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Feeling a little better and I can walk properly again lol!

We’ll have a nice week of entertainment ahead! I’ll attack the shout-out thread too!

We’ll have us some fun ❤️





Yay! Glad you're better G. :) ❤️ Excited for next week!


Get well and feel better soon, mayor! 💋


Rest and take all the time you need, we are all quite happy to wait for whatever audio delights you have in store for us!! 🤗💖


Good afternoon, Mr G! Glad to hear you’re feeling better but don’t push yourself too much. We need our Lion in tip-tip shape 😂




Glad your feeling better ^-^ don't push yourself too much


Can walk properly now,😂 what kinda hammering are you doing there ?




So glad you are feeling better Sir Gael. Be kind to yourself, we only get one body per lif Sir! We will always wait for you kind Sir


Aw, poor love. I'm glad to hear you're doing better.🤗 I'm all for fun, but you must rest up whenever your body says to!❤😙


Good morning G! Glad your feeling better


Manual Labor is a bitch G lol.Glad your back tho and feeling better, take as much time as you need.🥰😊💚💚💚


YaY I was first!! Celebration dad jokes: What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? An irrelephant How does a penguin build a house? Igloos it together. You’re welcome 😇 😂😂 Hugs!


I'm glad you're feeling a little better, sweet man❤ look after yourself

Ingrid D

So glad that you've rested a bit, but take care of those poor, sore muscles...you're our superhero, but still a mortal, love ❤ Can't wait to see what inspiration has come your way in the past few weeks! Be good to yourself, & have a nice bubble bath...and I don't think anyone would complain if you post a few pics of your suds-covered muscles 🛀😍😂 Lots of love to ye, & good luck!


Glad to see you’re on the mend, but make sure to rest up! Can’t wait to see what the week brings though 😁


Glad you are feeling better me dear 😊


This is what we wanna hear is that you're feeling better and ready for fun cuz hun we are ready when you are! Take care of yourself and keep smiling 😊


Awww, good for you! Can't wait to see what you're going to bring us!


Good Morning, Mr. Mayor! Have a great day ahead of you alright? Easy on yourself too. We may always be anticipating new audios from you but more than that we want you well too.....like I mentioned earlier - we can't stress this enough and would remind you always to put yourself and your well-being first before anything; even us ❤ Blessings of love n light to you! 🌹💖


Happy to hear you are feeling better and are able to walk properly! Excited for the week ahead ❤


Glad you’re feeling well. That’s the most important thing.

Angela R.

I hurt just thinking about all that lifting! Take time to recover. In the meantime, I’m sending you a virtual pat on the ass. Oh my, all that lifting! What an ass it is! 😘


Yay!!! Glad you're on the mend, Mr. Mayor. Gonna brew up some Barry's to celebrate your recuperation. To be fair, I brew up some Barry's to celebrate the sun having risen & my eyes having opened, but we'll say it's in honor of your feeling better -- why not, lol! So here's to your being able to walk again after all that hammering, working w/wood, and/or (brick-)laying! ☕😉😂


Glad you're feeling better! Still, take your time and don't overdo anything. Have a cookie and enjoy your sunday, luv! 🍪🌞😘


Oh my gosh, seriously thank you for all that you do 💜


You're amazing babe, I'm glad you're doing well.💜


I’m happy to hear you’re feeling better! Nothing worse than an aching and sore body, unable to walk. I hope your scars are healing nicely though, and that you have been resting well. Enjoy your Sunday love! 🥰🥰🥰


Good evening Lion King ❤❤❤ I'm happy to hear you're feeling better *warm long hug* 🤗 Take all the time you need honeybun 😚☺


Glad your feeling better and on the up and up! 💛 Take it easy, tho. Fun times ahead. Woohoo!


I’m for full recovery and a proper walk Gael😂but I know you’re grown up and I won’t say much bc it feels as if you’re a lil baby and me your Mom. Audios can wait. Alles Gute!


💋 . . . You are such a precious man. . . I know this is your job but your passion for it is so unmatched and so very sexy!! You do take care of your lovelies . . . Just don't over do it Mr. Lion King . . . As much as we all cannot wait for new content . . You so much deserve some R&R . . I hope you've gotten what you need. ♥️


But what about Seanie? Has he recovered from having the house to himself? You better check on him and his ability to walk!


Big hug from the USA G!


the king is alive! good to hear you’re feeling better - take it easy and look after yourself🥰❤️💛

Khelisie Salvatore

You poor thing, you couldn't walk right? Well I'm glad you're doing better. Epsom salt baths are what a lot of athletes and dancers swear by. Hope you're back to 100% soon. You're very special, can't wait to see what's been swirling around that sexy mind for audio ideas. XOXO


Luv ya G! Glad to hear you're resting n feelin perky! 😘


I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention when I read that first line and my mind went to the 26th sublevel of the gutter. My apologies. I am glad you are feeling better.


I see "Lion King" in few comments and all I'm thinking about this song from the Lion King movie - The Lion Sleeps Tonight lol.. Have some craic 😂 https://youtu.be/QvsQ9hYKq7c


Good evening you sexy beast! 😋 Glad to hear you're feeling better! Thanks for the update 😊


So glad you're on the mend. Need a massage? I'm not a pro, but...😘


Glad things are on the mend. 💙


Glad your feeling so much better gael ❤️


Just take care of yourself, please. That’s the most important thing of all. Rest, relax, recuperate. You are worth waiting for...


💓 I went to college to become a masseuse. BUT I could no hold a full time job and go to night classes. I still know what I am doing, along with some tricks I found myself.👼


I am at your service me lord...( bowing deeply)


You can walk properly? Let's fix that shall we. 😜 Late (and completely out of order as usual).