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We were chatting in another thread about different things from audios or rambles etc that you all might enjoy seeing "merch" from on TeeSpring.  

I am only recently getting to be more comfortable offering merch.  After the Gancanagh event I was amazed at how much ye have enjoyed it so I'm doing my best to embrace the idea a little.

So I thought I'd pick your lovely brains and see what kinds of things you'd like.  I know I can't craft intricate carvings or anything like that but I do want to offer things you'll enjoy.

Edit:  Let me know phrases word or concepts as well.  I'll take all you creativity and put it to good use!

Some want more Gancanagh things, others like Bloodlust and we know Seanie is going to muck up the situation with his presence.  

Let me hear your imaginations.  We'll see if we can bring them to life. 

I hope ye are faring well on this Monday

New 3D audio on the horizon! 😈 




I sure would like to hear that new Bloodlust audio when it's finally done... But, ya know, that's just me.

Krisandra Setzer

I'd love to see pins for gaelforce

Violet Grey

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a sucker for Gancanagh! I'm a mug girl personally, though I'm a little partial to a t-shirt or hoodie if I feel it's worth parting with my money for 😊 And of course, who wouldn't love Seanie merch! You need to cut the poor lad some slack, Gael! 😂😉


Oh, I would like anything kinda supernatural or witch themed! Like a little sticker of Bloodlust, but it's designed to look like the Lovers or Death tarot card! It'd look so cool! I imagine that a lovely would be able to help!


hoodies!!!! ☺️☺️💖


no it's not just u, i know of someone that is actually very heartbrokenly but patiently waiting for it too!


😍😍😍 Thank you for asking!! I'll put my thinking hat on and let you know later! It's been a great day, we had a baking day with mom! 😊 Hope your day has been going well too! 💖💖💖


I would love more pillow options, if a body pillow were possible, that would be cool, and I know some would be interested in panties. lots of options out there, would love to see where this goes


I really liked whoever suggested something with your personal handwriting on it? Like “Good girl” 🤔 too bad they don’t sell panties. I’d totally buy some that said good girl in your handwriting... I’ll come back when I have better ideas. 😆


let the creative lovelies come up with something and send it to you. you pick the ones you like and bingo! or we can vote if you can't decide...


Whenever I hear Seanie’s name I forget about everything else 😍😂 Gael I’ll buy whatever you want me to buy just promise to include Seanie in your merch as well 🙏😭


I have to be honest, Gael, I'm not much of a merch collector. I mean for anything. I have a couple autographed Neil Gaiman things, one doctor who thing as a gift, zero Firefly.... But I do have a few gael things: the Gancanagh T and hoody, a mug... Personally I may not go much further. I have to admit, tho, a Seanie & Menagerie, or something with his crows would be fun. Cherry's kitchen is astounding. A script in your handwriting might be fun, but a bit awkward to display. I don't know how any of that fits into the Patreon tiers. So.... Maybe helpful? 🤪 In any case, you have my support. Keep cranking out the audios. Let your Muse guide you. P.S.... I'm still holding out for a high-production Wild Hunt/ Fae stories


Im thinkink.. handkerchief. Maybe with a few handwritten (by you) words on it ? Offer a sugar n a spice version?


I need Seanie merch! Looking forward to buying something different as couldn't buy a tee... silly plus sizes.... sigh lol


You’re N. Gaiman’s fan? 🙌🙌🙌🙌 where’s Buttercup?


I think you already know my thoughts on Seanie merch... 😂😂 I would love anything with him on! As I said I'm not a huge merch person but THAT I would get! Like a shirt or a mug or whatever with "what's the fooking story?!" would be so iconic. 😆 Hmm I'll have to think more about this though and will probably edit later! 🧡


Ooh! What if it was some Gaelic phrase that you scribbled in your handwriting?? That way it’s kind of a secret message. Muhahahaha. 🥰😈


I'd like to see the pure enerdree logo like you have on redbubble I love the way you say energy 😁


Hello Sir. Good Monday to you all! Today is so far, so good. Me personally I'm a jewelry girl. If i could get a good girl bracelet ( like a mini belt) or a good girl necklace that would be great. Nothing fancy just hypoallergenic metal. I would love you to the moon and back. 😘


Let's build more of Gaelandia. Where's that drawing? Good girl vs Bad girl island? Seanie's Zoo?


Definitely Seanie merch!! Something funny and hillarious to bright our days!! Maybe some cosy sweat pants with a funny Seanie saying down the side!!


