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Had a bit of time on me hands to record a lickle hello!

Happy Christmas!






Ramble time. Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!


Yasss One man’s carb coma is another man’s power nap.


Merry Christmas! Banter and slagging Seanie always done with a lovin’ heart! 🤣 Look forward to some vlogging!

Ariel Diamond

Merry Christmas! ❤️


Merry Christmas 🎄


I hope you had a great day with your family! I’m still hoping to see Bobby in a Santa hat 😜🤣


Merry Christmas! 💕


Awww, thank you Gael! merry christmas from texas and thank you for thinking of us. I hope you enjoy your family time and happy holidays!!! Merry christmas, lovelies!!


Merry Christmas sweety💞


Merry Christmas, Gael! 💋 HD!


Oh my! I had secondhand embarrassment from your story. Grr. They would do well to do things discreetly next time. 😒 Nonetheless, I'm glad you're having a great time, G. You deserve it. On to the new year! 💜


This story was hilarious - at least for everyone else 😂😂😂🙏. Merry Xmas 🎄❤️


Merry Christmas, Gael!! 😊🎁🎉🎄


Awww my favs! I missed these rambles.


Have a great time on your walking holiday, Gael! Relax, unwind, and then come back and see where those amazing creative tendencies of yours take us! Merry Christmas, and a bright, warm 2019!


Merry Christmas Gael 🥰🎄


Sounds like you are going to have a blast! Enjoy yourself to the fullest, my dear! We'll be here when you awaken from your carb-coma😉


So so good hearing from you! 😍 Another Christmas present!! 😊 I can totally relate to the vegan situation you mentioned, and sometimes I use the allergy escape route as well! It just makes things easier, doesn’t it? 😄 Anyway, thanks for this amazing year Gael! ❤️ It was my first one here on Patreon! And as long as you’ll be here I’ll be here with all the lovelies having another wonderful year all together!! 😊 Have fun on the hills, and keep that laugh going, it’s always so heartwarming to hear!! 😊 A beautiful hug to you! ❤️🤗


Thank you, this was really sweet to wake to. I hope you and everyone here has a lovely Christmas!


Merry Christmas, G!🎅 Your chicken curry pie sounds yum!😄 I hope you have a fantastic, refreshing, relaxing time on your hill walks, and I'm looking forward to seeing the sights!😍🍀 Thinking back about all the fun we had with Seanie gave me a hearty chuckle. So, thanks, you definitely gave me a smile for Christmas.😊💝 Love you, G. Kisses and hugs.😙❤❤


I love when you share photos with us 💕 can’t wait!


Awww what a great little ramble! I could feel your pain with the wedding story, you poor thing 😆 Enjoy your family time, your carb coma, your walks, and can't wait to have more fun in the New Year! Merry Christmas G 🎄💜

Cherry Riley

Merry Christmas Gael! I hope you have a wonderful day! 🎄🎁

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Awe, the appreciation is mutual!💋. Thank you for making my 2018 extra special!❤️ Happy Christmas and abundant blessings to you, Gael and all the beautiful lovelies!🙏🏼❤️ P.S. please share your recipe-the pie looks so yummy!


happy holidays everyone! 🎄🎅🏼❤️ hope everyone has a great day!!

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Hey, y'all! Just wanna say Merry/Happy Christmas/Holidays! *hugs* all around and such... Christmas dinner is gonna be a weird one in my house this year... I broke the oven on Sunday baking a crap ton of sugar cookies, so now we have to figure out how to make Christmas dinner on the stove top and in crock pots... should be uh... interesting 😁... enjoy your days!! 🤗


Love listing to your rambles! You're such a good story teller! Enjoy your day with your family, & enjoy your time away. Be safe! Looking forward to the vlogs!


It's always a joy to hear your voice, Gael! Even if I did squidge up my face a little at "Chicken Curry Pie". 😂 I've thought about going vegan or at least vegetarian myself and I'm honestly just too much of a picky eater. If I cut all meat and dairy out of my diet, all I would have left is maybe 5 different fruits, 6 different vegetables and a ton of starches. And that's not a well-rounded diet. So, for now, I'm still a meat eater. But only turkey, fish and chicken. I cut out red meat and pork over a year ago and even managed to drop like 20 pounds! I'm sure we all wish we could be there with you today, but the sound of your laughter lights me up inside just as much as any Christmas tree. Happy Christmas, love! Enjoy the time with your family! 😊💚❤


I've been missing your rambles lately so this makes me happy. It's like a little Christmas present. 😊 Enjoy your day with your loved ones and your massive chicken curry pie. I too plan on doing some hill walking this week, weather permitting as there be snow on them there hills and black ice too. I'm thinking Yosemite as it's so pretty in winter. Maybe I'll get lucky and finally get to see frazil ice. It's so cool! <a href="https://youtu.be/9V9p4mFEYXc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9V9p4mFEYXc</a>


