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It's been quite a week!  

Thank you all for your participation on the Madlibs scripts!  I hope ye all had fun!!   Next weekend is going to be MAD!  Stay tuned!

I am doing some editing today so there will be an audio coming this evening for those of you who enjoy a bit of Alpha.  😜 

I am also working on something BIG but it's a ways off so  🤐 

I wanted to say thank you again for being so kind and supportive this week while I tended to my parents.  I appreciate your understanding when I'm not here as much as I would like to be.

Please know you are never taken for granted.  I know how lucky I am to have such a thoughtful and lovely community.  

The Gaelandia Cares "Fuck Cancer" charity event is still going and from what I am told is doing very well! Get up them steps!

I am so proud of you and the good you do.  



Much love to you G ❤ we all love and appreciate you too 😘

Ms. Donovan

Hope your parents are doing a good bit better G ♥️ Happy Sunday! Lovelies - keep an eye on the CP for an update on the charity progress tomorrow! 😘

Jasmine sanfi

Don't make me cry Gael... can't wait for the new audio to come and happy for the great things that are coming in your way, hope your parents feel better now and hope you have the time to relax and enjoy your sunday like you deserve.Have a great day yall 💜


Good morning! Hope your parents are feeling better. You know we hold it down when the Captain is away! Can't wait for the "bit" of Alpha later!! Yay! 😀


Had no idea about your parents G... Anyway, I hope you and them are doing ok... Sending lots of hugs and positive enerdree ❤️❤️❤️


And Bobby? How’s he doing??


The bees called, they’re wondering why their knees are making audios for thousands of people. But also they’re pretty proud and wanted to give their support Did this make any sense at all?! 😭 I fuckn tried hahaha You Are the Bees Knees 🐝 Ok good that’s clear now I hope 🤦🏼‍♀️

Meghan McDonald

My Mom has brain cancer.My biggest wish is that she would be home for my Birthday.It has come true! It is my 35th Birthday today.She is home for a bit! Thank you Gael for all you do!

Ms. Donovan

Also? Alpha. Mmmmf.


We’ll always be by your side, Mr G and I hope your parents are recovering well ❤️ we all appreciate and cherish everything you do for us. You’re an amazing man, Gael ❤️


The cats pajamas called...💖💖💖


Sorry to hear about your mom, Meghan. Glad your wish came true. Happy Birthday, Love! 💙💜🎉🎂🎁


WHAT...??!! Alpha? Love it. 🤤🤤 Can’t wait. hehe 😆😆😆 Hope your life is full of sunshine, Love 👏🏻🍀☘️


Enjoying those bear cookies Kaleforce is making, no doubt???


Thank you! I had fun with the scripts and we appreciate all you do too! And the big tease with something BIG such a tease lol. Yeah new audio! And Alpha, hell yeah! Happy Sunday and have a great day handsome 😋


You’re a sweet bloke, Gael. Good on you for taking care of your parents. We love you, too.


We’re so proud of YOU! 😃 Hope your parents are doing better! Btw, just curious as a fellow editor - what kind of software do you use? (Fun fact - recording & editing a podcast for work later this week!)


I do enjoy a BIT of alpha, but only a bit. Any more than that makes me wanna smack you. 😜 Exciting times in Lovely-land! 🖤💋


Happy Sunday G! No matter what’s going on in your life you always make time for us and that is very much appreciated! Hoping your parents are on the mend. Looking forward to the shenanigans coming up... 🙌🏻😍🤗


Hi, handsome!😍💋 It was fun!😄 Trying to race to the Mad Libs scripts in time was a blast, and I can't wait to hear how they turn out.😂 Thank you for taking the time to provide some fun times for us when you've been so busy! I hope that your parents are doing better, love!❤ A warm hug for you.😚❤ Yay for a bit of new Alpha Gael!💋 Also, this mystery project has me intrigued.


Aren't you always working on something BIG? 🤭 😉


Feeling guilty that I can’t donate to the “fuck cancer” event. I want to, but I can’t. All I can do for now is say supportive things.


Never doubt that we care about you Gael...that you do more good than all of us put together. Take care and I hope your parents are both feeling better. Enjoy your day.


Good Morning! You are so good to us! Hope things are turning around for your parents! Make sure Seanie isn't sneaking special ingredients into their home made cookies to "help"! 🤣 Much love to you!! Deb


PS: Hope your parents are doing good.


Not that we would complain about it 😏... Always turns out to be a good thing for us 🤫🤭


We’ll always be here, G, as long as you are. You care for us just as much as we care for you. You do so much and work so hard to create amazing content that it’s hard not to support you in times like these. You’re such a kind, caring, thought soul 💜


A big THANK YOU for the work you all did for the charity event. You girls are awesome 💖💖💖




Not a problem , I am a proud supporter. Can't wait for the alpha. Lol


KCK are going to have to wait! I hate being restrained. Wait. That's not right. I hate having to... hold back. Yeah that works.


Happy Sinday, Gael! I cannot wait to hear what comes of the madlibs!


❤️❤️❤️Sendings hug to everyone😘😘


I'm gonna miss that alpha Gael!Different time zone☹️Already Bed time


The Madlib game was so fun, and I'm still flying high from getting my entry in. Can't wait to hear how you put it all together 🤓 Hope your parents are doing better and as always, no worries. We Lovelies are good at keeping ourselves entertained, while you're away 😈. Alpha Gael, you say 😃. Oh, yes. Yes, I like Alpha Gael very much 😌 I'll make sure to clear my schedule for later 😅 Looking forward to all the new projects/content you have in store for us. So happy to have found this place, you and the Lovelies that are found here ❤

Angela R.

Yay! Alpha Gael! I can't wait! Rawr! Also, we would love an update on your parents. I hope they're ok, and I hope you are too! We all care so much! Big big kisses and hugs to you, darling.


We know you never forget about us! We feel just as lucky to have you, as you do all of us. I’m happy you don’t allow Patreon or YouTube to let you forget that you have a life outside of this, too. It’s important you live that life just as much as you live this one.

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

No worries, Bud 😊... you know we're here for you and each other just like you're here for us! 👍... you're our inspiration, so how else could it be? 😁... hope yer Moms and Pops are doin' better... I'll see YOU in Alphatown later 😉... *muahs* 🤗


You know how much we love you, dude 🤗 No thanks needed. I hope we bring you even just a fraction of the happiness that you give us every day. And yay for the Gaelandia raffle. I got my entries in earlier this week 😁👍🏻


You are so kind Gael 😊 you know we’re not going anywhere and I genuinely hope everything is going well with your parents! ❤️ I can’t wait for the mad libs event, I don’t know what to expect! 😂😂 and now you got me all curious about what’s this BIG thing you got planned for us!! 😋 So exciting!! 😊😊 And now I’m off to listen to your alpha audio, I’m always a bit scared of those, but it’s a good scared!! 😏😏 Sending you lots of love, you’re always so good to us, you deserve the bestest of everything!! 😘😘 We’re the lucky ones!! ❤️❤️❤️


The mad libs week was such fun (and hopefully in the end not too stressful for you, Gael, or the lovelies madly refreshing the page leading up to the hour to get their post in. ... I ... I may have been one of them ... ) I'm so excited to hear your scripts and everyone's words, and the hilarity that is bound to be in store for us all 😊 Something even bigger than what you've already done? You spoil us, you do. 😘 Thank you for all that you do as well - it means so much to us all ❤️💋