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There is loveliness all around you if you take the time to look.  




Our bestest best 🌹❤


❤ Super cute ☀️


Third!! Yeahhh!!!😂😂😂😂


Good morning everyone ☀️


That "I love you" was the sweetest and most adorable thing ever. The kindness and sincerity that emanates from your voice is truly something else, G. It's my number one favorite thing about you. 💕 As much as I love your corny jokes... I'm a Scorp and I love that deep shit. xD 🖤💋


Love you too sexy! 💋 💋 💋


Good morning everyone. Have a beautiful day 🌞 These phone calls make it so much easier to get up every morning! 💗


I love that tag!😊 Please, be as deep as you want, G. You are most definitely a good part of my life, the best!💕 I love it, and you.😚❤


We know he likes to go deep 😂😂😂 sorry, had to ❤😂


Your the goodest of the goods. Happy Tuesday


The second I hear that ringing tone, I have a smile on my face ❤️ Because I know what’s coming. Encouraging words that make it easier to get through the day ❤️


Ok so now I took time to listen, "my goodest good", what else can a girl ask for. Best words to wake up to in the morning. G that was deep and kind. Lovely day everyone😍😍😍😍


Hearing you say “I love you” omg I’m living for it 😍


AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! *melts* *suhwoons* *bursts into tears* *flings self dramatically back into bed* Somebody hand me some chocolate!!!


Again, it's all in your perspective, chose to find the goodest good & that you will! Thank you for the reminder, kind Sir! Good morning to you as well!

Angela R.

Oddly enough just listened to this before turning in for the night. It definitely is putting my mind and soul in a happy place. Love you, G...Have a beautiful day. All you lovelies too! Xoxo


Enjoy every morning when there is a sweet lovely morning call from you, making me ready too rock the new day 😁😎 Silly Jokes are the best 🎶 "What's green, has 4 legs and would kill you if it feel from a tree?" "A Pool Table" So damn silly i know 😂 ... Nothing compare too Gael's amazing silly Jokes 😅😂


"Encouraging DEEP Tuesday like" Really? How deep is your love if I may ask?! I hope enough 😌


I can’t get enough of hearing you say those „three little words“🤟🏼😍♥️♥️♥️


Every night I go to sleep feeling happy and excited because I know I’ll be waking up to audios like this. Thank you G ❤️


So lovely. 😊 And that little "I love you"... awww! 🤗

Ms. Donovan

There are so many different tones and inflections our voices can have. I think this is my favorite of yours - measured, loving, intense, soothing. It’s what shows up in so many of your comfort audios and it flips a switch in my brain, especially when I’m feeling panic/anxiety. Have an amazing Tuesday, G 😘


What a lovely little pick me up to start the day <3 It is always good, to stop take a breath and count your blessings. Thank you love <3


Hehe these little calls make me all warm and fuzzy. What a great start to the day. : ) will try to remember to look for the good things.


How very sweet.


I just absolutely love this. Another smile on my sleepy face.


*happy kermit arms* 😁❤️ love.


You sure made it difficult to shake off that dreamy state of being when I first woke up...my goofy smile is proof positive of that. Happy Tuesday G. You are truly the Goodest Good of this team ❤


Oh look, someone who knows what they've got before it's gone. Shouldn't we all aspire to be a little more like that? "Goodest good", though? Damn. I'd say we're privileged and four-leaf clover kind of lucky. <strike>I know how deep MY love is this morning, Mr Bee G. Maybe come shine Your light there and find out? Maybe.</strike> [ ... ] I just saw a commercial and I...don't understand "smart" keys and locks or why they're better. I mean just think about it for one second. There was frozen poutine at Provigo, Gael. And then I saw frozen sandwiches. There are people out there who don't even have the time or skill to make a fucking sandwich. *Headdesk* *Replay* Everything He says is true. &lt;3


G you are one of the good and always make me smile. Love ya babe!😇❤️💋 mwah


Good morning, mayor! Awwww. What a sweet start to my Tuesday. 😍 I cannot thank you enough.. 💞💞


<i>"Thanks for being my goodest good. I love you."</i> Awww~! ^///^ 💖💖💖!!


