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Hallo Spice Girls & Boys!


Looong day!  But a good one.

I hope you are all doing well!!

Our Draw Winners This Week

Neva Walker 

Friday Chele 

Personal Audio $4.99 tier
If you are interested in this tier or have won and don't know what to do:
Check out this thread to read  Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Audios!

I will sometimes draw a 3rd name during the week from the Vanilla PA thread when I have extra time to record.  If you know you will not want an erotic PA, feel free to add your name to the thread to be chosen! 



Goodnight to you! X


My favorite part of this new chapter of Gaelandia is being called a Spice Girl


Congrats to the lovely winners ❤


Have a good night Gael x


Congrats winners! Sweet dreams, G. 😘


Congrats to the winners! Get some rest now! It must not be easy being the Mayor of two towns! 😇😈


Congrats ladies!! Have fun!! Goodnight! 😘


Lmfao. I am definitely Scary Spice in this particular scenario. 😂😂😂 Congrats loves! 🖤💋


Congrats ladies and good night #Lovelies and Gael. Much love from Posh Spice Vally 😗💋


Congrats ladies 😍 and Sweet dreams Gael. You've earned them.


YAAASSS, Spice Girls!!! (Spice Gaels? 😂) <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/k03F0FXR5ZeYU/giphy.gif">


Spice Girls and Boys is the best nickname for us on this Patreon since the name change!😍😈 I really like that.😃 Congratulations ladies! Nighty night and sweet dreams, G! I hope you have a restful night's sleep after your long day. Kisses and hugs, love.😚💋💋💋


Hey Deja, he already has a few First Time audios. Check the master list. 👍🏼




Congrats, ladies!!! Good night and sweet dreams!! 😘😘😘 Spice up your life! 😜😜


Spice girls. I’m dead!!


“Spice Girls,” huh? You know that was the name of a band that Mel B was in before they broke up? 🎶 Yoooo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want, what you really really want... 🎶🎶🎶 Anyways, I like being called a Spice Girl. Sounds very sexy 😈 Congrats, lovelies ❤️ And good night, G 😚


Goodnight G and congratulations lovelies!😊


Congratulations ladies! Hope you get something fun 😉


Spice girls??? 😱 Now I want to wear Posh's Spice leather catsuit and sing: 🎶 I'm giving you everything All that joy can bring This I swear... 🎶 Where are my Ginger, Sporty, Baby and Scary Spice girls? Thanks Gael, now instead of sleeping I'm gonna watch the SG's music videos! 😎 Ps: Congrats girls!


Congratulations, Belles Épices! Oiche mhaith, a Gh! (Ok, I know it doesn't make a lick of sense to séimhiú just 1 letter, but it makes me giggle, so I'm just gonna have fun w/it! 😉😆😂🤣)


Congraturitos winners! Dream sweetly G.


Congratulations beans and sweet dreams everyone, I’m away to my bed 🤗


You too are posh spice🐱 Jess gimme high5. We're having same taste 😂😘👏


Congrats ladies, enjoy! ❤


Good night G💕 congratulations ladies!!!!!


Congrats to the winners.


Congrats Spice gaels 👄💃🌶️🔥 good night Mayor.


Congrats ladies! Have sensual dreams G! 😊

Stella Rose

Congrats lovelies! Have fun with your PA 💐


Congratulations ladies!💜


Hahaha Spice Girls... luv it. Congratulations lovelies 💕


Spice girls 😒...not sure how I feel about that one. But I'll roll with it 😅 Congrats to the winners!


Spice Girls was my childhood! Congrats to the winners!


Cheers to the winners 🥂


Congratulations Beauties 😄😄 Good night mayor😴😴


Congrats, Neva and Friday!! 😁😁 Enjoy your PAs!


