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Hi all!

I have a lickle bit of a head cold :(
I wanted to add a second audio to the Quiet Weekend fiasco but I unfortunately I have been struck down, floored... ravaged, consumed by the deadliness....

Pray for me!

I have a few audios ready to go though (I'm always prepared :D )

I'll be adding the second part very soon! I just don't think a blocked nose sounds sexy!


Thank you for you kindness, your compassion and your outright worry for me during these most difficult of times 

Your patient;






Feel better soon. :)


Get well soon Gael 😇


Wishing you a speedy recovery Mr G! ❤️


hoping you feel better my love 💕💕💕 we’re always here for you!

Ms. Donovan

Man down!!! Man down!!! Feel better love ♥️


Its so good to know ye have got my back haha


Feel better! 😘. BTW if ever someone could still sound sexy with a blocked nose, it’s u. But we’ll let u rest so u don’t die on us. 😂


Feel better ma love 😭😭


Feel better love ! We will be here waiting ♥️


Aw! Feel better Gael! We can wait ❤️❤️❤️


Cyber soup n snuggle hugs comin your way! Get well soon....but rest! 😘

Jasmine sanfi

Ahah don't worry G! I've been sick and still from a few days so i understand you...hope you get well soon! Can't wait for anything you will give to us. Take care and rest. BIG BIG HUGS AND GOOD VIBES TO YOU💜


Who said we have your back huh?😝 I'm joking as always... Gute Besserung Boopy. Take care of your cute nose 🧡


*nurse mode activated* Feel better.... heehee made me think of this <a href="https://youtu.be/fKpqGuSxEXU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/fKpqGuSxEXU</a>


I swear I didn't share my germs!!!


Ginger tea with lemon and honey fella. If you’re feeling fancy, add a shot of gin. (It won’t cure you any faster but you won’t care afterwards! 😂)


I love that meme! I recommend steaming with eucalyptus or ravensara oil. They have anti viral properties and they help you feel better too. Lots of hot liquids. Hmmm. I wonder if hot sex in a steam bath would just help you sweat out all those impurities. :) Don't worry, G, we'll still be here when you get back.


Poor Gael, yet always the smile in your voice. I make an awesome vegan minestrone soup. A cute for what ails you. Take care, love!


Aw, G! Don’t worry about us, take care of yourself first! ❤️


Come to bed with me...and let’s share meds! 😂😂😂 I, too, am forced to stay in bed after volunteer work. Fever and fatigue, nothing viral. Hope you feel better soon! Excited about ur weekend surprise. ♥️


Feel better soon hun!!!! Take care of yourself, that's all that matters


Whew. The title “pray for me” had me worried 😓 Hope you get well soon 😚


Oh boy... the Man Flu season has come early this year huh??!!😜😜 feel better luv... 💋💋


Your voice sounds good and Sexy even when you're cold! You can count with a big squad of nurses, so don't worry!! Take care, Mayor!


Omg where’s Dani?? Let’s offer the really helpful and not at all gross suggestion of the NOSE FRIDA!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hearing your smile is my favourite thing T^T ♡ get well soon ♡ *smooch smooch ~♡




Audio Idea!: My Nighting-Gael An audio where my nurse takes care of me and helps me make it through a deadly head-cold?? xd


Oh no, not again!!!🤣 Poor baby 😌 I'm sure you will have plenty of virtual nurses, hugs, and laughs to carry you through 🤗🤗 Take care of yourself. Get well soon! ❤️


But trust me you sounds even sexier with a blocked nose 🤭


You can't fool me, Gael.. I know you are just pinching your nostrils together while you talk 😉... JK! Bee baa bee baa bee baa 🚑 Feel better soon.. before someone comes at you with a rectal thermometer 😂😂😂


Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Get better soon dear Gael! Take time for you to heal and feel better. Your lovelies are ALWAYS here for you. Hugs, kisses and get well wishes!💋


The smile in the voice. Yes, Gina. It's so wonderful. I wonder how that works...What are the differences in sound waves that are going on that make us know that he is smiling? I had an ex who smiled with his voice too. I can't recall anyone else I know that does it though. A lovely gift.


