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It's the secret to everything;

Love others...  

Let them love you... 

These are the ties that bind...

🎶 Music:  Home / Impact / Broken 








Thank you G! Christmas is really hard for my family this year as the people we want here the most have gone. They’ll forever be in our hearts though ❤️


💔😢 I'm not crying


*sniff sniff* I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING. 😭💔 The wedding vows absolutely broke me, but they were so beautiful. If I was lucky enough to marry someone like Gael and I lost him, I don't know how I would survive. I can't imagine what it's like for those who have really felt this loss. My heart goes out to them. And as silly as it sounds, all I hear right now are the words to one of my favorite songs. It's a little out of context, but, the words match this situation so well, it's actually a little heartbreaking. "This Love is good, This Love is bad, This Love is a life back from the dead. These hands had to let it go free, but This Love came back to me..." 💔


This was hard to listen to...but keeping them in my heart always 💔😭♥️


Excuse me I was unprepared for an onslaught of emotions. Things like this...what to say. These are the types of wishes/moments that I (along with others who have lost someone) would sell my very soul to experience in real life. Now pardon me while I chop these onions...😳 💜


That was so perfectly done. ❤


Damn allergies...


😢😢This made me so emotional!😭😭 Masterpiece.❤❤


❤️😢 very touching. 🏆


Hugs to everyone who needs it and thank you Gael for this piece❤❤❤👏👏👏


This audio goes straight into the category of the audios that make me cry like someone left the faucet open in my eyes, alongside “Golden years” 😭 It was beautiful, both your performance and the script, it really moved me ❤️ Although I cannot possibily understand a loss such as this one, I’m sure this audio is going to be of great help to so many people, you are a wonderful person Gael, and I’d like to thank you for bringing to life masterpieces such as this one ❤️


Well, I definitely can’t listen to this right now. My husband has been an absolute godsend these past few days, and I don’t know what I do without him. He’s been so supportive & has never once blamed me for what happened. He just wants to make sure I get the help I need & can process the trauma. He’s amazing and I don’t know what I’d do without him 😞 (Sorry guys- I may just pop in and ramble about stuff occasionally because I’m bored out of my skull at the hospital when I don’t have visitors)


Hi peopelings Due to the holidays my schedule is gonna be a bit funky Imma do a little talk on it tomorrow There’s an audio ( sweet erotic ) dropping on Christmas Eve And something a littler hotter on Christmas Day I’m gonna continue PAs right up to Jan 1st So we are flying it! Xd Hope my loves are all doing well! You’ve got this! ❤️


Oh my God ... I was not prepared for this ... It ... was just so beautiful ... thank you Gael 💜


Difficult times are always easier to bear with you around, Gael. You are a constant comfort whether you know it or not. We love you so very much. 💋 Now if you'll excuse me a moment, I'm not quite done crying my eyes out yet. 😢❤

Gri (Sassy_One)

Man, this was a hard audio to listen to...still, beautifully done. 👏🏼💕💕 Now, can someone hand me a damn handkerchief, please!

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Sitting in the dark, tears streaming down my face thinking of all my loved ones gone, how grateful I am they graced my life with their love. Absolutely beautiful Gael❤️


I.... May need to skip this one or wait for later


You may notice rain sounds in most of these new audios lol It’s rainy season so Ya gotta put up with the heavens opening


Is this like a comfort for loss audio or is loss a major part of the storyline? Not sure if I should listen... 😓


Thank you.


Sounds good to me! Need rain sounds to help me sleep - my roommate was like eating crackers or something loudly last night & there’s another girl who randomly stomps around at night 🤷🏻‍♀️ the upside to this whole experience is I’m sure it will make an interesting movie one day 😂

Angela R.

Oh my, all the feels! 😭


...a mixture of both Buttercup. You'll get emotional that's why he tags it with trigger warning my love


Dammit, G 😢


It’s a loss audio But the message is positive I think Christmas is hard on a lot of people So I picked this particular piece to comfort those who have lost their loved ones and think about them at this time of year. If you cry, cry your eyes out Tears heal ❤️


I’m not crying! I just have onions in my eyes 😭 I wasn’t prepared for this and I didn’t think this would make me as emotional as it did, but some of it just hit home and I have a feeling that this was needed. This was beautiful 💚 thank you.


