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 You've been wanting to learn for a while.  Let's have a lesson shall we? 




Awww I have been wanting to learn to drive. This'll be adorable, I look forward to listening later :3


I dont mind u teaching me i wish every instructor was like u lol 😂😂


I could have used you when I was learning to drive a stick!


🤣 this is definitely a fantasy because If it were a reality one of us would be in tears and it would probably be you mourning to death of your precious transmission.


This is such a cute, gentle (yet a little bit naughty😉) lesson that I think I could almost be ready to drive with a manual transmission. Almost.😅 😚❤


No lie, there should be more instructors like this. Not everyone has the nerves and patience for this, that's for sure *traumatic flashback*


So, I noticed that the "Driving Stick" picture above shows the gear shift on the driver’s right...🤔<br><br>I’m hereby considering this your official concession that driving on the <i>right</i> side of the road is the true and correct way of doing things. Just like Mother Nature intended ☝️😌

Nacht Hex

You are the cutest!! I would absolutely try to learn stick again if you were my teacher- but my road rage is wayyyy worse than yours. 🤬


Am I the only one who heard some seanie here??? So adorable


*giggles!* I first learned driving stick before I even learned automatic cuz TheHubbs™️ first car was a manual and he taught me to drive on it! Brings back fond memories of us driving around empty parking lots late at night so I could learn to drive with no stress... actually I learned how to shift, sitting on both sides of the vehicle cuz sometimes he would make me shift gears for him while he was doing the driving and I was passenger... *ahem* 😏


“What’s more exciting? Sex or boosting cars?” I’m proficient in driving stick! 😘


I agree! My first and last lesson was when I was 15. I was praticing with my brother’s Mustang in an empty parking lot. The clutch was stiff and I kept stalling. Barely moved a few feet. I might have grinded the gears once or twice, and the lesson was over. Someone was having a meltdown, and it wasn’t me.


Funny how I'm actually learning some things while listening to this. I'm scribbling notes here like! 😂 Planning on getting my drivers license as soon as possible (fingers crossed). This was very sweet and funny! ❤️ (However if you were my actual driving instructor I'd probably swerve right into a tree due distractions lmao, 😂)


Can. You. Be. Any. Cuter!! I wanna squeeze you, this was so adorable! 🤗 It's been years since I last saw a car that drives stick.


I thought the Spice version would have added speed and overheating. 😣😒 Sorry I missed you at the premiere. I got there just after you signed off. I prefer driving manual transmission. I feel like I have more control with my hand on the stick - shift! They are becoming harder to get in Canada and actually cost more now than an automatic. So disappointing. My trouble over there would be getting used to working the stick with my opposite hand! That and staying in the proper lane. 😂😂😅 It was fun to try in New Zealand though.


Flashbacks to first driving lessons with a clutch. It ALL depends on the type of clutch. Some are way easier than others. My first straight drive (stick) I learned on, you had to push it all the way to the floor which made the transition rough as hell when learning. I later had much easier clutches that you barely had to step on it to change gears. But the true and ultimate test ........you should have put her on a big hill and had her stop on it and then continue. THAT IS BRUTAL!! That would have DEFINITELY tested your saintly patience. 😲😉😘😘


My first time learning to drive was with a manual transmission. Luv it!


Giggling abound while I think about the difference between a US cop and our fictional Irish cop. Well anyway, when I learned to drive my mom purposely took me out after a blizzard with the logic that everyone was driving badly. All fine and good until I drove over something rather large that rocked the car, and she yells, "Oh my God! You just ran over someone!" 😱😱😱 Freaking out, crying, she laughed hysterically because it was just large hard chunk of ice and snow. Lesson in road rage learned and I happily cuss while driving


Practicing in an empty parking lot for your first few times behind the wheel is a safe, sensible thing to do. Which is exactly what my brother did when he gave me my first driving lesson when I was 17. I was pretty nervous, but getting a feel for accelerating, braking, turning, etc. without having to worry about crashing into anything helped a lot.<br><br>My father, however, had a different approach to teaching 😬<br><br>My dad: "Your mother told me to start teaching you how to drive. You’ve driven once before, right?"<br><br>Me: "Well, I guess you could say that. I practiced driving around a bit in an empty parking lot with [my brother] a few days ago."<br><br>My dad: "Oh, good! So you know the basics, then?"<br><br>Me: "Umm...well, I suppose I do <i>in theory</i>, but I’m not sure if I-"<br><br>My dad: "Perfect, it’s settled then! Let’s go on the highway!"<br><br>Me: "Wait, what?!"<br><br><br>My second time operating a motor vehicle, and my dad had me drive on the flippin’ <i>highway</i>. I guess you could make the argument that highway driving is easy in that you’re going in a straight line at a constant speed for much of the time. But you could probably make several more arguments about how dangerous it is since you’re travelling &gt;100 km/hr, sometimes on an undivided road, and if your reaction time isn’t stellar, you’re essentially screwed 😵<br><br>I think my dad figured out that his trial-by-fire approach to teaching wasn’t ideal since I was as white as a sheet when we finally got back home. He then gave me a cheque later that evening so that I could enrol in classes at the local driving school 😝