Aw, love your rambles! I can relate to you on the shy and socially anxious part. I remember, I went to a sushi restaurant for my birthday last year and I was on crutches because I had slipped and sprained my ankle. I had my crutches in the chair next to me, so they weren’t super conspicuous. Anyway, my friends had told the waiters it was my birthday, and what they do is they turn out the lights, turn on the colorful strobe lights, and go to the birthday person for a dance. I wanted to hide under the table, but for obvious reasons couldn’t. However, the next thing I know, my chair is being pulled out and I almost fall since my bad ankle was propped up. Our actual waiter then ran up and let them know I could not dance, lol. Not as bad as vegan with chicken soup, but I think it’s just as interesting. 😂 Merry Christmas, everyone! Enjoy your holiday and the new year! 😘

Gri (Sassy_One)

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, ladies and gents! Hope you have/are having a great one, and that y’all were naughty enough for Santa to remember to fill up your stocking properly😌😏


Happy holiday lovely people ♥️♥️

Angela R.

Yaaaaaaay!!!! A mini ramble! That made me so happy, Gael! I’m green with envy for the restorative walks you will be taking through your beautiful lands. That is bucket list material for me. Please enjoy your well earned R&amp;R. And enjoy all your carbs and your delicious pie! I’ve been devouring all the things myself as well. Soooo not looking at the scale. Nope. I’ll raise a glass to you at dinner, dear man. BIG smooches! 💋 Merry Christmas darling! Merry Christmas lovelies!🎄


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Hope you enjoy your christmas "chicken" pie!!🎄🎅 Enjoy your walking holiday, and you take time to rest, relax and enjoy your time away. 🤗💖💖 Your chicken soup story was hilarious!! 😂😂😂😂 I'm luck that one of my sisters is quite supportive of me being vegan because its the only way to ensure I am not sick whenever I eat and because of this she makes me the most amazing vegan cheese pie every Christmas so that I am not left out from being able to enjoy her baking!! I can totally relate to eating out as a vegan, I'm always quite happy to not eat anything so I can avoid causing any fuss, if I go to to family party's or any kind of gathering where eating is involved I always take a packed lunch with me.


Thrilled to hear a ramble from ya, G. I've missed them, and this side of you. Hope you're having an amazing time with family. Over here in the US, I'm on a six-hour drive with the parents from Boston to upstate NY today, myself, to visit grandparents. Family is ephemeral; gotta treasure the time we have. Sending love to you all. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!


I feel your pain G. I don't tell anyone the V word either. I usually just mention vegetarian and it still usually blows up in my face. The last work Christmas dinner I went to (never again) they served a Christmas roast with veggies that had simmered with the meat alongside creamed potatoes (made with heavy cream and cream cheese). For my "special" diet, they spooned the veggies out onto a plate by themselves without the meat and that was supposed to do it. LMAO I sat there and ate a dinner roll (that was stale as hell) and drank my lemon ice water. Yum!!!! So uncomfortable and had about 15 people point out or ask why I wasn't eating along with everyone. It was nervewracking having the spotlight on me. Squirming in such discomfort, I wanted to slide under the table and disappear.


You are my calm after the family storm. ❤ Merry Christmas Mr. Mayor ❤🎄


I’m lactose intolerant and I’m basically following a vegan diet so it doesn’t cause me any issues. If I had £1 every time someone kicked up a fuss about it, I’d be a very rich woman! Excuse me for not wanting to get sick 😒🙄🤣🤣


Love you so much 😚


Your voice is so damn hot and sensual and sexy


🙄 Why do people make such a big deal about vegans?? Ffs. So they don’t eat any meat or dairy. So what? They’re still people 😅 I mean I will never understand how vegans do it. I tried being vegan once for the reason that I wanted to eat healthier food, but I couldn’t do it. After a week of cutting meat out of my diet, I was very weak so I stopped it and put meat back into my diet again. So yeah, I don’t understand how vegans go without eating meat 😅 But still, I don’t get why people make such a big deal about vegans. If I was in your place at that wedding where the waitress was shouting the word “vegan” over and over, I would also be very shy and just wanting to disappear 😂😂😂


