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I want you to be relaxed... content... your true self...

And when you find that true place...

I want to be on you, in you, all around you...

I want to be be joined.  One. 

We'll get there...





Erotic healing huh?!?! I'm in!




This is an hour long??? We are so spoiled ;)


YESS!! just what i needed today! 💞😊


Headphones in. Time to shut the world out for a little while 😊❤️


.......fucken hell is this really an hour long? 😳






One whole hour ?! 😩♥️ oh Lordy ! Welp I guess I’ll be up tonight 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm going in.....


Hey all! Happy Sunday! I hope you enjoy this piece! I really loved making it!


Oh. my. God. 🙀 I'm a little bit skurred.


Do my eyes deceive me or is this an hour long ? An hour ? My oh my 💕 Garçon, headphones please 🎧


I listen to you on insight timer too but this looks like a very interesting idea 😏😏💕


I was waiting for an audio like this, and here it is. And... it`s one frickin hour long? My God, we`re so spoiled. Thank you so much Gael!


Juuust as I’m leaving for my flight. That’d be an interesting skycycle ride 🤔


Omg!!! I have stockings and a chain bras on for you. Mmmm... I'm ready. 😋 🤤 💦 ♥ 💋


I can't wait for tonight!! You are Mr. Wonderful!!


Oh I guess i’ll have to wait til tonight 😢


All I can think about is 🎶 When I get that feeling I want sexual healing 🎶


Perfect timing.. I have a splitting headache, so I am going to use this as intense healing ❤️Happy Sunday you are a beautiful soul ❤️👍❤️❤️🍓🍓🍓🍫🍓


OMG...1 hour long ! Why do I feel so blessed 🤩💛💛


So perfect 😍😍😍😍 happy Sunday everyone!


Yesss 😍😍 you totally spoil us 😍 an hour long audio?!!


Completely at a loss. Uncle.


My new fav...Perfection, passionately sensual you did a really good job with this one g, thank you love😘


This piece is right on time since the next 2 days I'm gonna have the toughest days in my life and what's better than erotic distraction or being distracted by our Handsome G. huh? ❤

Jasmine sanfi

This is so deep, so passionate, so you...i am speechless as always.Just thank you.


Are those wind chimes I hear? It sounds so beautiful and relaxing.. 😍 And your voice is just ughh. Amazing as always. I love this Gael, so intimate and sweet.❤️❤️ I appreciate the comforting part a lot. "Join with me, my love." "Be one with me," "Give me the pleasure, share it with me.." I love it when you ask for yourself, you should do it often. 😘


Holy sensuality Batman!!!!!!! That 1st half hour, so loving, cherishing, senuous, just devine!!!!!!! The 2nd half hour, the rain & wind chimes.....ah, perfect!!! That's how it should be, knock your socks off & fall asleep in each other's arms! KUDOS!! Well done, once again, Kind Sir!!!!!


Speechless xx


Gael... This one... Oh God... It was perfect from the beginning till the end... I loved your soft voice, the intimacy... The begging... ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Oh, wow!💕 This was an utterly incredible experience. You struck a perfect balance between intimately sexy and meltingly blissful relaxation, all while feeling so treasured and cared for.❤🔥❤ There was so much passion and tender emotion!😍❤ My tingles were intense! I loved it.😚❤❤


Contented relaxed sigh ☺️ thank you...your voice so deeply sensual and caring. Plus I’ve always loved the sounds of rain & wind chimes 😘😘🤗🤗

Missy Brie

holy crap that was perfection!!!! More of this please!😍😘


Did you speak Gaelic unto my 😸? There should be more of that. Just tell it all the things it wants to hear. Stay close though, the old girl is hard of hearing.


Ooh an hour long audio? Can’t wait to listen later tonight : )


Girl. I haven’t even listened and I know it’s not something I should be laughing at but now I’m laughing!!!


One hour?! Holy crap I hope I can walk tomorrow 😜


This is probably one of my favorites. I won’t say anything specific since a lot of people haven’t listened to it yet, but it’s just awesome! Really beautiful


Wow. One hour 😍 I think I’ll save this for later tonight 😉

Angela R.

Oh man, I can't wait to curl up with candlelight tonight and listen! Gael, I'm SO happy you're in my life. You make it all better.


Omg this was magical 😭❤️❤️❤️


I'M one of the last to arrive again,lol this was some kind of eperience,I like it when you take it slow sometimes. You were sensual, caring and loving.It was a wonderful, wonderful audio Thanks!!


