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 I know you're not feeling well baby.  

Let me pamper you and care for you and watch over you as much as you want or need.

I'm here.

So many people asked me about this audio over the last week or so I decided there must be a cosmic reason and I would do well not to resist!

This is a classic audio ye will be familiar with, but I would like your input on what kind of things comfort you when your flower is bloomin' so I can use the ideas to make a NEW audio that will hopefully also be of comfort.  Just simple things, comforts, what makes you feel better, what words would be nice... I'll do my best!

And if today is a day you need this, I hope you're well rested and looking after yourself.





Cramps don’t stand a chance against this 👊🏻


OMG i just got my period today and i feel awful. I was just looking for this audio on YouTube 😍


Usually when I’m on my period I feel very nauseous and sick, and I lose my appetite. The cramps r bad but I absolutely love doing yoga during those times, it’s very effective. Or a nice long hot bath xd


Aww will listen to this when the time comes 💚😊


When iam on my period my legs swell and they hurt. I like getting my legs and feet massaged. And i love to complain alot when iam on my period 😅. I also like being warm and cozy.


I was on my period last week and my boyfriend took the liberty to make me laugh by pretending to b pregnant or on his period as well LOL but I just found comfort in him not feeling disgusted or uncomfortable, and cuddles r just 👌🏼


Full moon makes quite a few women go on their periods (for me it's usually New Moon than Full Moon) 😅 For me then I usually need extra comfort and cuddling, and extra food - all food, not just sweet things 😆 I also literally lose my head a bit for a few days and need an extra pair of eyes to make sure I didn't do something stupid, like turn on the dishwasher with no tablet/liquid. I tend to feel useless until my brain suddenly kicks back in after peak flood 😂🙄


#1 thing is people not being grossed out by it and being sympathetic to the pain and discomfort that comes with it for me!! u are the cutest ever xoxo


A lot of head pets, body stroking, "shh" sounds


I literally JUST got my period today, wtf is this witchcraft?? This is some Twilight Zone fuckery. Spooky timing aside, this is exactly what I needed today ❤️


I like rubbing on my belly to relive the cramps, and just comfort and some sympathy with the pain. I get cravings like chocolate and salty things so that would be nice


Massages, forehead kisses, dark chocolate, chamomile tea, aromatherapy candles of eucalyptus & mint, and a romantic movie work for me. I suffer from intense menstrual cramps at times, and so I like to just be held, reassured and comforted through it.


Sound of tummy and lower back rubs/massages. Assuring that pain won't last, it's just the first couple of days and you'll be absolutely fine. Mentioning of heating pad on tummy and lower back. Words of endearment that will help during this month, baby; sweet one; honey; beautiful; sexy buns lol.. Also kisses, kisses on tummy, lower back will help a lot too.. And like I said on Sugar, orgasm helps with the period cramps so maybe add a little here and there too 💗💗


a day off would make me feel better☺️


I so agree with this 🙌🙌 Baby take a day off and let me take care of you 😍😍


Well I’m gonna be grumpy obviously sooo like “it’s okay baby/sweetheart/darling/ “. Lots of food pleaseeeee like I don’t care, I’ll eat anything haha. Belly and back rubs and lots of kisses. Netflix😅 Or yknow a big pillow fort with heavy blankets, teddy bears 🧸, popcorn and other foodies, and Netflix movie playing in the background while you give me kisses and tell me I’m pretty—-whaaaattttt who said that? 😂😂💕


You could mention having picked up the right tampons and pads. A man not being embarrassed about buying those things at the store would go a long way towards being of comfort.🤗❤❤


Funny you should mention getting asked about this last week because that's when I was looking for this very audio; 'Aunt Flo' near killed me X~x! Hot chocolate and a movie (a comedy please!) sounds wonderful. Words and sweetness from a guy who cares that much about you, especially during "that time", sounds like heaven 💞🥰💞 *saves for next month* 😁😁


Can I also say, it is so cute & sweet when you said "When your flower is blooming" 😍😍 I suggest to use it in your next audio or as the title 😊


