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I was not prepared for the sheer number of ideas my lovelies possess!  

We filled the monthly quota of form submissions in only a few days! haha!

So I've created "GaelforceAudioIdeas@gmail.com" for you to send your ideas so we won't have to worry about idea limitations.  

I won't be using this email address for conversation, only to take audio ideas so feel free to send as many as you like!

Thank you so much for the ideas you've sent already they have been amazing to read!  I look forward to reading more of your fantasies and audio ideas to cum! 


~ G



Love it😍😍 have a wonderful day G!


I think your email might break😂🙈


Wow lovelies, we're truly so talented 😉


Have a great day Daddy G ❤️💋💋


Woow!! The Squad have been busy! Hahaha cum, cum! All the ideas must cum! 👏👏 Have a great day, bee! 😝😘


Emails might be a better way. I wasn't keen on the character limit.


Gael are we to disregard the other email you set up then?


Omg!😂 So does that mean the website form will still be active when a new month rolls around? Or do we only submit to this email address from now on? Still getting my ideas together... Have a beautiful day, G! Muah!💋


Yeah Gael.... you SURRRRE you wana give us an EMAIL ADDRESS to submit our ideas? I'm cool with it though lol. Love ya.


Perfect timing, because I was going to submit an idea for an erotic audio today that involves lingerie 😏


Hugs & Dick! I'll have to gather my baby thoughts


Hi sexy! Have a great day. 💋 💋 💋


awesome! congrats, G!

Rayne Black

This is why I love this man!


Done lol. Submitted. Woo


I have too many fantasies. Didn’t know which ones to pick and submit. Now I’ll be able to send them all. 😂👍🏻


Aye. The form only allowed so many submissions. This email will be only for audio ideas and will still keep me organised like 😉


You can still use the form address if you have it but I took it down from my site and had Sweetz take it off tumblr since we're fullup !


Could you also post this link on the sugar side? Perhaps some of them and those who'll sign in future are not following you on the spice side. It's just an opinion, maybe I'm wrong!!!


You dont wanna know my fantasies XD


Glad to see that this endeavor has been a successful one. Good luck making all of the Lovelies' fantasies come true.


May the Gaelforce be with all of you lovelies out there. 😘😘😳 Good day!


Never underestimate the passion of your lovelies, G. I hope this is proof positive of that! 💕


Well GOOD, many thanks for that. Cos making a point under thirty seconds/four hundred characters is how I do efficient but boring business. FILTH, or Muse biz, sometimes deserves more, uh, detail. And G's dick deserves better than to yawn itself to shit. Quality over quantity, I'm inclined to agree, but yanno. If the juices flow, why not let them, as they say. Well nobody says that, but maybe they should. Can't promise I won't ever go nuts under the influence, though. Just kidding. I would never do something like that. What am I, some sort of moonstricken, bed-ridden, overtaken and too often inundated perv? Come on now. Don't be ludicrous. Anyway, great initiative. Bonne journée.


On a completely unrelated note, my prominent thought today is why would someone I can't identify repeatedly ask for my address or some other location in my dreams. I'm thinking either my entorhinal cortex is starting to fail me and has manifested a voice of its own. Or my sanity is taking a stroll in another zip code. Between that and consistently waking up at 3:00am for no apparent reason, I'm thinking it's a good thing I'm on vacation so I can write about it. To and for myself, of course :P But I also keep dreaming of locomotives, which I've never boarded. And of fucking up a Sfincione Siciliano. Which would never happen to me in this universe. So mah! Wondering if any of my neighbors have any sort of pool. If they're not back from work yet, I could sneak in real quick. *Snort* Nah, I'm going to the creek down here. Arrivederci.


Your Lovelies are pure joy and naughtiness 😈 Thanks, G! 😘


Haha "ideas to Cum" lol 😂 😂 good one.

Monique (Mimzz)

We packed that monthly quota to the brim 😂 thanks for giving us another way to sent them in ❤


Lol we broke your website ♥️♥️


I seem to recall a ramble or two where you tell the lovelies how creative they are, even though we may not think so. Consider this proof that your words have sunk in. Indiana Gael said it best..." So many sexy girls..." With so many ideas, eh?


We are not that easy lol.. We can invade the world niiaahahahahahahaaaa 😈


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any spectacular weekend plans? Well... I have none. :) Maybe a little hiking or something. Everything´ s quiet tonight, sooo... How about some easy This Or That Fragen? Fix it yourself or call a professional? Basket or box? Theme park or water park? Shoulder bag or clutch? Trees or flowers? Long sleeved or short? Piercings or tattoos? Danke, wie immer meine Lieben. XD Danke Kira for yesterday´ s Fragen. (Btw... how´ s Pjotr? :))


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! Weekend plans? Well, tomorrow is my only day off this weekend, so...not sure what I'll do. I'll think of something. Fix it myself or call a pro? Depends on the project. If it's something I know I cannot do, I call a pro. Basket or box? Both. I do like baskets, but boxes are very useful, too. Theme park or water park? Theme park. I like water parks, there's just more to do at theme parks, and they stay open longer. Shoulder bag or clutch? Shoulder bag. I'll carry a clutch when necessary. Trees or flowers? Both. Long sleeved or short? Depends on the weather, so both. Piercings or tattoos? I'm leaning towards tattoos.