Guten Morgen my dears. A wonderful Dienstag to everyone! Oh my... I had an eventful night so far. The fire alarm woke me... I ran into my workshop and Li´ l Seanie was smoking! And not some sweet grass... hehe... seems like a student left a big mug with brushes - my beloved brushes!!! - in him! :( Well, it´ s all right now and no harm done... except for the smell of burnt hair, yuck... and a soon-to-be very sorry student!! Is one of you in the mood to ask the daily Fragen, bitte? I have to mourn my brushes and plan revenge for them! JK... :)) Danke for your Fragen and answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD Danke Citrine for yesterday´ s Fragen!


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you hot tamales!<br><br>I’m sorry to hear about the untimely demise of your poor brushes, my dear Frau! But I’m very glad that nothing else was damaged and that no one got injured 😯 Well, except for the student who’ll soon be in for a world of hurt. Perhaps the murder kittens can teach him a lesson? 🤔<br><br>In honour of how spicy it’s about to get all up in here, how about some naughty <i>Fragen?</i> 😈 - What is on your sexual bucket list?<br> - What is the most erotic dream you’ve ever had?<br> - Can you have an orgasm without clitoral stimulation or penetration? (e.g., HFOs, touching breasts)<br> - Has anyone ever caught you masturbating/having sex?<br> - Have you ever made your neighbours angry because you were being too loud during solo or partnered sexytime?<br> - What has been your most intimate experience?


I’m so excited! And thanks everyone for the congrats messages!


Congrats ladies! Nighty night and sweet dreams G.


Congratulations!! Oooohhhhhh, You are going to love it! 😁


Morning y'all 🌹 Congrats and enjoy, spicy ladies! 💋🌶

Ms. Donovan

Congrats Neva and Friday! Enjoy ♥️


Spice Girls was definitely 6th grade for me! I need to ask my mom if she still has that pic of me as Scary Spice when I was 12!


Congrats Ladies ❤️




Guten Morgen Gaelandia... or is this Spiceville? Spicetown? Spicehausen?... now?? :) A happy Mittwoch to everyone! Are you all well? It´ s a cold, stormy night here. It rains like crazy... the kittens can´ t go on their nightly patrol and demand ham and catnip for compensation. :) I have some daily Fragen for you, if you like? Ja?... What Brot - bread do you like best? If you had to personally kill every animal you eat, do you think you'd eat the same amount of Fleisch - meat as you do now? Do you listen to music/sing in the Dusche -shower? What was the first social media you started using? Do you know the locations and names of all 50 US states? Danke meine lieben Fraugen, as always. Bis später. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hiya Frau Claudia! So now I'm confused as well. Sugar or Spice?!😂😂 Anyhoo, off to the Fragens I go: What bread do you like best? I love garlic breadsticks from Olive Garden. They are so buttery yummy goodness😋 If you had to personally kill every animal you eat, do you think you'd eat the same amount of meat as you do now? No meat! I will feel sorry for the animal. Do you listen to music/sing in the shower? I just listen to the music. What was the first social media you started using? Facebook. I still use it because all my family and friends are there and only they can view what I post. Do you know the locations and names of all 50 US states? Yes😊🤓 Ok there you go. Have a good day! xp 😉