Medication. ALL the medication. NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen) can be quite helpful, especially if one starts taking them a day or so <i>before</i> the Red Army invades. If you really want to nip things in the bud, get thyself a hormonal IUD and within a few months, your period will be little more than a passing trifle, if you’re lucky 🤓👍<br><br>But since none of that would sound all that romantic in an audio 😝, one phrase that’s always helped me during any kind of physical or emotional pain is <i>"Never forget how lucky you are."</i> Even during times of suffering, there are still many things in our lives to be thankful for. Heck, even having period cramps indicates that a woman’s reproductive system is functioning properly in at least some way. It sucks to be hurting, but the fact that I have things like a comfy bed to lie down on, a heating pad to help take the edge off the pain, and comfort food to turn my frown upside down is a blessing in itself.<br><br>Ooh, or tell corny jokes! Everyone loves to laugh 😃👍


I spray my self and my sheets with a baby perfume made by Tous, the scent is so comforting. I put on my favorite big comfy sweater and stretchiest tights. My boyfriend makes me "fancy" grill cheese and tomato soup from scratch❤. He'll do this at least once while I have my period. I use a heating pad on my lower abs. I mix salt n vinegar chips wth a box of raisinets or popcorn and M&amp;ms. Also feeling wanted and loved when u feel meh... is the best. I was never into period sex but now its 10 outta 10 when he gets me in the mood he makes me feel like a sexy goddess that is gorgeous and confident and can bring life into the world its 🔥🔥🔥


For me personally, eating sugar/starch makes me feel worse but a yummy healthy smoothie is helpful to feel less bloated. Herbal tea, lavender essential oil, Midol, comfy pants, my fluffy robe, heating pad, mud mask, back massages for cramps. Also I get real ornery on my period, so you could be like, just listening to your girl go off about somebody’s asshattery. 😆 Oh you know what would be SO CUTE? G, making a homemade mud mask or sugar scrub.. I would kiss you all over your face 😍🥰😘


I get a killer combo of cramps and migraine during my time of the month so I prefer to be alone in a dark and cold room with very little noise, but being held quietly from behind while getting belly rubs help. I also prepare heating pads, heated eye masks, painkillers for when it gets unbearable, and weirdly I crave sour stuff along with the sweet and salty.


Oh I remember this one. It was one of the first audios I ever listened to. Anywho, I missed my period because of stress; it was supposed to be a week ago. So what I do is I rub my stomach really hard during cramps and I put a heating pad on my boobs. And I take excedrin if I get a headache. Dark chocolate is a must. Tampons are a must. Something to distract me is must. I try to avoid salt too


I seriously love you right now, G!! Impeccable timing as usual!!! I sooo needed this, today 💜


I just remembered I also drink coke cos I feel like it helps lol anyone else??


Girl, I read your recipe for your period snack mix twice. I felt that. We're here😅


You sweetheart. Thank you, gorgeous 💙


[Shameless copy+paste from my comment on Sugar ^^] Being on my period is like playing Russian roulette. Some months are ok and others feel like hell, and there's no in-between. What's always hellish is the week before :/ PMS is a real thing and it affects me greatly : dark thoughts, mood swings, random crying outbursts, whole body pain, bloating sensation, insomnia, irrational food cravings, and zero sex drive. 😱😫 I wonder if I'm the only one here suffering so much from PMS? No one has ever comforted me during this special week, except one girlfriend who was caring, sweet and patient with me. She knew when to leave me alone and when to be there :)


A nice warm heating pad or a shower (maybe with someone rubbing my tummy at the same time) Also, it has been proven that orgasms help relieve cramping. Sooo, sex in the shower is just what the doctor ordered...plus, no mess! It all gets washed away... 😏


Thank cosmos for your timing! It's unbelievable like 😮 Backrubs! 😍 backrubs make everything better! Or just placing a warm hand on my back


