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 Did you have a nightmare?  Oh come here my love...

I'm here...




First! 💋💋


Exactly what I needed!


just what I needed after a terrible no good day 😫 you’re the best G 🥰😘💖


I’m so thankful right now! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜

Cherry Riley

Omg I need this after the day I had. 😭


Oh this is gonna be lovely....thanks G. Perfect timing. 😘


Looking forward to some comfort.


😍😍😍 Thank you for this. I’ve been having a lot of nightmares lately 🙈




Perfect.... been a rough day!


Thank you, that's all just thanks.😊💚💚💚


*gasps* ARE YOU FINALLY SINGING TO US!?!? 😭💜 *throws down everything I was carrying and runs to grab headphones*


Omg!! Just as I wrote on twitter that if you would sing for us!! Thank you so much gentle beautiful man 😍😘😘


can'twait to listen


Just had the most awful day... Got in trouble with the boss, lost my purse, had two flats on the car, the pipe exploded in the kitchen... Sigh... I pressed play and burst into tears. Thanks so much for this. Ni ni everyone. 😿🐾


Not the sleep song again!! And those whispers 😭😭 You sweet, sweet life ruiner. ❤


This is going to be the loveliest once nighty night comes 🌧️🎶❤️❤️


Oh this is every kind of lovely that exists. Thank you. Curious what song that is though. Can’t tell if it’s one in my collection or not. ... Wait, typed that out loud didn’t I? 🤭 💚


Sleepsong by Secret Garden 😍 One of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard! 😍❤ <a href="https://youtu.be/p_cdXNWD1VY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/p_cdXNWD1VY</a>


I love this so much.❤ A tender, beautiful, loving embrace that I felt myself melt into, and your humming adds a whole other sweet touch of caring comfort. Much needed and much appreciated today. I thank the heavens and the stars above for you, darling G. So much love to you.💕💕😙❤❤


Perfect. 🌟


❤️❤️❤️ Is é mo chosaint mo bheannacht.


I fell asleep and woke back up and the audio was still happening lol. Really lovely and relaxing 👍👍👍


So very much needed - perfect timing. Thank you so very much! 💕


No nightmare, but the damn alarm clock scared me senseless. Gonna need all the sleepy cuddles help to get over that - thank you Lovely ❤


Another masterpiece! 😍😍 It works perfectly! It has all the elements to make it a must among my favourites! The heartbeat, the sleepsong, you humming and most of all the words you used 🤤 they where exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve become so used to listening to your sleep audios before falling asleep that I miss it when I don’t do it! Every time you put out another hour long sleep audio it’s a great day for me! 😄 Especially if it goes on with just your breathing sounds, that’s my favourite part, it really feels like there’s someone close to me and it is so effective in relaxing me and making me feel comforted like you wouldn’t believe! 😊 Thanks a lot Gael, I mean it! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Gael,I really love this😊


hey all! Happy hump day! The original version went missing after the YouTube purge so I decided to remake it with added Gaelic and sound effects. The weather is stormy here so I overlaid rain sounds over the storm! I’m glad ye like it!


Gael you are beautiful xxxxxx


Honestly, what didn't get lost in there? 😂 I was doing my audio research and there were months where only 1 audio was left. ONE!!! 😂😭


Well that audio did the trick last night! Another addition to the sleepies play list!


Lovely💜 Thank you!




Wish I had listened to this when I couldn’t fall back asleep this morning. No nightmare, but I do have a bad sleeping schedule of waking up super early and not being able to go back to sleep. This would have conked me right out with those wonderful sounds 💚

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but there is something so incredibly comforting and relaxing about listening to someone sleep 😊... unless they're a snorer... good thing G isn't!... although... how 'bout that, G?... a snoring audio?... that could be something that *some* people are into 😅... just make sure you call that out in the tags so I can skip it... I've had enough of snoring for a lifetime 😋...


You. Can. Sing. Quit acting like you can’t 😜😘


Gancanaugh, Incubus, Mesmer, Mr. Sandman.... 💋🌆


G, if I could wake up from a nightmare and have you sing to me like this I would be in heaven. This was so sweet and special to me. I loved this!!!!😘


So nice


you may wonder what was that nightmare i dreamed last night. it was between me and lucifer something i completely forget about it from when i was child like we were the closet friends together hahaha i dreamed i am in the hell fires are around me which makes shaking but i realized theres no sense to those flames they can't see me i realised fire itself had no eyes on me they were belong to lucifer eyes hell itself is made for lucifer wish. isn't that interesting maybe here some lovely agree with me because my family and friend don't usually like my dreams hahaha they always say your dreams are the life itself you are the controller to do whatever you want which make them don't me to say they do not realised i am the dreams itself that he always looking for (life). So after we met again he said i am sorry we lift each other to traveled the world alone for you just only to made a mess to help you clean your room from dirtiness by burning them now i am come to play with you under your wishes and desires. someone please made novel from him he is the best XD so thank you for Irish Lullaby they were very comfort to sleep.


A new favorite. ❤️


Okay. Had a nightmare and I went looking for a nightmare comfort audio and when G started singing "La la la"..my eyes sprung open and I momentarily forgot what I was listening to, I thought I was listening to a lullaby in a horror movie. I'm sorry Gael I was just surprised, just jumpy from the dream. Your singing is not bad I swear. Anyway, thank you for this one! The soft music, rain and reassuring words helped me. I can go back to sleep listening to this again, not gonna get scared of the la la la this time 😄💚