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Dirty talk

  • Dirty talk with NO limits please (I can ignore the words I don't like) 1512
  • I prefer mild dirty talk and sweetness 509
  • Shut up leprechaun, just talk to me like 117
  • 2019-01-17
  • 2138 votes
{'title': 'Dirty talk', 'choices': [{'text': "Dirty talk with NO limits please (I can ignore the words I don't like)", 'votes': 1512}, {'text': 'I prefer mild dirty talk and sweetness', 'votes': 509}, {'text': 'Shut up leprechaun, just talk to me like ', 'votes': 117}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 17, 18, 32, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 2138}


Another little survey, this time on dirty talk


Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:43 Juat talk to us 😂😂😂
2019-01-17 18:33:53


I’m choosing between number 2 and 3


😍😍😍 DIRTY!!!


Can't I choose all of them?


ALL THREE!!! 😂 Be a nasty Leprechaun who loves us but will also slap us on the ass and call us his good little slut.

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:42 2 & 3, more 3. 🤗😍🤗😍
2019-01-17 18:34:51 2 & 3, more 3. 🤗😍🤗😍

2 & 3, more 3. 🤗😍🤗😍


I know you know that when i talk dirty I never ever do it to insult or degrade, I do it to enhance the 'O' So this is just a little poll to help me balance audios... As in, we can go heavy one night and light the next I'm always interested in your thoughts xd Its a new year after-all!


#1, all the way. Though points for #3. That is a close second


No limits! But I like just hearing you talk 😂 You could read shampoo bottles and I'd be all about it


I mean ...It really depends on my mood. I chose #1 though lol.


"Don't stop talking ever" - why is this not an option? I demand it.


I don't normally like being called a slut (for example), but being called YOUR slut (as you've done in past audios) is something entirely different. You're a smart, sexy lad all on your own. You balance everything very well. 😊💚


Y'all cast yer votes!


Dirty talk no limits baby. Mmmmm...


Dirty talk with no limits. I can take it 😏 In fact, dirty talk makes me cum harder 👅💦


I would add an Option 4 All of the above 😉 Pretty please


90% is the accent. Don't go getting a big head about it. 😘💚


I did click on #3 first, but then changed it to #1 and now I'm... I'll just leave it at #1 😁


Since, according to him, he's already got one (hee-hee)


I love all of it, but #1 is definitely my choice. But #3 has it’s own merits. 😂


Mmhmm. And then sometimes #2. But mostly #1.. Feck it, #3.


Usually for me it works better the snuff than the smut 😘


Just talking about Dirty Talk is making me tingle! 😌


Lisa, WRONG HEAD!! But I'm sure that one is lovely too. 😂💚


*sings Talk Dirty* even though we can only choose one, I’m going with all 3


Doesnt snuff mean...like, murder porn. If so 🙋🏿‍♀️ Me too!


I ticked the first choicec, but with a comment - there ARE no words I don’t like! You use them judiciously, and it never comes off as demeaning or anything offensive. Just heat-of-the-moment stuff that ups the temperature! Whoo -hoo!


BOIIIII JUST DO WHAT YOU DO!!!!!😉😁🔥🔥 <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="215" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RbtPXFlZlHg" width="460"></iframe>

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:41 You can't say anything that would throw me off - I just don't care about the words I don't like. It might do with the fact that my first language is not English - cause sometimes I try to imagine dirty talk in Hungarian, and that just doesn't work for me. Not even sexy talk. But in English everything is sexy to me - so please, use anything you like 😉❤
2019-01-17 18:45:06


Four words: Dirty, talk, as, Gaeilge. 💦💦💦 💚


Yes, yes!! In Bulgarian sexy talk is just gross, but in english 👌😁


Go hardcore! Eye of the tiger!


You could be reading the phone book, just keep talking 😍😍💓


Im allll for #1 you have yet to say a thing that's put me off. Personally you could push the alpha envelope quite abit more. For me its really because i know your intentions are pure so it makes the rough stuff so much more fun than anything else 😊😊😊 Im also a TOTAL sucker for the sweet ooowweey gooey romantic audios though 😍😍😍


70% Dirty talk with NO limits please (I can ignore the words I don't like).. lol.. We are so dirty minded and that what makes us beautiful and unique as a community 😄😄😄


Angie, did you tell him I called him a Leprechaun on your Twitter thread last night or is he just reading minds again? 😂 Because the "Leprechaun with a pot full of dildos instead of gold" thing was a joke.