That was beautiful 💕😊


Thank you being so much to so many 💕


How did...this just... How did a sexy audio...make me cry? I have fantasies and want to try out things pertaining to sex when I'm in a relationship one day, but...being myself, completely letting go of everything and being <i>me</i> while I'm having sex with my guy, while he fully and wholly accepts me and just showers me with such affection, and asking her to "become one with you", like you portrayed in this audio, during and afterward, is something I dream of and wish for. You've done that in several audios before, being so sensual, tender and loving to "her", but this took it to a near spiritual level. That beautiful tongue lashing...it was so incredible, that I almost died. And you spoke Gaelic on "her" clit as you...oh my God, that made me weak 💞💞 When you and "she" started having sex, I was completely immersed and relaxed. Hearing you talk so sweetly to "her" while practically getting losing yourself in "her", that adoring dirty talk all the way up to the buildup before you came, that was mesmerizing. I think it was the most beautiful I've heard thus far. This was pure magic in audio-form, Gael. I enjoyed and love it very much! Also, the wind chimes and windy/rainy weather were a very nice touch 💖


This was simultaneously sexy and calming. I feel like I could put this on when my insomnia or anxiety is really acting up. Wonderful audio, Gael! 😊😍☺️


I was just in awe of the emotion the whole time. This was achingly beautiful.


I don't know if I have the correct words for this one or if words can even come close to describing what I just felt. This is actual perfection in audio form. Unfortunately, my anxiety prevents me from experiencing the beauty of true love. Your audios are more helpful than you'll ever know. This was beyond beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Now I want a windchime, though it would probably have a Pavlovian effect after listening to this. Beautiful.


All of these lovely comments have me shaking with anticipation like 😳🎉! I can't wait to listen -- hopefully within the next few minutes, if I can help it. ♡♡


I truly have no words to describe how extremely beautiful this audio is. Nothing could come close to this perfection. It was just... magical. Emotional. Loving. Caring. This, this is what I call lovemaking... The kisses all over “her“ body... you speaking gaelic on “her“ clit and paying attention to every inch of her... when you were having sex with “her“. Oh God. “Look in my eyes as I take you, as you give it to me“ when you said that, I started crying. Why? Because I thought I would never ever experience that, but Gael proved me wrong. The kissing, your moans right next to “her“ ear. This... I can`t tell you how beautiful this is. You seriously have to experience that masterpiece yourself. And Gael - thank you so much. This audio touched my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. Thank you.


An hour long?? Oh my, I can’t wait to listen to this. ^_^


No words. This was absolute perfection.


I came...I cried...it was soul touching. Thank you...beautiful man. Sigh....drifting off to contented sleep... ~Deb


This. 💖 Thank you, Mister G. The way this audio makes us feel is beyond words. 😍


Just perfect. The whispers, the closeness, so sensual. The background rain and wind chimes so relaxing. My new favourite 💖💖💖😘


You know what sucks about not having the fanciest vocabulary? Or not being the best at stringing together perfect sentences to explain how you truly feel? I wouldn’t know how to tell you, because I suck at both. But it sort of feels like when you have something at the tip of your tongue, but you can’t figure out what it is...and it just lingers until you forget. Bc all I want to do right now is write about how this audio made me feel. Except I can’t. I can’t find the words. And honestly, words don’t even feel enough to explain how I feel right now. I know I joke around all the time, but it’s mainly because I’d rather make people laugh than have someone know how I honestly feel. But this audio...you managed to break down all these walls I’ve spent building most of my life...and that’s terrifying to me. But at the very same time, so liberating? So I’m biting the bullet and saying “fuck it.” I’m currently counting down the days to a surgery that I’ve been waiting to have since 2010. And just last week I was finally given a date. It’s in October. Literally, every emotion that exists in the universe, I am feeling. All of them. All at once for the past week. I want time to go by faster, but I’m also so afraid of what's to come. And I can’t even begin to explain how much I needed to hear something like this. And that doesn’t make my story any special from the rest. No, it just... You have a gift and a soul that is so very special. And instead of hiding it from the world, you’re sharing it with all of us. And for that, I am so very thankful. Thankful to that guy way back when, when he decided to try this audio thing out. To all the life experience that have molded you into the person you are today. You’re a great human. Again, was I supposed to take this all too seriously? WHO KNOWS. Heck, man!!! I came here just to get myself off, not do some soul-searching bullsnooch!!! 💛 Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to go and create a machine that wipes everyone’s memory of the things they’ve read online. Starting with the words you’ve just read. All the love to everyone. Yours truly, Gassy Darling


I'm still here in my bed and reading your comment over and over again and I can't stop myself from crying. I wish I was there with you Cherry🧡


For now accept my ❤ cause no matter what I write it won't be good enough...just know that few hours ago we "virtually" became one. Yes we made love and we did it achingly beautiful. No you did it so beautiful. I hope you feel good cause I don't. I'm still swooning. You made this body very weak... P.s This was one of your BEST meditation/relaxation piece so far. You can't get better than this. Prove me wrong cause I know I'm wrong...


