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Good morning my Lovelies!

I'm up and fulla beans!  

I hope you are enjoying the 'Just Called' series.  I may do it more if it helps set your day to right!

Thank you all for being so patient when it comes to waiting for audios.   Getting in front of a microphone is a luxury with my work schedule lately but we are soldiering on!  I spend my work days thinking of audios I want to record when I'm free! 

I feel it's the right thing to do to finish the project I was given but finally FINALLY it seems to have an end in sight.  Cross your digits like.

Have an amazing Chooseday!!

Your Alarm Clock xd

This Week's Draw Winners



Personal Audio $4.99 tier
If you are interested in this tier or have won and don't know what to do:
Check out this thread to read  Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Audios! 




You’re always full of beans 😂 Good morning, handsome. 😘 Congratulations, ladies 😁


Thank you Coffee Bean ❤ have a lovely week! Congrats ladies - enjoy! ❤❤❤


Congratulations ladies 🥂💕


Good afternoon from Aus G. Hope you have a lovely day. Congrats to the winning Lovelies. -snuggles-


Happy Tuesday G! And congrats lucky lovelies!! Hopefully your plate clears up soon for your sake...and ours 😉🦎


Good morning, gorgeous! Yes, the "Just Called" series is a lovely way to start the day. I hope your day is seriously wonderful!


Good morning Gael and congratulations to the winners! I think we are all very appreciate of all the work you put in this community. ❤️


Happy Tuesday! Congrats Lovlies! You will love your audios ♡♡. G, I Love the new series! Perfect little jumpstart to the day. ♡


And no worries on the waiting from me! Can't rush a good thing 💚 take your time!


Yep, you should keep being our alarm clock! Days start better and with a huge smile! ... I think I'm gonna put Steve's song as an alarm melody too 🤔😂😂 Congrats ladies!!


This Alarm clock is the best ever XD Have a fantastic day G❤


Lol you’re getting up and I’m just now going to sleep from Monday. Time zones are a weird thing, they really are. But yes I’m loving the just called audios!! The first one made my Monday so much better than what it would have been without it. Take all the time you need Gael, us lovely’s completely understand and don’t need you to be stressing about it! We aren’t going to leave you. Hope you have an amazing chooseday! 🌞


I’m so happy for you!! You sound really great!! 😊😊 The morning audios are beautiful 😍 And yes for me they do make a difference in my day, it starts right from the beginning! 😊 I would love it if you made more!! They are really a treasure!! ☺️☺️ I’m so grateful for all you’ve been doing!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Have a great day! ❤️❤️


Congrats, ladies!😄 Good morning, G!😍 I am loving this series! You are the sweetest, bestest alarm clock ever! No worries at all, good things take time, and I'm glad to hear that you're seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. :) My fingers are crossed for you.🍀 Have an awesome Chooseday, love! Muah!😙❤


Good morning, G 😁 I do love the “Just Called” series. I haven’t been having a good time lately and those audios do make me feel more positive about things and they cheer me up ❤️ Hope you have a great day ☺️ Congrats to the winners 😁 PS: Crossing my digits 🤞🏻😉


I sincerely hope you don't mean full of beans literally. 😅😅😅 Seriously though.. congrats ladies! One thing I have always admired about you, G, is the fact that you always honor your commitments. Just keep doing what you're doing. 🖤💋


Congrats lovies. Enjoy your PA💕


And it is a luxury to have our own alarm clock, starting up our day the best way ❤️❤️⏰❤️Have a wonderful day 💋Hugs, hugs, hugs 💋💋🍓🍓🍓🍓


I see someone is in a chipper mood, happy Tuesday indeed. Now G, you seem to be a bit on the hyper side naturally, a caffeinated you must be a sight to behold. 😆 Glad you're able to keep up the positive enerdree what with burning the candle at both ends, you must be knackered. Thankfully it seems you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, what a good feeling that must be. Congrats ladies on your draw. Don't wear him out too much, like. 😉


Congratulations ladies. Thank you for your lovely good morning wishes Gael. You always put a smile on my face. Love you!! 💋


Congratulations ladies! Soon, you'll be able to set your own schedule, until then, well, we'll just have to soldier on as well. Until then.....


Congrats ladies! Happy Tuesday G! Glad that the end is in sight for your project, I know it's been a long time coming and the goalposts seemed to move each time you got close. 💋


Hello Sunshine! You have a whole army of naughty cheerleaders to encourage you for your last weeks/days of work! 💪 *Give me a G!... *😝 Congrats ladies, enjoy your PA!


Congrats ladies! And G- you’re very gracious about our particular brand of patience lol. Hoping things wind down quick and easy for you. The new series is a perfectly sweet way to wake up 😊 if we’re voting, I vote more!!


Good morning husband long time no comment lol Happy Tuesday everyone and congrats ladies!💓💗


Congratulations and enjoy, my dearest fellow Lovelies! 💕✨ Oww yes G, we love this series! All my positive vibes to ya to finish your project successfully 🍀 Your Alarm Clock... pretty accurate 😅 Have a great Chooseday all ❤


: ) I’m loving the just called series. It’s a perfect way to start my morning.


Congratulations Ladies and G your doing great, you got this. Yes the just called series is an absolute delight.👌


The just called series is a nice bit of sweetness. I listened yesterday on my ride to work and plan to do the same today. I'm excited for you to have your project wrapped, and not just because we will directly benefit 😉. Its because you seem to be bursting to get into all of that creativity. I cant wait to hear. Maybe there will even be time for rambles!


Congrats Lovelies <3 I just want to say i am so happy to wake up to your voice every morning <3 much love to you G You are awesome!