Im all for more limitless dirty talk but legit you could be reading the encyclopedia and I would be happy as a church mouse.


G if anything your moans are something that I would love to hear more of your deep wanting moans are 🤯


The only thing I don't want in my ears is a tongue. No slurping! Keep it dirty in there!


Get disrespectful G! I'm tryna clutch my pearls while clutching my pearl, ya heard?


Right? He could read it regular like, or breathy/sexy. Either would be entertaining!


No, he wasn't. I wouldn't have said that if he was! 😂 It was just you, me, Gabi and maybe like 1 or 2 other people.


😂😂🔥 This is the best damn thing I've read today!


Omg why didn’t I think of this before you could read our Public Health Nursing book to us.... you’d have 5 very happy nursing students ... we might actually may attention 😉😜


Loving the idea of polls... 😉😂


I'm just tired of being a little slut or not even "a" but "my little slut" to make it safer 🙄. Lets GOOOO already.




- I love your sweet talk, but since you asked about dirty talk: - I can ignore the words I don't like. NO limits is not something I could have imagined ever saying, but I trust you completely and I know you'd never make it disrespectful or degrading, so whatever you want to do, I'll give it a listen. Does that make it option 3?

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:40 Thanks, now I can sleep at night 😂❤
2019-01-17 19:26:59

Katira Moon

Awwww we love you, Leprechaun!


Well, then he's either lurking himself somehow or just reading my mind again. Dammit, Gael!! 😂


Decisions decisions am I right?!


lol The dirtier the better! Although sometimes it’s nice but not necessary for a small follow up of sweetness. IMO which is why you’re asking this in the first place. And as mentioned before, I can’t think any word that I would need to ignore anyway! Speak ALL the words! -`ღ´- XD kiss 🦄


Aw hehehe leprechaun. Love you gael honestly anything you do I'll give a listen to. :)


I like dirty talk! The more the better 😍😉


I did too! *cracks my whip* 😂 But really, as long as the audios are appropriately tagged, you do you boo (no pun intended). 😘😄


Now I kinda wanna hear Hungarian and Bulgarian dirty talk. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂😂


This. This is the comment that finally breaks me 😂😂😂


The first comment I see. Must be a sign! This comment is what created Heaven and Earth. 😅👏🏽


Maybe this is unnecessary explanation, but so far the only audio I've had any real issue with was Sensual Denial ASMR. I'm not sure it was the specific words as much as the tone of displeasure/punishment. (It's easier for me to ignore a random "naughty girl" in the average audio than when it's in the type of audio like Sensual Denial ASMR.) Rather than the fiery/playful/sexiness I know it's supposed to evoke, I was a sensitive puddle of over-apologetic anxiety within the first few minutes, so I just don't listen to that one. But I know a lot of other lovelies really enjoy and want more of that type of audio. If this is about specific words like cunt vs. pussy vs. peach, it's pretty much all good with me. I don't know if that helps at all or if I'm just rambling on unnecessarily... sorry if it's too much. :| Okay, I'll stop talking now...


Just talk, leprechaun! 😛😆 I'll listen to just about any of your talk; I try to block out words I don't like so you can have more freedom.


Yall are funny!😂 I agree with Doc on the name calling tag even though I don't care about the names part. Expanding the dirty talk should cover ALL the things. Detailed descriptions of the nasty shit we're about to get into. Or that we're already into.


Option 3 had me thinking I was still stuck in a fever dream. Didn’t actually stop me from choosing it though. Solid option


I’d have to agree. No matter what it is, if it’s just a song in the shower or a ravishing night with a werewolf I don’t mind. ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ it is all so good.


I’m a 2 or 3. I’m not a fan of full on dirty talk, but as said above if you keep up the good work with the tags you’ll please everyone. I’d be happy to just listen to you talk about what you see out the window ...it’s all about how you say stuff (just give me that Irish accent ☘️)


I'd choose all three: 1. so could you shut up and just talk? 2. we start with the sweet talk, huh? 3. ...and we get filthy and dirty and whatever comes up in your mind, with no limits ? I'm greedy. I want them all....