Aw man. That whole vegan thing 🙈 I would have died of embarrassment there and then. I was actually embarrassed for you when you told the story 😅 I totally get you on the pasta thing, that’s all I was served since I started eating vegetarian. But that allergy trick 😉 I’ll be trying that next time. I’d say I was a half vegan. I don’t drink dairy milk or eat a lot of cheese. These things come naturally to cows and goats so it’s not really harmful to them but I still choose not to. Have you tried the Oatly Drink ? 😍 Tastes so much better than the Soya. Also, what you said about having a plate of veg and the likes; that’s what my Christmas consisted of. My parents and family were coming round to mine so I got them to cook the meat at their house but I made myself the Quorn fillets and vegetarian gravy (not that they knew 😂) so basically I had a traditional Christmas dinner but substituted the meat for the Quorn. Simple, right ? Don’t now why people stress so much 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Gael. Enjoy the hillwalking and take in the b-e-a-utiful scenery Take care L 💜


The vegan stories totally reminded me of the vegetarian scene from "Everything is Illuminated" <a href="https://youtu.be/qsV-UeRC_OA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/qsV-UeRC_OA</a> It's even more funny in the book, when they start using "he doesn't eat meat" as an explanation whenever his behavior seems odd 😂


That vegan story omg I would’ve died G!!! Christmas is basically over here in England lol but hope you had a great day xx


Bahahaha thankyou for making me smile gael that vegan story oh my God so so hilarious. Happy holidays and thankyou for everything 💚


Yay, a mini Ramble!!!!! I love when you do these!!! You sound so good. I'll do a raw or vegetarian during the spring months, not for very long. Now, however, my doc isn't allowing it anymore due to deficiencies and my body can't get what it needs ... it's very weird. Have fun on your hike. Be careful. Love ya💝


Merry Christmas G!🎄🎁🎅🏻☃️❄️❤️


Love that vegan story,and the mini ramble. My year at patron was wonderful and I'm looking forward to 2019. Have a nice mini vacation as well😊


Merry Christmas G. Hope your holiday was grand!


Ah, merry Christmas! So cool that the workshop threads are inspiring for you too. dear heavens, that vegan story, hahaha sometimes even when people mean well, it goes SO wrong. ahhhh these descriptions makes me want to visit Ireland (black ice dangers notwithstanding, haha.)


Thanks for your mini ramble, Gael! Hearing a friendly voice after the Christmas madness soothed me like you wouldn't believe. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season ♥️


I love how he uses words like ‘beautiful’ and ‘adorable’ for food 😂❤️


Yoga and Kettle bells? That’s awesome! Add 10 rounds on a punching bag freestyle and you can go to town at Willy Wonks’s chocolate factory guilt free! The vegan section anyway, but you’d have to fight me for vegan chocolate rights 🤘


I survived Christmas 2018!😥 I had to purged audios for 12 to 24 hours before dinner with the family...G earworms are deadly. I usually have a maniacal grin and far away look, that's when people ask me what am I thinking about😁 time to binge, gorge, glut. This ram ble whet my appetite...so sweet. Happy Kringle and Merry New Year honey💋


Pie looks mmmm delicious!!! Would chef Gael be kind enough to share the recipe with us?


I can't handle your sweetness Gael 😍


Best part about vegan xmas is eating the christmas tree 😂 I hope you had an amazing Christmas. Be safe on your hillwalking trip and come back with recharged batteries❤❤❤xo


Have a noice mini vacay Mayor🤗 We love ya m8😗❤❤❤❤


I hope we get a tutorial for that curry 😋 !!...um, lock up the Red Bull’s while you’re out of the house would ya 🤣


I’m not exactly confident in my knowledge about what “hill walking” is.. my two viable conclusions a) walking around aimlessly on the green rolling hills of Ireland. b) finding the highest hills and walk up them c) rock climbing up a scariest cliffs like the ones above the sea (How to confuse/annoy a person with type A personality) Calling all Irish lads/ladies!ease tell me which option is the correct one! XD Ps lots of love! -`ღ´- An empathetic unicorn 🦄


Same, I am curious about that recipe (I didn't know it at all) so if you could share how you do it one day it'll be very interesting for my belly. ...On the other hand, I hope you had a pleasant one ladies and gents 💕 2018 was a hella spicy year and I am looking foward to another extra spicy one 😎 Enjoy yourself G , have a well-deserved break . Can't wait to see your vlogs, I missed them💕💕


Awesome Gael! I’ll be doing some hill walking too next week. I’ll be sharing some pics with lovelies and you. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Lisa Lisa

Merry Christmas, Gael! I’m always struck by how your speaking voice and accent are different from your audios. I like them all. 😊


Merry Christmas to you G! I hope that you had an amazing Christmas. Your rambles are life!!! Thank you so very much for them. 😘❤😘❤


I thought I was the only one who heard this 🙈 Both are amazing but the speaking voice has a hint of a ‘thicker’ Irish accent. I feel this is the true Gael whereas the audio is more of an accent; American/Irish almost. It happens to everyone. I’m Scottish but if I sing I’m suddenly American. Weird, right ? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