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Hello all!
Over the years I've had a lot of really cool feedback about audio, about how it can help people psychologically and even physiologically...

Have you any stories on how audio ( not necessarily my audios ) has helped you out in your life?

Happy Monday ❤️❤️



Hiya G!!


Hey you! 💗


Good morning G! Yes meditational audios helped me a lot. It all started when I was searching for an audio for migraine. And I also still listen to "Wake up happy" one everyday on my way to work. It seemed to give me positive enerdree.😊


Happy Monday G! Personally audios help me relax, mainly with uni my schedule is hectic and at times I get so caught up in my own head and work that I need a type of escape. The audios help create a safe space where I can just leave my responsibilities and just relax ❤️❤️


havent heard any stories, but in my personal experience your audios have helped me a lot. Im currently going through an extremely tough break up and recovering from years of emotional abuse. your sex positive and warmth reminds me that jm worthy of being respected and cherished - keep doing what youre doing G youre changing lives


The meditation / sleep with me audios have definitely helped me get better sleep. I might not necessary sleep more, but I manage to leave my thoughts of the day / negative thoughts behind and fall asleep less stressed. I can definitely feel the difference in the morning. Happy Monday to you too.


Good morning love:) will whenever Im down or feeling defeated I lisren to your audios and I always feel better and I want to continue to fight the next day


Yes... your Meditation Audios helped me with my Insomnia🙌🏼 thank you so much😘😘😘 „Happy“ Monday☀️🍀♥️

Jasmine sanfi

I've used to listen to music everyday to help me sleep..I've never listen to anything else really but few of my friends loves to listen to asmr about nature,or storytelling...Personally you help me a lot,with every single one of your audios,to the rambles to the erotic ones..I think most of us have beneficial helps from your art cause you are kinda a way to get away from thoughts and dream a lil bit more.I feel like you are a friend to me so...yep.


I suffer from complex PTSD. Childhood abuse and neglect, domestic violence, rape, mine has been a life of ongoing trauma partly due to my own neuroses and partly due to the bad behavior of other people. The two interact to create 30 years of acute stress. The videos on YouTube for safety and comfort? Changed my life. I have been slowly working on dissociating less and being a person I needed for myself. Those videos can take what could easily spiral out of control into a panic attack full on, and they arrest it in its tracks. They also fill in the empty spaces where there should have been a parent hugging me or a friend consoling me and instead there was only someone hitting or verbally lacerating me. It also helps to hear what a healthy internal monologue should sound like. Makes it worlds easier to internalize a healthy inner voice. There are a lot of empty spaces in my heart and those videos are really really helping me to fill them in, so thank you.


ASMR, specifically yours, helps me sleep at night (which is fantastic because I've got insomnia) and really gives me a sense of companionship and affection that I don't get in my real life. So thank you very much Gael ❤️❤️❤️


Hi Gael! Your audios helped me a lot specially when I go to bed because I think a lot when I'm in bed and ready to sleep. So your audios help me a lot to clear out my mind and sleep peacefully. You're my guardian Angel ❤


After listening to many audios on YouTube (your audios included) I feel like it makes me think differently about situations and people differently. I was very closed off and didn’t speak to anyone about my problems, I would just keep them to myself. However I realised that I was just hurting myself and I didn’t have to. Also I feel like listening to you is almost like speaking you, the fact that I can talk freely and feel judged about what I’m saying. So thank you Gaelforce for listening to me!❤️❤️❤️


I use audios for meditation for over-thinking, anxiety and insomnia. Yours are great because whatever mood I’m in there’s always an audio that fits!


Hey, G 🤗 Well your audios are the only audios I’ve ever listened to. Your voice is the only one I’m used to. At night it soothes me to sleep ❤️ And other times, it arouses me and makes me cum. 😈😂 *To shorten this a little* A year ago: *Had more bad days than good days *Felt self conscious of my body *Had bad anxiety *My libido was almost non existent *Had a hard time falling asleep at night A year later: *Have more good days than bad days *Starting to feel comfortable in my own skin *Anxiety is almost non existent *My libido has skyrocketed 😈😈😈😂 *Your voice helps me fall asleep at night ❤️ As I remember all this, I remember how grateful I am towards you. You and your audios have really helped me a lot in the past year. Thank you for that ❤️


I guess it would be about confidence. Like not just physical confidence, but also confidence in facing life. For example, your audio "Confidence For A Job Interview", it really helps when I'm in doubt. Thank you!! *cries* :]