I'm with Vally! Also, just use whatever words fit the audio. 😉


<img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/574b88e68fa399006e263cefab2cc0eb/tumblr_inline_n389dmXppO1rt9bz7.gif">

Angela R.

I know so many lovelies adore the wet ear stuff but... 😖 All other stuff is grand!


Yes! He wants to pull over she won't let him, he's pleading/ talking dirty trying to get her to stop teasing him or to give in. He's driving faster trying to get to their destination. Speed turns her on, lol.


Hahaha I almost voted for the last one because it was too funny but I’m a woman who likes her words dirty. 😂

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:38 Love the c-word, personally -- I actually prefer it to 'pussy', which was my favy term for cats when I was very small -- but eh, whatever. When turns of phrase have (rarely) really not worked for me, it's almost always been contextual, not inherent in the language choice*. Some terms land differently in different situations or from different types of characters. That's ok, too -- I don't expect nor ask that every audio suit my own preferences &amp; head-weather. So, y'know, make what works for you, Mr. artist-man! 😉 * The 1 exception is when your character calls something the Muse is doing "stupid", like the phrase "this stupid game" that's come up in a couple of your power-play audios. That one always sounds demeaning/belittling to me, despite your not meaning it that way, so I always nope out on it. Eh, another fun souvenir of my ex-marriage. Not your fault, and I don't expect you to change your art around because of it, I just have a thing for accuracy in my statements; hence the full-disclosure footnote.
2019-01-17 21:29:46 Love the c-word, personally -- I actually prefer it to 'pussy', which was my favy term for cats when I was very small -- but eh, whatever. When turns of phrase have (rarely) really not worked for me, it's almost always been contextual, not inherent in the language choice*. Some terms land differently in different situations or from different types of characters. That's ok, too -- I don't expect nor ask that every audio suit my own preferences & head-weather. So, y'know, make what works for you, Mr. artist-man! 😉 * The 1 exception is when your character calls something the Muse is doing "stupid", like the phrase "this stupid game" that's come up in a couple of your power-play audios. That one always sounds demeaning/belittling to me, despite your not meaning it that way, so I always nope out on it. Eh, another fun souvenir of my ex-marriage. Not your fault, and I don't expect you to change your art around because of it, I just have a thing for accuracy in my statements; hence the full-disclosure footnote.

Love the c-word, personally -- I actually prefer it to 'pussy', which was my favy term for cats when I was very small -- but eh, whatever. When turns of phrase have (rarely) really not worked for me, it's almost always been contextual, not inherent in the language choice*. Some terms land differently in different situations or from different types of characters. That's ok, too -- I don't expect nor ask that every audio suit my own preferences & head-weather. So, y'know, make what works for you, Mr. artist-man! 😉 * The 1 exception is when your character calls something the Muse is doing "stupid", like the phrase "this stupid game" that's come up in a couple of your power-play audios. That one always sounds demeaning/belittling to me, despite your not meaning it that way, so I always nope out on it. Eh, another fun souvenir of my ex-marriage. Not your fault, and I don't expect you to change your art around because of it, I just have a thing for accuracy in my statements; hence the full-disclosure footnote.


Breathy/sexy would be hilarious! "The abacus... mmm... was *growl* invented..." Oh please, G, do us a random encyclopedia entry in your best erotic/romantic Gael style sometime, just for the craic? I'd laugh for a month!

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:38 Would "silly" be better in this case for you, or the whole phrase is the one you don't like ("stupid game")? Or maybe chaning up his tone would help? Just curious 😊
2019-01-17 21:41:34


Shushit leprechaun, while I will never tire of hearing you express how much our feelings matter..I’m reminded how big your heart is. I love that you’re not just here making audios. You are so much more than that. You’re so so kind and generous in making sure we hear from you, just how much you appreciate us too! And for fucks sake you don’t have to worry about your language here. If you can make my ears burn, other body parts will follow. It’s true! xx


Silly would be 1000% better! It gets the same point across, but lacks the sting of insult that I can't separate from "stupid" in a context like that. Heck, even "pointless" would be 👍!


