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I had a lovely vacation and the audio train will be choo choo-ing along for New Years!  

In the meantime I thought I would share the erotic we had last year for New Years!  

Hopefully your year has been lovely but I hope next year is better!






I thought I've got a wrong notification... *Edit We're really glad you had some me time G.☺ you needed a lickle break... ...but we're more glad, that you're back. It's going to be a wonderful another year with you and us. Thank you for everything you've done so far!❤


I loved this one last year 💋 I just want to wish you all the best for 2019 Gael. I know you’ll do and create amazing things 😉 🎙 💜


Yes! This one is quite hot!


Hey there, gorgeous! 😍 Have a happy new year!! 😊❤️


Aww have a happy new year gael I'll be with you again in 2019 thankyou for everything! 💚


Haha i just funished an art piece that was inspired by this audio. Hope everyone has a wonderful new year.


I’m so glad your enjoyed your break and thank you for sharing pictures of those beautiful deer with us! It’s my first New Years on Patreon but just in case I’m not on here on New Years, I hope everyone has a wonderful time with their friends and family and all the best to you and yours for 2019! ❤️


My first New Years here!!!! Have had such a lovely experience and have met such a wonderful and supportive group of women here! Wishing everyone a very happy 2019! Thanks G for all you do for us! 💋🥂


It's my 2nd New Year here. I can't believe. Happy pre New Year Lily🥂🎉


Love this piece so much - thanks for sharing it again 😘❤


Last kiss? I'm still waiting for the FIRST kiss! I mean, after all, this is my first New Year's here too. *fingers crossed* Pretty pretty pretty pleeeeease... 😍💚

Cherry Riley

I am glad you had a great Vacation! This is my first New Years here too. Here's to a great 2019!!🎉🎆


Welcome back! Good to hear you enjoyed your mini vacation! I have very much enjoyed my first half a year here, thanks to you and all the lovely lovelies 😘 Have a great last day (or so) of 2018! I cannot wait to choo choo along witchu 😜


Oh well then I'd love an audio, him giving me my 2nd kiss...after all it's my 2nd year here 😁


Mmmm, hot and spicy New Years.🔥🔥🔥😍😍💋💋💋 I'm really glad to hear your vacation was nice, G! :) Hopefully the new year will bring all kinds of goodies.😄🎆🎉 Xoxo😙❤❤


Glad you got some relaxation on your vacation Gael 😊 It was very well deserved. 😉 Thanks for an awesome year of kisses, cuddles, kindness, encouragement, and of course, sexy naughtiness 😏 😍😘😉 Wish you continued success, health, and joy in the new year. Luv ya! 🍾🥂🎉🎊


Mmmmm.. ♥️♥️♥️


Happy pre-new year Gael and Gaelandia! May the stars shine on you all for 2019 ♥️


This is my first new year here and I have very much enjoyed my time here so far and look forward to the audio delights that await us all in coming new year!! I must say that finding such amazing audios and this wonderful place with it's wonderfuly amazing community has been the best part of 2018 for me. Let this approaching new year bring new delights into your life and let all unconvinced dreams and needs you had in the past year be fulfilled. May you always have a smile on your face, a glow in your cheeks, love in your heart, happiness in you life and great friendly words on your lips. Happy New year, may 2019 be the very best for everyone!! 💖💖


😍😍 Another one so close to my 💙. We are riding caboose on this train and it's a fun ride indeed!! 2019 will be AWESOME!


Grrr! Patreon keeps eating my comments! 😭 All kidding aside for a moment, 2018 has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I started a new job (which I love), grieved the untimely death of someone I loved more than I can say and even adopted a new Yorkie puppy. But you, Gael, by far have been the brightest spot in my entire year. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry like a little girl, you've made me smile, you've made me more self-aware (even when that awareness makes me sad) and you've given me hope that the emotional issues I'm dealing with right now don't have to be forever. There were sweet, romantic moments where you made my heart glow from the inside out. There were extremely hot moments where you had me gripping my bedsheets so hard, I thought I'd rip them. And there were wonderful quiet moments where it was just me and the sound of your voice or your heartbeat that lulled me into peaceful sleep for the first time in weeks. 😏💕 These are gifts that you cannot put a price on and I'm forever grateful for everything you do for us. Finding you was the happiest accident ever. I'm so looking forward to spending 2019 here with you and hopefully many more years after that. Thank you so much for being here when I needed you, mo Solas. Here's an early New Year's Eve kiss. Maybe if I'm lucky, it will reach Ireland by midnight tomorrow night. Love you bunches, Gael!! Happy New Year!!! MWAH!!! 💋💚


I hope all of us find time this week to sit silently in front of your life and contemplate how magical it really is, before we turn the page and greet a New Year! Thanks G you are a big part of the magic Thank You!


Yessss, I heard this for the first time a couple of days ago and it’s just 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


AWE this audio😍❤

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

The happiest and most fulfilling discovery for me in 2018 has been you, Gael and your audio library. I am able to let go of the daily stress and feel peaceful and fall asleep to your gentle words and whispers of comfort; to laugh out loud at your jokes which I love, to smile while listening to your rambles and amazing storytelling; I am able to be vulnerable ( even if it’s only alone in my apt) to many of your erotic audios from start to finish now, without feeling unworthy of exploring and enjoying my own feelings because somehow you’ve been able to make me feel safe- it has been too long feeling unsafe. Thanking you cannot begin to cover how grateful I am, so my eternal thanks and loyalty as one of your most supportive lovelies is what I can give back to you. May 2019 far exceed all your expectations and be filled with joy, peace and love!🙏🏼❤️


Happy New Year, this is also my first new years in these parts! Found Gaelandia later in 2018, but it has been an amazing time since. So many audios from G have brought me complete joy and I’ll be forever grateful. 2019 will be a great one like! 💛