My confidence has increased tenfold. To be honest, yours are the first, and really only ones I like. I feel sexier, and my sex drive is through the roof. It's like you gave me the ability to let go of all the crap I had piled against the door to this part of me (she had been sealed away since 2005). Not to mention you make self-love enjoyable and easy. Anxiety is better, I actually want to work out and I am loving how I look. Now the down side of that is I am ready to go almost 24-7 now...but it's not a terrible downside 😉


I'm playing with telling an Irish story, a myth... but I'm not sticking to the exact storyline or wording I should say Me thinks it will be a blast 😜


Audio = music = definitely helped me keeping up my motivation on my first 2 days in the gym 💪 But either music or your audios help me in small, different ways: I simply enjoy them and I think that's really important for mental health, just to feel good and be happy. They keep me company when I'm being all by myself and I feel like I nees someone else there with me. I don't suffer from insomnia, but it's always nice to fall asleep to sounds. And I don't feel so alone since I'm listening to audios. So for me, they really are a feel good thing. ❤


Morning hun 😄 I actually didn't start listening to audios till my freshman year at uni, so about 2014 ish. And the main reason was to not only help my insomnia, but also my depression that really hit me hard that year due to some messed up stuff 🙁 But they've helped me so much over the years and hunny you're just the cherry on top ;)


As stated by others before, I too used to have sleeping issues. And audios (yours in particular) help me fall asleep easier and shut off my thoughts better than I could ever do on my own. And also in anxiety moments they are a big help. So, thank you! 😊


All your audios that involve hugging and taking care of us after a bad day help me whenever I feel I need a hug, but there is nobody here to give it to me. There are days when I want to visit my mum, as the child version of me, so that she tells me that everything is going to be ok. She doesn't let me do this as a grown up woman, so your audios help me a LOT when I'm feeling down or feel like I need someone to take care of me.


Heya G. Happy Monday. For me, different audios help me with self esteem, help me relax and a lot of different ones helped me beat depression and sometimes anciety/panic attacks. Your videos helped me with my low (i mean very low) self esteem and finally start to think I'm not that worthless as I think. 😚 You really changing lives here. Thank you for everything, you do. 😗


Hey Gael 😊 I have trouble getting my brain to be quiet, so I find it very difficult to sleep. But listening to your audios or sometimes others helps my mind focus on one thing and I can sleep. Thank you for that 💛💛

Rayne Black

Most of them brighten up my day, and help alot with my anxiety. I feel relaxed and other times I feel loved (even though it sounds a bit weird, it's true)


I pressed entered too quickly... lol For me the NSFW ones are a healthy way I think to keep exploring my sexuality. I can discover new fantasies and safely find out what could be a new turn on or not. I am sure someone will manage to explain this better than I just have. lol


I think the panic attacks audios helped me allot, cus I don’t feel so ashamed all the time when I get them.. thank you..


having just discovered audios within the last 8 months, they've helped me during work. i read all day long, so sometimes music is distracting and sometimes boring and i just rather listen to tv or something else in the background. a voice or a simple one sound helps me focus. even binary beats help too. the erotic stuff does wonders on a libido though and also makes me realize that I'm not the only one with a dirrrrrty mind 😉


When I get really upset it takes a lot of talking down to get me back to normal. I have someone to call that can give it to me but when I couldn't find him about a month ago I looked up stuff on YouTube and I got one of your videos. I guess a soothing voice does a lot to someone that needs it. So, thank you for what you do 🤩🤩🤩


Happy Monday, Gael! Well... Basically I started listening to meditation audios to ease my mind at night... Got some trouble with sleeping and anxiety attacks, but it helped me quite much. Then I saw ASMR and I tried... It got even better. All the triggers, tingles and all that stuff helped so much, it was so intense it felt almost as a virtual massage of my nerves and put me to sleep. Then, I saw your name and thought... Let's see what this langer has to show! I fell in love with your voice and... Stayed. It's not just the sexy thing... It's the caring you share too. If I feel anxious, I use to play the hour long sleeping and I'm asleep before it ends. If I'm down, I play one of the romantic ones and I feel better. And if I feel horn... OK, you already know that by far!! 😂😂😂


Good morning G! Well audios like ASMR, méditation stuff and bfe have helped me a lot to be more relaxed and calm. I used to be quite stressed and angry all the time and now I'm the complete opposite so it really helped me out. And the sexy stuff helped me too, I feel more sexy and want to be more sexy so I came back to doing running fitness and yoga which is quite great. I think it really helped me change for the better so I'm thankful for your work and other great artists work that helped me be my better self ♥️♥️♥️ 🙏🏻


Hi Gael. Honestly discovering the ASMR/Audio community has changed my life. 4 years ago I was raped by someone I went to school with. One year after that I was sexually assaulted by my best friend of 10 years. He introduced me into the BDSM community and was also someone I dated. He had become abusive during our second year together and he tried to rape me 6 months later. It is thanks to ASMR/Audios that I have not only discovered a new hobby and passion but it has helped me rebuild myself and self worth as a person. I still have a fair way to go, but the ASMR/Audio community has helped me so much in terms of my recovery. I will forever be thankful for discovering such a wonderful phenomenon. Thank you for everything that you do Gael, you are truly a wonderful human being and bring so much joy to so many people. We need more people like you in this world.


