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 Come experience the magic of the summer Solstice with me!

I decided to make a YouTube version for this audio!  The erotic version will be available here tomorrow.  But if you'd like to celebrate the solstice a little early I offer this xd




Yay first!


Night full of stars, bonfire and G by your side.... sigh sounds perfect.✨🔥


You're the best! I'm going to enjoy the tease and wait for the Spice. 😚


My favorite time of year. I have a Summer Solstice baby! 😙


Oh fuck!!


I can't wait to listen to this G.


G, G.... Don't ye play with fire... 😂😂


Didn't know I needed this until now


I loved this cuddly romance by the, no doubt, majestic fire!😉🔥😚 I busted out laughing at your joke, by the way!😂😂😂 I'm definitely looking forward to the alternate version tomorrow as well.😍😚❤❤


This is lovely, but mama needs the spice. 😆 Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll just be hanging out by the fire in my lawn chair making s'mores and watching the stars until then. Hugs and dick to ye. Muah!




God give me patience....

Ms. Donovan

Mmmmm...listened on Sugar. Might just need to listen again...


Gael will be playing the role of the Oak King this Litha....😉😉🤣😘


I'm not disappointed -- I swear I'm not! -- but when I saw the (partial) notification for the posted audio, I was hoping for spicy goodness! This piece is just so wonderfully wholesome♡ Goodness I'm gonna have a hard time waiting through tonight like~! I'll be fine with another listen☆


Sorry ladies, I'm on my way to Ireland. Can't miss this solstice!


I just learned what ayahuasca was yesterday. And how to pronounce it, haha! Also, I think your crickets might be cutting out at random points. Maybe they got caught up listening to your stories 😋


😱 I'm never ready for your audios.


Warm... Snuggles... My God. He has found the two things I actually like and put them in a single audio. Y'all, I might be in trouble here...😳


Wait, no, THREE things, because drums. <img src="https://media.tenor.com/images/24e7107abc6ccdeae8fe7431e0868278/tenor.gif">


This audio was full of emotions 💖 and I'm happy there's a nsfw version of it 😊


Mmmkay. So I tend to listen to about two hours of a ten hour YouTube thunderstorm before my brain and body even think about drifting off. That's every night. Ambien or no. I was out within four minutes on this. And that's when shit went and got real weird. I was grinning to myself and loving the little Discovery channel educational presentation on ayahuasca (the subject of my three month Drugs and Human Behavior research odyssey nearly a decade ago, by the way...another coincidence) and then I sort of started drifting. Now I can tell you in detail nearly every dream I've ever had. I almost never ever dream but when I do it's an incredible, lucid, sometimes realer than real life sort of experience. And as I'm drifting off I'm realizing that I'm dreaming of my grandfather. I even wrote a column on him last January. I like very few people on Earth, but he was one. He's one of a cohort of people I can count on one hand who I can say I loved. Like, really honestly loved. My own mother is not in this cohort, to give you some context. And I literally just had a full, hour-long conversation with him. About my marriage and divorce. About my kids, who he never met. I just totally totally visited with him, just now, in my own head. Like, he was so real. I'm not a spiritual person, but were I to find myself worshipping something it would be everyday magick. "Misspelled" intentionally. Real life, amazing coincidence, on full display. Nothing divine or otherworldly about it. Just simple serendipity. And I just experienced that. So thank you. Sincerely. For whatever vocal magick you threw into this one. Some kina sorcery afoot up in here tonight, big G. Damn son.


Thank you Gael, and Blessed Be your Solstice should you celebrate it!


Wowwwwww this is perfect, I cannot wait to listen to the erotic version tomorrow ❤ This might very easily become a new favorite 💚🍃🔥☕️🔮


So sweet and relaxing. You just melt my heart 😍❤️ Can’t wait for the erotic version


Is it weird that when someone calls me a goddess I wanna have sex with them straight away? Jesus Christ G what do you do to me


I've signed up for his Leo-ness. Sorry - I want him to be as much of a Leo as he can be. So turn it up, G! And if you can't handle it, well...


Granted it was bed time, but I dozed off to this one- a good thing, but tuned again in at Celtic Warrior, lol. I was so confused since it wasn't supposed to be sexy. Very nice. Love the fire sounds, and yes. Add Goddess to the list of endearment. 😚


No worries there, G. The only thing you suffer from is a twisted mind. 😜 But you use it for good... and I kinda like that anyway, so no meds needed, mister medicine man. XD


I really don't know this tradition the Soltice but I loved it


I've heard of the the Soltice, but it's not something that I've ever experienced or know much about so this was interesting on different levels.