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Happy Weekend Lovelies!

I've been up the walls this week with family visiting.   Trying to record some good oul fashioned erotica with so many people around makes for an impossible mission!

Today I'll be posting a lost audio and hoping to record tonight and have new audios for Sunday and Monday once I've my space back again.

I'd hoped to sneak in some recording time during the madness but I never got enough time alone!  

First world problems I know.  But I wanted ye to know why I've been a bit quiet this week!

I've a number of audios planned once I can record.

Bear with yer Mayor!  He'll have peace soon!





Don’t forget to take time for yourself, Mr Mayor!


Family gatherings 😍 I love that .... *edit* Also take your time. we’renot really missing you G. and look after yourself ... you’re not looking good in your picture 😱☠️ 🐶🦁🐒🐝🦒https://youtu.be/iZ9vkd7Rp-g


Always bear you! Thanks for the update! Enjoy your visit!


G. We’ve ALL had to try for a sneaky playtime while not being overheard. Fear not fella. We get it. Sincerely, a bean who got VERY good at hiding dildos with the speed of a striking rattler 😂


Hope your family and you are doing well!


Take all the time you need, luv. We understand. We'll be here, patiently awaiting your return! 💚


Never fear, Mr Mayor! I’ve been enjoying catching up on lost audios in the playroom thanks to Sweetz 😜 I hope you had a wonderful time with your family (even if you’ve been climbing the walls 😂) happy Saturday!


😂😂😂 I had an epic fail in that category this week... I thought that kind of shit stopped when you hit your 30s. Apparently not...


Do what you gotta do, G. We ain't going anywhere, like. 🖤


Hahaha i love that picture!! Excellent choice 😂 I hope you enjoyed your time with your family, it's totally okay to get a little off-time and recharge your batteries ❤ It will make the comeback even more explosive 😈 We are sticking to you like glue, G 😘🤗💖


Aww, the pic!😅😂 That lion looks just a little bit stressed.😂 I hope you're having a great time with the family, and I also hope you're remembering to take a moment for yourself here and there, host with the most!❤ It's so good of you to check in, love. Thanks for the update, G. Here's a nice, squeezy, calming hug for you, sweetness.🤗 Muah!😙😙❤❤


Having family round is all good and well but sometimes you just need time to yourself. Some peace and quiet. Enjoy the time spent with your family though, G. We’ll be here. No need to explain yourself but thanks for keeping us in the loop. As for recording; naughty thoughts arose when you said you thought about recording while they were there. Wouldn’t that be an audio and a half. Someone bursting in just as it was getting good 😂🙈 I’ll look forward to the audios you have lined up. Have a lovely weekend G ! ~ L 💜


Breath easy Lion King 😘*deeply in, calm out*🤗 I love hearing the lost audios, some of them are still new to me. 😅 Remember to relax too honey bun, have a lovely weekend! 🌞😊❤


Totally understandable, G! No rush. 😘 Visiting family right now as well so I know the feeling hahaha. I've had one too many close calls. 😂


I love you cheeky monkey 😂😂❤🦊

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

So glad you’re getting family time and hope you’re enjoying every minute of the madness! 😉Don’t you worry about us, you’ve blessed us with so much already!! Whenever the next audio cums is perfect!! Much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/1jcltd.jpg"> Enjoy your time with your family! Embrace the madness like. It'll make the peace afterwards that much sweeter. You know we'll always wait patiently for our Lion King


Thanks for the update 😘


You and your Lovelies are great and so much fun Sir. Thank you for the update. Happy Saturday :D :D :D


Your lost audios are new to me so it's like getting a new one anyway. Enjoy your family time. All will work out as it is supposed to. You are exactly where you are supposed to be all the time and we will be exactly here happily awaiting your creativity. No worries, enjoy your weekend.... I am glad it's your family keeping you from recording and not because you are stuck under something heavy 😉😀😘❤


I'm not missing ya just yet Mayor - got a couple hundred audios to keep me entertained 😉 make the most of your time with the family, it's special 😘❤❤


I don’t know who said it, or if I just thought it up, but “Pleasure delayed is not pleasure denied. It is pleasure increased.”


