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Happy Monday my Lovelies!

Remember something positive and important today and let that drive the focus of your day.  

Life is too short to dwell on the negative like

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Hi gale x

Ms. Donovan

Happy Monday darlin’! ♥️


Happy Monday! Congrats lovelies!


Congrats!! And I hope everyone has a lovely day! ❤️


Hallo ❤️ and how are you?


... Always look on the briiiiiight side of life🎶


Congrats Ladies ❤ Thanks for the reminder, G! 🍀


Congrats ladies!! Enjoy!!! Yes! POSITIVE ALL DAY, EVERY DAY! 😘😘


Amen to that! Live greatly & love deeply! Congratulations ladies!


You’re an example to us all Gael! ❤️


It’s like you were reading my mind. Needing this today. Thank you G😘 Yes HAPPY Monday everyone 💚


Congrats to the winners! Enjoy ladies Very true! I am having the best Monday by remembering how much fun I have had with my friends last week. We don’t get to see each other often, but we create memories that will last us a lifetime. A little bank of happiness for bad days. 😄


Have a great week everyone!🙂🌼


🎉🎈Congrats Jo and Vision🎈🎉 @G that was kind of deep and profound for a Monday. Let me ponder on it a while, because my Monday brain is still trying to catch up and realize that the week as started again 🙄 Have a good one 😁


thank you! be well!


Omg yessssss 😍🙌🏻 I’m so excited


Janet 😆 samesies.


Yay Jo!!!!!!!! *happy dance*


That sounds awesome Val! So happy you have that in your life.


Congratulations Jo and Vision💋 @G Agreed. I'm in a good, positive and some kinda other stuff mood like 24/7 ❤ P.s where is Seanie? I wanna wrestle with him 😁😂😂


Happy Monday! Very true 🌸 Congrats ladies 🤗


Congratulations Ladies, enjoy! Thank you for the positivity today Gael. I will do my best to stay positive, it is difficult to do though when one gets laid off.


Good morning Gael. Congrats ladies.


Dude! I had to go back and edit the freaking comment twice cuz My brain is OUT for the count! Not to mention auto correct can suck my ass!...though that might feel kinda nice 🤔 okay WTF! I need to stop writing, my brain is OUT and it's not safe 😅 Enjoy your day. Hope the Bloody noses have stopped 😙


Good morning Gael! Hope your day is going swimmingly as well!


Have a wonderful week G! 😘😘😘 Your positivity is beautiful and so helpful on Monday morning.


Congratulations, ladies! I am sure you will enjoy your PAs! Have a lovely and positive week, G! I am thankful for the many blessings in my life -- my family, friends, this wonderful community -- and I use that gratitude to keep me positive when things don't go as planned. Life is an adventure, is it not? How can we appreciate the highs if we don't live through and conquer the lows?


So sorry KrystaLynne. Remember that a setback is a platform for your comeback. 😘🤗💪🏼


Congrats, lovelies 💕 You are right, G. No point in letting the little things get you down ☺️ Thanks for the reminder 😘


Congratulations Jo and Vision!! Definitely had a backslide towards the negative these past few days 😔 insecurities creeping in....Thanks for the reminder to refocus... I’ll try


Congrats, ladies!! 🎈🎉 Happy Moanday to y'all 😇😘


Thanks for the reminder, G! 🤗 Congrats ladies!


That is so right G! Thank you so much for that. Congrats ladies!!


Congrats ladies🙂🎉


Happy Monday everybody.. good advice and remember : "The purpose of our lives is to be Happy" 👍❤️👍Have a wonderful day everybody 👍❤️🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓


Congrats ladies! Have a good day everyone! 💗💗💗


Happy Monday! *throws confetti*


One of the winners is named Vision... Does that mean this guy is getting a personal audio? <img src="http://www.comingsoon.net/assets/uploads/2017/03/9-cw-vision-4x6-1.jpg">


Happy Monday G. I’m tinkin happy thoughts today like Peter Pan ✨ I’ll be with 6 other lovelies in real life in about 48 hours


Congrats, Jo and Vision (doggone it, Becks 😆) Enjoy your PAs!!


