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Let me help you see yourself the way I see you.






.........You really are lovely Langer ☺️


Appreciate this.


Work safe! Popping in my earbuds now ❤️


I wanna just sop you up with a biscuit ♡♡♡. 😘So thoughtful ♡


Awwwww i was totally needing one like this. Thanks G Have a lovely evening n a great rest of the week. Mine is about to get CRAZY but im sure it will all work out ❤


I love this. This made me feel really good and after work no less. Gael I love all that you do.


Awww you can be encouraging without slobbering us down. Take that YT. Although I prefer the slobbering👅👅.


Oh I love it. It’s too sweet and perfect.


Again... ohhhh my heart ☺️ You are such a good friend, babah ❤️ And since this is the spice side... I say let’s take this friendship to the next level, yea? 😂😂😂


Yay!! 😍😍😍


Oh this is what I needed today ❤ out shopping with my in-laws and I need something relaxing for the 2 hour drive home. Thanks boss man!


Awww this was sweet!


This boy said come at me Bro. I’m dead. 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼


ok. best friend exp is my jam!!




Can you come with me tomorrow to talk to my boss?


the simplest things can enchant the moment into something special ... like a laugh that comes from the heart ...


This is so sweet. I now have new best friend goals. 😘


Geez even though I've heard you on erotic audios somehow your voice is even sexier here.


I see you're well on your way to recording some innocent YouTube audios. :) Your kind encouragement and laughter are really heartwarming, G. You are such a sweetheart.😄 It was so adorable to hear you say, "You know, without trying to sound weird, I think you're pretty." Aww!! So cute!💕


Shut uuuuup, you're gonna make me cry. 😭 Cause at the end of the day I just feel like I'm not loveable, but that's my own damn cross to carry around... 😒 I've made my bed, now sleep in it... ❤️❤️❤️


Yes yes yes yes 💜Always yes to the sweet stuff 💜💜💜


Aww another sweet one Gael 😊


I love this one G! 😍😍💕💕 your voice is intoxicating.


Gael, this was another great audio.👍🏻😘 You are such an awesome and encouraging person to even think of creating this. Your the best💋💋


Seriously burst into tears when he hugged her in the beginning...I so needed that today...thanks G 💋💋


I can't explain it but this made me cry.... I'm sorry!!!❤

Ms. Donovan

Please add NSFPT (Public Transportation) to the tags because this one punched me right in the feels. I’m in a cab in traffic in DC and my driver is concerned. He just asked, “You are ok?” and offered me a tissue. Keep raising the bar, G. We promise to keep pushing. You’re amazing ♥️


This was so sweet ❤️


❤️ YAS!! Every woman on planet need this. To experience being loved & adored as a sensual being, without requiring reciprocation. “I expect this of you” or “Make me feel good & hand over your sexual energy. We are so conditioned to accept love as transactional, we forget it’s not. And damnit, we’re worthy of affection & emotional investment as our inherent birthright. Thank u for this; your an amazing friend & this is soul medicine. Vanilla Gael comes w rainbow sprinkles & hot fudge, ladies. 👏🏻👏🏻🍦 And...., the feminist movement wants to give you a seat at the round table; r u available? We’ll sort out something for Seanie; coffee boy, perhaps? I’ll have my people call ur people.


Jesus I got a lot of love to hand out to you damn girls!!!! Get in line! Free hugs!! No D 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sigh.. how can I not love a guy whose goal is “ to set your world to rights”


“The sky remains the same” 💕 I adore you, G. Thank you for always knowing just the right thing to say to make us feel valued, appreciated, and loved. ❤️


This was so nice to wake up to. Thank you, lovely G. 🖤💋


This one honestly made me cry. 😭 It makes me want to try to be an even better friend to my loved ones. ❤️


There's that palpable warmth again. Audio also works as a big brother one (just shared - I think he earned a fan). Music and immersion sounds on point (I wish all shops were this relaxing). "Their opinion doesn't really matter - what matters is your evidence, your investigation." "Who gets to decide? Who's right? What's the standard?" "Everyone's dealing with their own stuff. In reality, it's you against you." Edit (thanks Laura): "The sky remains the same." "Call them ‘langers’" -G #Sapiosexuality #KnowingIsWithin Why would anyone here need reassurance, though? All I see are bouquets of different kinds of smart, wise, funny and sexy. That Bigfoot line is totally something I could've said, too. Cracked me up. 10/10


I've got a scoop. Those sabotaging seagulls were actually trained by Seanie. Here is evidence of one of them planning on helping him outceleb G: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYHjyNNy_4Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYHjyNNy_4Y</a> Meanwhile in my wildest fantasies — footage of G in his natural habitat, reacting to just about any female after I'm done with him: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ickdEbZEE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ickdEbZEE</a>


So perfect!! 💕


This was an amazing audio and it had me in tears. Thank you so much for this Gael. Youre an amazing person and youve helped so many people. Keep doing what youre doing and i cant wait to see what the future holds for you!


