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Oh sweetheart, I hate to see you sad.

Come lay in the garden with me and ease your mind




Thank goddd


Yes yes yes💜💜💜


How the hell did you know I was feeling sad? I swear to god, you're spying me over my phone's camera LOL




It's 3am and you're up and I haven't even gone to bed yet😂


You really do read minds, G


Oh I needed this side of the mister tonight. So bad. Danke.


I was waiting for this.😇 Thank you Gael. Happy Monday!


Yassss! Dude I now have 3 audios that I need to listen to tonight....#justthirstygirlproblems #best problem Thanks for another good one boss man 😘🌶😈


Just in time for bed!!! You spoil us G!


Whaaaat? Already?! 🙌🙌


You sweet little mind reader, you. I don't know how you know, but you definitely know. I can't wait to listen to this. 🖤💋🖤💋🖤💋


Thank you so much for this. I'm going through a tough time right now which is making me feel depressed and having insomnia...so thank you Gael...this is much needed for me and highly appreciated. ❤❤❤

Ms. Donovan

Please tell me this is a timed post, G, because I’ve not been to bed yet and it’s 3 am in Ireland and you’re making me tired for a tomorrow that’s not here yet!!! But, chastising aside, thanks for this, doll. I’m looking forward to my head hitting the pillow tonight. ♥️


Jumping from Sugar to Spice is awesome! Gives a whole new meaning to "Double Gael"!! 😍😘😘


Aww, I loved your little poem.😊😙 Your tone, your words, your kisses, and the scene you created are so soothing. This is lovely.😍 The chimes were a nice touch, too. It's all so very peaceful. I loved it.❤


❤️❤️❤️❤️. U r a machine; have yet to find the time for a heart attack from this morning’s G-taser. Seriously respect your hustle, G. Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. 🐞


Just in time for bed :) you sure spoil us!!! 💕💕💕


Something for tonight 😊 Thank you, Sir! ❤️


Aw this is very sweet 🙂


D'aww, our G is a poet and didn't know it. 😁 The audio balance sounds perfect for my sleep playlist. I remember an older audio similar to this (Gaelic in the Garden, I think) where there was a singular bird call that repeated on a regular frequency that threw off the realism (though it was still an audio that worked extremely well for me), and I'm not hearing that in this one. Sure, there's repeated bird calls—just like in nature—but the frequency is irregular. Nice improvement, G! 👍


Awwwww ❤️❤️


Hmmmmm...blinking slightly awake to tell you that this was an awesome way to slow everything down and de-stress. Thank you 💖


I got notification exactly when i feel sad. Thanks, G ❤❤


I’m so looking forward to listening to this tonight. I went to Niagara Falls today for Victoria Day and I’m so freaking tired. Much walking in stylish but uncomfortable boots. My feet are killing me 😩 Note to self: wear more comfortable shoes next time. 😣😂 Thanks for this, G, you mind reader, you. 😘


You have no idea how much I wish this were real. But I stand here, feeling bruised and broken, distant and alone. It's as if I'm in a field, the sun is shining, happy people all around, the sounds of their voices fill the air. Birds are chirping, the wind sings its song. But where I have fallen to my knees, the ground has crumbled and started to die, the air thin and the sky muted. The wings that I wished for, each feather now black as pitch, are broken, bloody and useless. Trembling hands covering my face, my cheeks stained with tears, my dark wings surround me, while darkness envelopes me. It whispers to me nothing but bittersweet sorrows, and reminders of grief. I am powerless against it, it's grip so tight. So I remain frozen here, like a dark angel made of stone.


Oh, sweetie. I know what it's like to feel broken. Just know I'm always here for you. 🖤💋


Very relaxing, perfect start for the day ❤❤❤


Vally loves this😍🐦


Just before I go to bed too! Bless ya Gael, and thank you so much! 💚🤗


Love ya, love the chimes, but I'mma 'bout to murder me some birds, like. For fecks sake, shut yer beak! Jaysus, where's a hawk when ye need one. I like birds, finches and doves and the like. It just reminded me of spring when I was a kid and trying to sleep, but the birds were going nutso trying to find a mate. Also, this one bird in the city who fashioned his mating call from a car alarm, apparently he thought it was sexy! 😆


Wow, I’m in a hypnotic stupor...so lovely🙂

Ms. Donovan

This type of audio right here is why I love ya, G! I mean yes, sex on a balcony in Bangkok definitely has its merits, but it’s these audios that led me to you. I was asleep before you stopped talking. You have NO IDEA what kind of miracle that is. I listened again this morning and realized that it’s mostly chimes and birds and that I was probably asleep in under 10 min. Thank you will never say enough ♥️


I knew me mentionning my garden a few times in the comments would work. 😂 But seriously it’s beautiful, and very soothing. Like Nic said above, the naughty audios are a treat, but these relaxing ones really show how much you care about spreading love and happiness.


Your calm,soothing, warm voice ❤️spreading out love and best wishes 🙏❤️🙏It goes directly into the heart & soul ❤️😃A beautiful interpretation of mindfulness 😃🙏😃Have a wonderful zen day ❤️😃Hugs, love & Goodass Prana 😄😘💋💋🙏😃🍉🍓🍓🍉


We'll this one IS on the sleep list. Unlike the sneaky sex bomb from Laying in bed. Good job, G


Psychic!!!! Would you be willing to mention a list of things I’d like to hear?? Lol 💋💋




Those bell sounds + your voice really worked on me. I badly needed an audio like this. It's always nice to feel this light and far far away from my usual low mood. Your audios are like oases between my low episodes and I cherish these moments when I feel deeply calm. Thank you.


This is so perfect!! I love to listen in the morning before starting my day instead of at night. Lovely, peaceful start to my week :) Thanks, G!!


I slept so well to this thanks! 😗


Birds are singing... *thinking about Sans* Flowers are blooming... on days like this, kids like you... hehehe too much undertale xD


Omg soooo relaxing with those wind chimes! And G could read me the phone book in Gaelic and reduce me to mush..... throw a my girl or good girl...or -god help me- Angel....and my panties FALL OFF!!!


listening to this again and I have to say that "let me hold you a little tighter" gets me every time.


This was so lovely Gael, and is now added to my growing list of sleep aids. However, I have a bone to pick with you... you were clearly sneaking around my garden to record all of my birds, so why didn't you come in for a cuppa and a slice of cake?


I fell asleep last night with this one... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Love the wind chimes and birds! Two of my favorite sounds...


so beautiful and relaxing, hello sleepy time mellowness