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I love to play with your fire after we fight.....

Happy Friday from a very stormy Eire!



Possible Trigger - Loud Sounds // Angry Sex




This just made my Friday! Have a wonderful weekend G! Alpha Girl🤔🤔🤔This should be good 🤤🤤😍😍


Real storm sounds 😍


Oh yes! Happy Friday to you G. Can't wait for this. ❤️😋😘




Literally just squealed seeing a new post up 😊😊😊




Oh my! Happy Friday to us 😍


Happy Friday... does the happy dance!,,


Oooo! My fire, huh? 🔥😋


...also real fight?


I. Cannot. Wait.


Ooh....Alpha Girl/Alpha G?? Sign me up!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


An early Friday present.... thanks G! Saving this for later 😉😊


How I wish I wasn't at work so I could listen *right now*! 😏 I didn't know these Alpha audios would have such an effect on me 😥




Thanks Patreon for not notifying me about this one 🙄😂 I’m so excited to listen 😁

Jasmine sanfi

How do you know i needed this? Can't wait to listen to it before bed later, have a great weekend G 🖤


Happy Friday, fam! Totes jelly of this scenario - My hubs always wants to be alone if we have a fight. I’m all like, “Why can’t you just hate fuck me like a normal person?!? 😫😂” (Luckily, we don’t fight much!)


Speechless......not many things better than make up sex, WOWZERS!! This was AMAZING! Kinda glad I decided to lay back down.




The sound when you first hit against that wall... Daaamn! Storm raging outside and inside! *Girl Growl* 💋💋💋💋🔥🔥🔥🔥


Oh shit.😳😳😳 I might have to listen right now!!! Editing can wait! <img src="https://i.imgur.com/kCfBQcY.gif">


OH FUCK!!! This right here...This right here...has given me the best mind fuck that I have ever had. I could visualize this whole scene. To see the fire and passion, to hear the growls, heavy breathing, the moans, to taste the kisses, to smell the sweetness of sex, and to touch and feel everything. This has stimulated all 5 of my senses. G, you have taken this to a whole new level for me. I love it!!! 🔥😘🔥😘


This was unexpectedly therapeutic for the day I've been having. Yes. Just ... fucking yes. Thank you G xo 🔥💥😤❤


Just listened to the teaser on soundgasm... tell me what you want, what you really really want...😈


Just a rough fuck and that's it...I found it therapeutic as well, tho there was a specific scene which was not really my taste....some real life bad experiences that one can never forget!


Against the wall!! She was ready!! #p&amp;$$*personified #hecangetit Ain't nothing like a Gfuck, baby! 😈




*Snoop Dogg voice* 🎶 “Ain’t nothin but a G fuck, baby! 🎶 <img src="https://media.tenor.com/images/e75ebbf2ee5bfba69b2c34333263785e/tenor.gif">


Hitting that wall. Damn! And finding the line between anger and passion. 🔥


Gonna listen tonight...my area has a flood warning cause of rain!!!


I get to play midday!!!


lol this is a bold image choice. Not complainin'~


Interesting experience.. Listening to this while sitting on the train, full of people 🚉👍😅👍😜👍😝👍😄👍😆👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Not listening till later nope nope nope. I can tell 😂


Mmmm angry fucking! That's good! I still don't know what I prefer... I like both alpha!girl and alpha!boy.


Serial killer Gael strikes again. I *might* have survived had it not been for the whiplash between Wednesday’s audio and today’s. Alas, I did not. 😵⚰️




Those sound effects coupled, with the graphic. Made for an incredible experience, to say the least. And I always go back to the sound effects, because , they are always on fleak.Everytime you upload an audio like this one,I think he can't possibly be alone recording this, there has just got to be someone else there .That is how authentic your audios sound never ever phoned in all ways 100 percent real. Lol😉☺💚💚💚


I’ve actually been in almost this same position with my ex, we would have angry sex pretty often. We actually even did it against the wall like that a couple times. We kinda took turns being the alpha lol


I’m so glad you posted this audio when you did, G! It’s really stormy here and my car and house have taken quite a bit of damage. Not to mention my garden is completely flooded. This audio is a welcome distraction 😂❤️


How am I supposed to get through my next meeting when this is waiting??? 😳 Ugh! I now know how Vally felt the other day....it’s gonna be SO hard to concentrate...so hard...and it’s a pun now too 😝


Gurl, you saw my face - hold onto to your fuckin hat! 😂 <img src="https://media2-giphy-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/media2.giphy.com/media/uELDhoOZdSnUk/200w.gif?cid=8d8c03585be34a7b506f3075323ea148">

Angela R.

