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(Be sure to leave your comments on youtube so Seanie doesn't get confused)


Life Advice | SEANIE SOLVES YOUR PROBLEMS | Reading Your Comments!

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Lol I hope Seanie give me some advice for my problem


He is beeping his way in our hearts 😅😂


Lord & Jesus in heaven!!!! 😳😳




So very doomed .... I'm getting popcorn ready for this well in advance!

Ariel Diamond

😂 Oh yeah, definitely doomed. How fun!


Oh no 😲😑


😂 🤣 😂 🤣

Mina Ramey (Ebony Sorceress of the North)

Wait...Seanie is doing WHAT? Aww hell. 😐 *facepalm* Welp, grab a chair and the popcorn, kiddies. We're gonna enjoy this insanity together!🤣


Uh Oh.... this should be interesting. 🙄


DOOMED, lol!😂😂💕


At least YouTube will go into doomation laughing!! 🤣😂


Aww mannnn


I fuckin’ love you, Sean-O. What’s the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? You bein’ the bird expert and all.


Seanie... sweetheart... I have a question for ya. My mom’s neighborhood been overrun by javelinas. But there’s a gang of coyotes that come down the street late at night like fekkin East or West Side Story snappin their fingers and ballet jazz dancing and threatening the families of javelinas. What should the families of quail do cuz like the families of quail are even tinier than the javelinas. Signed... Concerned In Southwestern USA.


Seanie, mate, I got a problem, and my god is it a dumb one. You see, I'm bi, so I like both men and women, so tinder (dating site) will show me both. But whenever I match with a man, he's absolutely fucking horrendous, like he'll be desperate or bigoted or just plain creepy. And whenever I match with a woman, she just wants me to have a threesome with her boyfriend! No cute men or women anywhere! What the hell, I thought I was suppose to have the advantage in the dating field, but no one I actually like wants to talk to me! What's your advice Seanie?


Kristen, omg! I'm not the only creep magnet in the world? Thank goodness!


Seanie boi, Thought of this warm up exercise to keep your voice smooth as silk. How much wood would your wood pecker peck if your wood pecker could peck wood?


Dearest Seanie Connorie, I have a few questions for you! 1. I’m fed up with the limited options for birth control for women. Are there any tips you can give me on how to prevent pregnancy that doesn’t involve condoms, an IUD or birth control pills? 2. I hate my boss, but I love my job! How do I cope? 3. What can you do to make your shopping experience more pleasant, when 90% of the time there are children having tantrums in the store?? 4. How can I get my dog to stop humping my couch cushions?? Gee, I hope you can help, Seanie! ....God save me


Dear seanie in 2 weeks from now I have an appointment to get my 3 remaining wisdom teeth removed and absolutely terrified of needles I’m wondering if you got some advice on how to calm my nerves before I go in? Just thinking about it makes me uneasy 😷


I have another question for you, Seanie. You see, I share my Netflix/Hulu account with my brother and he changed my user name to MizFartyPOOPz. Is there a way I can get him back or Any clever names I can change his profile name to?????


Doomed in the most fun way possible!


Oh Seanie....I think I love you♥♥♥ what do I do about this????


Hey Seanie, how ya doing? Two questions for you- 1. I really really adore this guy at work. How do I ask him out? Any tips or advice? 2. Now this is really for my general knowledge. How do you make an elephant laugh? What joke would you tell it?


Help me seanie! maybe you can tell me why all of a sudden I'm having unusual dreams about you.....I've been thinking about you a lot lately....can't get you outta my mind. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN SEANIE, PLEASE HELP ME!


SEANIE!!!! I missed you my Boo!! So here’s da fucking story, I want to know. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle? 🧐


Another one, if you're up to it - How do I get rid of neighbours who disturb the peace and quiet of my surroundings at odd hours? Throw down a box of ants on them? Or maybe a bucket of water? What do ya think of these? Any better ideas, I'm game to try them out?


Just kinda wondering, is Seanie and Gael the same person with different voices, or is Seanie an actual person in real life?


You know, being new to this whole experience, I have that question too!


Seanie, Help!! I want to listen to audios. My wired earphones always need detangling. Why do they have the worst knots just when I need them?


What exactly is Einstein's theory of relativity seanie . I never understood that guy 😋 can't wait for the response 😁


I don’t have anything to ask. Just here to say that your existence and audios mean the world not only to me, but almost to all of us! Thank you for the sweet idea tho! Your beautiful heart is appreciated and adored! ♥️ P.s also look at you. you nearly reached 3000 patrons 👏👏👏👏


How to do good on a job interview?


Seanie..... My dog isn’t much of a snuggler, she’s quite independent and moody. How can I get her to become an affectionate lap dog??? 🥰💗🐶💗🥰


Do you have any good pickup lines that we can use on guys??


If you were stuck in a time-loop, what would you want to keep doing over and over and over and over again? Minding babies?


Seanie... you seem to be devil's advocate/resident ball buster; what advice have you given Gael to keep him grounded? My problem? I can't follow simple instructions. Guidance plz.


Lovelies, the post says, Seanie will be answering questions/comments posted on YouTube. I would love to hear the answers to some of your questions above, so please post them on YouTube, too!


Yyaayyyyyyy!! I can give heart-likes again!! 💖💖💖😍😍😍

Scarlet Kitten

Lol. If you watch the captions try to translate Seanie's accent its hilarious. Untranslateable he is.


Seanie....I need help...I've been having weird dreams about my classmates but it always goes into another dream about you and Gael...what the hell is wrong with my mind?


I would have to hear the bloopers on this one...just a thought.........