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It's so amazing to see you again... If I'd known I'd be walking down the aisle with you, I wouldn't have missed the dress rehearsal!






Happy Friday!!




Oh can’t wait to listen! Thank you, Gael! Have a nice weekend!






Hmm what a great friday night 😉


Perfect timing. Have a great weekend😉




Seriously...this is not helping. LoL...ROFLMAO. LOVE IT


Nice hint you dropped on Twitter!! Have a fabulous weekend!!❤️


Yooooo. 🤣 Just in time for my morning walk!! Poker face: ON 😏

Jasmine sanfi

Can't wait to listen to this 😍😍😍😍


Oh it’s on, Maestro. 🔥❤️ xxo


We Have To Be Quiet--that tag!! Can't wait!


I fuckin' love it already.


Right SOMETHING is going on here! You’re either dropping hints about your personal life or you were building us up on twitter for this audio! I’m getting my deerstalker cap on and solving this mystery!

Ms. Donovan

‘We Have to Be Quiet’ Challenge Accepted 💪🏻


The video he posted on Twitter was viral on Facebook last week so...


Oh Yesss. Definitely YES! Hearing you talk in that low voice is LETAL... Gael... Why are you this good at what you do? Oh My... This one was so fucking hot... Im lost. I've completely lost it! 😥😥😥

Ms. Donovan

Always! (I’ll be singing a different song when I’m back to real life next week. 🙄)


Can’t wait to get off work to give this a listen!!!


I haven't listened yet, but I swear to god you were in my head.... O.o If this sounds anything like *THAT*, I swear Gael...


O fuck. please.


I have about a MILLION HOURS left at work, thanks! ⏳


Ooooo we have to be quiet! I love those!


Nic.. We couldn't (personally, I'd moan as a dog in heat) 😂😂😂😂


I'm just going to pretend this has nothing to do with a legal contract and try to work through the throb tillIgetaminute yeah, I'm going right now. Love those tags. So, you wanna skip the boring jazz and jump straight to road trip sax? I do, I do! XD


yay! i love weddings! cake, champagne, wedding night. ok i guess i should listen first ☺🤗😍. i hope you are doing well, G.


There's a fire ablazin' in the back of the limo!! 🚒🚒🔥🔥 Hot DAMN!! When he said "I can't stop fucking you" when the voices came and then the giggles! ☠️🥀 That strained voiceless climax---perfect! ♥️♥️ #hecangetit #limorockin


Those tags 😍😍😍 "we have to be quiet" you say??? With you G?? Lolest!! How? In what universe??? Youd have to literally tape my mouth shut....i totally LIVE for PDA 🔥🔥🔥 it just does something for me...😍😍😍😍🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Im knee deep in a really deep converstaion about the evolution of souls and the purpose of negative experience with my brother whose not been home for a whole year.... but im looking at my phone like....👀👀👀👀👀....totally distracted after i saw the notification on my phone!! 😂😂😂 It will consume all my willpower n prove how much love i have for my brother but i shall chill with my baby bro n wait for this one lol Ps im writting this only bcuz he went to the loo....hahahaha.....i do love my brother!!😁😁😁


As a wedding planer I'm totally in love with this audio.... Idk what to say anymore .... just omg that wedding dream XD Girls get ready we're all going to Paris 🤵👰💍🗼


Oh yaaas! ❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥 Can’t wait to listen G! Hope you’re doing well. Work is so lame today, looking forward to this😍 HELLO lovelies 💕💕 Have a wonderful weekend beautiful ladies, and guys if you’re here 😏


So many whimpers... 😌 Good Boi Gael!!! 😉💋

Ms. Donovan

I laughed a little. I swooned a little. I think I strained my right adductor. Patent this audio recipe, G. We’ve already got the hashtag worked out for ya. #audiosexgod 🤣😉♥️


Love quiet sex 😍😍


Trying not to read comments. Lalalala. Thanks, Gael for the upload, something to look forward to til later. 😍 The anticipation...


So I was having a nice time, yea, when suddenly my phone rings and it’s my parent calling 🙃🙃🙃🙃 Why? Why? Why? ABORT ABORT ABORT!!!! ffaaaakkkk!!! 🤣🤣🤣


*dies* loved it! But the ending..... best part! Love the whole trying to be quiet but growly deep breathing aaaahhh! Delicious


"don't come a-knockin if this limo's rockin" Me: *owen wilson voice* wow


GOOD GOD, YESSS!! WEAR THOSE SHOCKS OUT, DAMMIT!🔥🔥🔥 I can't deal with you G! #MakeTheWheelsFallOff 💦☔️