I can't wait to listen! Sounds like a wild ride!


Gael, if I was gonna fuck it out of you - I would have put your ass on the floor to control MY orgasm. THEN you could flip me for yours. There would also be a lot more biting and moved/broken furniture. That's how this fiery Phoenix wants to play. Grrr


Is it a flood warning because of dis audio? 🤔 I think a lot of people’s “areas” had flash flooding 😂 <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/HvAyOr3ye3JTO/giphy.gif">


<img src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/satireknight/images/e/e4/Why_don%27t_we_have_both.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141107154420">

Monique (Mimzz)

This is what I've been waiting for!! 😍😥❤


No way, G. No way you can handle this baby... 😂😂


Xcuse me lads, but, is that Mark Rufallo in the post picture??? If so, his dick is bbbiiiiggggggg lol


#Hulkpenis #Hulksmash 😂 <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/xFBnkMvpTM6m4/giphy.gif">


HOLLY SHIIIIt those collapsing SOUNDS AT 4 min got me WOOOHOOOOOOing ! I was living it! I just managed to save my ass when I got asked : who just screamed ? * what? Heard someone?... What happened? * BUT DAMN HOT TAMALES THAT WAS INSANELY HOT We're not even talking about Fire it's VolcanoMagma here!!! And Those stormy sounds tho! Im an easy goner but this Alpha Boy right there ..this. from the beginning to the end..forget about how rainy it is here tonight too. I'm just so so deceased🌀🥀☠ #getitoutgetitout #Getitallfukinout #GladlydamnLord #Bitingonlip #girlgrowllllll #Againsthefuckinwall #TGIFDAMNIT 🦊🎆🎆🎆 Let's pick up another fight to make up again ... Though No. You'll sleep on the couch Chéri.




The emotional space carved out for this scene to take place in is brilliant.


h o l y CATS!!!! listen, I normally prefer the soft, sweet, deeply loving audios, and some of the rougher alpha!Gael ones aren't my cuppa (esp when degrading?) but HOLY BOY O BOY!! I feckin LOVED the anger in this, also because it felt so...honoring? to the Alpha!Girl?? It's so rare to feel like there's a place where one can safely release your anger? So the whole talking run-up, how you seamlessly and slowly ramped it up, and then the WALL-SMACKS, I was 110% on board!! How slow the penetration was, how you paused to narrate it, to let the Muse get adjusted, and then you stomped the gas? This kind of timing is TOUGH! And the cumming separately too! when he growls "you want it harder when you're cumming?" UGH HOW DID YOU KNOW. I thought you teased the tension/give between the dominance wrestling perfectly!! It felt tense and angry but never selfish or cruel, and that's so beautiful I could nearly cry. Everything was pitch-perfect, this is going in my top 5, maybe 3!! I would lOVE more AlphaGirl like this, also gosh the afterglow, even though short, the "have I quenched your fire?" with how soft your voice was? Got me right in the sentiments. &lt;3 I would love a whole soft AlphaGirl audio. But also gosh I never thought I'd say this but....more angry!sex! (healthily! between equals!)


I loved this whole audio, but damn Gael, the buildup to your orgasm was one of the most genuinely sexy things I’ve heard yet!!! It was such a turn on hearing how much you were enjoying it , and really letting yourself go to the pleasure 😘


Holy fucking hell, that orgasm you had at the end. I wish I could have waited until you had yours so I could have mine the same time as you 🔥🔥🔥 But I couldn’t wait any longer 🤤 I haven’t felt like doing this since the break up, but I’m feeling better and I wanted to do it now to this audio. So fucking hot 😈


Right? I felt the same way. HAHA! I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better, Rosie. Sending much love your way 👌💜😘.


Holy Jesus on ice skates Batman! That was amazingly hot!🔥🔥💦💓 Phew, I need to go lie down.💫💨


The last 4 mins were sooo damn hot 🔥🔥🔥.. Holding back for as much as you can to keep the pleasure as long as you can. Your moans on those last 4 mins were absolute pleasure to every part of my fuckin body..