Have a great week everyone! 😊 Congratulations to Jo and Vision! 💖


Felt like I got reprimanded. Yes sir! 😂 Congratulations Jo and Vision!


Congrats Ladies♡♡♡♡


Congrats Jo and Vision! You lucky, lucky ladies! I'm generally a Positive Panda, but a little reminder from time to time doesn't hurt. Have a great week G and lovelies. I'm officially off for summer break until August 15th, so it's all gravy. 😁


Congratulations beans! 🤗 This place always makes my days more positive ❤️


Congrats lucky gals! 😍


Oooooh Thank you G i so happy i won Big kisss hahaaha Today is a Good Day 👌There are Many Reasons to be HAPPY.💚💏 Have wonderfull week G &amp; Lovelies👍🐻Hugss 💖


Congrats ladies👏🏼🥂🎉 enjoy you PA‘s☺️ I‘m in the best mood😁... even though I need a whole lot of sleep, because somehow something keeps me from sleeping, lately😉 Nevertheless, thanks for the well-meant reminder😘♥️


Happy Monday G and ladies ❤️ Congrats girls 😘😘😘

Angela R.

Gael, with you and all these lovelies it would be impossible to not have a wonderful and positive day. Hugs to you all. And to the winners- lucky lucky! Go play the lottery!! 😀

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Congratulations, girls! And thank you for the reminder, Gael. To stay positive, I'm going to think about the fact that in TWO DAYS, seven of your Lovelies are gathering in Columbus, Ohio, for the Flogging Molly/Dropkick Murphy's concert and to finally be able to hug each other in person. We promise it will be as loving and fun as you would expect us to have. Nicole, Danielle, Elisheva, Judy, Lindsay and JJ...I'm coming for ya!


Congrats ladies! I gotta say, I know I only upgraded to the PA tier about a month-ish ago, I know it's gonna take a while for my name to be drawn, but honestly I feel like you're a bit intimidated by me there, G. (I mean, who wouldn't be? I am The Scorpion Queen after all. 😜) My entire survival has been dependent upon my ability to be able to see the negative. Thinking strictly positively doesn't serve me well. But I understand where you're coming from, though. It's a bit more difficult to see the positive when you often feel like there is nothing to be positive about, but I try my best, and that's all I can do. 🖤💋🦂👑


Wise words G! To Keep focus bcos it reminds you of those things that are important. Happy Monday lovelies i am always late to the party bcos of time difference.😂😂


Gael dear, I couldn't agree with you more. I used to be negative..about everything...look for the negative, and you'll find it every single time. I LIVED by the mantra of if I never expect anything I can't be let down. Then I figured out how much of life I was missing, and how lame living that way was. I was brave. I opened up. I started expecting good, and accepting good. I starting seeking good out and letting it warm my cold and broken heart...and ya know what...it has been healing ever since. YEAH, I still get let down on the daily at times...but I have learned from every experience ...and each one makes me stronger and better. The Japanese have an art form called Kintsugi. I 5hink I posted before about it...I am more precious and more beautiful for having been broken, and repaired....and THAT my friend is an amazing concept. A raise a toast to those who are brave enough to step out of the cold and swamp like shadows and into the light....it is beautiful here ♡♡


Wise words Juju! Yes, the way you look at the world is the way you'll feel it back. Negative attracts negative. Same as positive attracts positive! I choose the last one too 😘😘😘


Congrats lovelies! And happy Monday y'all. It's a difficult Monday for me to be positive.....a lot of negativity swirling around on my life today....but I am trying! Gonna throw on an audio or two and fold some laundry, try and be swept away to a happier place for a while. 😘 Muah! Kisses beauties!


😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳. *Stay positive Mel..Stay positive Mel. Breathe.** 😏


Congrats, Ladies! I temporarily crashed into the Negativity Zone this weekend, clearly. Fortunately, I'm a floater, not a sinker so it's not a lasting condition. The lovelies here, in this community are such a help, as are those near and dear at home. I'm just about back to "normal". Thanks, love, for the positive enerdree. 💋


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a wonderful Dienstag!? Another muggy, sweaty night here... I´ m waiting for Li´ l Seanie to cool off, enjoying a little, tasty midnight lemon sorbet. MMhhh... Today is my Mama´ s birthday. My sister and I gonna prepare a little lunch picknick just for the 3 of us at the river. :) I already had my man hauling some comfy deckchairs and sunshades there. It will be so nice and cool at the rushing the water. I´ m too lazy for the daily Fragen, my dears. Can one of you ask some? Bitte? :) Danke for your Fragen and Antworten, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD


Needed your lovely Irish pearls of wisedom right now thanks g muah


*Climbs up onto soapbox...falls off...dusts off...climbs back on sheepishly* Achem. *tap tap* Is this thing on? Achem. If anyone out there is suffering and feeling ashamed that they are not being positive enough...it's ok not to be positive all of the time...suffering is an inevitable part of life and the more we rail against it, the more we suffer. So if you are suffering right now don't beat yourself up about it. Say to yourself "I am suffering" and hold fast to the knowledge that suffering, like all feelings, is transient. (with a few clinical exceptions for which there is help). Thank you. *fumbles with microphone, get's tangled...falls off soapbox*


This too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

Angela R.

Indeed, love, we're only human. You're right, dust yourself off and keep going with as positive an intent as you can muster. Sometimes all we can do is take things even one minute at a time. JuJuBee- yas! That's almost a regular saying for me.


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! Happy birthday to your mom, Frau!! 🎂😁 I'll ask some Fragen! What's one thing you will never do on the internet? If you had the potential to use magic, what type would you use? Can you use chopsticks? What's something you love to do that keeps you energized? Can you whistle? Name one of your favorite games? There ya go! Have a good night/day, everyone! 💖😁


Love this post! I needed the reminder today! Thanks, kind sweet sir! ☺️


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A happy Mittwoch to everyone. Are you well? I had a nice day with my family yesterday. :) Tonight it´ s finally a little cooler, I´m hoping for rain my trees could need some water. I have a few asssorted Fragen, for the daily Fraugen. How many unchecked emails do you have? Do You Like DIY projects? Have you ever boycotted a business? What insect are you most scared of? What is your favorite street sign? Danke meine Lieben, wie immer. See you later. XD Danke Kris for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hello! Hope the trees got some water. Here's my As to your Qs: I probably have 100+ emails unread 😝😳🤦‍♀️ Its mainly junk mail. I know it's bad and really need to get in there and delete delete delete 😩 I actually recently sanded down and repainted my bedroom furniture for my DIY project. I love how it came out 😁 and felt so proud of myself 💪 🤔 Never boycotted a business. Though, I came close to doing it with Chik-Fil-A but my son loved it so much 😕 I just cut down on the frequency 😒 Umm...Centipedes, freak me out 😨! Street signs?! 🤔 All I can think of is the FRIENDS episode where Chandler wanted to put the sign MERGE over the bed when he moved in with Monica🤣 So, I'll go with that, because I loved Chandler and Monica (one of my fav TV couples) ❤ Thanks for the questions 😁