Not me, BTW. ☝️ But someone else...someone into butt stuff. WELP! *Gets tackled out of the room by a crowd of lovelies in nurse uniforms*


Get well soon honey 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋


Biggest hugs, Gael. Rest that beautiful voice of yours! We have PLENTY of delicious to last us until you are better! 💋💋💋 just now


Awww, our poor sweet G! He has the man flu! Xoxoxo. Wish I was there to rub the pain away😏


(Sorry you're sick, luv.)


Damn you man-cold! *shakes fist in the air* Hope you feel better asap! Load up with tea, Vaporub (no endless amount of volunteers to help you out with that one, I'm sure ;-) lol), cold medicine and lots and lots of rest! *sprays comment section with a generous amount of disinfecting spray* Lots of love, big guy! :D


Awww, my poor patient!😉😅😂 All of that stuff can wait until you're all better, G! I hope you feel better soon, love! You're feeling sick, and yet you still manage to make me smile. :) Sending love, hugs, hot tea, soup, warm blankies, and healing prayers for you in this most desperate hour, sweetness.😉 Muah!😙❤❤❤❤


All those descriptions? 😱 Did you have it bad, Gael? 😂 Am I the only one who finds you sexy even with a blocked nose? Keep warm and drink a lot of water. I'd take care of you, patient, but I'm not there so take care of yourself. 😘


😂😂 Every time I see those at the store I crack up because of the stories I've read re: the infamous Frida.


Gosh, these nasty bugs are going around all over the place :( I'm prayin', bud. Get well soon!


It's a lickle bit of cold G. Now don't freak out ok. You'll be fine. 🤦‍♀️ There ya go I'm praying:🙏


Awwww it's ok, just be better soon.Big hugs


Just checking in! I’m still hanging on lads 😂


Oh yes.. Life can be so hard when one gets these horrible, wicked bugs.. The manflu bugs are absolutely the worst ones 😉😜😱🤒🤢😩Lots of ginger tea, spicy food and rest... then you are up, alive and kicking again, in no time 👍😜👍Take care, hugs ❤️💋❤️❤️🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓


I seriously can not understand why these guys aren't more popular. They kill me.


Feel better Gael!!


Really? Being hit by flu is real sh*t. Gws G. Love you.


<img height="200" src="https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40152287_2023562327732950_8986263170368667648_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&amp;oh=0fae6405e026a8e35b7484af62b591f4&amp;oe=5C290A66"> *clears throat* Aww, poor boy! I do hope you feel better soon!


Oh not you too, you are the second person I have heard this from in the last 24 hours. I hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest and take good care of yourself.


I'd say massive huge double massive huge huge massive squad like ....


Hope you feel better soon.


I'm sorry your not feeling well sweety. Sending you healing thoughts, a little sunshine and a virtual hug to brighten your day. Take your sweet time getting well. Take care luv ya G❣


🙏🏼 rest up and feel better!!!


Sending you ALL of the snuggly hugs and tea, Gael. Rest up! &lt;3


You know, recording has turned me into a germaphobe! Anytime I see someone with a cold or a cough I RUN! My sister called last week and her little boy had it Is it bad that I wanted to hang a bell around his neck? 😂 But, it’s the worst because I love recording! So I’m always on the 👀 for germs :-)))


Man, I was gonna hit you with "Are we there yet!?" about this road trip today, but you preempted, lol. Be well friend!


Sending you tons of love and get well wishes, dearest! 🙂 Try to get plenty of rest and keep yourself hydrated! Nurse’s orders 😘


It's a shame you got a cold. You're a bit chatty today, this could've been a ramble. Screw ya cold! Shoo shoo! 😘 Stay warm G! Drink citrusy drinks.


Take care, sweet little G-gem 😘


Feel better soon darling. You know we love you and are always here for you. Que te mejores pronto mi amor. ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋


Poor thing!!! Feel better soon!!! Much love!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Gael don't tell me you called 911 😳🤣🤣🤣 you poor little bunny! <a href="https://youtu.be/VbmbMSrsZVQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/VbmbMSrsZVQ</a>


Gael, you had me worried there for a sec lol I thought it was something serious 😂😂 Hope you get to feeling better soon! 💕


Be safe Mayor😬


Get well soon, G! Take care of yourself! Btw, we all want to boop your stuffed up nose!!! 👉🏻👃🏻 *BOOP!* <img src="https://i.imgur.com/SC2p8qA_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&amp;shape=thumb&amp;fidelity=medium">


Yes, not crazy but father MY babies G. 😂😂. Also Hi Raquel!!