I'm a recent patron (less than a week)... I can't get enough of this man's talent. You're amazing Gael.


:)))))))) it’s not sex if there’s not a good tussle before. Can’t let a man in your pants if he can’t defeat you in battle first. .......Or is that just me?? So yes; bravo. Awesomeness!!!


I thought this was an interesting twist on an Alpha Gael audio, but I’ll confess that there’s still another kind of Alpha audio that I’d like to hear... ...I want to hear an audio where Alpha Gael actually <i>loses</i> in the battle of sexual wills against the listener’s "Alpha Girl". Or they at least break even. <b>[Overthink-y thoughts on the audio]</b> I wasn’t entirely sure whether this audio was meant to be seen as a "tie" or as a "victory" for Alpha Gael, at least in terms of who exerted the most control or dominance. A line at the beginning of the audio (<i>"I can take all that you got and more"</i>) suggests the latter, but the line <i>"You’ve quenched mine</i> [fire]<i>"</i> suggests the former. I’m a bit more inclined to think that not only did Alpha Gael win the "fight", but that he was pretty much in a position to win from the very beginning. Which is totally fine in and of itself, but to me it made this audio ultimately feel like...well, every other Alpha Gael audio. Initially I was really eager to hear how Alpha Gael would fare against the fierce Alpha Girl. But similar to the audio My (Alpha) Girl Against the Wall, it felt like Alpha Girl’s dominant qualities were always overshadowed by Alpha Gael’s. She had fire in her eyes and her fists were clenched, yes. She’d probably been holding her own in the verbal fight presumed to have taken place before the events of the audio. But the audio suggests that: - She growled...because you told her to. - She bit your lip...because you told her to. - She did the whole "balls squeeze, cock jerk" bit...because you told her to. I know that it’s probably pretty tricky to convey reciprocity in an audio where only one person is providing vocals. You have to pull the double duty of describing 1) what you’re doing to the listener’s character, and 2) how the listener’s character is responding to your actions. One of the clearest and most straightforward ways to do that is to narrate the action as a command, which certainly fits with an Alpha persona. But if the majority of Alpha Girl’s actions are presented as her following Alpha Gael’s orders, I guess it could potentially make her seem more like Beta Girl. If the intended theme of the audio was Alpha Gael ultimately dominating Alpha Girl, then everything I’ve written above is a moot point. But for an audio where both characters are meant to be equally Alpha, it’d be neat to hear them taking turns being in control.<br><br>For example, Alpha Girl gets shoved up against the wall at the beginning of the scenario. Maybe part way through the scene she could wrestle Alpha Gael down to the floor and pin his arms down.** Or maybe she could be described as "punishing your cock", just like how you talk about punishing her pussy. You’d still be responsible for conveying <i>what</i> Alpha Girl is doing, but by presenting your responses to <i>her</i> actions (e.g., <i>"Fuck, I love how fiery you get when you pin me down and ride me!"</i> or something better than my crappy idea of erotic dialogue), I think it would give her more of an active, dominant role compared to her following your commands and just really enjoying the rough sex.<br><br><b> [/Overthink-y thoughts on the audio]</b> Or at least that was my take on the scenario 😯 Either way, the last 5 minutes of the audio was super fun to listen to, so please do feel free to include more of that in future Alpha audios. Or romantic audios. Or rambles. Anything, really 🤓👍 **(Whether this would even be physically possible is open to interpretation, but since audios are designed to be fantasies, anything goes, right? 😝)


I don't know what to say about the audio in general. I see alot loved it and I'm happy for them. The scene where Gael pushed the muse against the wall and that sound I almost felt the pain in back of my head. You know why? Bc in real life I was pushed like that from ex . Bam and I fainted. Blood everywhere and I spent almost two weeks in hospital. I was injured not only physically but mentally as well. I needed months to forget that accident. Honestly I was bothered yesterday since I didn't know this rough stuff was a a bit of different rough and I didn't know about the scene....nevertheless I'm trying to change. I'm trying to enjoy these stuff the way I enjoyed them before. I want to erase all those dark memories. I don't want to look back.... Gael is good. Pls don't get me wrong. All this is me and my personal life and what I've been through. I learned and made good and bad experiences through my relationships. just some memos are hard to forget... Still, I envy you all for enjoying this audio so much. I wish I could as well. I really wish.....