A really hot 🌶️🌶️adventure in a limo 😄😅starting and ending with this ravishing romantic atmosphere, which melt any heart 😋😊😆Thankfully "they" wasn't going to a disco party afterwards, with all these split moves 😜😝🤣Good night & sleep tight 😄😃Hugs and Goodass Prana 😊😘💋💋😄😊😆🍌🍓🍓🍌🥑🥑


Yah...ok...this is Definitely going to have to wait till I get home to listen to! God damn you traffic!!!! I am Not about to give people a free show lol 😂


THIS is what I needed after a soul-crushing day! 😍😍😍


G... I don’t know how, but you’ve mastered the um...uh... “sounds of oral” if you will. Sweet lord 🤤 plus, I love a man that understands the importance of FOREPLAY. Thank you for this gift today. As a former wedding planner, I’ll admit I thought more than once about taking one of the groomsmen into the coat closet and making a man out of ‘em 😜


Honestly, there isn't a whole lot of this I can really relate to, but it's lovely nonetheless. This one just isn't for me.


The whispered whimpers growls n struggling to hush yourself 🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥 i 2nd that u have definitely mastered the sound of oral 😻😻😻 Such a perfect end to my friday n start of my weekend!!


Good god! So... you were researching for material uh? I thought I'd hear the Rattling Bog at any moment during this. 😆


I can just picture it now, distracting the wedding party by getting them started on a nice singalong of The Rattlin' Bog, then sneaking off to the limo to do this!😈😘 This was some naughty fun right here! I actually gasped with my mouth wide open, then had to laugh quietly when I thought an interruption was possible. Very effective sound effects!😅 Then you brought my mind right back to the blazingly hot, sexy present moment by saying, "Oh God, I can't stop." Heck. Yes.🔥🔥🔥 "Let me look in your pretty eyes."😍 That was so sweet and romantic! I loved how quiet and whispery and breathy you had to be here. It was very exciting to listen to.💋💋💋💋 Hot and naughty yet also sweetly nostalgic. Nicely done, G.😚


It was amazing by the way. Your breathing is so arousing. Might have become one of my kinks lately


And I would bet a huge sum of money that you suck at staying quiet 😳 I know it was for the audio this time but anyway 😅 Wanna bet?


I survived 🔥❤


“WHAT?! I’M SORRY....WHAT DID YOU SAY?! I’M AFRAID MY HEARING’S BEEN DAMAGED. THE DJ HAS JUST BEEN RAGING TO MANIAC 2000 ON A LOOP FOR THE LAST HOUR!” -Me talking to someone at an Irish wedding. 😆☠️👌🏼 I hope when I click this audio it’s just G yelling over that old tune! It’ll feel authentic....😉🥂


Me too❤ Listen to his "naughty at the cinema" nsfw version....I think I listened to that one millions of times!


Update + TMI: It sounds like he was actually wearing a suit, at least the fabric does. The tags grabbed my attention but I thought this was gonna go another way. I'm even more pleased than anticipated. This is turning me on so fucking much. I don't remember the last time (if there ever was one) I excused myself to someone else's bathroom to do this, but I thought the timing was stellar. I'm all flushed and shaky in the legs. Nobody will believe I'm so giggly after one drink. A few things checked right off my all-time faves. Aurally, I fucking love how immersive it was in the car, the immediate closeness of being in an enclosed space. I love how I put my hand to my mouth just as the fingers were mentioned and how I stopped myself after hearing these voices in the background because I wasn't sure if they were part of the audio or not. I love the fact that this ties my latest binges together so wonderfully. Same hypnotic tone/vibe, same impeccable replay value. This is how My Best Friend's Wedding or The Wedding Planner should have ended. Yes, I'm good at planning/helping. I'm better at loving/fucking. And you. All French/death scare proposals aside, let's save that money for traveling instead. Fuck in every country, cum in every language. You'll be too busy getting your dick sucked and fucked to ever question the depth of my devotion. I can't wait to get home to that cyberskin cock. I know I'll be replaying some of this in my mind until I leave and squirming uncomfortably in the driver's seat, all the way. How do you know I've been wearing this shit? They feel as awful as they look. But if it helps create that kind of heavenly hellstick, I might start wearing them more often. I love, love, love how horny he sounds in these audios. Gets me so wet. So high. Aching so bad. I just want to be home and feel him again. <strike> wanna milk that fat fucking cock o FUCK YEAH </strike>


Ohh, Honey Bones, I feel you, I really do. If we were in a video game doing split-screen co-op, this is the part where I'd be going medic on you in the middle of some epic lovezone (can't think of a better spontaneous opposite for warzone but at least I didn't lose all my anglais, this time). Rapidly getting used to reviewing while still under the influence. Everyone around me is super tipsy and I haven't even finished my first drink. But I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while freshening up and I look like every family's worst pervy aunt. Minus the croaky cigarette voice. I like the dolphin design in the glass. It makes me think of how many different kinds of awesome it is that we're so dfferent, yet so similar (mammals). Capable of recognizing humor...beauty....and the timeless appeal of spontaneous gratuitous concept-free moral-bendingly physical yet undeniably otherworldly seks seks seks SEKS SEKS. I WANT MORE. Ooops did I go to far, maybe I can just not save this time and restart at last checkpoint--- oo, Foxie. Promise you'll drive me if legs stop legging. take my keys I don't trust myself.