I will apologize now for the length of this . . .but stick with me. I suffer with P.C.O.S (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) so periods are mostly the end of the world!! ( . .or so it seems!) The time of the month for me starts affecting life about two weeks before the actual "main event." I have about one week each month where I function at optimal levels and feel relatively "normal" as it were. . . So by the time my actual period arrives I'm a complete wreck mentally, emotionally, and physically!! Such extreme levels of hormone fluctuation can easily make one feel like they have lost their mind and are going crazy. Last month I spent 7 days with what I call "hormone headaches", cramps from hell, nausea and dizziness. This month I am more exhausted, emotional, and almost into the killer cramp phase of the week. Some days it's like I feel like there is some unknown force sucking the life from me . .it's so bad. * . . . So for me when I think of an audio that would hit the nail on the head I think . . . . lots of affirmations that I am NOT crazy it's just the hormones talking. Lots of teams of endearment throughout. * Heating pad or hot bath . (Have always fantasized about laying in my man's arms in a hot bath with my back against his chest and him just rubbing his hands through my hair . . .gently massing my shoulders/arms. . . . .) *When the pain is unbearable (which is most everytime) I find that being intentional about relaxing my body helps. So if I am tensing up like clenching my teeth or fists or any other parts of my body I practice deep breathing and try to let my entire body go limp. So I can imagine having someone to guide or coach me in that and just rub and/or massage me and whisper to me and give me kisses and lovins would be like a dream. *I normally have to take a ridiculous amount of Ibuprofen to manage the pain and sometimes that really adds to not feeling well in other ways so I try ALOT of ways to manage pain naturally. .because I get really tired of going through a bottle of pills during that week. *Also in since discovering you, I HAVE actually used many of your comfort audios G. Your voice is extremely soothing and it helps me to take my mind off of the physical and emotional craziness. When you speak Gaelic it takes me to a next level space of relaxation. It calms the soul. *Again just what I think would help when I think of someone being included in helping me deal or comforting me during the hell that is the time of the month as I have never actually had a man try to help or understand. So this is me kinda just dreaming out loud. . . .I guess in a nutshell . .after already writing you a novel . . .I would say lots of gentle physical touch (massage, cuddles, kisses, back/shoulder/head/tummy rub),affirmations, terms of endearment, communicated genuine understanding, the wiping away of tears, guided relaxation, a sensory friendly environment (low noise and low light) and complete next level pampering. And I also believe that being the intuitive man that you are you will come up with things that none of us even would have thought of!! PS - I'll take those chips and dip now . . .or maybe you could feed them to me?! 😘


For me, things that help me feel a bit less gross is getting a massage (lower back especially and temples), someone making me still feel desirable help me most during my period. Orgasms do help, but I do not like period sex, so that's tricky. And three things I crave: sleep, red meat, chocolate...in that order.


Man, Iove all these comments. For me, PMS isn't so much physical pain but a lot of mood swings. Think of any emotion (irritability for example) and magnify that by ten, and the product is me. For the most part, for a whole week, I despise the human species and avoid us like the plague. Men, included. But you, Gael, aren't really a human. You're an angel 🥰 So, coming from you, I would love just to hear you talk. Your voice alone is soothing. :) some bedtime stories would be nice. Love you oodles, even when I'm a cranky bitch. Much love and kisses! 💋💋💋💋


My thought exactly. I thought "oh, my, that's such a flattering way to word it". And instantly felt a little better about it 😊🥰


That full moon's been a tough one, and it hasn't helped.... "matters" 😑


Before I started utilizing things like antidepressants, birth control, and the emotional regulation that comes with age, I used to have only 2 modes during that lovely time of the month: <b><i>RAGE!!!</i></b> 🤬 and *ugly crying* 😭😭<br><br>Thankfully things aren’t so bad now, but I do still find myself getting irritable just before Aunt Flo pays a visit. I also, much to my chagrin, get more emotional in the sappy kind of way. If I ever find myself thinking, <i>"Oh God, I’m going to be single forever, no man will ever, ever love me, and I’m going to die alone apart from a half dozen pet cats who’ll start eating my remains before I’m even reported missing to the authorities"</i>, then I know that the good ol’ period is just right around the corner 😳


Thank you soo much Gael. I’ve been sick all week, so well timed. I love you’re funny rambles too if you make another one. 🧸🦁🙏


Thank you for this...I actually cried. No one has ever comforted me like this during any “female issues”. Not my mother, not my husband, no one. Not when I was almost passing out from pain at 13 in math class, not during my first miscarriage...or my second miscarriage. Not during the horrible sickness of my first trimester...or the pain after birth. Thank you Gael. 🥺


A nice cup of tea and being willing to listen to me complain lmao


Wrap me in the covers before you make me somethin yummy.. like a peanut butter n jelly or soup or whatever u wanna make 💋 I love kitchen sounds. Light n fun chat.. i love your puns! Suprise me with a candybar.. or two lol. Then a cuddle after we eat. Spoon me lol. Soft spoken. Maybe a sweet story or a bedtime fairytale. No sex talk.. just lovey stuff. Perfect timing btw 😉 Edit: since making that comment i have listened n i love this audio. it was really comforting 😊. When u said chips n dip i opened my eyes n said yeahhhhh lol.. sounds so good! Thank you 💋