My apologies I misread this but this is how I read this from your post: "I hope ye are "farting" well on this Monday" I'm sorry 😂😂😂😂😂😂


As I mentioned on your new tier post, something with your Gaelforce signature on it and lil note with your hand writing on it. Like a lil notebook, or a poster with your logo on it with the note and signature on it 😊

Scarlet Kitten

A blanket or pillow? Something to cuddle with. A vamp/wolf fang scarf? A "boyfriend" sweater.


Someone else already said this but pins are a pretty popular merch. And you can have several different options there. I would love a pin of the girl with headphones you have as a header.


A new colourway of the Gaelforce banner logo woman, please, perhaps in greens or purples?


You too? 😂 Now I’m feeling down Alepsa Play desplacito 😂


I'm not really sure that what I like matters that much in this case, given that I would scarcely be able to purchase any merch.


Maybe real books?


I don’t know if teespring would have this option but I’ve just recently begun researching companies that make sustainable swag for my own personal reasons. Like, for example, seed packets with logos or phrases on it, seeded bookmarks that can be planted, notebooks made from recycled materials.


You can't craft intricate carvings? *pouts*😂 Just kidding, G. Some great ideas here! Perhaps best buds Seanie and Dumbo could be featured together? Ahem, buds, hahaha!🚬🌲🌬 😂 Good luck, G!😙🍀❤


Headphone/earbud storage case with one of the previous logos printed on it? (Goodness knows how many of us lose our ear-gear!!) Ie: 1) Gaelforce girl logo with "good girl" handwritten underneath 2) Gancanagh for something a little less naughty? 😊 😈


Ohhh Jenny, that's a good one! Also keeps your earbuds from getting tangled.


I like the pin idea - your logo is beautiful!


- Beanies! Everyone loves beanies, and it’s flippin’ cold here in Canada right now 🥶<br><br>- A reference card listing the Gaelic words/phrases you most commonly use in your audios, along with the English translations 🤓<br><br>- <i>Crisis Management Point</i> pillowcases that could be used for couch pillows




Another thing I'd love to know is what phrases or words you'd like on things. I'll edit this into the thread top

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

I’m a frig magnet and keychain lover-any design in those would be awesome to me!!! Even the sugar, spice faces would be perfect!! Thank you kindly for asking us!!😘💖 Edit:May I add this-Gael, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, because you are a fantastic entrepreneur and business owner, who has built your own brand. “One who organizes, operates and assumes the risk of a business venture.” You have persevered through the challenges and continue to thrive!! Stay true to your own core values and listen to your intuition-if it doesn’t feel right then it’s not. Always know we have your back and won’t let anything take away from what you have built thus far. Your success and happiness is what’s most important to us!! We love you no matter what!!😘💖💖💖


Irish phrases you use like pulse of my heart, my treasure, my pet... etc.. You're my good girl, come closer, close your eyes, you are beautiful..


More Hoodies( I just love Hoodies) Beanie hats,Jewelry like a Necklace, Ring or charm bracelet, A water bottle design,a soft fleece Blanket. Though not sure some of them are possible. As for phrases maybe Lovelies, Gaelandia, Gaelforce, any of your Galic phrases you use often


As for phrases... I'm a sucker for "good girl" 😈😉 and anything in Gaelic especially "a leanbh" "mo stor" 😍🥰 Uhh ... and "mine" :)

Angela R.

I would love a design like you did for Gancanagh but for Bloodlust. I love T’s, tanks, jewelry. How cool would it be to have a choker style necklace with two small, red gems on it that lay on the neck like a vamp bite?! No idea if they could swing such a thing. Lol, Gaelpire was here...

Angela R.

Oh! Gaelic phrases on shirts for sure!


Favorite phrase: “C’mere” and “mo stor”


I like sweatpants! The light grey ones you wore once. That type of style w a phrase on it maybe


A scarf of some type, not necessarily winter but could be. It could have Gancanagh script, or your handwriting with Gaelic, or the Gancanagh tree or script from another audio or whatever blows your skirt up. 😁❤️


I keep hearing about these infamous sweat pants👀Do you have link or something? I've never seen them...very curious👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


Notebooks 🤩 Notebooks with the script of "I am crazy about you" in your handwriting on the cover (front + back if possible). Gaeilge all the way 💚


Phrase? "Seanie's Babysitting Incorporated".


Hair scarfs would be amazing. Even if they are thinner or thicker material. I would definitely purchase hair scarfs if they were offered. (Deigns could be like: fallen/scattered leafs) I’m not super creative 😂 but someone mentioned scarfs and it made me think of how I wear hair scarfs all the time.