Happy Monday lovely! The biggest help I’ve found in audios (yours and other artists) is confidence. Lots of things have changed quite rapidly for me both mentally and physically over the past few months and listening to audios help to bring me a sense of calm and collected-ness (is that even a word?!) that I couldn’t seem to find before. Thank you so much for what you do, it really is incredible! Lots of love! ❤️


I recently started listening to Asmrzeitgeist. His audios are like sleeping pills for me but in general your recordings are the only ones I listen to permanently. Since 2yrs now. ... from meditation to especially erotic ones....they just give me alot of strength and peace to my soul. I get the best mood ever❤


A lot of your audios help me relax and a fair few have quite possibly saved my relationship when my libido was basically none existent. Apart from you though when I was a little kid I really struggled to fall asleep so my mum got me some guided meditation for kids cassettes. They helped so much, I play them to my little boy sometimes now if he can't sleep or had a nightmare. And then there's the whole clichéd suicidal teenager saved by music. Not just certain songs or albums, but playing it too and writing. All very cathartic when I was trying desperately to convince myself that I was straight when I'm definitely not.

Gri (Sassy_One)

Happy Monday, peeps! Happy day, G! It may sound dumb, but your audios helped me realize my inner strength and my sassy sexxxy self. Your voice has helped me deal with tense, anxious moments more than once, and for that I’m thankful😚


Hi Alex! Im getting to judo a lot more and have taken yoga back up. I love it! Though I was shaky on those balance poses lol!! At one stage last week I fell forward on my nose... nearly struck oil :😳😳😳


Actually, yes, your audios have helped me SO much! Obviously we all adore your sexy stuff, but my absolute favorite audios are your rambles. I love the positivity that you send out. Your silly jokes and stories make me smile so much. Even my coworkers are noticing the little extra bounce in my step now when I’m listening to your stories while plugging away at work. Also, I’ve used all of your positivity to start creating again! I’ve been sewing again, and I’ve even started painting! You’ve been a tremendous help, love, and I appreciate you so so much! Hope you are well!!


Honestly your audios are the only ones i i listen to. I never was one for this kind of thing until someone in a group on fb talked about ASMR and it led me to you❤ I have been going through a divorce and was smack dab in the middle of it when i found your audios and the truth of it is your audios gave me hope n faith that better men exist in the world and i havent felt sad at all about my prospects moving on. Before your audios and few other male poets ive recently discovered i just hadnt seen men who are emotionally developed and heart centered in themselves and in their sexuality and its been really encouraging for me as a mom of two sons to see what that looks like and made me think about how i want to relate with them as they grow up to make sure they grow into men i respect and i would feel confident in marryin to another woman. Your audios themselves obviously satisfy my rather ravenous appetite for funtimes when im not necessarily feeling like putting myself out there IRL so thats bee a welcome release for me as a very sexual person. I love your comfort ones because i always feel better after listening to thems even if i havent really been too upset lately. I do looove loove looove the community here as well.


The sleep with me audio genuinely helps me with my insomnia.I used to suffer from insomnia and wide awake until 2am(almost every day 😥)Thank you Gael ❤️


I think it's really good to 'shop' around. The more artists you find the better!


ASMR audios soothed my depression and trauma response during a particularly rough couple of years -- they basically made it possible for me to feel safe enough to fall asleep again. (No, seriously: in the space of a year, I almost died twice, and my abusive then-spouse drove me out of my career & us into poverty after geographically isolating me from my support network, while slowly replacing me with another, less functional, woman. It was... not the best time in my life. I owe ASMRequests & GentleWhispering a lot for getting me to sleep in those days.) ASMR audios still help with the fibro-induced insomnia, now that I've improved my circumstances, my depression is generally well-managed, & the PTSD has faded a lot. (Yay therapy & meditation -- including but not limited to a few of yours -- on those fronts, too!) It's glorious not to dream about car crashes & fire ant attacks every night. 😊😴😊


Heya NightBlossom And thank you for having the bravery to take on these subjects If anyone here would like to listen to Ms Blossom she has a wonderful channel Seanie has found it lately though God knows what's coming 😳😳😳😳 😂😂😂

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Happy Monday to you, too, G! 😘 I have always been incredibly stimulated by audio, whether it’s music, audiobooks, ASMR or your gorgeous audios helping me feel sexy and desirable. It’s helped me relax, have fun, fall asleep and meet my weekly requirement of orgasms. 😉 Thanks for asking!