Ooookay, this confirms that. I'm so not an alpha girl. Or not that kind of alpha girl at least. I did not really get into it until the last 4 to 5 minutes. I'm not the rough, tough, dominating kind of person but I do love giving enough pleasure to my partners to take them out of their minds. To make them feel raw and almost vulnerable. So if the first 15 minutes or so were not for me, the last few minutes of wordless whimpers and soft moans were more than enough for me to enjoy myself thoroughly 😊


"This cock is gonna put you in your fucking place" <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0/giphy.gif">


All I can say is oof. Talk about getting all riled up. Absolutely love, love, love Alpha V Alpha


You definitely set me on fire 😍🔥❤️


The line "this cock is gonna put you in your place" mmmhmmm gimme some baby!!!


I LOOOOOOOVE Alpha Gael but that line had me like " say what now???🤔🤔🤔" mainly bcuz I went on a few dates with a dude who said stuff like that n I was like "if ur not about to literally carry me i need to know does it appear on GPS? Can Alexa find this mystery location? I think we need a map!!" 😑😑😑😑😑


“Do you want me to f... it out of you?” Uh huh 😳👍🏻👏🏻🔥🔥🔥


Those kisses after. Jesus. I’m gonna go pick a fight with my husband. Be right back 😂


Poor husband...he's going to be so confused 😊😉😂


*mind blown*. Best sex I’ve ever had. And I’ve had some pretty fantastic fucks too. Jus sayin. Fuuuuuck yeah! 😁♥️


Post Script... so as of about an hour ago all I’d heard were YouTube clips which don’t get me wrong, are incredible! So I decided to listen to the audio that corresponded with the YouTube video. How different could it be? I asked myself. Mind you, I live alone which to me makes this funny. The audio started. I got up to make sure my dog was staying out of trouble and halfway from one place to the next I shouted “holy fuck what is happening?!” My dog is like “dude I did nothing. And I give zero fucks about your mental state right now” So I decided it was time to sit. I decided to just calmly lie down and listen. Now I know what an eargasm is. I forced my hands to be still but that was exhausting. As a newly discovered empath, I realize now that I was triggered into a state of being. Just being. But talk about mind numbing/heart pounding/legs shaking experience. I still here with my mouth open and my eyes wide. 😁♥️🦄


You go girl

Saya J

Soooo hot and immersive. Although the tender audios are my favorite, I do love your alpha ones and I feel like I learn something new about myself with each one. Seriously, you make the only rough audios I can enjoy. Thank you for never raising your voice in an angry manner! Your type of aggression is just sexy and I always feel safe. And your growls are the best. YOU are the best, G!💙


Largely lovely, the ending in particular. Was a tiny lickle bit worried about how the buildup might interact with some personal history, based on others' comments, but I needn't have been. Overall, you've a deft hand at maintaining a caring &amp; honoring tone in a scenario where those could easily be lost. The only dash of cold water for me was a line that likely turned others on immensely. But that's bound to happen for someone or other in an audio like this, and you were very responsible about letting us know what we were getting into when we clicked 'play'. (Suffice it to say that in my head, the Muse had some witty but serious-undertoned Words for alpha-Gael about being "put in her place", because a woman's place is wherever she chooses to be, thankyouverymuch.) Not a "you shouldn't have said it" at all -- it's the sort of line that'll absolutely hit different women differently, and some/many in a very exciting way. For me, it came across as a bit out-of-tune with the beautiful reciprocity of the rest of the audio: it's the only note that felt like he was putting her beneath him. But I do understand that doing so wouldn't ever have been the intention, and overall you pulled off something very tricky: post-argument dominance with a partner who can clearly hold her own, with some anger still in the mix but without vindictiveness -- except possibly for that one line, for some listeners. And the whole thing never felt unsafe or uncaring or punishing, any of which it easily could've done in a less respectful artist's hands. Just giving data from one point over here, so you get a full range of feedback. Something nifty: The sounds toward the start went a different direction for me than for some, but in a way I liked: it's possible to hear the thunking as her having pushed *him* against the wall (in the full knowledge that the tables are about to turn, but it sounded like they both had a point to make on that score), then Gael turning them around &amp; pinning/lifting her. Neat artistic choice there, having enough foley to leave room for multiple possible interpretations. I find myself really nervous about leaving this comment, but Doc seems to have gotten away with some honest feedback, so I'm chancing my arm in the hope that it's useful to hear the range of how different elements play for different listeners.