🎉Congrats to the Lovelies🎉 I for one am enjoying the phone call series 👍. Grumpy morning Janet appreciates the push out the door with a smile on her face 😁. Glad your project is almost done 👏👊. Hope all that day dreaming about audios is not slowing it down 😅. Have a good one. Can't wait to see what you do for Wednesday 😉 (though it's for YT, so probably nothing Hump dayish 😑...freakin' YT!)


Oh what an amazing thing to wake up to! Huge thank you so much to everyone for the congrats. >.< <3 Huge thank you also to Gael for making this a reward. ^.^ As for the phone call audio? It was really, really nice and much needed. Thank you! <3


The good morning audios are very enjoyable like 😉 a great start to each day. We are crossing everything for you G! The end is nigh! (In a good way though) 💋


Congratulations, Ashima & Christy! G: hang in there, mo chara -- you're doing the right thing, and we're all grownups & capable of waiting. Hooray for an end in sight, though! You've worked so hard for the freedom to create full-time, and it's exciting to think about what you'll do with it! I'm loving the "Just called to say" series, by the way. Yesterday's "just wanted to say I'm on your team" landed with your usual uncannily perfect timing as I was stuck in an English airport, jetlagged & in no-flight limbo due to a very delayed 1st flight & an airline screw-up with rebooking my connection. (It's all sorted now.) You're a right eerie langer sometimes, you know that? 🤣 Anyway, much appreciated. 🤗


Congratulations ladies 😘 Good luck with your project Gael 💋. I hope it all finishes smoothly and you get some much needed and well deserved R,R&R time (rest, relaxation & recording)💕


Happy Tuesday , sweet man! Loving the call audios 😍

Angela R.

I do love waking up to your sweet little encouraging messages, G. They're lovely and are a happy way to start the day. Take all of that happy energy you have today and go to it! Have a beautiful day, lovely man! Sending a tight hug and many kisses right back at you. -Oops, I got lipstick on you. Let me get that for ya...

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Awww, G... don't worry 'bout us... we may seem impatient, but that's really just a manifestation of how much we love everything you do for us and how much we look forward to every new adventure 😁... but we'll be alright - honest! 😄... stay focused on the NOW so the LATER will get here sooner!... for all our sakes 😉... and these wake-up calls are the sweetest, most adorable, smile-inducing, fuzzy-producing things ever!... the only downside is that I think I'm getting cavities... cuz they're so sweet 😆... but I have a great dental plan, so it's all good 👍... *huggles!!* 🤗

Angela R.

Kerrie-I love your Gaelandia description of yourself. It applies to me too! I find that not many people even know what an ambivert is! I'm struggling to find my own G title. It will hit me eventually. Have a great day, dearie!


Congrats, Christy and Ashima!! I love the 'Just Called' series! They've helped put a smile on my face in the morning 😊


You are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS worth the wait Gael!!! NEVER forget that!! I have decided to cut back on the artists I am sponsoring. I am going back to the original 2 I started with. Never fear, you ARE and ALWAYS will be THE #1 artist I support!!! Have a good day.


Congratulations lovely winners! 😁💕 Digits crossed for you G! 🤞🏻🤞🏻No rushing! I’m with Beetz 👆🏻days that start with a smile are the best. You are a good smile summoner. Ding ding on the ring ring. Ok that was dumb 🙄 but I’m leaving it here anyway 😎


A daily dose of Gael is always a great start to the day.😇


Guten Morgen, Gaelandia! (It’s actually 9:45 pm for me, but I wanted to use one of Frau Claudia’s common greetings! ☝️🤓) I am in no way trying to steal our dear Frau’s mighty Bavarian thunder, but I must confess that I am going through some <i>Fragen</i> withdrawal 😧 Life has been one <i>"Shit’s getting real up in here!"</i> issue after another for me, and I could use a distraction from the following: 1) Getting destroyed by the Canada Revenue Agency on my tax return!<br> 2) The somewhat embarrassing meeting I just had with my banker where we tried to figure out how I can best avoid getting obliterated by the CRA next year!<br> 3) I’m getting shafted at the clinic to the point of it no longer being a financially sustainable source of income!<br> 4) Due to 3) and a long-standing, unhealthy amount of social isolation, I’m in the process of packing up my stuff and getting the hell out of Dodge! I’m trying to ignore the pot of <i>"Oh my God, what now?"</i> existentialist angst that’s <del>on fire</del> delicately simmering on the back burner of my mind, and instead think of it as an exciting adventure! <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/OmBdpEgooB1ni/200.gif" width="200"> <i>(This probably won’t end well, but let a lady pretend 😝)</i><br><br>In the grand scheme of things, I know that this is just a minor speed bump on the road of life and that things could certainly be a lot worse 🤷🏻‍♀️ But could one of you fine ladies or gents post some <i>Fragen</i> that I can answer whilst cheering myself up with a bit of vodka? 🥃😁👍


Hi, Doc! Oh gosh, I'm sorry you're going through all that ☹️ So to help distract you, and in honor of our great Frau and her pursuit of science, here's some random fragen (I'm going through withdrawals, too); Tell me about your first kiss, if you've had one? What languages do/can you speak? Your house in on fire, and you have time to grab ONE inanimate object and get out safely. What is that object? How long can you go without talking? Favorite kind of soup? Valentine's Day or Halloween? You're in the car, switching channels on the radio when you hear a song that makes you go "OH ****, THAT'S MY JAM!" What song is it?


Just called serie is so perfect, please continue it makes my day ❤️! Congrats girls ❤️