I really love when you said “I trust you completely”.. It really is about trust for me at the end of the day. And I trust him too. He would never intentionally hurt anyone. Ever. I believe that. A beautiful word doll! -`ღ´-


BTW, I take great delight in having briefly nudged the option I chose to 69%, even though it's shifted again since. 😋😂🤣🙃😏


G! Even though we love the idea of a car audio please don't do an erotic audio in a moving vehicle. 😂


I actually think that, for me personally anyway, trust is even more important for the comfort and sleep audios. Dirty talk, sure, that's fun and all, but allowing someone, even it's "just a voice", get close to you in moments of weakness is a really big thing. So is falling asleep "with" someone. To just completely let go of everything.

Missy Brie

I'm borderline no. 1. Only dislike the use of slut/whore. Don't mind slutty though (weird yes but true). Apart from that, gimme me all the dirty talk. Also nearly burst out laughing at work when I read no. 3!!!!😍😂


Yessssss on #1.... but no on using the word... slut. You could use that deeper, serious, dominant voice!! Gaelic is always a “win,win”!!!! Tell us more about that “big package” of yours.... seriously....we can take it!


This one's hard! LOL I like both styles, I'm not particularly into leprechauns though.


So far you seem to use the right words in the right place. I vote to ignore anything I don't like, so far I haven't had to ignore anything.


Btw polls! Good job Patreon 😌

Mich Aguiluz

If there's something that I don't like I either find a new audio or if it isn't for long I'll just ignore it. It doesn't bother me much


The dirtier the better ;)


Give me all the dirty talk. Pretty pretty please? ;)


A grunt with each thrust. Fuck yeah.


Dude it's all good in the hood. I think we all get that you're a respectful, good guy and the words are just part of the game. 😜


So I picked #3, because rambles are the bestest! Although I do like your other stuff, I lean towards the sweet side though. I wouldn't limit ya though, as sometimes you do something and I find out I like something I didn't know I liked. 😏


Oh Darling G-Spot......my answer is number 3....I’m down for whatever you have to say.......as long as you say in Gaelic. ♥️♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘😘😘😈😈😈😈


The more I look at this poll, the more it makes me laugh at how these are phrased. Truthfully, though, I think you could make anything sound wholly engaging.

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 20:56:37 I will listen to anything once....and if I don't like it, it won't be in my rotation of fave audios! Some words bug me (shit), but for others it's no big deal. You seem to mix it up pretty well though! You just do your groove thang and when you are turned on.....it makes it soooooo much hotter!!!
2019-01-18 07:23:20


Depends on my mood! Sometimes I want kinky and crazy, sometimes romantic and sometimes a little bit of both! I think you do a fine job of servicing all areas 😎


A poll I can get behind.... I like it dirty and sweet, rough, intense, dirty or combinations of all of the above within one audio or an individual audio. I think there is enough variety and content to cover everyone's taste. However...I don't mind hearing the c word more😈and tell me what you're wearing and let me know when you're taking it off💋


I just have to say that it takes some serious, well-honed, amazing talent and skill to balance all of these preferences in a way that pleases as many as it does. Honestly, how awesome is that? Gotta hand it to ya, G. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Dirty but intimate please Daddy❤

Nacht Hex

When it's dirty, I like anything on the spectrum all the way to absolutely filthy, and consensual. xo


Honestly I love when you talk dirty lmao, even when you call the listeners names (which I didn't know I could enjoy, thank you for letting me find that out lol). I think what makes a difference is that the listener can tell you don't really mean it and offence isn't in your intentions, so it's more than fine. So keep talking dirty boi, keep making me shiver 😈♡


How do u define dirty talk just saying pussy and dick bc that doesn’t really do anything for me. Saying what u want to do and what’s happening is better, how u want to make me feel? Idk


Sorry just one more thing the way u talk in the forest one where ur a hot demon/ magic creature, the dirty talk in that one is perfect


I love that one 😍 And the way he uses his tongue. Fuck 🤤🔥


I want more Gaelic!


... ultimately, even if I voted the second option, I don't have any special preferences .... I like all the options ..... but I would add a bit more perversion ..... which is always good for libido! ;-)))))))