“How bout sex while boosting cars?” 😉 I do love that movie 😁


Ugh I know! I was so sad when we couldn’t get a new CR-V in manual like our old one! Super happy my little Smart Car had both so I can tear around shifting gears to my heart’s content 😏 (or when Im having a bad mobility day, it’s auto all the way)


First time I tried to drive I was 15,my mom was set on me trying, and I was terrified, I was so scared I thought the wheel wouldn't turn and when I pushed the break my mom would slightly jump forward. I thought I was gonna crash the whole time, and I was more nervous than my mom was. I'm never gonna try driving again, I'm mentally scarred from that one time. Also I'm not actually allowed to drive, doctors have told me. But on a funny note my mom let's me steer the wheel of her car, it's scary but it's also so funny, well as funny as it can be, I almost still crash it, but my mom finds it funny as well.


Omg, this was so great!! 😍😍😍 You know, I haven't driven a car for ages like, haven't had the need to. You'd totally get me relaxed with your nature of guiding, even with the police. 😌🙈 I learned to drive with the stick, so automatic would be new to me, plus the whole "driving on the other side of the road", I'd propably be like Cameron Diaz in "Holiday" 😂😂😂 But Honey, it'd be really distracting if you compare that stick to something else, you naughty man.. 😏😏😹😹


This was so cute and so fun 😃


I haven’t driven a stick in about 2 years, I have a automatic transmission in my car and I don’t even know if I can drive a manually car anymore 🤪 but when I took my driver license I only drove a stick... it’s good to be able to drive both I think 😋 🚗💨


I’m so old fashioned. When I got my new car I made sure it was with a stick aka gear and I could drive manually. I mean I love using the stick.....putting my hand on it and move it to whatever direction I want especially when I change to the park shift, I love to pull it up and sometimes when I listen to music I tap on it too....now why all this sounds so filthy? 😂😂


The giggles are so cute!!


When you were bragging to the cop it was adorable. 😂 In reality I would cringe from being praised so much in front of someone lol the only downfall of a praise kink

Ingrid D

Years ago, my (now ex) boyfriend tried teaching me to drive stick. Suffice to say, it did not go nearly as well as this, lol. Between his frustrations and my stubbornness, that lesson ended with me just giving up, getting out, slamming the door, and walking home in a huff 🤣 Gael, you're a wonderful teacher, as always ❤❤❤


'keep your horn for your wife' that was all it took for me to burst out laughing on public transport OUT LOUD! I couldn't stifle myself and the the more I tried to stifle it the more I laughed . So thank you Gael for the laughs and a lickle bit of public embarrassment Here is an emoji story of how it went down 🚇🤭😄😂🤣😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️😁


My older sister TRIED to teach me how to drive it did NOT go. Well. I'm directionally challenged and had trouble remembering what foot was brake and which was gas much less trying to switch gears. I rolled into her trailer fortunately there was very minor damage to. The skirting. Then when were on the road i passed a. State trooper parked by the side of the road watching for speeders she said "If you get a ticket it's on you" i was already tense and this did NOT help. I don't know why she said that. I wasn't speeding or anything. Thanks for nothing sis.


I love this cause I passed my driving test 2 months ago on a manual car!!!!!


My new favorite threat "I'll send swarm of locust to your village" -GaelForce 2020 lol

Kathy Mc

Oh, the memories!! A 1976 red Ford Fiesta! It had a stick and I had to learn to drive it If I wanted to go anywhere so my dad took me out, in the day, in the middle if traffic, downtown,and I stalled out every 5 feet! I was crying and upset and never wanted to drive again! Of course, it got better, but I had my girlfriends help me learn, not my dad, God bless him, but he was nothing like Gael!! It's good to know both cause you never know when you have to drive your drunk friends home if they have stick!!


So sweet and patient 😘


When I got my license, it was regulation here that you had To do the test in a manual car (I.e with stick shift as you guys say). That was a part of the test : to stop-start on a hill. 😳 And if you rolled back, you failed.

Angela R.

Oh you’re just too adorable. I would be teaching *you* how to drive stick. 😉💋🙈🤣. Aaaahhh stick, my first car. She was fuuuuuuun.


This was so sweet and cute, G. One of the things that made me smile this week, so thank you, sir 🥰😘 This actually made me believe I could drive a manual car! 😊💖💕

Abigail Murray

Oh my God, I really hope I meet someone like you.

Chiwa Takanashi

Idk the audio for the car driving sounds really fast and is making me nervous hahaha


Can't believe I skipped over this one. Seriously tho G, you are setting the standard way high! Like way! And I love it! Cornball jokes and all!


I would love if you taught me how to drive a stick.

