I hope it makes your day a bit easier.




Thank you for this. Something that is greatly appreciated during isolation!

Violet Grey

You've no idea how much I needed this right now. Feeling sad and not been sleeping well. Thanks Gael ❤️


Perfect timing!!!!!! Breathing sounds & heartbeats 💞💞


Thank you, lovely one! You are a treasure.


Bless you for adding the heartbeat sounds G! Just in time for bed too. 🙌🏻🧡


Thank you, sweetheart (no pun intended). 🐻 🤗


I love these audios, thank you. ❤


Aww Gael you are the best. It's been a hard few days and I haven't had much mental silence lately. Thankyou


Is taisce idirnáisiúnta thú. GRMA. 😢😟❤😌😌😴


You keep taking awesome care of us through all of this and I’m eternally grateful! Thank you!


Thank you. These are really helpful! 🤗😘


Thank you my good sir💙


After being like a mother hen for our estonian neighbours these couple of days, getting them their virus instructions in their own language, making sure my other neighbours get their own... I really needed someone to take care of me too.. 😿💞 Thank you, you lovely warm cuddle bear 🤗🍀💞


Amazingly calming. Very good Job in taking care of so many woman like this. 🖤


This is just so loving and soothing.😍❤❤ Don't underestimate those rubbing sounds either. They are really doing it for me! They were about to put me to sleep early before I could finish listening and get to the primo good stuff- your heartbeats.😍🤗😚❤


Thank you, G. Have been trying to do work today but feeling very sad and unmotivated - this was soothing encouragement to put it down for a while. 💜


You listened. 😍🥰


You know in the very very beginning I avoided listening to your heartbeats. I’m happy I can do it now. It’s very much comforting ♥️


Thank you. Helpful to someone who is physically alone during this! Be well. 💜



Kathy Mc

Thanks for taking care of us Gael. I'm so unmotivated to do much and I think it is depression. You make me have more positive energy. Be safe and I'm sending 💘 love from across the ocean!🌹🌹🍀🍀💓💓💞💞💖

Kathy Mc

I agree with Nikki as well...do NOT under estimate those rubbing sounds. So soothing and relaxing! Your breath and whispered words are just perfection!


As an extrovert, living alone, whose love language is touch, your comfort posts really help make me feel not so alone. I work in a Rehabilitation hospital (physical therapy) as an office worker. We don't have nor will we take anyone who could be contagious in any way but with 50 beds rotating out about 10 a day I could potentially already be exposed. That means no potential of seeing anyone in person other than coworkers. I just 'went' to a virtual board game night and even 8 friends at once on video chat doesn't match the comfort of virtual bear hugs. Thanks for keeping my hug meter above empty🐼


After losing three friends last night to stupid drama, thank you for this ❤️


so nice to cuddle up to that tranquility and fall asleep


I was listening and watching Netflix on my iPad, and at the first heart beat my eyes bolted open, I sware my heart stopped, and I dropped my iPad on my face... but I didn’t really care because I always imagined that’s what it would be like to feel safe in a trusted persons arms, I never been able too do that, as I listened on, I remember feeling my body come down from pure panic to a calm brain ... don’t break the fantasy... I need this, no joke I was willing to pay an escort for a hug and a decent conversation


Thank you Gael, this really helped me. I hope you and your loved ones are coping OK ❤


Nikki, yes, the rubbing sounds got me too, like aww, he thinks of everything 🥰


🦁, I so appreciate all of the thought and details you put into all of these. The rubbing, all the intimate sounds, and of course the heartbeats. No one would fault you for not using your own heartbeat, so I feel like this is very generous of you (I dunno if generous is the right word? ...🤷🏻‍♀️) I think this is why your audience is going to continue to grow. People can debate what true ASMR is but you put all the pleasing sounds in context, which takes some thought. TYVM🥰💖✨


Thank you for all the calming audios. They’re very helpful during this isolation. I’m very grateful for the work you do ❤️


“I want silent for you. I want peace for you.” *Kid shouts. Work email goes off. Text message comes though.* Me too dude. Me too. 😭

Michelle Ross

This was the 2nd video I listened last night after the horrible nightmare. It's wonderful to have something like this to make me feel like I'm not alone dealing with horrible things. I hope you don't mind but somehow my mind changes your voice to my late husband's voice. You are the conduit to me having his comfort again. Thank you for that Gael...


"Come on, I'm your FRIEND baby"


*sigh* to be G's 'girl' 🥰