Guten Morgen Mädls. A happy Mittwoch to everyone. Hope you are all well? It´ s a cold, quiet night here... I´ m sitting outside, nibbling a little midnight waffle... waiting for Li´l Seanie to cool down. I´ m glad when I can cuddle up in my bed again... isn´ t it nice to have some cold, cuddly nights before summer comes and one just wanna kick all the blankets and the hot, sweaty, sticky men out of the bed... :) How about some daily Fragen, my dear Fraugen? Hm? For science?... The most rewarding freiwillige - volunteer experience you´ ve ever had? Your favourite household chore? The hübscheste - prettiest shiny object you´ve ever owned? Your größter - biggest moment of celebrity? Danke for your answers, meine Lieben. Bis dann. XD


Hi, Claudia! I'm doing well, thanks 😊 I just finished a cup of hot chocolate and I'm about to head for bed in a second. But fragen first! My most rewarding volunteer experience I've ever had? Back when I was in college, I visited the local soup kitchen weekly. At first, I admit, I did it so I could pass my class, but around the third or forth visit, I began to look forward to it. I enjoyed helping prepare meals for the people there, talking with everyone, playing games with them when I could. And they were among the kindest people I've ever met. But sadly, that was also one of my last classes before graduation, so when the class ended, we had to say good-bye. I've volunteered at a bunch of events before, but this was one of the ones I really enjoyed. My favorite household chore? I don't have one. The prettiest shiny object I've ever owned? A purple rock crystal. I forgot where I got it from; it may have been given to me. My biggest moment of celebrity? Haha, I don't think I've had one of those yet 😆 I guess the closest I've had to one would be the time when I was playing indoor soccer during gym class in high school. A kid from the other team kicked the ball in the air towards my team's goal. From the air, I bounced the ball off my head back towards the other team's goal. Almost everyone in the gym went nuts. My head hurt for a while after that, but it got the kids at school be genuinely nice to me for once, so it was worth it.


Your the best, best friend anyone could ask.for This is just what youtube needs


Gael, idk if you or the rest would like my idea, but I really would like another story of best friends becoming lovers ☺️


Both very funny. That poor lioness, she was trying her most, but no go. 😆


That was sooo sweet! I loved this! More of this in the future please ! ❤️

Saya J

Yes! Me too.☺️ That's one of my favorite tropes of all time!


I love encouragement, comfort, safetly audios. Xoxox.


Love this! Totally need to love ourselves, warts &amp; all, first &amp; foremost. We all need the person to get us out of our own heads sometimes.


Perfect, what I need ❤️


You make the perfect best friend, Gael. Just the sweetest! ❤


@Chelie That poor lioness really did. And if you listen carefully, still in my wildest fantasies and in the background of that video, you can hear the sound of the mourning dove. That's the sound of every heart in the world breaking because of my cruel prowess. "Mourning Dove" also happens to be the paint color for my bedroom walls. Coincidence? I think not. *Carl Orff's "O Fortuna" commences* May this audio be a soothing balm to you all.


This was just what I need today, bless you ❤️️


I needed this today ❤️😍


Actually just heard this on YT 🙄. Emotional melt down avoided with the quick wit of the G man. Not the worst kind of friend to have 😌


I love you... not in a creepy, delusional, shrine building way. I just think you are pretty awesome, and important, and kind. That’s all. ❤️


I love the amount of THOUGHT that went into this. Not generic phrases or soothing platitudes (though those have their place!) but you just....work through each destructive thought! And show it as faulty! Even good friend conversations lack this, often! Thanks so much for putting so much effort into each one. &lt;3

Krisandra Setzer

How did you know that I needed a pick me up? I really needed this


I keep coming back to this one because despite my outer confidence I need a reminder of my worth. Today’s the third listen and it triggered mega water works. 😭 God, I miss my best friend.