It was really, really well done G. The layers and music were incredibly beautiful. It’s a tough one to listen to, but also comforting to those who understand the loss. 😑 Well, my five minutes of emotional are up, I gotta go back to being gangsta. You kind of caught me off guard there- but Thanks G😊


Thankyou gael. Its something I needed I think this hit me a lot harder than I was expecting. I think you truly are talented. Mi rei thankyou


I can't explain it without sounding absolutely crazy, but thank you for this. Down to the very wording, it was perfect. I didn't even realize how much I needed it until I heard it. <3


Oh for fuck's sake 😭😭 Really really lovely work!!


Holidays are bittersweet for me thank you for this G❣


And so it is... Really beautiful piece, G 💞💞💞

Sweet Pea

So beautifully done. Better than I could imagine this type of piece. Truly wonderful work ❤


I don't think you get it. I'm so sorry but I really don't think you get it G. I mean you make these audios and we all listen and we all appreciate and comment and have banter on the community page and on twitter and we spread your work and tell you how much we appreciate you and your craft and we have become a cheer squad for each other but after all of that I don't think you understand what your audios do for us. Everyone here has a story and has memories and lives and loves or has loved. Your audios are so much more than you can ever imagine them to be. So much more than can be articulated into words. You move us in ways that cannot be described and even though your audios vary they all emanate a very soulful place from within all of us. Whether that be a want that needs to be fulfilled or a feeling of being wanted or the need to laugh and have fun you see that and continue to create with no judgement. You move us everytime. Thank you Gael. You are magic ♥️


I’ve never been in love but this....this sent shivers down my spine and I could feel a lot more than I anticipated. Beautifully done, G! I am glad that I get to experience such amazing work❤️ Take care everyone,stay safe and be kind to yourself 😘


Holidays are hard. This is beautiful. Thank you and Merry Christmas. 🎄❤️


Gael, now you've gone and done it! I'm a crying mess! And I second what Maya says as well. Thank you


This is the 1st Christmas without my Dad. I heard so much of my parents story in this audio, their love & life built. Not much else to say, but Thank You! This was a great comfort today...




Words are still missing. But this was just Magnificent 💛


Welp, if anyone needs some Feels Bleach after listening to that (kinda like Mind Bleach, but for your feels instead!), may I present the following: A kitten getting tickled! <img height="175" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/38GzxKFzYsK2c/giphy.gif"> A cat grooming a piglet! <img height="175" src="http://www.cutecatgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/cats-love-bacon-too.gif"> A handsome pupperooni giving a high five! <img height="175" src="https://mytebox.com/gif/Hi-Five-from-Cute-Puppy-GIF.gif"> (If anyone asks, I’m only sniffling because of a combination of seasonal allergies and my delight at how well that cat and piglet are getting along ☝️😑)


Omg this is so beautiful. It broke me to pieces. It had me crying 😭 such a perfect masterpiece. I’ve never lost anyone romantically but reminds me of my Grandparents. Thank you for this incredible audio ❤️


Thank you for your beautiful mind, soul, words and voice, G! ❤


I came here for a good time and honestly I feel so attacked right now


“Until death parts us” 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I thought I was ready but I wasn't. These onions in my eyes are huge, so strong and huge.


I’m not crying. You’re crying 😢. Ok, fine. I’m crying 😭. A lot. 😭😭😭Beautiful!


This was absolutely beautiful! I lost two family members this year and this will be the first Christmas without them. I could hear both of them throughout this - I was in tears right off the bat. Thank you for this beautiful audio Gael! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


It was beautiful, Gael😢😢😢


You’re my hero for popping a trigger warning on this one. I’m not ready for this yet, so I’m deeply grateful, Gael


The holidays are kinda of a happy and sad time for me. I love my family, but it also reminds me how alone I feel when I’m away. I lost my grandmother a few months ago, and it feels weird that we aren’t going to visit with her...not to mention I see how happy my brother is with his wife and baby on the way. I haven’t ever had someone like this in my life, so it kind of makes me sad for other reasons. My heart goes out to those that have lost their loved ones, and I hope you enjoy the holidays. This audio was beautiful, even if it brought me close to tears.


