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In my starvation and dehydration I forgot to add the link to the moaning thread...

If you'd like to add your name to rescue me from the Lizard Queen's sexy.. I mean EVIL... clutches click below

THE MOANING THREAD - Rescuing Gael from certain DEATH! 

Oh... please hurry!  I ... can't... take,.....much... mmmmooooreee




The water truck is on its way! 💦 🤣




You know we got you boo. 😘😘


Oh wow did I manage to post first for once? Always wanted to say it: FIRST! One more bucket list thing to cross. 🤣


Nah....you deserve all u get boi! 😂


I’ll pray for you 😂


😂 Am getting soooooo excited for this!




Always there for you...G... say my name... say my name when you see it in the thread ❤️


C'mon ya Boi Celtic Warrior..err I mean Indy Gael! Use those muscles! You got this!😉😂💪💪


Just say my name, and you shall be free!!!😍😘 APRIL!!!!!


good luck, g! holy moly...


By the looks of it they didn't need the link! 😊 Your Lovelies are very resourceful! 😉👍🏽


Here for you and ready for anything. 💅🏻😘


I’ve been hesitant about adding my name because if I hear him moan my name I will spontaneously combust 😫


🤣🤣😅 Done and done! I believe in You! Come on G, you got this 💪 as for your Celtic Warrior... 😕 he might not survive 😂


Save the best for last! Go on ahead and add your name! We all combusted and lived to tell the story. Come on!! 🤣😂😊


Ohhh wait sending you all the energy in the world for this one!




You fucking tease, I saw the title and thought this was gonna be a femdom audio 🙄 I’m pretty sure my name’s already in the moaning thread, but I GUESS I’ll double check 😜


Hang in there G! 😂😂😂 ❤️


Gael, don't smoke Seanie's things!! 🤣🤣🤣 Or don't go to the attic too much!! 😜😜😜


Wow this could be super funny if the wrong person was giving you names to say. On a completely unrelated note, I think I'm just going to sit this one out. 🙂 good luck though. Sounds like you're going to need it.


I can’t seem to get my comment to post on the Link😢


Well, this has taken a while to get around to! I added my name to that thread when all this nonsense started <i>a month and a half ago</i>! You really much have a penchant for punishment, Gael, because there were already 600+ names on that thread, and since you've pointed people back to it, it's now at well over 700 -- and rising fast! You just made your own life a whole lot harder. (Yes, I see "rising fast" and "a whole lot harder" 😜)


Stay strong Gael! I'll help with the massage as you recover from your ordeal!


Ok now jokes apart but I really don't know how you'll do this Gael. There are more than 600 names. Wishing you best of luck. Stay strong 😄🙏


Yes, I'm mostly interested in the logistics of this. 🤔


I believe in Gael! I do! I do! I believe in Gael! I do! I do! 😀💖 Ya got this, Mr. G!


Oh, I suppose a starving, dehydrated, bespelled adventurer in the throes of passion can be forgiven.😂😘 Godspeed to you and your Celtic Warrior, darling. Kiss for luck.😚🍀


700++ names already in that thread... can you feel all the love Gael 😅😆😘


I'm really hoping it's a hypnotic overlap of names spoken in different pitches, tones, moans, sounds, whispers, etc. To put HRH and the rest of us all into a deep slumber. 😴🦎


I shall always help you Gael!!! Say my name!!!


Pffffft... ssstarvation!? YOU refussssed to eat the tasssty vegan ssstuff I got for you!! Picky langer!.... "No my Queen, please don´ t make me eat vegans!!" Ungrateful human! Tsssssss.....


Don't worry the lovely squad has your back! Rescue is imminent! Hold on love! 😜


I do wonder privately if he's been doing the clever thing of recording 10 or 20 moaned names per day since he first "sought our aid", just to avoid massive chafing &amp; laryngitis! Er, that is: just to avoid the Queen's notice (and inevitable retribution)... yeah, that's what I meant to say, haha! But I don't actually want to know. This whole conceit is way too much fun to spoil it with a peek behind the curtain. So instead, I'll just say: nothing better fall off, mister! Lube &amp; Luden's to your heart's content -- we want that honeyed voice intact, and your Warrior ready for his next battle! Got it? Good talk. 😘


Gael, I'm <strike>somewhat</strike> hoping you get outta this alive and well with the Celtic Warrior in tact...! ...As long as the Queen keeps her husband away from me, then I think I'll be fine...I think &gt;~&gt; *knows dang well her sword won't do jack*


*whispers in your ear* SSsssss... traitor.... sssss... Ohhh, you don´ t like my husssband, tassty female? Hmmm??...


