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Oh boy💕💕


Yay!! I do need a ramble soon though G!


Yes baby.


Looking forward lolol


Oh my god yesss!!!!


More stories! Yay!!


Really? I can’t go to bed yet!! I gotta go practice some fight scenes for the next 4 hours!! Coffee, here I come 😂 ☕️


Yay, more bedtime stories 😁 Loopy Gael is already cute. Drunk Gael would be even cuter 😂💕


This basically sounds like my life 😂 When I’m drunk and half asleep, sometimes I try to have intellectual conversations with my husband that don’t make any sense, and he records them and calls them “Becky’s drunk Ted Talks.” 😂


This is perfect!!


Drunk!...Now that's gonna be interesting 🤔😏


My firat time getting notification right after post!! I am so happy ❤❤❤


I want to see the robot dance 😅😂


Just in time 🖤


This was actually really heartwarming. In vino veritas, huh?❤❤❤❤ Hope you remember that declaration of love in the morning, lol!😂🤣 Of course Gael would be happy, cute, funny, and loving tipsy.😍🍾🥂💕 So adorable. Your bedtime stories are my flavorite, love!🤣😚❤


: ) goodie goodie a bed time story! Can’t wait to have a listen later tonight.


This is too cute and sweet at the same time. Oh my god Gael, what are you doing to me? To us? This is the bestest. Yes, the bestest! 😆❤❤


YES, GAEL, THE WHOLE WORLD IS LUCKY YOU'RE NOT A DRINKER!!! 😂😂😂 On the other hand, all that "I like you" stuff melted me into a puddle of goop. And the "I ❤ you" stuff? Well... ☠  I "Awwww"d out loud! 😊 P.S. You'd better not snore, funny guy.. 😒


Sigh. I know this is meant to be funny and not to be taken seriously, but I do in fact take matters of drunkenness very seriously, and I will tell you why. My biological father was an alcoholic, and he often used that as an excuse to physically abuse both my younger sister and myself. Again, I realize that this is meant to be funny, but for me, it is not a laughing matter. I think I may have to skip this one.


Welp, better whip him up something for in the morning, because the hangover is gonna be absolute torture, I know it! Good lord, the puns and drunken jokes here are...UGH!! 😆 You're lucky you're so dang adorable and sweet, you dork 😌


It’s too funny. I can’t even handle it. 😂😂😂


I just woke up but suddenly I’m excited for bed tonight 😂


Would've loved to have seen the robot dance.....


I think the Gods and Goddesses heard my plea. I was wishing you'd post something like this. 😍😘


Love ALL your bed time stories 😍, can't wait to hear this one tonight..

Cherry Riley

Omg I love the bedtime stories!


My heart can't take this cuteness. 😍 I can't. Me wants to take care of you. 😂😂😂😱


So adorbs, intoxicated, you are Mr. G! Hahahahaha! 💖


It was funny and cute XD I'm always open to your new ideas.


Does anyone else wait until they’re snuggly in bed to listen to these? I manage to always nod off just at the end


I defeated you 🤣!


"Can you break a butt?" 🤣😂 I can't with you! This is far too funny!! You are the cutest tipsy non-drinker! 😍 Bedtime stories 💙💙

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Very cute, G 😊... if every drunk person were like that, they probably wouldn't annoy me so much (long story... lots of history... bad juju...)... anyway... hope yer butt's okay 😉


😭😭😭 That was soooo adorable!! 😍😍😍 I was afraid it was gonna be like crazy-monkey-kinda-drunk but nooo this was sooo good!! 👍🏻👍🏻 And for some reason it felt really really cozy!! I loved that!! 😊😊😊 Your voice was soooo beautiful, that song.. 🤤🤤🤤 Gael, you HAVE TO sing more often to us!! Pretty please!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇 And at the end you were so so sweet!! “I need to tell my girl I love her”.. Melted!! 😍😍😍 And I wonder.. was it just good acting or was it all genuine?? 😏😏 Mistery unsolved.. 😂😂 This was different but sooo good!! Always a surprise!! Thanks for always brightening our day Gael!! ❤️❤️❤️


This was so cute & hilarious at the same time 😂❤ Now I need a sequel: Bedtime Stories 9.5 - The Morning After. Headache, cute whining, Muse taking care of G while telling him all the stuff he said last night. 😂❤


Your as cute drunk as you are sober. Lol love the funny feel good audios


I really didn’t want you to stop talking... so adorable, such sweet singing... wake up please G 😁😉🤗😘


My god Gael this was incredibly well up. Loved every second of it.