Had to compose myself before writing this ... Thank u Gael this time of the year for me is so hard I really needed this even tho I just cried like a baby I feel so much lighter this helped me a great deal and for that I'm grateful may u and URS enjoy your holiday season


You never,ever disapoint, and this is why you deserve all the sucess you get, beautiful, heartbreaking beautiful. 😢😢


Alright guys - about to be silly - but I just looked at the image for this post again and was like, “Oh, it’s like Ghost!!!” And then all I could think about was this gif 😂: <img src="https://i.gifer.com/6eQR.gif">


I feel ya, Becks 😝<br><br>I couldn’t help but Google search for Patrick Swayze gifs after reading your comment, and I found this little doozie:<br><br><img height="180" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/iNjnxMOpFOW76/giphy.gif"><br><br>Now I’m imagining Gael as Patrick Swayze and Seanie as one of the Ghostbusters, and <i>I can’t stop laughing</i> 😆🤭🤐


*hides under a blanket. Sniffles*


This was so beautiful, thank you!


If I just can hit the like button a million times!!!! Omg this is super emotional.. Amazing job Gael! I promised not to cry, but I couldn't hold myself. It was hard to hold my tears 😢😢😢..


So beautiful, heart wrenching and inspiring!!!❤️❤️❤️


*Eyes brimming with unshed tears*




😭 My gahd! The feels! 💔💔💔


Noooooo my heart😭😭😫💓💗

Ariel Diamond

Not gonna lie.... I cried listening to this. It was beautiful and tragic, and it hit a little too close to home. ❤️


Wow...just...WOW! Right in the feels. That was so beautiful.


This hurts so much.


My heart....😮😭 I couldn't stop crying it's sooo beautiful and sweet but at the same time it's hurt sooo much


I finally had the courage to listen to this.. the first personal loss in my life was at age 17. My dad died so suddenly. I found out he was in the hospital and 4 hours later he was gone. That was just the first... I was really brave listening until around the 8 minute mark when I checked a final time to see if it was almost done. I’ve never done that before. I sucked in what I thought was air but was my chest. I’ve never felt that feeling before. I’ve been spreading the message and love throughout the last month or two telling others to be kind and reach for others. And to give everyone grace bc you don’t know their struggle. The ppl you might not see suffering in are at times the ones hiding pain, loneliness or sorrow behind a brave face or an empty smile. The holidays just suck for some people. I was moved and really took it personally this year. I dont know why. Maybe because that person was me. I exhaled letting my chest go. There are more tears behind my eyes that I am refusing to shed. Maybe because I don’t feel I have the right to cry. My mom survived Christmas. I should be so happy. Yes I’m grateful, I really am. There are so many other sadder stories and acute pains. Maybe my tears are for everyone else? Because I definitely didn’t earn the right. I don’t deserve them. They can’t be cried because I have some sad story about why the holidays sucked so much this year. There are sadder ones yet. I tried to inhale and this time my ribs hurt. Why why why? They hurt so so much. I really need to let go and cry. Those tears will be there until I cry them anyway. I don’t need to have a special reason or fabricate a story about them. They are mine. Sometimes I will share them. If I share mine with you, you sure as hell should be appreciative because it’s a whole new level of trust. My chest just hurts right now and is reminding me that I still need to cry. I need to cry MORE anyway. And Gael, I think I needed to end my suicide awareness campaign this year with this. I appreciate you sharing and writing about all parts of life for us. Including death. I’ve been all over social media today avoiding my new reality. Can’t walk, eat or sleep. Pretty important things for survival! *holds pillow to chest tightly* *holds back tears* *easily shares love* -`ღ´-


It is said, in the tags. “Warning”, “triggered” and “loss”. Yet, my heart wasn’t ready for this one. I’m so broken and relieve at the same time, right now. How can you be this good, Gael? You sway with my emotions. I’m in the medical field, so I’ve been seeing/feeling lots of loss. Despite, not being the real family. However, being so close to them, it’s really sad. You are right though, we’re never alone. Someone is always there for us. Someone is always there, whenever we needed someone. Anyway, thank you so much for this one, Gael.


One of the most beautiful of your creations. Heart wrenchingly lovely. Just exquisite! I have no words...❤

Jenice Coffey

I am not crying. You are crying