U ok there? It’s been awhile &amp; the human body cannot survive sparkling water deprivation for too long.


Lauren is here my love!


Neva is up to help you!


This post almost made me scream at my desk at work lmao so fucking funny I can’t 😂


Thalie will help


Cienna is here Darling


Just FYI- if anyone happens to check this far down...you’ve gotta click the link he posted in the above text to put your name in the actual thread G is gonna use...not this one.


What intrigues me the most of all this is to know how does my name sound in our Mayor's moaning lips!! Damn curiosity... 🤔🤔😂😂😂


Jules here and ready to help


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a happy Mittwoch!? I´ m sitting outside, waiting for a kiln to cool down... eating a midnight cinnamon cookie... mmmmhhh... :) Achh... I´ m much too lazy for the Fragen tonight. Is one of you in the mood to ask some? Bitte? I think maybe I shall try and answer them for a change? Hahaha... o.O Danke for your Fragen and answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD

Hollie B

is this a game? sorry fairly new here


Added my name for a nice crossing-kick to the Lizard Queen's backside. I can't kick high enough to knock off her crown, but I can give her a nice bruise she'll remember. Nobody traps someone as brave-hearted as Indiana Gael and gets away with it!


Oh may I ask some sexy questions 🤗I think ladies loves them😅 1. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger? 2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW? 3. What’s your favorite way to be seduced? 4. What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work? 5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance? Thank you. Good night❤


Why do you put your names here? You need to click the link attached on this post and it will take you to the thread were you should leave your names there..

Ms. Donovan

He spoils us. With his voice. With his devotion. With all that chafing. 😏

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!... is this really gonna happen???... really, truly, FINALLY gonna happen?!?!... YAAAY!!! 😆... SO EXCITEEEEEEED!!!... just for good measure, I went to the link to verify my name was still there - cuz we all know what a fickle wench Patreon can be... 850 comments later... wait... 852... 853... 856???... good lord!!... Good luck, Mr. G!!!! 🤗


IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS LIKE OMG IM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! Sorry for shouting I'm just super excited


ummm G. are you ok? still with us??


Guten Morgen Mädls. A nice Donnerstag to everyone. Hope you are all well? Here it´ s a quite warm night, windy... I hope for rain, ´ cause atm everything is blossoming... there´ s pollen everywhere! Everything is yellow! When I pet the kittens it´ s like petting a powder puff. :) I´ m just glad I have no troubles with Heuschnupfen - hayfever. I have some easy daily Fragen for you, if you like? Ja? Do you enjoy watching the sunset or sunrise? How much do you pay for Tierfutter - pet food? Are you wearing socks right now? What's you're favorite Schimpfwort - curse word? Do you ever get so used to a bad smell that it starts to smell good? Danke for your answers, meine lieben Fraugen. Bis später. XD Danke dear Mandy for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Lauren will help you Gael dear


Soooooo directly to it.... Do you enjoy watching the sunset or sunrise? SUNRISE BY FAR:) How much do you pay for Tierfutter - pet food? 10dollars minimum... Are you wearing socks right now? Nooooooo, when one gets home socks come off instantly What's you're favorite Schimpfwort - curse word? O_O dunno... Do you ever get so used to a bad smell that it starts to smell good? nooope never happened before^^


Mikayla Rose


Mikayla Rose


Mikayla Rose


Caitlyn &lt;3




PSA...I repeat PSA.... As of now the thread already has 933 names... 9 3 3!! Hope the Celtic warrior can take it ^.