GRAAAINZZZ! --------- I'm personally a fan of whole wheat, sourdough, and depending on my mood, Kiev pumpernickel. The Kiev pumpernickel is really good as sandwich bread, if you slice up plain white Monterey Jack cheese and a little onlon, and maybe deli slices of turkey, and pair it with tomato basil soup. Ohhh, sehr gut, tres bien, etc! Ich bin nicht eine Jaegerin! (I am not a huntress! But...did I get the German right, Frau Claudia?) --------- I doubt very seriously I would eat as much meat as I do if I had to personally take the life of each animal--including seafood. If I could get away with being a near-total vegetarian (eggs, honey and some dairy would be my limit of animal products, as you are not killing the animal--or insect, in case of the honey--to get at what they produce.), I would totally do it. But alas, being hypothyroid, it is not in the cards. Oi! Check out the bird singin' (very quietly) in her bath, like! LOL! -------- I sing in the shower far less than I used to. I think it comes of realizing that most people are just not THAT into "Phantom of the Opera," "Cats" or "Les Miserables." LOL! So I've kinda learned to shut it down. I wish I didn't have to...but the showers at the Y are REALLY echo-y, and the shower at home is right across from my parents' bedroom. I can get very, ah, "Bette-Midler-ish" with my voice sometimes...so not wanting to make a lot of noise is a big factor too. So if I sing at all, it's not very loudly. Makin' New Friends ---------- As I recall, the first social media I'd ever really used, in the most modern sense of the term, was MySpace, when it was still pretty decent. I'd actually gotten up the guts, at the time, to "friend" my favorite singer, who was also there making blog posts and promoting both his older works as well as his new stuff. And what do you know? HE FRIENDED ME BACK!!!!!! o_O And this was a guy who is pretty much a Big Name in progressive rock music, too! Trust me to shoot for the stars--and reach them, even if only via social media! Google Maps I am not. --------------------- I can name the 50 States, but locate every one of them? Ehhh, not so much, especially with the tiny states in the Northeastern portion. Google Maps, I am not. :P I'd need a Gael-Positioning-System for that, like. I could have used it back in 2001 when heading out on my own to Massachusetts to visit my Celtic shaman friend with whom I'd gotten phone-sex-level friendly. Since he was of Irish extraction himself, a Gael-voiced GPS would have been appropriate: "Turn right off I-90 onto the Mass-Pike. Don't get distracted and miss it! Hard right! Hard right! Ah, ye made it! Good girl." LOLOL!


As someone from Springfield, MA that last one really got me 😂


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? It´s still cold and rainy here... well, time for some hot tea... and a midnight cookie. :) I have some vintage Fragen for you... (sorry if you answered them before)... This or that?... Sunshine or Storms? Cruise or Travel by Plane? Aerobic Exercise or Cardio? Movie Theater or Arcade? Boxers or Briefs? Yoga Pants or Jeans? Salt and Vinegar or Sour Cream and Onion? Coke or Pepsi? Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie? Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Carnival or Circus? Zoo or Aquarium? Dogs or Babies? Dog or Cat? Danke, Schätzchen... wie immer. Bis später. XD


Sunshine Travel by Plane Cardio Movie Theater Boxer Briefs Yoga Pants Salt and Vinegar Coke Apple Pie Ice Cream Carnival Aquarium Dogs Dog


Guten Morgen Gaelandia/Spicyville. (Do we have a new official name yet? :)) A wonderful Freitag to everyone! Any weekend plans? Here it´ s going to be a long weekend, since Montag is a holiday , Pfingstmontag - Withmonday. I think a little mountain trip to my cabin may be nice... depends on the weather. Thunderstorms up there are no fun. I have some daily Fragen for you, if you like? Have you ever... Taken a picture of your face on a Fotokopierer - Xerox machine? Worn special clothes to cover up a Knutschfleck - hickey? Dyed your hair, and it didn’t turn out well? Bought something at a yard sale? Screamed during a gruseligen - scary movie? Danke dear Fraugen, as always. Bis dann. XD


Hello Frau C! This weekend I'm going to go visit my former nanny family and catch up with them! I've only been gone 3 weeks but I miss them tons! Other than that I might take my daughter to the zoo if the weather is good! To the Fragen! I have not xeroxed my face but I have xeroxed other things 🙈 I've always made sure hickeys were in easily hidden areas so no special clothes needed! I have had many many failed hair dye attempts but nothing another box of dye couldn't fix! I'm sure I've bought something at a yard sale before although it's been a few years so I couldn't tell ya what it was! I don't scream at scary movies but I have definitely jumped and hidden behind my hands or in my husbands shoulder!!