I honestly couldn’t stop smiling at this. It’s as real as it is true; it’s annoying at first, you know, being woken up and hearing stupid sentences but after a while it gets pretty funny. All the mixed up words and declarations of love 🙈 “You’re the bestest” Really well done G ! I just wonder though; if you were ‘steam boats’ if you will, how’d you manage to turn on all your recording equipment? Told it you loved it ? Tried some sexy whispers ? Or is it just second nature now ? 🤣 Nevertheless, I enjoyed a rather tipsy Gael just as much as a sober Gael. (Can you imagine though, the conversation between tipsy Gael and Seanie...now, there’s an idea 😉) 💜


Whaat 😱Drunk boyfriend?Did you read my mind??


Adooorable , gosh when I hear your breathing and that slowly spoken words ohhh I'm melting , and I wanted to cuddle you like a baby hahah cause you're so sweet drunk guy, it's always nice to hear you and sleep after that. , We love you so much 💙


Btw thanks for dropping the L word a couple times in this audio It really melted the heart,so sincere and sweet .

Hallie Balloon

Awwww I love It....one of my absolute favorites. I love your sleepy drunken vpicevoice


Such sweet funny dialogue. ❤️

Jasmine sanfi

Ahahah this i so funny i can't even 🙈


Please tell me that your drunken battle with your shoelaces was based on a true story! 🤞😯 That wouldn’t just make my day, that would make my entire <i>week</i> 😆


Okay, gotta call a little bs cause ain't no girl gonna move in with a guy who hasn't told her he loved her. I mean maybe, but that girl certainly isn't me. Totes understand for the storyline to work and the big confession to happen that needed to be that way. It really was very sweet and endearing, we've all had drunken fights with our shoes and the floor. Your laugh is still the bestest.

Scarlet Kitten

This was perfect. Gael you were so adorable and funny. I know guys don't like being told they are adorable, but this was in a good heart melting sweet way. Then of course you had to make me cry with the ending. This is my favorite audio so far I think. Thank you. By the way would have made sure there was water and headache medicine next to the bed for when you woke up.


This is me tonight


Hey, if you want a hangover cure, look no further!!! Cherry 🍒 made dis piece of awesomeness. It will cure everything: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/20916302">https://www.patreon.com/posts/20916302</a>


Gael sounds so sexy while he's tipsy 😶😶😶


And.. I like you.. I like you.. iiiiiii like you like youuuuuu.. I llllllike you lol

Ms. Donovan

Hey super secret twinsie! If it helps with the storyline, my mind didn’t even go to them living together. Before he lived with me, my ex used to crash with me on the weekends and had a key. He’d go out and sometimes stumble in like this. He was NOT as adorable as our Gael, however. Not by a long shot ♥️


oh I love this one SOOOO much! The hiccups, the laces, “can you break your butt??” 😍💜


This was cute and funny! Loved it 😍💖


Lmao. The minute I started playing this audio and I heard the hiccups and giggles, I couldn’t stop laughing 😂😂 I think to avoid bursting out laughing in a room full of people and having to explain what made me laugh, I should probably listen later. But this is cute so far 😂💕


So adorable! Love love love 💕


"I broke my butt" 😂😂😂😂


Aahhh oh my god this was sooooooo fucking cute and funny!!! I loved it 😍😍 I think I once did a post about wanting some kind of cute drunk scenario and omg there I got it and I’m so happy ‘!! 🧡🧡


You're cute even when you're drunk 😊❤


That's me! 😉 I always like to enjoy these cozy in bed 💕💓


Gael McGreggor Vs Laces lol Gael defeats his opponent (s) 😎 💓💕 And just let me say, Gael is super drunk lol but his kisses are still on point 😍😍😍😘


Feckin hell he did it again. I'm Grinning the whole time. The song singing, the shhhhhing, broken butt. The pauses when you brain fucks off with whatever you were saying. Every damn giggle. This is utterly delightful. 10/10, happy earholes.


K I loved this so much. This was so cute. Also I was actually laughing out loud which was great.


I went from bursting laughter to heartwarmed sniffles. Beautiful work!


This whole thing made me laugh in a sweet way. Cute-drunk. So cute “can you break your butt”. 😝 your jokes make me laugh. “The boat is in the harbor.” 😝🤗


The hiccups did me in right from the start! 🤣 love love love!!!


I laughed so much! Everything, from the shitfight with the laces to the bad jokes, the "in bed with a stereotype" comment... 😆 i love tipsy funny chuckling Gael! More comedy please

Katira Moon

Drunk Gael is freaking adorable!!😍😍