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any weekend plans? I´ ll be housing a group of students... we will recreate ancient firing techniques. It´ s usually a lot of fun... and I let them do all the hard, sweaty, dirty work. Hahaha.... I´ m not in the mood for Fragen tonight. :) Can one of you step in, bitte? Ja? Maybe we can lure the King out to answer them. ;) Danke my lovelies, for your Fragen and answers alike. Bis dann. XD


Oh, my dear Frau 😕 I was really looking forward to answering today’s <i>Fragen</i> - I need something to occupy my mind while I wait for about a month’s worth of laundry to finish in the wash 😦 But at least I can kill time by stealing some questions from <a href="https://conversationstartersworld.com/fun-questions-to-ask/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this website</a>.<br><br>(P.S. - If you see the Lizard King, please remind him that he’s responsible for watching our kids this weekend! All four of them are currently grounded for trying to cut off Igor’s last remaining hemipenis, so no TV, games, going to the park, or eating blendered dicks for them!)<br><br>- When did you screw everything up, but no one found out it was you? - If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name? - What quote or saying do people spout that you think is complete BS? (e.g., “All’s fair in love and war.”) - What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? - If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Samstag to everyone. Don´t have much time tonight... have to watch the fires and the students... we are having beer and marshmallows. :) One of them plays guitar... that´ s really nice, but he sings quite bad. Haha... I will send him away to fetch more wood. The daily Fragen for the daily Fraugen... Has a book ever changed the way you look at something? What do you choose first when you play rock, paper, scissors? If you and your best friend robbed a store, and someone caught your friend, would you leave them? Should you inform the person you are calling that they are on speaker phone? Would rather be totally submerged in fire ants or black widows? Danke, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)

Hollie B

where do we send in requests for audios, to Gael? i guess more to the point would a romantic, relaxing period sex audio be taboo? or?


Hi Hollie! Outside of special events, Gael doesn't take requests, per se. What he has is a personal audio tier, which enters you into a drawing to win a personalized audio just for you—about whatever you want! (He's a pretty open fellow about those sorts of things, I hear.) Here's more info if you want it: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696">https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696</a>


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Today was my poster presentation, which was a gigantic waste of my time. Yeah, people came by and asked questions, but it was mostly people saying, "tell me about your research" and then glazing over as I tried to point at the pictures. (The only reason I got as much traffic as I did was that I made my pictures HUGE and included as little text as was possible for my topic.) The organizing of this symposium was a disaster. We were in a gymnasium that was FAR too big (capable of holding a few hundred people when fewer than ONE hundred showed up in total), there was no microphone for people to ask questions of the keynote speakers (meaning that there was some cranky woman in the audience constantly yelling "REPEAT THE QUESTION!!!" at the speakers, whose job this is not)...yeah. Not going back to that show next year. And now, this: <b>Book looks</b> — I'm not sure I can point to a piece of fiction that's done this, if that's what you mean, but nonfiction books and textbooks? You bet. Sometimes, this is due to total ignorance on my part of a circumstance or event (like the internment of Japanese-Americans in camps during WW2) or due to new information and clarifications. Certainly my physics textbooks changed how I look at physics and math. Astronomy textbooks changed the way I look at stellar evolution diagrams. <b>Shoot!</b> — If I recall, I usually went for Scissors. Quick and easy to make compared to Paper; my hand always twitched if I tried to use Rock, and some rules DQed me as a result. <b>Honor amongst thieves</b> — Of course I'd leave them! We'd be under a mutual understanding that if one gets caught, the other keeps going—and no squealing. After all, we probably each know where the other lives :V If you're gonna do the heist, you'd better do it right. <b>Speaker sanctity</b> — If it's not already acknowledged that speaker phone will be used, and it's possible for others to hear, then yes. I sometimes use speaker phone in my home because I'll be trying to do something else (like mark an appointment in my calendar) at the same time, and it's easier to do that on speaker than while pinning the phone to my ear. In those cases, I don't notify the person on the other side, because I live alone. <b>Fear Factor gone terribly awry</b> — Uhh...hehe...my dear Frau...exactly what prompted this question? Is the Queen considering an addition to her dungeons? Will my anonymized information be used for marketing purposes? Will it even be anonymized? D: I have a way around this, however: I choose black widows. BUT—I choose male and/or juvenile black widows, because their bites are harmless—not anything nearly on the level of a fire ant's bite. It's only the bite of an adult female black widow that can be fatal to humans. So HA!