Hoodies I can definitely add to teespring. Those kinds of things are fairly easy. Phrases help so I can decide on things ye will like and not bog down the store😉


Seanie!! Bring it on! 👏🏽👏🏽🥰


I like cozy pajamas...cuddles and poetry written on the top or owned by G-force, or breathe, a sexy slip perhaps...


I like the idea of phrases...something to see every day, especially at work, with some of that encouragment/reassurance you do so well - pencil cup, notepad, water bottle, even different post it notes with words. Don't forget that, much as we love it, not all of us can fly that spice flag quite as openly! One of the many things I love about your work is the way I can have almost any temperature from warm and fuzzy to red hot. I hope merch can reflect that too. Much appreciation for your thoughtfulness.


"It's lovely in Gaelandia!" the lovely maybe in a different font or the o gets a halo and the y a little devils tail innocent enough to wear every day, but easy to spot like minded people!!


well supernatural runs on the cw 😂 i personally love occult themed accessories, but i am not sure if gaelforce fits that so well... 🤔


I like that idea. Even gaelic phrases type written would be cool


Body pillow?? 🙈


Something that says I live in Gaelandia. Have you met our Mayor?


I like this. Even a sticker saying something about enerdree, and your signature. Though I would buy a notebook with almost anything on it.

Angela R.

I LOVE that idea!!!!!!! “It’s lovely in Gaelandia!”


i said it before in the community weeks ago and now ima say it again... BODYPILLOWS and yes i mean with you on it, of course you, who else would we want. i mean you've talked about gael pillows in audios before so... maybe.... on the one side you in ripped jeans and a tank and on the other side in... boxer briefs? or maybe less? 👀😆 oh and you definitely have to tell us your scent of choice... for science of course! duh.


A fashion scarf, long, with all of your Gaelic love phrases on it!


what would fit better than "mo stór" on the front of some sexy panties? any kind of sports wear would benefit from a "(pure) enerdree" a shirt that say "comere" and maybe added "let me wrap my arms around you" a bustier or tank top with "a chuisle mo chroí" or just "mo chroí" AND most importantly we need some kind of merch with ALANNA!!! 😂 she's one of my favorite running gags from your audios. (that thing you always say, dunno how to write it, alanaf, can't find it on google cause apparently i am too far off with the correct writing)


Like the jammies... Owned by G- force, Breathe, handwritten. Into the Mystic, with lines from the script! I would LOVE that!

Kathy Mc

I'm all in with the body pillow with your cologne scent on it and the Gaelandia idea is great!! I would run up to a girl with that shirt on and hug her and laugh like a fool!! "I live in Gaelandia too"!

Kathy Mc

I would love some boxer shorts with Gaelic words on them..baby, treasure, my heart, lover, etc. Also a tee shirt with Gaelic words on it. That would be very cool!!


A mold of ya G-Brisket turned into a Vibrating Dildo for $15.99 with a "Lifetime warranty". TYVM! 💀 OH! AND A "SEANIE ROOLZ" HOODIE!. Thanks for hearing me out!. Take care. LOL P.S.S. A written "Love Note" or a "Poem" from seanie would be spectacular too. 💀


And if you call now, he'll throw in a mold of "SeanieBoi's Mickey". Just pay separate shipping and handling.


I travel a lot and have a tendency to throw a small stuffed lion (coincidentally they are my favorite animal on earth)...anyway, I do that because I sometimes get a bit lonely or can't get comfortable in my hotel room so it sleeps with me. It also works well if I forget my travel pillow! Maybe something like that...probably dumb to most but even as a grown woman I find comfort in a few stuffed animals and comfy pillows. 😊


Lisa, I don’t find it dumb at all. I have a few I keep with me as well. Reminds me of someone. 🥰


That would be perfect for a Gancanagh theme! Maybe with an artistic rendering of the sign that the Muse ignored when she went barging into his wood? Or the hooded-and-smirking photo...


Yes! And the Irish version: Táim i mo chónaí i nGaelandia.


The Legend of Nora! It's one of my favorites in the Bedtime Stories series, even if I wouldn't wear it for fear of looking seven shades of septic!