Tsk tsk... It doesn't do to underestimate your Lovelies, a chara! ;-) *laughs* *hits 'Send' on an idea* *wanders off, shaking her head*


Hello 👋 No big plans for the weekend on this end... Enjoy your possible hike, potentially 😅 Here are As to your Qs: I would like to think that I would DIY, but some times, you have to call in the professionals. I think a basket always looks best. Themed parks always have so much to look at and explore, so I'll go with that. Recently, I'm all about a clutch with a wrist strap. Trees 😃😍 In the HEAT of Florida, having to let go of my New Jersey long sleeve style 😳 Tattoos, baby! Have a good one. Enjoy your Friday the 13th 😈


*ambles in, looks around* Looks like our Liebling Claudi is busy today! Maybe Li'l Seanie’s actually finally behaving himself and she fainted in shock! Or she's off having lovely adventures somewhere. ❤️ My weekend plans involve drawing and walking and eating and sleeping and NOTHING else ....... it’s going to be beautiful ❤️ Ok, let’s have some Fragen! Have you ever swum in the sea or a lake or river as opposed to a pool? Are you good at keeping house plants? What is the most brilliantly petty little act of revenge you have ever done? Do you drink coffee/tea and how do you drink it? Milk, sugar etc.? What’s your most underrated skill that you're secretly very proud of? And a last sexy one if anyone's feeling it ...... Mediocre conversation and mind-blowing sex or fascinating, stimulating conversation and average sex. Which would you pick? Have lovely Saturdays everyone! ❤️


Hallo to Emmy and the Fraugen! Well, I'm supposed to be doing laundry and stuffing my face with hummus for my next biopsy...but instead I'm sitting here and lamenting my fate. The Fragen shall make for a good distraction! And now, this: <b>Swim digs</b> — I think the only one of these I haven't done is a river. I don't like lakes, though—too cold. I've only ever been in semitropical or tropical oceans. <b>Green thumb</b> — Nope, not really. This is in part because my windows just aren't quite set up for giving plants the light that they need—plus it just gets too hot to leave the curtains open all the time in the summer. Sometimes, I'll keep some plants on my patio in the summer, but I haven't got the money this year to buy new ones. <b>Petty is as petty does</b> — Hmm. I've masterminded several petty-revenge plots without putting them into motion. Have I ever actually exacted revenge? Not really. As a kid, I definitely caricatured my bullies in books, but I'm not sure how vengeful that really is, since none of those stories ever went anywhere. <b>How do you take your...?</b> — No coffee for me—I can't handle caffeine, and I don't like the taste. I drink decaf/herbal/rooibos teas from time to time, and only occasionally will I add a bit of honey. I can't have (dairy) milk, and don't really like sugar with them. <b>Mad skillz</b> — Underrated skills, eh? I guess that might be my ability to hunt down scientific studies that are mentioned in the media. While gaining access to the articles isn't exactly a skill—my university pays for access to most journals, and if you reeeeally want a study that's locked behind a pay wall, you can usually just email the corresponding author and ask them to send you a copy, because NONE of that money goes to the researchers AT ALL (and yes, we're allowed to do it! it's still our work; the journal doesn't own it). The skill is in either tracing the links back to the original source or using the right keywords to hunt down that source. Psychological and medical studies are the ones I usually have to go after, even though I work in neither of those fields. But I also know something of how to judge whether the research is quality work, based on how old the study is, how often it's been cited, what the parameters were, etc. I use this for my writing; I use it to explain things to my friends or family when the media makes it confusing; but I also use it for myself. My chronic immune system disorder is a rare one, and specialized support for those diagnosed as adults is basically nonexistent. My doctors are good, but they're not specialists. If I didn't have the means and the rough education level to look up and interpret some of those studies, I'd be in much more trouble than I am. <b>BONUS ROUND: Talk and action</b> — I mean, I don't think it's going to surprise anyone that I'm going for the fascinating conversation and average sex. Just where my priorities lie.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Sonntag to everyone! Are you all well? My little niece is staying over night. She desperately tried to stay up till midnight... Geisterstunde - witching hour. But she fell asleep. She wanted to catch a ghost. Haha... she´ s a brave little thing. :) Sorry I was too busy yesternight for the Fragen... though the lovely Emmy asked some. Danke Spätzchen! But sadly they are not answered, yet. :) So if you are in the mood for some good daily Fragen just answer them. Hm? Danke for your answers meine Lieben. XD


Some ideas submitted. Can’t wait to hear the audios all the lovelies submitted. Let’s keep him busy girls. 😉😘


Is this Email-ad also going to be pulled down or deleted after a while?? I'm asking cause I want to know if I still have time for ideas???


I do hope this is legit and am excited for our suggestions to arise