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You are my life, my world... my everything.

Come lay with me in this storm...

Lay your head on my chest and hear the thunder that beats for you...






Ahh Gaelic! Yas!


The perfect thing to fall asleep too!! 💤💤 I think this is going to be an instant favourite!! 💖💖


Love these!!! Heartbeat and breathing!! 💖💖Thanks G!


I think this might be the one and only thunderstorm I am not afraid of. I'm so looking forward to snuggling up with you tonight, Gael! And just in the nick of time too. Thanks so much, G!! 😘💚


Aww just what I needed! Forgot it was Wednesday......Thank you Darlin'😊💚


Mmmmm, gimme all those husky voiced kisses in your arms!😍😗😘😙😚💋 This is lovely in every way.💕❤🍀

Dany Blackfyre

I know Gael said he wasn't sick but I still wanna wrap him up and give him hot soup and tea with honey.


Ha! Yeah...the spirit of Jah is in ya man!😂💚


Rain, heartbeat, and breathing sounds? Absolutely lovely and very comforting. Thank you!


This. All of this. 💚💚💚


I love your sleep audios! <img src="https://i.chzbgr.com/full/7859536896/h8BE9BA9">

Nacht Hex

This is the best thing ever.


Can't wait to snuggle and cuddle up like


So sweet! ❤️I hope you are resting your voice by drinking tea and honey!


Oh. My. God. Mmmmm yes ❤️


For some reason the lightening and thunder sounds make me want to revisit the "Blackout" audio. So I will start with that, and finish with this as aftercare. 😊


Gael, your sleep audios are pure Heaven. ❤You really know how to spoil a girl!😘💋


This is what the doctor ordered after a crappy start to the week... a thunderstorm and my head on your chest 🥰🥰.... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 😘


Hoping for atleast one husky puppy bark in this one🤞🏻




What is it about heartbeats that just soothe so completely? ☺️

Ariel Diamond

This felt so good to listen to. Soothing and easy, and I felt safe. ❤️


You can never go wrong with thunder comfort and heartbeats, especially when we can hear your breathing too. 💗 What could make this extra special is some thunder comfort sex, but I can't say I'm disappointed 😜😘


Thunder Down Under? Buffalo Thunder? 🐂💨


I have to agree with Emmy on this one. I love the heartbeat sounds 💓 It always puts me at ease, makes me feel safe and somehow sleepy. Definitely my audio for tonight ! ~ L 💜


You made me forget that I'm afraid for thunder. ☺❤ Last summer we had this terrible thunder storm in Savonlinna, where I live, the thunder struck the church which is about 300 meters away from my appartment...Needless to say I got scared..


... feel the storm beating on the windows and the fast flowing rain .......... and being close tight and so loving ... it's one of the most satisfying sensations of life. To reach the sound of your heart with mine I miss an acoustic stethoscope! ..... to feel the two hearts that beat in unison must be the maximum of pleasure and relaxation. .... your voice is at 98.56, but it is very sensual even so ;-)


Resting heart rate of 64 bpm? Someone’s been doing their cardio! 🤓👍🏃🏻‍♂️


This one goes straight to my "Heartbeats" playlist, my favourite sound &lt;3


I know this is just a coincidence cause I was listening to Bob Marleys Album these past few days. The way he sings in his Jamaican style and accent and those historical and emotional lyrics......I just love it I love everything about his country, culture, food and lifestyle 🇯🇲 And now your audio and your story made me search for some Jamaican pick up lines: They cracking me up but oh is this love 😍😂 -Are you Jamaican? ‘Cause Jamaican me crazy. -Baby, you’re the patty to my coco bread. -Mi lost mi numba mi can get urs? -Yuh nuh tiad? Caw yuh den run tru mi mind all day -Baby yuh sell inna Pings? Yuh luk like two yaad a wife material -Mi love yuh more than cook food -Yow empress, yuh look good enuh -Yuh ave wan nice Colgate smile deh -Gal Mi wan pose wid yuh likah domino -Beg yuh a Wuk haffa yuh struccha nuh -Ohhh so is yuh ah di stop traffic gal -Beg yuh a kiss nuh, tings hard an mi cyan afford fi buy sweetie -Yuh Sweet lak ah angel, so tell me whah deh Gwan up in nah heaven now? Why Gad send yuh ere? -Gal yuh too sweet, spend some time wid me suh some ah you sweetness rub off pon mi


Ok 5am where I am. Gonna listen. It better be good. Me need some sleepies. Oh who Am I kidding, it's a Gaelforce audio of course it will be good. 😇☺💚💚


I love how soothing this is thankyou gael. Much love to you 💚


Gael come on now, I'm gonna fall asleep again lol *wah* &gt;///&lt;


I'm gonna need this in a few hours and that other heartbeat-audio ❤ First I see dream about Seanie, then a nightmare, next night could be peacefull, I wouldn't mind 😅😅😰


Hey G! Say “beer can” in an English accent... You’ve just said “bacon” in a Jamaican accent! 😃 🇯🇲 Btw, lurv the husky voice! 😍 <img src="https://pics.me.me/im-not-fat-im-justa-little-husky-img-ace-42557013.png">


Love it 💓 I didn't get to listen at bedtime last night, but this is a good lunchtime relax audio too 😁😁


needed this to fall asleep today...so Thank you....and I also wanted to say Thank you for the Gaelic words...I love them...I have been reading a book series by Julia Mills called the Dragon Guard and the dragon shifters speak Gaelic sometimes and thanks to you I know know what some of the phrases sound like...and now every dragon shifter sounds just like you lol...Thanks for that too! ♥♥♥♥


Me - before this audio, trying to go to sleep 😒😞. Pops in ear buds. 😐😍😌😴😴. True story. Thank you, G. Ye are the bestest at helping me fall asleep and I usually sleep pretty soundly the rest of the night. I think I know what my next month's workshop idea is going to be 😉


Well that was just beautiful start to finish


No huskies were harmed in the making of this audio 😝❤ Warm Gael, heartbeat sounds, being snuggled up in your big arms and slowly drifting off - pure bliss! You are so so good at making me feel protected and safe. 💟💟💟


Exactly what I needed! Loved it, G! After so much time of stress and all that stuff, this audio came from heaven! And no alarm clock tomorrow!! Yaaaaaaayyyyy


Beets 😁😁😁 I was talking about you and our chat with my Cherry BB.....and the Seanie fun of course...😂


That was very soothing. I almost fell asleep, but it ended too soon.


Oh my!!!!! Thank you G!


You sound very loopy in this one buddy, lol. Hope you’re taking care of yourself 🥰


Simply wonderful ♥


No surprise that mine is too! Lol. It’s the only thing that calms me during a panic attack. Or at least the fastest thing. Heartbeat+Seaside are my faves. I need to do more of a deep dive on YouTube... open to suggestions! ♥️💋♥️


This is a good one. I don't generally go for the comfort audios, to be honest. Erotic always, definitely the rambles and comedies. I'm #teamseanie, that Langer. And I like sleep audios. This is a good sleep one for me. Ohhhh and the husk to your voice? Mmmmff.