I dont know what sort of evil voodoo this was leprechaun boy, but thanks a lot for reminding my body of what time of month it us. 🤬


Great timing ❤️😂 makes this week a little less horrendous ✨


My flower indeed is blooming! Has been for the past three days, so this synch is driving me crazy how in tune you are! 🥰 Emotionally wise, sometimes I’m a wreck; I hate myself and how I look, I don’t feel good enough, I feel dirty and unlovable, sometimes I cry or am really angry. But what affects me the most is the pain. Sometimes I vomit and pass out due to how strong the pains are, I’ve knocked myself in the head in the bathroom before. I literally writhe in pain while in bed, so what relieves me is warm towels (or heating pads for fancy women lol) and lots of comfort, soft words, no loud noises or strong scents. Just a warm and cozy bed with a loving someone comforting me with soft words until I feel better. Once I feel better, I tend to enjoy very light snacks, like cereal or fruits, something very gentle to the bloated stomach, maybe a bit of water, my throat dries out and I can’t pass much. It’s fascinating how we’re all different but have similarities! Even though my moon time has been quiet this time and not as uncomfortable, I will still listen and cherish this audio. Thank you Gael for being such a loving and caring soul. 🥰


Just be kind and compassionate (warning: may cause her to burst into tears, but don’t worry about that). You can tease her...just a little...about something irrational she got mad about in the last couple of days (but trust me, she already knows, so don’t make her feel guilty about it, because she really tried to keep that PMS under control 🤭). Cuddles, forehead kisses, gently rubbing her lower back, tea, watching some romantic girlie movie with her. Warning: Breasts are really tender, so no roughness. In fact, just treat her gently, all around. .. physically and emotionally. And like Kira and Nikki said, don’t get weirded out or grossed out. If a man actually brought me home some tampons like it was no awful, shameful thing, I would love him forever! PS. Thanks for asking 😍


Aunt Flo can be a pain sometimes. She turns up, gets me angry, sad and happy all in space of a couple of hours. She’s just a whirlwind of emotions, pain and bad cravings 😫 🍫 My input would be some form of body heat to help ease the cramps, lazily caressing the small of my back (because that’s where I usually get my pain) some cuddles, hair play &amp; soothing words (not sure what soothing words it would be but I’d probably listen to anything; even a bad Gael joke 😉) ~ L 💜


last day of my period, so perfect timing. first couple days are the worst, so cuddles, ice cream/frozen yogurt, and good stories with bad jokes. cuddles and some kissy monster always works. orgasms help with cramps, but period sex is a bit messy when needed the most, so self help works for that.


When I’m on it having chocolate and a heating pad on my back usually help. I get very bad cramps on my second day. To the point of crying and not being able to move much. So sex or masturbation help with the pain for me. But ya know everyone is different.

Scarlet Kitten

It's like dress rehearsal for pregnancy. So craziness abounds. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Some of us just don't express it. That's why differing sugar and spice audios would be nice. Like others have mentioned.


Oh my goodness, this is right on time! I certainly appreciate this -- makes the rest of the week more bearable. ❤💋


For anyone who gets very serious physical symptoms. I recommend adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your drinks during the day (apple juice works best but it's always gonna taste bad) I used to suffer unbearable pain and very severe "effects" The results of the apple cider vinegar are like a literal miracle. Everything slows up and eases. Sure your taste buds will be mad but the rest of your body will thank you. ♥


Well holy fuck this just shoved up on my first day of my period 😳 Like are you spying on us G? 🤨 Haha well i don’t have any good input on this because I just want to be left alone on my periods to be honest 😏 I’m just cranky and tired all the time so it’s the best for both part 😂


TiaJ I had the same response as you. Period pain, miscarriage pain, my husband just can't offer me the comfort I crave. Birth was ok as I had I had my mom around afterward. The first time I listened to this audio I cried too.