Have fun with your family! ❤️ We’ll be here! Hopefully no one stumbles into the attic while they’re visiting! 😂


Enjoy your time with your family, we are quite happy to patiently wait for what you have planned!! And remember to take some time for yourself!! 🤗 I hope everyone has a awesome weekend!! 😘💋💖


And he tries to fit us in even with family around...you're the best but no rush, take your time. We'll be here in anticipation.


Hope you all got out to the local watering hole for drinks!😂😉 <img src="https://keyassets-p2.timeincuk.net/wp/prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2017/04/resized-Screen-Shot-2017-04-27-at-11.15.07.jpg">


Urgh! I'm doped up on sinus meds... I had a very insightful thought about how ironic your situation is. It makes total sense in my head but I can't find the words to convey it in a comment here. 😷

Angela R.

Time with your family sounds wonderful! Enjoy yourself! It does make sense to wait until you’re truly alone. How awkward would that be? ;) Trying to get in the mood with family nearby? Talk about letting the air out of the tire! I love the lion photo, by the way. He looks like the derpiest lion there ever was to derp. Lol! So cute! Enjoy your time,G. We love ye.


Family time is lovely, enjoy it dear! Don't worry about us, we'll be grand. I don't know about you, but I love having my family visit, after about a week or two, though, I happily await them leaving so I can have some quiet time. Lol. Still, it's always nice to see family, especially if they live far away and you don't get to see them often. I personally will get the privilege of taking care of my nephew this week while my neice is born and my brother and sister-in-law adjust. The boy is 2 and a 1/2 so crazy energy, and I have to move stuff out of reach. It'll be fun though.


I can't believe you would even attempt to record with family visiting. "Dear, what's that noise, is everthing ok in there?!"Hahaha


“honey, your father said he heard you grunting a lot. everything ok? did you hurt yourself? c’mon let mama see”


haha Gael I cant believe that you would still even attempt to record an audio for us with your family around, a very dangerous mission 😂 but pls take the time with your family I’m pretty sure it won’t be much longer and you will finally have your space back in no time and start recording again for us I definitely miss your hearing your voice and audios but totally understanding and be able to wait patiently till your back at it again so no rush at all gael muah 😘💋💋💋


No worries here, Mr. Mayor sir! We're not fussed about waiting until you have some peace &amp; privacy again, though it's thoughtful of you to let us know what's going on. If *you're* feeling frustrated by a higher-than-usual level of chaos or longer-than-you-like lack of quiet, though, we're sending you solitary tea, virtual rain, &amp; the quietest hugs we've got. I hope it's enjoyable family time, though. And either way, you'll find some great ramble stories in the madness if we know your style at all! We'll be the souls of patience in the meantime, no worries.


Sweet G, you are worth the wait!! Enjoy your family!!! Your Lovelies will be here patiently awaiting your return . . . 😘


Aww, G is the fam time making you feel a lil stressy like? Mine are like that too..I love em but they can be a handful!😆❤️ Try to breathe, babe and try to make some good memories if ya can..💕It’s always worth it when it’s all said and done. No worries about us, we’re gonna be here to help straighten you back out in the best way when you return!! 😉 ~bare hugs n big kisses 😘 ❤️❤️❤️


Omg you brave lion even for thinking of trying to squeeze in some recording while the rest of the pride are around 😂🙈🙊 Haha hope all is well over there, much love &amp; good vibes to you and family! 💖🌹


That pic hahaha! Aw don't worry, G. It's completely understandable 😂 Give your celtic warrior a break and enjoy your time with your family... That time is precious! 💖😘


So...G, eh...does your lovely family know what you get up to in the "recording studio"😂 just foolin' I hope everyone is well. Save it up for your lovelies💋


Rock on Mayor. Rock on.


Awww, family visits are fun, but you come to really appreciate your space when it’s yours again. See you Sunday then.


I can only imagine what would happen if someone were to walk in on you while you were recording. 😂😂


I know the feeling. I’ve got a 2 year old nephew and he is just all over the place. I look after him 2 days a week, but when my niece is born, I’ll probably be going over with my mom and double team the kids.


Love you G


Congratulations! Sweet "G" you are the best! Your UTube followers and Patrons followers. hope every day people will find you so you will soon be NUMBER ! on Patron. Love ! Sexy .69 is a good number Sweetie!


Family is important. I don’t think any of us would blame you for spending time with them. Hope they didn’t drive you too crazy!