I think everything you wrote above is reasonable, Brigid 🙂<br><br>Don’t worry, I always get a bit nervous whenever I post feedback, too. With the community being as welcoming as it is, I know a lot of my nervousness is unwarranted. But I think part of it is me feeling awkward for sharing thoughts that seem to go against the grain of what many others (appear to) think. I’ll wonder if perhaps I’ve gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick, or if I’m too much of a philistine to appreciate the audio, or if I’m even just having a bad day and taking out my rotten mood on others.<br><br>As a result, I always run my comments through a mental filter of <i>"Have I worded this as neutrally as possible? Have I anticipated possible counterpoints and tried to address them in my comment? Should I add more emojis to convey that I’m not trying to be malicious? Should I end it with 'Hugs and dick!' even though I don’t actually have a dick??"</i> 😯 before posting them.<br><br>(Or sometimes I chicken out and don’t post them at all, but that’s all on me and not applicable to this situation.)<br><br>I remember the incident several months back where you expressed your thoughts on a particular audio, and the responses you got from certain individuals were...well, not particularly pleasant (to put it mildly). I’m sorry that that happened to you - you absolutely did not deserve it. I think that the atmosphere in the community has improved a lot since then and I’m glad that episodes like those are few and far in-between. But I can understand why it might give some people pause (or at least it does to me) when they decide what to say or not say in their feedback.<br><br>Ultimately I don’t think anyone should have to "get away" with providing honest feedback, as if it’s a bad thing to do. As long as it’s expressed respectfully and constructively, feedback about things that might not have worked so well for listeners is just as legitimate as feedback that is entirely positive 👍


I don't participate in angry sex is a fact of my life, just a statement I made that was brought on by the content of the audio but not at all a critique of the audio. My personal preferences, life choices or circumstances should have no bearing on what G choses to record and release to the public. This is why he uses trigger warnings. I believe alot of people have asked for after a fight, make up, angry sex audio. There are a lot of people who equate anger with "fire", whose relationships or idea of relationships thrive in that area of chaos/drama/"passion". In the audio the argument felt pretty significant from the beginning dialogue but they worked out/fucked out the anger then it was all good, which was the point. I think he did a great job portraying that. For ME the muse being a brat or "acting" mad about something "silly" and being put in her place by his cock would be more up my ally, but who cares? Its not my personal audio. The only "problem" I had with the audio is that I didn't feel any Alpha from the muse except that she was angry. Unhinged/uncontrolled emotions don't translate to "alpha" to me and if its labeled Alpha girl she should be less passive (but what do I know 🤷🏾‍♀️). Otherwise I think the audio turned on who it was meant for. Everything is certainly not for everybody. Vally, my love, I don't think Gael was making fun of anybody who was startled/triggered by the wall thud. I think he genuinely understood that it was kind of loud maybe louder than intended and took it out for the YT release because of the effect it could have had on even more people which is a benefit of feedback so please don't feel bad about what he said. ❤❤ IN CONCLUSION 😂, let us remember these are just stories, listen to them, don't live inside them.


That's exactly what I mean. Yes to everything you said. Absolutely. In general I just felt bad for talking about what I've been through and what triggered me. I personally asked G. for adding one more or extra tag in future so I'm warned. Beside that I never want Gael to stop recording these type of audios. As I always say there are enough lovelies who loves so called "angry sex" and I totally respect their taste.... And of course I'd love to move on since at the end of the day it's just an audio and a fantasy story and not a real life! ❤


Great work here, G. I quite enjoyed this


Oh, I know that Brigid!!!. ❤❤No clue who this Lucy is tho. Meh, whateva. Reeses puffs!! Yummy! Cat...I forgot about Cinnamon toast crunch. Now I want some. I'm a Captain crunch girl. Even tho it scrapes my mouth. 😂


Gael, or maybe one of the lovelies can help me figure this out. Is it just me or can you only get to this version through the sugar page? While I love most everything Gael posts I’m not quite convinced that this audio enerjjee was ment for the sugar page. As a lovely that is signed up for both sugar and spice I’m sure not all the spicy lovelies are signed up for the sugar page. I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth but just looking out for all the spicy lovelies. Please fill me in if this question has already been answered. Hope all are having or have had a great day.