Ah the blooming flower, I see it more along the lines of being punched in your abdomen 😌


You are the sweetest! When my time of the month is up, I feel like the most useless piece of... blob that ever walked on earth..🙈🙈😂😂 Thank you for re-posting this loving audio, I'll def remember this one later this month. ❤🍀 Edit; I'm sorry, I just noticed you asked for some tips for what would help. 😅😅 Just holding in a warm hug position, maybe talk and joke to make me forget about the "flower blooming". Netflix &amp; chocolate, so I can feel ok for not doing anything special because I can't function.😅❤


What makes me feel better? A hot water bottle for my tummy, massage (lower back, hips, upper butt area--really digging into those pressure points), and lots of orgasms. Also, when my husband shares his fancy dark chocolate with me.


Uh, painkiller and heat for the lower back and stomach are a girls best friend. Sex etc. doesn’t work for me personally, without drugs I can‘t really do anything beside laying in fetal position in my bed. But since so many woman here seem to have similar heavy symptoms - has anyone considered you might have something like Endometriosis? It‘s not normal to suffer like that during your period and the approximate time until you get your diagnosis (from your first period) is 10 years if your just experiencing intense pain and don‘t struggle with conception (here it‘s up to three years).


Wine+RoughSex=Multiple Orgasms.Thx!


Flower blooming? Bloody flowing is more like it. And sometimes the horniest time of the month. And get your hands off of my stomach! And bring chocolates! And hot baths, that just sounds messy.

Nacht Hex

Full moon has us all in sync! Period sex, and don’t be squeamish about it- let’s make a mess. And bring me tea and a hot water bottle. And rub my back. Run for dark chocolate and tampons. I want a bloody burger, and pizza, and a cold IPA. Neck rubs and tell me I’m pretty, always. You’re the best. Xo


Reading your comment I had to think of my periods I’ve had years ago. I never had unbearable pain, but I’ve got so emotional. Like I did cry for every little thing I saw or heard. And yes yes yes LJ. Tender breasts. I agree! Mine were sensitive or hard with a bit of pain so that I couldn’t wear a bra for a week or so.......Gosh I wish men got pregnant and had periods instead of us 🤷🏻‍♀️😣


Bless your Irish heart if you sincerely think our TUMMIES are the only thing that hurts during our period. Bless you, sir.


Things that comfort me during that time: a heating pad or hot water bottle, long hot baths (especially with Epsom salts), ibuprofen, hot chamomile tea, chocolate ice cream, pizza, wine, and sweat pants.


Sweat pants! How could I forget? Comfy clothes are a must.


Please more focus on the stomach. Getting bloated can make a girl feel insecure. Rubbing!!


Ibuprofen, hot water bottle, baths, chocolate, hugs and kisses, words of endearment. I love a man that isn’t embarrassed by periods and can be sympathetic during the time. I listen to this audio often when its that time. It gives comfort ❤️


This may get long winded so I'm sorry in advance. As a chronic pain sufferer I have to say this blew me away. I mean I bet its great to listen to during Tom's visit but I found this during a time when my physical pain was making me it's daily bitch and holy fucking wow, I can't believe how well this worked. And I take fecking morphine(!) that does naff all these days. I was at a very low point thinking there was never going to be a day that it ever felt better, even for a little while. I am glad to say I was so wrong. Very wrong. For the first time in God knows how long, my tears were of relief and not sadness. This means so much to me, just to have that moment to breathe, to be able to think without pain dominating my every thought and action. I genuinely never thought it was possible that this would work. Quite simply, thank you.


I like to be curled up in my bed, with pillows behind and beside me. A hot cup of tea next to me, while binge watching something funny on Netflix. But what I really want is butt rubs, yes, butt rubs, foot massage, and even a lower back massage for the pain. I love Dove chocolates with the little messages on the wrappers. Hot epsom salt bath with calm music playing. And of course, listening to Gael to ease me into a nice deep sleep &lt;3


I would love another one of these ❤ heat pad, treats, tea, hand and foot rubs, temple/forehead massage, alternating between needing a blanket and needing a fan, and weirdly a belly rub or just warm hands resting on lower abdomen.


G, please please please make another audio like this! It’s perfect 😍! Tummy rubs. Playing with my hair. Gentle kisses. Maybe some poetry? And anytime you say the words “beautiful” or “my girl” I melt. In your arms, on your lap, cuddled up next to you in bed. Definitely smiling through the pain right now. Thank you for the comfort! ❤️


Holy crap you did yourself proud! When I can’t move and the pain is so bad I can feel it in my teeth this will be my go to!