Okay. So my temperature right now is around 39°C and I used to feel very cold. G made me sweat beads better than Paracetamol. Thank you. 😷


All of you disproportionately freaked out by some overseas G-Whizzard you've never met saying too many of the same things in unlikely unison, raise a dripping wet hand. I mean I've only been official for 4 months. Spooky-kikiki, kikiki, kikiki (jazzy cymbal beat). I'm quite the actress, I really am. If I weren't me and looked at me knowing how weird I am but being too distracted by surrounding sterile drunken prattle to care to take a closer look, I'd probably think that I'm just being me, merely retreating inwards for a rapid charge. Which I am, if I JUST put it that way and leave it at that. Ze Bluetooss device is ready to peaah. Ze Bluetooss device is connected-uh sucksessfully. *INTENSE DEVILISH MALE VOICE FURTIVELY BLASTING INDISTINCT IMPOSSIBLY MIND-DISABLING DISCOURSE IN BACKGROUND AS A CIRCLE OF QUIET LIPS MOVE AND BARE TEETH BETWEEN COUNTLESS LESS-THAN-SUBTLE EAGER ESCAPIST CHUGS OF CRUSHED GRAPES OF ZA GAWDS* *Self-satisfied bask in silent knowledge of secret of the bestest kind like goaheadaskmewhatI'mlisteningto* Can you IMAGINE. I think I'd die. No dessert for me. You're so kind. I'm in the mood for salty. You've all been so lovely, we shoulddothismoreoften. YES, AND NOW I LEAVE


The Foley work on this really set the scene. You're getting SO good at that. Although I'm sure some of it was borrowed. Now I'm wondering where one goes to get those sound bytes. Haha! I like the choice to make it an ex-lover and not a random bridesmaid. Keeping it classy.😉 This was DEFINITELY worth the wait! Hope your weekend goes well G and you can get out into the fresh air. I'm going to hike at Sequoia National Park myself this weekend, another park in my "backyard." Seriously, I'm nature rich where I live I have 3 national parks within a 1.5 hour drive from my humble abode. Have a great weekend lovelies! Muah!


Ok, listened in the car, need my earbuds. The last 8 minutes. Mmmmfff


TLDR: Everyone will love this one for different reasons, for sure. Great job. Thanks. ...Whew.


Oh dang!!!!!!! I’m in two weddings this fall/winter..... hmmmm😏😏😏


Hmmmm...your voice was different with this one....I loved it!!! ✌✌✌💖💖💖💋💋💋


This is great! Wow! The intimacy of your voice, gentle words like "pretty" the close space and whispers. Leg kissing, voice muffling and requests to be kissed and pulled in - super sexy. Cheers!


*comes back to the surface for air* Wow I didn’t think I could sink deeper in my matrass... that was just so romantic, and sexy and a litle naugthy. And you popped up sweathearT in there. My kryptonite. *sigh* I had Adam Cohen’s Sweet Dominique playing in my head during the whole time: « The car was better than any bar or hotel suite. We agreed. Sweet Dominique » and could just picture the foggy car windows. *sigh* <a href="https://youtu.be/JLSe2pJECwE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/JLSe2pJECwE</a>


NOBODY bleaches their mustache in 2018!!! If they do, run away, they sound like a psychopath!!!! 🙅🏼‍♀️


2 things, 1 DON'T EVER TOUCH THE FEET!!! 2, really wanted you to tell her how much you regretted letting her go, how much you missed her etc after you'd finished

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Where my notifications be at?!?! 😕... oh, well... this was lovely 😘... sweet and a little 'salty'.. . I love the restraint and effort to be quiet... so sexy 😚... the logistics of the back seat of a car, though 😯... even if it *is* a limo!.. and in wedding attire, no less!... best be sure it's worth it! 😉... thanks, Mr. G!... missed ya 🤗


Such a delicious ending Gael❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I for one like it when the sex is so good that one "can't come and be quiet". Don't you G?