Holy crap, what the hell? The last time I was here, I saw some genuine and well thought-out comments from Doc and Vally and the thing I come back to is someone slinging slurs about it? I know I'm late to this party, but damn. There is no reason to jump down someone's throat for offering feedback—even critical feedback—on an audio. Full stop. We are not all going to be gung-ho about every single audio. We're just not. But that feedback is valuable, too, because if the artist thinks they're putting across one message and no one tells them that's not the case, then there's a real problem. It's not helpful. Is every critique cause for a complete course correction? No, of course not. It's ultimately up to the artist how they want to use that critique. But they can't do anything with a critique they don't get. Is this still a place to deliver that type of feedback? I honestly question that these days. Furthermore, as others have already said, there are community guidelines here. When even one member of the community does not abide by those guidelines, it destroys the trust and safety that allows people like Vally to voice their concerns when it's needed. I can tell you from my personal perspective that fear of exactly that type of reaction is why I don't comment on the audios anymore. I am not going to open that door to someone calling me names because I don't get as "into it" as they do. I get enough of that in my regular life. Yes, one person's kink can very easily be another person's trigger. That's what the tags are for. If a tag is missing, that needs to be said. The element of "surprise" in an audio <i>is not worth more than someone's safety.</i> It's not. If you don't need the tags? Don't read 'em. But they are there for a reason. I haven't even listened to this audio because of the initial concerns raised by Vally (and now the TW tag). If I hadn't had that information, I could've been in for a <i>nasty</i> reaction that I honestly don't want to have. I spend a lot of time being mad and having to fight in my regular life. I don't want to do it vicariously through an audio, and there are certain particular elements here that I would not want to experience even through an audio. That's my choice. But it's one I would be less informed about making without that feedback. This conversation saved me from an experience that would have left me worse after the listening instead of better. And while I don't know what's in G's mind even so much as 1% of the time, I do know that he would <i>never</i> want one of us to feel like listening to one of his audios was a negative experience. So yeah. Absolutely no need to be calling people names for voicing their concerns. And kudos to all of you who stepped up and made it clear that such behavior is not okay. 💜


This audio IS posted on the Spice page, so anyone who is signed up for the page can find this and listen to this if they scroll through G's page. He also made a Youtube/Sugar version that he posted on both the Sugar and the Spice pages. The only difference is that he put the link to the NSFW version (this version) under the Sugar post too, so people can know there is this version available too. It's pretty much just a heads up for the Sugar people, since all the Spice girls (and boys) can already access this through the Spice page 😉


Well said Kira and AngieFoxie. I've only been here a week but the messages did make me think twice about posting anything at all. Then the voice of reason came out in me and I thought hey there are over 2430 people and one stupid comment was probably just that, a stupid comment. Hurtful none the less, but that girl is clearly in a bad place herself, or drunk, or drugged, in order for her to be so unkind.


Girls don't make me come back again to the thread...so this gonna be my last comment on this audio: much love ❤ to Doc, Cat, Angie,Kira, Moni, Berta, Brig and JJ. You ladies are amazing!


Don't forget Trigger Warning Meh 😉😂💓 (That's her name, and she knows it)


This was an exception dear. Don't worry. Everything gonna be fine❤


Yes! All the growls I love and have missed :)


The thud on the wall was insanely hot


Yeah baby, that residue is still th ere 😉 15:00 on absolutely ridickulous😻


i was not ready for that thud


Holy shit omg


Woah, this is definitely a favorite. The slam against the wall caught me off guard in the best possible way. It takes crazy talent to make something that makes you forget yourself like this. Damn, Gael.


I believe I can confidently say that this is my favorite. ❤


I’d argue with you on purpose just for this. That slam against the wall recalibrated my kink meter omgawd 😳


This was insanely hot! I finished 5 minutes before the door bell rang and it was my mother!!! 🥵🔥🤯😳💦🔥 I am one flustered flusterfluff of flustered fluff. Or something. Idk. I can’t feel my legs or my brain. 😵😴 Good night!


Delicious. And that wrestling and thud... yummy for me. It felt amazing to feel safe and afirmed in this scenario. It was the first time I felt, even just in my mind, that I can truly be safe in expressing all that furious enerdree. It was beautiful for me right now. Thank you for creating it and making it so loving, even in a rougher situation. 🤗


Amazing! Very Erotic!🔥🔥