Truly words to live by. The more you look for good, the more good you see. Always. Perspective is everything! Breathe in, fill yourself with the beautiful day ✌❤


Awesome thursday call 😊 Fuzzy and warm all inside 😍


Damn G! You are truly a life-size, ginormous, big ass ball of feel good energy!😘


Note to self: find a man who calls you like that every day or die trying. 😂 Thank you, Gael. This series is really so sweet.


No darl, thanks you for being my goodest good. I was blinded by all the bad things happening to me today and you came to the rescue. Whose the goodest now? Definitely you. Always. ;)


You speak the truth, even if I am only a lowly Gemini. Though gotta say, I wouldn't of minded a cute sexy joke 😅


That’s my favorite!!! So sweet and lovely 😊💗


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a happy Mittwoch!? Don´ t have much time tonight, I have to care for klein Seanie. Generous as I am, I changed his controller and it seems he is not happy with it... ugh... ungrateful li´ l langer! :) How about some quick Fragen... Would You Rather? Be given a lifetime supply of delicious food or books? Be locked in an amusement park or a library? Be a character in an action-packed thriller or a romantic comedy? Be 4’5” or 7’7”? Bump your head while having shower sex or fall off the bed while having morning sex? That´ s it for today, danke meine Lieben. Bis dann. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you burning angels!<br><br><del>The portal to hell is still open</del> The heat wave continues here, but today it was only 36°C with the humidity! 😓 Lately my sleep cycle had been completely erratic as I find myself waking up at 4:30 am and being unable to fall back asleep. Today I decided to just roll with it and was actually able to go outside for cardio because it was only 26°C out...at 5:00 am 😮 I’ll admit that the outdoors are quite peaceful at that time of day, but it still feels wrong to be awake at such an ungodly hour 😆<br><br>And now for some <i>Fragen</i> before I get back to work on packing my life into a bunch of moving boxes... 📦 <br><br><b>Food for eating or food for thought?</b> Ooh, I’ll take the lifetime supply of delicious food! I’m as much a fan of learning as the next lady, but I can still absorb information through medical journal articles, lectures, and other non-book sources. What I’m <i>not</i> a fan of, however, is cooking, so the lifetime supply of food would be like winning the lottery for me 🤤❤️<br><br><b>Amusement park or library?</b> I need a bit more info before I can make my decision. Am I locked in these locations after hours when there’s no one else around? If so, I’ll pick the library since I’d still be able to entertain myself with the books and free Wi-Fi. Apart from maybe eating as many caramel apples or bags of cotton candy as I want, being trapped alone in an amusement park isn’t going to be fun - no one will be around to operate the rides or rigged "games of chance" 😕<br><br>(And can you imagine getting locked in one of those fun houses with the creepy clown displays? Holy shit 😱)<br><br><b>Action thriller or romantic comedy?</b> I enjoy the former much more than the latter, but I’ll pick whichever movie where I’m a character <i>who doesn’t die</i> or have something similarly horrific happen to me. Being the main female protagonist in a romantic comedy would likely mean a happy ending, but playing the same role in, say, <i>The Matrix Revolutions</i> (and yes, I know it’s more sci-fi than action thriller) obviously isn’t going to pan out as well 😵<br><br><b>Smol or tall?</b> I’ll pick being 4'5". It’d be much easier and cheaper to find clothes, since I could technically shop in the children’s section. And common objects like ladders, step stools, and maybe long sticks that I could use to poke at stuff would make life easier to navigate.<br><br>But if I was 7'7"? Then I’d probably always be bumping my head having shower sex and I’d have to pay a fortune for a custom-sized bed that I could have morning sex on 😧<br><br><b>Sex injuries!</b> Hmm...as long as "bumping my head" doesn’t involve falling from a standing height (or higher) and slamming my head against the side of the tub, then I would probably pick the bump on the noggin. I think it’s wise to not get <i>too</i> vigorous during shower sex because of how slippery things can get and how the water overhead could potentially interfere with one’s vision, so hopefully I would just end up with no more than a small goose egg 🥚<br><br>But if I fell off the bed and landed wrong, who knows - maybe I’d end up breaking something 😵 Although I suppose if I was the female protagonist in that romantic comedy, the male lead would hopefully just find my clumsiness adorable rather than completely embarrassing 😝


Oh G. I adore you. This series is making my week so much sweeter. Thank you for being so wonderful to your Lovelies. xxx