How about a word cloud all in Irish? Collage-style images for each of your better-known characters -- Gael, Seanie, Finbar, the Ladykiller, Gaelpire, the Werewolf (or the Werewolfhound from that Halloween comedy piece) -- with the character's name underneath. Take a photo of something beautiful &amp; movementy in nature -- a stream, the ocean, clouds -- &amp; hand-write a quote from one of your meditations over it. One of your lines about letting the thoughts do what they do, how they like to pretend they're important, &amp; just watching them go by. "There's no such thing as *a* creative mind. But there is *the* creative mind. And you've got it." (especially on a notebook or drawing pad) How about a cloud-shaped word cloud of meditation or comfort phrases from your audios? "Tá siochán ann." "Tá tú sabháilte anois." "Téigh i do chodladh i mo lámha." With English translations for those who need them, and with English phrases you've used, too: "Rest your head," "A real man doesn't want to hurt you," anything from the Sugar version of "One with Me"...


Something like a night shirt that says You're Amazing, or You're Fucking Amazing! With your logo and signature under it.


These ☝️☝️☝️are ALL fantastic ideas that I would support! Well done Brigid!👏👏👏


For some reason I got this image in my head: Background Irish coastline Foreground you and Seanie on a bench looking out all relaxed, with all the animals lazing around, including the beloved Bobbie as he's part of your story. You have your arm over Seanie's shoulders and his word bubble says, "What's the fookin' story?" Because, in the end, you are a storyteller. Maybe add a signature in the corner. Could be a print or added to any merch. Or something funny like Seanie running screaming from birds holding an impossibly large baguette.


To go with the 'Good Girl' design: 'Good Boy' but with the "B" as handcuffs.


Would really love to see a decent sized coffee mug with "Good morning Beautiful" in Gaelic!! Anything romantic and Gaelic really!!! Definitely need something with "Aleanbh" and "Mo Stor" or something with "Pure Enerdree" . . .or like jewellery of some sort. . . Hoodies . . . . Etc I really have too many ideas. . . .Key chains . . . . Journals . . . .I liked someone else's idea of a lion stuffy. That was genius.


Boyfriend sweater or that classic white shirt!!! I'm gushing already!!


# Merch Ideas 💡 • feel the enerdree. ( in typewriter font ) • you took my bread away ( with a tiny loaf of bread in the background) • Citizen of Gaelandia ( written at the left corner of the T-shirt ) • You’re the Gael to my Seanie ( written at the back of the shirt ) • a simple ☘️ and 🌧 at the left corner of the T-shirt • Wesht is the besht ( next to a map of Ireland) • Banter merchant ( a 🦁 next to it ) • Feeling loopy ( 💤 next to it ) • Good morning Evriwan ( with a ☀️ next to it ) • For Snuggles and snuffles ( with a 🎧 next to it )


So many good ideas!☘️ I'll keep them in mind as much as I can. I need to stay close to things Teespring offers for now but if I find ways to make the other things possible. We'll have a look


Some words/phrases I would like to see are: - Lovely or Lovelies of Gaelandia☘ - Lickle (could be used in a sweet or naughty sentence) - Deff some Seanie Boi phrases/words. He has to be incorporated in there somehow lol ("Wat's the fookin stori?!") hopefully with some funny pics that go with the phrases ;) - Some sweet gaelic phrases or words 💕


One reason why I loved the Gancanagh merch is that it's "incognito" and I can even easily wear my shirts and the sweater to work. I also really like the slightly more elegant shirts, like the Slouchy Tee or the Flowy Tank Top. - Seanie merch 😂 to be honest, I don't know if I would buy it, it depends on the design I guess, but it would be awesome and Vally would be one happy beour 😄 - Bloodlust -Maybe a design with the map/outline of Ireland, or following the Wild Atlantic Way -anything in Gaelic - anything with Irish mythology -Beach Towel that could maybe say something like "joining freckles" -Sports gear 💪 it could say up'n'atom (was that how you spell it?) I checked and Tee Spring seems to have sports bras - while I love the idea of your handwriting being turned into merch, you should maybe keep in mind that handwriting is pretty personal. Or maybe that's just my opinion about it? But y'know, it's something that could easily end up being tattooed. That's just something you maybe should be aware of before you make it a available


I know this has been suggested by others; so I 22nd (or whatever number we’re on) the lounge wear/pajamas, and pin ideas.


That's an excellent point about tattooing, Buttercup. Love the "joining freckles" beach towel idea!! :-) xx


I was thinking about these today and then I came here to see many Lovelies had the same idea bubble above their heads, so I won't repeat them. 😄😄😄 One though, it's not probaply the easiest and I don't think Tee Spring is the place to get them.. But, I'd love a pendant or earrings, with the shape of a tree with a green heart on it, painted or a gem..Or other symbols that make us think of you. 😊 Just an idea if you happen to see a company that could make these. 💖


You know what would be cool?! Guitar picks! For example with the Sugar and Spice logo! Or with the Gancanagh tree design, or pretty much any other design. They could also very easily be turned into necklaces or bracelets or even earrings and I think that would look amazing and really cute!