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Donnerstag to everyone. Don´ t have much time, have to check on my kiln. :) Tonight it´ s quite cold here, it´ s nice to snuggle up with a lot of blankets for a change. Just a few quick Fragen, ja? Have you ever?... Sunbathed partially or totally nackt - naked? Pretended to speak a foreign Sprache - language you don’t know? Been kicked or bitten by an Tier - animal? Found a wallet or money that someone dropped? Gotten lost in an amusement park or on vacation? Danke meine Lieben. Bis später. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of the sex bomb squad! 💣💥<br><br>I’ve had a rather unusual evening, my good Frau 😕 After finishing my training session at the gym, I went over to the adjacent grocery store to pick up a few things. While I was mindlessly browsing the cleaning supplies aisle, I happened to look up and I spotted a shifty-looking fellow squatting on the floor a few metres away. He was carrying a large open duffel bag, and I watched as he appeared to grab something from the shelf in front of him and slip it into his bag.<br><br>I was quite taken aback by this, and I initially thought that I’d either just imagined it or completely misinterpreted a benign action. But the guy suddenly looked from side to side (like he was trying to see if anyone as watching him), and he froze when he saw me staring in his direction.<br><br>At that point I realized that he was most likely a shoplifter, although he was apparently trying to steal canned cat food 😟 I casually turned back towards the bottle of detergent I’d been looking at and pretended to read the label while trying to think of what to do. I sure as hell wasn’t going to walk up to him and demand to know what he was doing, since I had no idea how he might react. But although I felt bad that he was resorting to stealing cat food from a grocery store, I couldn’t just look the other way and do nothing either.<br><br>While I was weighing my options, he suddenly jumped up to his feet and left the aisle in a hurry. I quickly walked off in the opposite direction to try to find a store employee, but by the time I found one in another aisle, I spotted the shifty fellow hurrying out of the store.<br><br>I think I might’ve scared him off, and perhaps he thought I was one of those undercover store detectives. When I went to pay for my groceries, I looked through the store windows to see if the guy was lingering around the parking lot. I’d noticed that he’d gestured at something (or someone) as he was leaving the store, and I wasn’t sure if he and a friend were sitting in any of the parked cars in the lot.<br><br>Now, I’m probably a much bigger badass in my mind than I actually am IRL, so I found myself mulling over the following points:<br><br>1) If this guy actually was trying to shoplift and I’d inadvertently thwarted him, he was probably going to be pissed off at me.<br><br>2) I was still wearing my gym clothes (a neon pink shirt and bright teal leggings), so anyone would be able to spot me from a mile away.<br><br>3) I was at the store by myself and would have to walk across the parking lot alone to reach my car.<br><br>4) I’ve never gotten into a serious physical fight in my entire life, nor have I ever taken any martial arts or self-defense classes. (The guy was pretty skinny and couldn’t have weighed more than 140-145 lbs, so I figured we’d be reasonably matched up in a fight. But obviously the best way to win a fight is to just not get into one in the first place 😧) I ended up sitting down at one of the benches in the store and waiting a few minutes before heading out into the parking lot. Luckily the guy seemed long gone and I ultimately made it to my car and drove home in one piece. I’d been planning on going for a walk outside after putting my groceries away, but I decided to put that off until tomorrow because I still had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach 🙁 Which brings me to now, and the <i>Fragen</i> of the day 😯: <b>Sunbathing in my birthday suit?</b> Nope, I’ve never sunbathed topless or fully in the nude before. During the occasional times that I do go sunbathing (which we should probably all try to avoid because of the scourge known as skin cancer! ☝️😯), I leave my bathing suit on. <b>Speaking in tongues!</b> Nah, I’ve never pretended to speak a language I don’t actually know. I probably wouldn’t be able to maintain the charade for very long if I tried 🤭 <b>Was bist du doch nur ein Tier?</b> I’ve been bitten by one of my cats a few times, although thankfully not to the point of needing antibiotics. And I was rammed by a goat at a petting zoo when I was 3 years old, but I guess it serves me right for trying to pick up one of its kids 😧 <b>Finders but not keepers?</b> I have found two or three wallets before, but luckily within moments of their owners dropping them. So in each case I was able to pick up the wallet and catch up to its owner to return it. I’ve also found money on a few different occasions, but never in a setting where I could track down the owner. Those are unexpected but very pleasant surprises 😃 <b>Getting lost!</b> I suppose one could argue that <i>I’m</i> the one who got lost, although I maintain that it was my mother who wandered off 😝 But there was an incident where my mom and I “got unexpectedly separated for an extended period of time” while we were at Universal Studios in Orlando 😧 Thankfully we ended up bumping into each other near the Jurassic Park ride, and we were both so relieved that neither of us was mad at the other. (I had the keys to our hotel room but she had our bus tickets back to the Disney resort we were staying at, so each of us would’ve been screwed without the other 😬)