Now that I’ve had a chance to listen, I'm at a little loss for words too. I am in a slightly different boat where I am still struggling to open up completely, or give in, or something, to the audios, but it was still such a loving, moving, and incredibly intimate piece. And I loved falling asleep to the SFW version. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable with us … people you’ve never even met … and as so many have already said, for sharing your gifts, whether it’s loving or comedic. There are so many out there with incredible gifts who are afraid/unsure about sharing them with the world, holding themselves back and suffering without realizing how much the world wants them to share and how much of an impact their amazing gifts would have, and that their gifts are important and meaningful, especially if they are important to the individual. I seem to be in a super sap-tacular mood today … just go about your businesses, don’t mind me I'll be over here …


Well done G,so soothing ,just perfect♥️


It was so intense and absolutely perfect ❤️


Oh fuck!! This was something else my love. Dead dead dead!! Gael you are perfection. Mmm.. Those whimpers and that passion. My whole body is still tingling/ throbbing. Once again you are so delicious Gael. You are the only one who takes me there. I love you! 😘 💋❤️😍


Holy crap, this is next level! I haven't responded to one of your audios like this in a long time. When you said "talk to me" and were directing, wow! So intense!


I got no words to explain this masterpiece audio.. All I can say is: 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Dios mío esto es hermoso! 😭❤❤❤


You took me someplace new.


Hahahah, I also thought about it... ^^


Omg... 5 times at least... My neighbor must be also a bit mad at me ^^' couldn't keep my voice down... Excellent work Gael


Omg!! 3rd time around. I think my whole block heard me scream. My whole body is shaking still. Pure BLISS!! There's no words to describe how I feel right now Gael. Mi corazón que rico haces el amor. Mmmmm... Si mi hombre. 😍☺️🤤 💦 ♥ 💋


Those fast tongue noises, the bed noises 😍 💀


I’ve listened 3 times already, I just keep getting drawn to it ❤️ and I still can’t find the words to properly describe it 😳 There are just too many elements that work perfectly for me, the atmosphere, the words you choose, the relaxing prelude, the way it made me feel all through it 😍 and the way you peaked.. you really got me with this one 🏹 It’s a wonderful piece of work Gael, one of your bestest ❤️ I know I’m going to listen to it again and again and again... 😊 until I’ll find the words, which is probably never 😏


Perfection 💚


This was better than any guided meditation I’ve ever experienced. Audio felt genuine, caring, and I loved every minute. I like Alpha Gael but there are days when I feel on the tender side and this one did me in about five minutes through so naturally I had to start over (not a punishment at all, I was more than happy to). You are a really talented person! Knows what the ladies (and lads, I’m presuming) want! 😉♥️😍


I'm on my third listen too. I haven't replayed one of your audios this much since "No Foreplay".


I think this is honestly one of my favorite audios you’ve posted. So much emotion in it I couldn’t keep up. I definitely had some tears from it. (And a good cum) 😍❤️


The level of emotional connection was over the top ❤️❤️ Rain, the string emotional connection, wind chimes, cuddling--this is Heaven❤️❤️ I've found my Happy Place! 25:34-26:00 did me in. **get out the wet vac** And that little growl during climax 💀 #webothgotit #one #holdontoyourman 💜💜💜