Get well soon!! Do we need to get you a supply of surgical masks for the winter? If not, you may need to isolate yourself to keep up with your audio responsibilities 😉😘


Awwww soooo sorry you are taken with that deadly illness. Prayers going up for your quick recovery. lol


Get well soon G, keep fighting those germs and I'm sure you'll overcome the deadly manflu. Snuggle up on the sofa in a blanket with a hot toddy, you'll be grand in no time ❤❤


Aww, G ! There’s nothing worse 🤧 I hope you return to full health soon enough 💪🏻 🙏🏼 Also, there’s nothing wrong with a lickle huskiness to an already sexy voice 😏 💜


Suck it up Buttercup! 😂 It can’t be as bad as the time you broke your butt and needed an ambulance 😳😂 Feel better soon 😉


Gaelandia Medical and Nursing Squad -- mobilized! Kleenex Box of the Hour Club -- activated! 150 vats of hot miso broth with garlic &amp; onions -- check! 500 gallon jugs of orange juice -- check! 1000 pots of Barry's w/vegan apple-honey -- check! Lemsips, Strepsils, &amp; antihistamine assortment (2 pallets) -- check! Giant, terrifying syringe to shoot vitamins in your ass if you don't feel better soon -- Hey, stop stampeding, Lovelies! We only need 5 volunteers for that one &amp; you don't want to crush the syringe! 😂🤣🙃👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ (Hang in there &amp; feel better, G!)


Oh no😧😷 poor baby. Do we need to call an ambulance? You think you can survive this dreadful illness? Jk... Get some rest and get well soon so we can hear your lovely voice again😘😘


Not sure if sucking it cures a cold, but if you say so, I can give it a try 😜


*kiss to your forehead* (it always made me feel better when my mom would do it)


U don't know who got u sick? It's the seagulls!!!! Get better soon.


Would a joke make you feel better? Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent. 🥁


I've been told I can give a mean shot, some have called it pretty painless...


Awwwwww.of course we will pray for you to feel better! Well wishes coming your way love😊


Poor luv! Warm tea and plenty of snuffles. Take care!!😘


Hey Gael. Just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon! Definitely don't try these things, I just thought you might enjoy a little silly distraction! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8R1wJhsj0&amp;t=0s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8R1wJhsj0&amp;t=0s</a>


Hey, good news! These guys did a study that found orgasm during masturbation to boost immune response in men! Hmm... wonder if that's why you get sick so rarely and so briefly... Couldn't possibly be the healthy diet &amp; plenty of exercise... must be the pull-and-tug. 😉😂🤣 No, but here's the study (well, the abstract of the study, anyway): <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15316239/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15316239/</a>


Jesus, what a feckin drama queen. XD I'm just kidding, G. I hope ya feel better soon. 🖤💋


Same tho I’m visiting friends and family in my hometown and the colder weather apparently crawled into my brain and I’ve a head cold myself 🤧 I’ll show you my pity if you show me yours!! 😝 Get well soon, ‘av a red balloon 🎈 I know that rhymes but shhh, it’s ok, just let it happen


Love your avatar's goth aesthetic. Is she praying to Satan? I hope so.


poor lil G !! Hope you feel better soon 🤗🤞

Mimmie Pedersen

I also have a head cold. I pray for you


Ya see G, that's how much you're adored....even germs want to be all up on that!😂❤️ Feel better soon G.❤️


I've been stuffed up the last couple of days as well but somehow your voice is even more adorable. That's not fair! 😂 I hope you are feeling back to your normal, beautiful self as soon as possible. Get better soon, love!


Damn, i love the meme of Liam Neeson at the header of your deadly virus announcement Gael. You are so fun! Luv your sense of humor. Well the real Flu has arrived in Portland Oregon way too early! We are starting our flu shot (or jabs as you guys on the other side of the pond call them) program a month early this year.


Praying for you gael! Please lord, spare our awesome sexy vegan irish man :D i hope you feel better soon cos we cant live without you!! Sending all my love ♡♡♡


Aww, G! You still sound as adorable as ever ☺️ Feel better soon, ok? And of course I’ll be prayin for ya! 🙏 Much Love 💜

Violet Grey

Know the feeling right now, head colds suck! -_- Hope you're feeling better soon, G! Sending cyber tea and blankets! xD

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

See... you work too hard and now you're sick *hands on hips, waggle finger at the ready*... take it easy, my friend 😕... rest, relax, and whatever the vegan equivalent of chicken soup is (probably kale broth or something 😋) - that's what you need right now!... now *tucks blanket round you, hands you cup of tea* - get better!... that's an order! 🤗


Owww, my poor Gael. I just hope you feel better soon. ¡Descansa! :D

Angela R.