Holy hot damn G! Like I need to get my breathing regular again haha!! 😂😶😶 I loved when you added the outside noises of the people passing by, like boi don't you dare stop 😂 everyone knows the rules, if the car's a rocking, don't come a knocking. And good God for your oral noises!!!! I'd have that gorgeous head of yours in a bloody headlock with my legs lol!


Ok at first I thought you said "You need some Pamprin" and not "pampering" 😂😂😂. Ok, ok.. I love the sneaky-sneaky stuff with you! The scenario, the circumstances, the tone, you sexy ass words and sounds! The licking gave me shivers! Get It!!! Sucking you! "Grab my ass" mmmm. Whispered orders! "Put the tip in your pussy" "Kiss my neck" You couldn't stop!😵 Covered mouths while cumming! And it felt like lightening hit my spine when you said "Use that fucking cock". Done, Done and fucking DONE!! And your whimpering kicked up after-shocks! Fuckety Fuck Gael! You did it again! Smooches!!😘😘😘


Okay, this is becoming a pattern at this point: I came so hard listening to this that I literally gave myself an asthma attack! A few other recent audios have set off my asthma under... similar circumstances, but before a couple of weeks ago I didn't know this was a thing that could happen! I'm going to need to keep very good track of my inhaler if this keeps up... 🙃😏


G took your breath away... quite literally. Be careful, Sadie!


Ok I think we've joked enough and it was fun but now seriously Gael your Public Sex audios are the BEST EVER. You're damn fookin good at them. Thinking back of "Naughty at the Theater ", "Party Time" or even my all time classic fave "Elevator sex with a stranger" and now this .... all of them are 1++++++ I loved every single bit of it. Well done❤ P.s hopefully you can't really see how many times I've already played them XD


That was naughty!! 😊😊 Sshh shhh 🤫🤫🤫 it’s even harder when you have to be quiet! It’s like when you want to laugh but you can’t, like you’re in a church or something, you wanna laugh even harder!! 😄😄 That was the same!! Plus, even more appreciated for the mylady 😍😍 Great job, as always mylord ❤️❤️❤️


Yaaas, Elaine! All of THAT right there!! 😍👍🏽♥️💛💚


Party Time is my all time favorite, and now I get to indulge in another public audio. You're too good 😉


Hey all! What are we all up ta this Saturday?


Driving theory exam studying 🚗 How are your leeks? 😂


Weekend to work... And of course it is beautiful outside...😕😕😕


Ooooooh yas! 🙌 Totally enjoyed this! Needed this so bad, I broke down during work and listened. Hahahahaha! Worth the wait! 💖 All is right again.


🎶🍀And in that car there was a girl a rare girl a rattlin girl… and the girl on the Gael and the Gael on the girl and the pearl on the dress and the dress on the floor and the floor in the car and the car down by the chapel oh! Ho Ro the rattlin car The car down by the chapel oh Ho Ro the rattlin car The car down by the chapel Oooooohhhhhh! 🍀🎶


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oFQ76ctfS0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oFQ76ctfS0</a>


Well damn that was hot &amp; passionate 🔥😍😘 loved it all


Just finished my second listen of this audio... Is it me or was your accent a little thicker than it has been. Maybe it was that You Tube wedding video you've been watching, gotcha feelin' your Irish roots like 😅 I must confess that upon my first listen, the p***y licking was a bit cringe for me 🙄 though I know other lovelies live for it, so I powered through 😅 Upon the second listen, though...😶 I kinda liked it! Have to say, I LOVED the hushed whispered instructions and commentary 🔥 The edit of the people getting closer half way through...took me to a different level 🔥🔥🔥 My favorite dialogue: "I can't stop fucking you.." And pretty much everything before and after 😏 Thanks for the audio. Side note: I know I'm late to the thread but just in case you do read these... Today (Saturday) I'm taking a relaxation day, as this week has been stressful and the week coming appears to be more of the same. Hope all is well with you.


I need chocolate, a LOT of chocolate!!!!!

Ms. Donovan

Have 👏🏻 I 👏🏻Taught👏🏻The👏🏻Lovelies👏🏻Nothing👏🏻 🤣🤣🤣


Ohhh that was fire! 🔥 Even though I love G’s voice, something about him trying to keep quiet does it for me 🤩


This would be something that I would do just to seize the moment and have a taste of you G!! 😍😊


Hey how can we download it??


Being quiet and keeping things on the downlow like this is a regular thing for me just going solo--and it's kinda worse 'cause I live with my parents. #Awkward! BUT--this audio was hot anyway! Loved hearing that "can't stop fucking you" line. I admit I was thinking, "Well, the pheromones will be strong in the limo, and the happily wedded couple won't be able to resist starting their honeymoon early." ;-)