I have a pair of pick earrings. I mean i don’t see the connection of picks to Gaelforce, but I wouldn’t mind.


The easiest to realize this sort of, would be dog tags and those silicon wristbands. I know from experience that’s doable and prices were reasonable. But I don’t think that’s what you girls meant and I don’t think anyone would want those kind of accessories. Now I don’t even know why I mentioned it... 😟


Sooo i've had this idea for a Seanie T for awhile now..i want to be able to sketch it out so you can picture it though and i suck at drawing certain things 😒


For ringtones a growl or purr would put me instantly in a good mood..also a when Harry Met Sally esq orgasm starting with a low moan and working up to some sexy grunts and groans would be the best thing to wake up to or horrify your aunt with...😈😇 They could all be in the same one or make two separate tones..


What about sleep masks, nice soft comfy ones with My Treasure in Gaelic and English, or some other phrase. Your Amazing in Gaelic and English?😇😊❤💞


I really like this idea. Also word bubble stickers with that phrase would be nice. I have no idea why but this makes my head happy.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 19:40:00 A tee with A. S. M. R on it ( I need people to ask me what it means at least once a day)😂 This will never happen...but some randy words😱 "slutty" "hugs&amp;dick" (just kidding) "eargasm" maybe? got enough ideas G baby?😟
2020-01-09 13:27:22 A tee with A. S. M. R on it ( I need people to ask me what it means at least once a day)😂 This will never happen...but some randy words😱 "slutty" "hugs&dick" (just kidding) "eargasm" maybe? got enough ideas G baby?😟

A tee with A. S. M. R on it ( I need people to ask me what it means at least once a day)😂 This will never happen...but some randy words😱 "slutty" "hugs&dick" (just kidding) "eargasm" maybe? got enough ideas G baby?😟


Yes to sleep masks...works also when you listen to G after sunrise, before you get out of bed.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 19:40:00 I nominate that lethal little smirk picture from Gancanagh as design!! 🤚 I can imagine this really nicely on a black or dark grey tee, with maybe smoke around it so it looks like it bleeds into the shirt and in Stylish lettering “Gaelcanagh” atop! What about a forest/ a few trees and the silhouette of a woman in front of it, like she’s about to enter, the words Gancanagh above and “enter at your own risk”, or something like that, on the path in. Anna Victoria’s idea Oooh, what about a design inspired by moon goddess? Like a girl standing to the side with her hair looking like it's gently moved by wind &amp; a moon crescent floating above her out stretched hands? It could have the words "Every girl is a moon goddess" or "My moon goddess" under it https://twitter.com/littlemisslav/status/1217000298461396993?s=21
2020-01-14 09:19:20 I nominate that lethal little smirk picture from Gancanagh as design!! 🤚 I can imagine this really nicely on a black or dark grey tee, with maybe smoke around it so it looks like it bleeds into the shirt and in Stylish lettering “Gaelcanagh” atop! What about a forest/ a few trees and the silhouette of a woman in front of it, like she’s about to enter, the words Gancanagh above and “enter at your own risk”, or something like that, on the path in. Anna Victoria’s idea Oooh, what about a design inspired by moon goddess? Like a girl standing to the side with her hair looking like it's gently moved by wind & a moon crescent floating above her out stretched hands? It could have the words "Every girl is a moon goddess" or "My moon goddess" under it https://twitter.com/littlemisslav/status/1217000298461396993?s=21

I nominate that lethal little smirk picture from Gancanagh as design!! 🤚 I can imagine this really nicely on a black or dark grey tee, with maybe smoke around it so it looks like it bleeds into the shirt and in Stylish lettering “Gaelcanagh” atop! What about a forest/ a few trees and the silhouette of a woman in front of it, like she’s about to enter, the words Gancanagh above and “enter at your own risk”, or something like that, on the path in. Anna Victoria’s idea Oooh, what about a design inspired by moon goddess? Like a girl standing to the side with her hair looking like it's gently moved by wind & a moon crescent floating above her out stretched hands? It could have the words "Every girl is a moon goddess" or "My moon goddess" under it https://twitter.com/littlemisslav/status/1217000298461396993?s=21