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A pleasant Samstag to everyone! Hope you are all well!? Don´t have much time tonight, Li´ l Seanie´ s brother needs to be reloaded. Can one of you ask the daily Fragen, bitte? Ja? Something sexy maybe? ;) Danke, as always... for your Fragen and Antworten! Bis dann. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of the X-Force! (If you’ve seen Deadpool 2, you’ll get the reference! If you haven’t seen Deadpool 2, get thyself to a theatre and watch it because it is <i>awesome</i> 😎👌)<br><br>I’m doing all right, my good Frau! Except for how my delts and traps are killing me because my personal trainer increased both the weight and number of reps in my current workout program. One or the other I can deal with, but <i>both</i> tends not to bode so well for my upper body 😣 But such is life 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br>Some sexy <i>Fragen</i>, eh? - What’s your ideal sex/masturbation duration?<br> - Have you ever done anything naughty with someone who is just a friend and loved it?<br> - What aspect of a person will turn you on the most?<br> - What is your most frequent fantasy?<br> - What sex position do you hate the most and why?<br> - What kind of lingerie do you like to wear?<br> - If you had to kiss a partner anywhere other than their face, where would you kiss them?<br> - Gentle, sweet lovemaking or rough, vigorous sex?


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Sonntag to everyone. Another cold and rainy night here. Well, I made a fire in the bedroom, with my favourite apple wood and we all... I, my man and the two kittens are are snuggled up there. :) I have some easy daily Fragen, if you are in the mood? Do you like your Wochenenden - weekends to be more restful than the rest of the week, or more exciting? Does your Wecker - alarm clock ever become a part of your dream? Are you a watch and learn type of person or a listen and learn type of person? When washing your hands, do you put the water or the soap on first? Do you schnarchen - snore or talk in your sleep? Danke for your answers, Schtzchen. Bis später. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Oh, a nice snuggly fire sounds nice. It's a chilly and misty night here, too, but I don't want to burn the pile of sensitive documents I've accumulated (credit card offers, prescription documents, other things with my name and address on them) because the chimney just drags all the heat out of the room, and I have to leave it open all night to keep the carbon monoxide from building up. D: I survived my day with my friend's family, which is about the best word for it. I forgot to bring along an emergency dose of clonazepam (my "panic button," as it were), and so there I was, in an aquarium crowded with families doing a "nice, indoor activity on a rainy day" and with some particular people that I don't really like. Her mother kept trying to take pictures of me, which ostensibly, I don't mind—I even wore makeup just in case—but the thing is...I kinda don't wanna be associated with her parents or her sister in...basically any way. I think I thwarted most of her attempts by either standing behind people or turning casually to walk the other way when I saw her with her phone up. But I did get to see my goddaughters, and they remember who I am, and I managed not to start an incident or have a panic attack. Success, I suppose. And now, this: <b>Weekend drama levels</b> — I would love for a weekend to feel more restful than the rest of the week. Even weekends that most people would probably find very relaxing still feel too busy for me, what with cleaning and cooking and so forth. I honestly would love to feel as if I can actually recharge. <b>Invading my dreamspace</b> — Only once have I ever had my the sound of my alarm clock become part of my dream, and that was when I was still a child. I don't remember what the dream was about, but I know the alarm had been going for at least a minute by the time I actually woke. <b>Learning styles</b> — Yes. I can't learn effectively using either method on its own. I usually need to see and hear something a couple of times before I get it. Back in the day, I could see it once and be good to go, but that's not the way my brain works anymore. <b>Hand-washing protocol</b> — I always prefer to have my hands wet before I put the soap on. It makes it easier to scrub. <b>Sleepy noises</b> — I think I got caught snoring once and talking in my sleep once, but that's it.


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a good Montag!? Well here it´ s a holiday... XP Though the weather looks to be cold and grey, so I will sleep in and have a nice day at home. I could do with a bath and a massage... mmhhh... :) I´ m too lazy for the Fragen tonight... yesterday´ s weren´ t answered much anyway. Lazy girls... JK! So either answer those or someone has to come up with some shiny new ones!? Hm? Danke for Fragen and answers, as always. See you later. XD