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Find a quiet place to lay down and fall into the mystic with me




Thank you for the audio!




Thanks G! Can't wait! Sounds lovely! 😍

Cherry Riley

This sounds amazing and what I need today. Thank you so much! 😌


*happy sigh* Sounds like exactly what I needed tonight. Thanks so much, Gael! 😘💚


Meditation, Peaceful & Love. Are all I need 😊😊😊


It’s college basketball time, after the Kansas/TCU game... beak em hawks ❤️💙❤️💙


When you get in bed and you’re about to start your nightly routine by grabbing your headphones , and searching to find a audio to listen to and then you get a notification ! 😩♥️ thanks for making my night 😘


This is just what I needed. Feeling 😔


Thank you!


Lovely picture! Thank you G just what I needed, very peaceful... your voice lulls my conscience mind to rest 🤗😘


Your meditation /relaxation audios are so soothing and they really do work. Thanks


Hypnotic voice time, so, very, sleepy. 😴😪


Bless you, stressful week so far, much needed. You are the bestest, yep incorrect grammar. Forgive me Amy?????


I'm listening but I'ma stop lol. This is for sleep and I'm still up moving around. I love these! Gonna sleep like a baby 🤗


Shitty week so far here! I was hoping for something like this today 🙈 Thank you ❤️


I love all the different types of audios you do, Mr. Mayor and would REALLY hate to have to choose a favorite genre. But if I HAD to choose just one type, I would have to go with these. The meditation, soothing, comfort audios help me so much with relaxing and dealing with stress and falling asleep. 💚💚💚😘😴


Awesome!😊 Been waiting for a new meditation audio 😏😴

Angela R.

Yay! I love your relaxation audios! I really needed this tonight. You're the best, Gael!


A beautify hypnotic relaxing meditation audio, you really know how to spoil us!! 😍💖


U sneaky butt! 😏😘


This peaceful relaxation is greatly appreciated today.💗💗 Thank you, Gael!😙❤

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

I’m never aware at how tightly wound up I am until you give me permission...”You can let go” tears fall, my shallow breathing relaxes and the weight of the world has lifted. Thank you, Gael!💝


I did my 2nd kickboxing class tonight and I’m so exhausted but can’t shut my brain off, I’m hoping this will do the trick!! Perfect timing, can’t wait to listen as I fall asleep 😴

Noelle B.

Thank you! I could really use some peace and calming for my mind right now. I hope everyone’s rest of the week goes smoothly! 💖


Also my favorite Van Morrison song 🥰


I just absolutely ABSOLUTELY loved this. Your voice soothes me. Time to sleep to this💕and listen again later on. Gra-zie ♥️!!


Thank you so much for this bit of pure, soft darkness. My consciousness seemed ready to be coaxed out by your words, knowing it was safe, and wasn’t going to be jarred or shaken or made to confront any light. Such a gentle, comforting way of coming back to oneself!


So soothing and relaxing 😊 I was making my dinner, so that’s probably the furthest thing from relaxing, but I feel so calm and peaceful. Like the weight of the day has been lifted from my shoulders. Thank you~


We were born before the wind. Also younger than the sun.


This was amazing!!! Very relaxing.. The words you speak, the way you spoke them, the way you put the words together into little sentences, and use of simple yet powerful words. Adding Gaelic made the audio sounds even better. The little giggles/smiles, so adorable. Your voice which is the most and best of all. You totally delivered Gael, totally!!! ❤❤❤


Yes! This is a good old fashion Gaelforce meditation audio. 🙌🏾🙌🏾 I've missed them. The first color I saw was purple, then you said purple, lol.


I've made it to 8 minutes 😂 I'm too impatient for this - especially in the morning. Might give another shot at bedtime. But I think I can't really get into your "guiding" voice, that's my problem. It kinda throws me off. But heeey - I can perfectly relax to and let go while listening to your roleplays, so I guess that's what works for me as "meditation". It's a lot softer for my taste. ❤


Thank you so much for this audio. I just found myself a new pocket friend :)


I totally fall asleep... 🤭


*checks phone* Awww nice, a meditation audio. This'll be great to help clear my mind 💜 *pops earbuds in* I'll just listen to this quickly, then go back to working on my- ................ *THUMP* ..... *snore* ...... -- hours later -- *snorts & wakes up, drool glistens on corner of lip* ................ the ........ heck ...... ??


I was just thinking about meditating today <3 Thank you G


So relaxing and peaceful. Your voice is so soothing to fall asleep to 😍❤️


I’ve noticed that there are a lot of similarities between your various meditation audios in terms of content (e.g., the concept of being in the present moment by becoming aware of your breathing and what your senses are perceiving, letting any thoughts you’re having pass by, etc.) I know these concepts are probably cornerstones of meditation, but are there any other concepts or ideas you’ve ever wanted to incorporate into your meditation audios? Or do you primarily stick to the main ones in order to keep things simple and make the audio accessible for listeners who may not have much experience with meditation?


Thank you G this was wonderful! Thanks for sharing all your talent with us. And your voice is comforting, smoothing, sexy, whatever we need. It is here. Love & Hugs.


Alternatively, if you’re riding a comedy wave and want to switch up your meditation audios a bit, maybe Seanie could do a guided meditation audio 😃👍 Which would inevitably be a total disaster, but that’s always the fun part when it comes to Seanie.


My favourite part: "Everything is being done for you." For some reason this line makes me melt even more than I thought possible. I also really enjoyed the attention to the muscles of the face (am I mixing this up with another relaxation audio? They are all a sleepy blur to me).


When I’m practicing mindfulness , and I focus long enough, I can see different colors and lights, and if I focus long enough, they dance


Have i mentioned this is my favorite audio ever because it makes me fall’sleep fast fast. ♥️🛌💤