Tiana Anderson

I think i added my name but I can’t see it on here to verify so.... Tiana. Lol


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sonntag!? Here it´ s night two with my students... did I mention they are students of archaeology? Little Indianas. Awww... :) We are having a good time. The results are satisfying so far. Tonight we roasted some chars and potatoes at the fires. It´s a good group... I don´ t offer my precious chars to every group that comes here. I see yesterday´ s Fragen were not answered properly... hmm... hmm... hmm... :) (Just by the always trusty Frl.KIra and Doktimus &lt;3) So either you go back and answer them or someone has to come up with some new ones, ja? Bitte? Danke meine Lieben for your answers and Fragen. Bis später. XD




Ana ^-^


Hey sweet ladies pls put your names in this thread 👇 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/17528229">https://www.patreon.com/posts/17528229</a>


Guten Morgen Mädls. A nice Montag to everyone. My students will be gone in the morning. Yay! I´ll have my house for myself again. Though they were nice, we had fun and they learned a lot... I guess? :) Since 1st of May is a holiday I think I will take today off and maybe drive into the city... I´m in need of some exotic ingredients and some new Rotmarderpinsel - red marten brushes. I have some vintage daily Fragen for you... if you like? (Maybe I´ ll have more luck with them today... XPP) What is your favorite musical instrument? Are you a morning or an evening Dusch - shower person? Have you ever stolen something as a kid? If so, what was it? Have you ever seen/felt/experienced a Geist - ghost? Danke my dears, as always. Bis dann. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Huzzah for the return of privacy, dear Frau! Having houseguests longer than overnight is a huge stressor for me; I would be glad to see the students go, too. Just (literally minutes ago) got word that the next arc of our tabletop RPG campaign is in the works, though. Looks like we'll be searching for a missing Siren in Seattle. Hee. This after I got done pimping the hell out of my GM on Twitter, live-tweeting the first episode of her podcast and (I hope) making her sound like the coolest GM ever. I earned myself a follow from the podcast account, anyway, lol. And now, this: <b>All about the bass?</b> — I really love big bass drums. They're like mini-explosions. <b>Shower time</b> — I always shower in the evening; if I were to shower in the morning, I'd feel compelled to blow-dry/style my hair, and that's too much effort and too damaging for my hair type. I will, however, shower mid-day after exposure to horses or hay—but that's really more of a "do I want to continue to breathe?" thing. <b>Sticky fingers</b> — I never stole anything from the store, but I used to sneak cookies during the day when I wasn't supposed to. I, personally, thought I was very good at this. I'm relatively certain my parents knew what was going on. <b>Ghost stories</b> — As a kid, I thought I had. See, toddler-me was in the attic while my parents were outside, and I took down the box of fireworks with the intent of playing with a specific one that was shaped like a tank. Toddler-me grew up around fire (our house was heated by a coal-burning furnace) and knew full well that I could not set off a firework unless I had a spark or a flame, neither of which existed on a wooden floor in an attic. Anyway, there I am, chugging the "tank" across the floor, when I hear a voice from a few feet away. To my ears, it's a man, saying, "don't play with that." Reminder: I am alone in the house. And I know it. I shrieked as one might expect a child would at the sound of a disembodied voice in an otherwise-empty house and tore down the stairs, put on my shoes, and bolted out to my parents as if the place were on fire. Of course, my dad went up and investigated, and found no one in the house. I was then told that this was just the family ghost—the man who had homesteaded the property. He and his wife had always wanted kids, but couldn't have them; and the story went that he "came back" while my mom was pregnant with me to watch over me. (Why this didn't happen with my dad and uncles, who also grew up in the house, is a plot hole that no one has ever addressed.) I bought this for years. When I wanted to move to the attic to have a bigger bedroom (the attic was about half the footprint of the entire house, which albeit was not very big), I was terrified of the idea of being up there "with a ghost." But I did it anyway, and apart from one very vivid nightmare in my teens (in which I dreamed that intruders were breaking in through the window near my bed, and for which reason I slept downstairs for two nights in a row, because somehow that was safer), I had no further encounters, which pretty solidly debunked the ghost theory. TL;DR: I thought I'd experienced a ghost, but it was just my overactive toddler imagination.


Lorena darling