My favorite by far 🖤💋


You have outdone yourself in this one. Pure magic. Thank you 🖤


Now there are so many things to say about this audio which is perfection on so many levels . Once again you've managed to put me on that sexy orgasmic Island just with your words, your voice , the atmosphere and your enerdree which was extremely special in this one but not only … There's this feeling I had while listening that really got to me - Pretty hard to put words on a feeling when you don't even know yourself what's happening to ya like - but Healing through audios is not something I am used to and I am glad to be introduced to it , even though to be honest , sometimes it feels completely 'threatenin' the idea of being vulnrable tstl. But you are inspiring , really ... and being here is pretty comforting ! Last week has been so rich of emotions, and I was myself a shell of 'motions which is one of the reasons why I finally waited to listen to this version a few days ago . 2 mins in and I had to stop because I wasn't feeling like I was in the right state of mind... I was approaching it differently which led me to listen to the sugar version first ( that btw, put me to sleep at 12 in the morning : How do I explain thAt ? ) and I know I am HARDLY gonna ramble here , but the last ketchup you made really got there *heart* :::::::::: and it brought back so many tamed feelings and memories , including a moment I had with a costumer once , where she hardly could remember something she was about to ask me due to a sudden heart attack she recently had ; And the woman literally fell apart because of her memory loss , because she was only being able to show me what she wanted , thinking it would piss me off which obviously didn't but unreservedly made me relate sm to tell her I was coming back from a similar road , that working there was partly what was making me slowly come back on my feet which I feel like , helped both ways because seeing a smile on her face made my day 💛 Moments like this make you think . This ramble was a genuine reminder and made me think , so in a way or another merci 😉 -done. fussing. - Now allow me to highlight some of my ultimate favy moments / elements in this delightful masterpiece ( and Lord knows I'd simply say " every single thing in it ") : Paying attention to you whispering on one ear while focusing on the sounds in the background on the other one ... PLUS having you telling me to do so ? please keep it up because it 's just Magnifique.🏆🏆🏆 Being told to relax , to be vocal, to let go ,to 'talk to you' ... 'WE are gonna get there ' : Pure Paradise to my ears Keeping eye contact and sharing the pleasure , 'holding on to you' / your man : joining Letty on that one ... 🥀💀🌟 And that moment of silence around 24 min after being killed once again by PMIs ,TMs aka pull me in / Take Me sentences .... ravaging. " This is much more than physical, it is fucking spiritual " you said in one of my other favy audios ~ Let me prove it to you💛💛 ... This gem totally delivers , it touches you on that spiritual level .so .hecking .much. I am definitely keeping it in my delightful 1 hour 🌟🍒 audio . Juste brillantissime🌟👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌟 . Chapo ba G ( Hats.OFF.)


SUPERB! 💞💞💞 If I didn’t know better, these wind chimes are the very same ones that I used to bring myself a certain escape into solace and peace in 2015-2017ish... Simply Amazing. THIS one has moved to my #1 of ALL... MUCH LOVE TO YOU 💞💞💞


You have no idea how much I needed this. I felt like I was on a complete edge of losing my mind as my husband has had serious health problems - so we haven't been able to be intimate in the longest time. He has wanted me to move on to fulfill my desires, but I'm not interested in that. But this was just what I needed. Such a soft touch, made me feel beautiful, loved, craved, treasured and more. And right at the end, you sent me off into the most peaceful slumber - feeling the most peace I've ever felt. I woke up feeling amazing, like a new me. Thankyou 💖


Simply AMAZING thank you Gael ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This might be my favorite one so far...maybe...ah hell, it's too hard to choose a favorite. You are simply amazing, Gael. Thank you for all you do. 💋👏


I listened to this last night and wanted to post but couldn’t find the words. I still don’t have them but I’m going to try anyway. Wow! That was amazing! ❤️ It has been a long time since I’ve felt all this audio made me feel. Cherished, protected, safe, desired, I could go on and on but I won’t 😉 This is a masterpiece. Thank you G! 💚😘💚


This is honestly amazing, the ambiance with the rain and the chimes made all my stress go away, and your way to build up the atmosphere is ridiculously good.. This is by far my all time favorite. I also love how you keep the background noise afterwards aswell, I was thinking about how I didnt want it to end, and it didn't! Thanks for making me relax today.. stressful last week of my uni term and coming home after a day of degree writing and stumbling upon this couldn't be better. I feel like I've had a good day spiritually, good karma all around, and this really was a good ending on a good day. Thank you..




I love when you talk right next to the ear, makes it feel so much more real 💖💖💖


How did I miss this one? It 's beautiful. Pure extasy...tenderness, lust, compassion😍You are a real craftsman, technition, artist, just so good at what you do...had a full body xperience💋


well, you know the bed creaks got me, but the pure sensuality of it, and to listen to the sounds and fall sleep after the intense orgasm.....perfection. pure perfection


This was wonderful G... put me right to sleep 😈😋🌜🌠


✨✨✨💥😭💕💕💕💕 ... that is all I have to say.