Oooh Saint Michael, Ooooh fuckin' Saint Anthony! 😜 But seriously, Gael, we love you dearly, sweet man. Buggers and all! 💋💖 Feel better!


Feel better soon!! 🤗💖


Oh no &lt;3😭😭 well feel better!


Hope you feel better soon! ❤️


I’m so sorry for your deadly illness 😱😱😱 we will be praying for you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 the Universe is going to be overloaded with our prayers tonight, there is no way you won’t get better!! 😄😄 although I have to say, you do sound really cute with a cold! 😊😊 Warm hugs to the bestest of patients!! Get better soon!! ❤️❤️❤️


Awww sweetie! I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Head cold are the worst. I am sending you lots of prayers and over pouring healing. Feel better G darlin'!!! 😘


Zinc and plenty of sleep bud! get better soon &lt;3


Definitely prayin fer ya! Being sick sucks, and although if I were there there’s plenty of things I’d do to make ya feel better 😉 since I’m not I’ll be thinkin bout ya and hopefully you’ll feel better soon! Take good care of yourself 😘


Drink a lot of fluids, get rest and prayers for you to feel better every day.. Love and prayers G, just get better.


How did u get sick, G? U been running half naked in the cold rain? *smh - rolleyes* (I need pictures 👀) 😂😂😂 Seriously though... Give yourself a well deserved rest🙏 We ❤ you, immensely!


Ohhh nooo! It’s that time of year again! Feel better soon G!


Oh my, you are all cracking me up. I’m new here and love how you all take care of one another (and Gael, of course). My husband is currently afflicted with Man Flu so I’m witnessing the struggle firsthand 😉 Take care of yourself!


Get well soon!


Aw hope you feel better soon!


<img height="190" src="https://memecrunch.com/meme/23NFA/manflu/image.jpg?w=400&amp;c=1"><br><br>Thankfully women probably make up 98% of the community’s population, so we can keep the place up and running while Gael tries to evade death’s cold, merciless grip 🤭


Hope you feel better soon. Get well dear!


Boy it's really going around, i myself just.came down with my first cold of the season too. I pray this will be the first and last for the both of us. Get well soon!


Heh, how dare you be human, and fall victim to common human illnesses? :P Seriously though, I hope you feel better soon. Love and hallmarks to ya! :)


You still with us? Poor little bunny!


Ooooh noes! Soup, tea, sleep, Bobby cuddles! 💋💋💋 Feel better soon love! ❤


Awww, poor guy, of course we'll pray for you for the nasty head cold that appears to be overcoming you at the moment. Of course, at least it is not the dreaded man-flu epidemic of the fall of 2017, not to be outdone by the man-flu epidemic of Christmas season 2016-17. And didn't you succumb to a dreaded head cold at least twice earlier this year?? LOL Goodness, G, what are we going to do with you? Although, I do seem to remember that we reaped untold benefits with your huskily raspy voice for awhile... Hope you feel better soon.


And to all of our lovelies here, the welcome wagon has just set up a giant vat of kool-aid ready for everyone on the community page. Why not come on over and introduce yourself and tell us how you came to Gaelandia?


Hi y’all! Madainn mhath to all of ye! Btw Gael, Lickle IS in urban dictionary but it has two meanings... so..which is it hmmm?


Wasn't me 😉 Hope you feel better! Smooch... Oh, umm..maybe in a couple of days 😷


Dia duit, a Randi! I suspect it's the first when he's sick, but we *know* it's the other when he's healthy, haha! At least in Audioland...

Cherry Riley

I hope you feel better! *hugs*


STOP LICKING DOORKNOBS, GAEL! xD Aw, poor dear. Get better soon!


Our big,strong Tuffy gots the sniffles... That makes me want to make a big fuss over him...hugs and cuddles, Darling.


Awww Gael, your poor lamb! Get well soon, sweetie!


Awww poor baby. Hope you get well soon Gael. ❤❤❤