Ms. Donovan

Hmmm, how to be concise: *You’ve settled more panic attacks than I can count anymore. *I sleep med-free now. *You’re a reminder that’s always there that we can cry, laugh, relax, feel beautiful any time and need no one’s permission. *You provide EXCELLENT visuals for a writer. *And as of late you’ve made my car a much better place to be 😉🤣 In all seriousness, and as someone who gives without limits, what you share is priceless. Thank you is never enough ♥️


A lot of times in the past, when I've wanted to relapse or do something silly, when I've been worked up and just hating everything, I just pop me headphones in and listen to the relaxing audios. It's just nice to have that soothing and cooling voice telling me it's going to be okay or just to let myself cool down from my head being so all over the place. It just helps to focus on the words or the slow, steady breathing. Even if it's for just that short period of time, everything is okay because I forget everything else going on and just focus on that. And then after I've listened to it, I'm calm and rethink everything that just went on in a different light because I'm in a different head space. They help me a lot


I am sorry you had to go through this. I hope you keep improving. Much love to you. <3


Yours are the only ones I've listened to so far, so you'll have to forgive me for that. Lol I have terrible insomnia when I'm stressed, but your "Audio For Insomnia" has been beyond helpful for that. I can honestly say that I have yet to hear the end of that audio, and it's only 19 minutes long.


Another interesting thing about this group is it's sooo diverse.. We've got people from all walks of life here... It's kinda hard to tell when you're 'a patron' but I know a lot more about the demographics of the place.. And believe me... it's super cool ❤️❤️


Well, hello party people! 🙌 G, my darling, I love your audios for several reasons: 1) I can relax or sleep to some of the more mellow content 😊 2) I can channel my sexual energy through the heavier stuff. And may find some inspiration every now and then to try out some new fun stuff (which I am ALWAYS up for 😏) 3) I get to explore a new kind of emotional intimacy that I'm generally not that keen on. The audios help me to experience that being cuddled, holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, the general lovey dovey stuff that I'm usually allergic to, doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact: it can be really nice. Being taken care of can be nice. Not being in charge can be nice. One of these days I might even give that whole relationship thing that's all the rage an actual try 😅😉 4) This community is a definite plus too! I love how every one is here to explore and expand, by themselves or with the help and company of others. It is pretty awesome to see everyone engaging and enjoying themselves. You should be proud ❤️


Btw sometimes I feel inferior and stressful but your encouragement helps me to feel confident again 😊


Hi Gael, there are a number of ways thar audio has helped. Insomnia - I find it very hard at times to quiet my mind. It's not necessarily about stress or worry, more just an overload of thoughts all fighting to be heard. The sleep audios you have done allow me to focus on one thing, whether it is your voice, your breathing or your heartbeat; which in turn allows the calm to settle and sleep usually comes. And when it doesn't at least both my body and my mind are still. Comfort audios - I find these to be really cathartic. Some issues I come back to time and time again. The audios are honestly like a giant hug, with you rubbing my back and telling me it's ok to cry (fair enough not in so many words) There is no need for me to justify my feelings or even explain them. So in those moments when you build me back up again I sob my heart out and then am able to put the issues back on the shelf and move on with life. As for the NSFW audios, the impact that you have had on my sex life, well yeah lol 😳


I really enjoy listening to different ASMRtists' calming videos whenever I study or read; it really helps me stay focused and get work done. And when I'm just mucking about in my room, I like to listen to rambles and podcasts 😊 The videos for sleep are really great because it's hard for me to sleep when it's dead silent... I've been sleeping a LOT better since finding ASMR. And then there's the sexy stuff... which is fantastic and I think that one goes without saying lol


I love to listen to the rambles when I go on walks. It makes me to walk longer, and I am sure whoever I pass must wonder why I have a goofy look on my face. Humor is the best medicine. :)


Hello there, Mr.! :) Happy Monday! :) Well, there's no secret that music (and audios in general) is a cure for every aspect of life. I listen to music at work, another type of music at home, even music for studying or reading a book. Some certain songs get attached like tags to the people you know, and instantly reminds you of them when you hear them. And some of them helped me to go though a breakup. I grew up playing music myself, and I even analyse it to the smallest details or create it when I have the muse. Music changes according to my mood and my surroundings. To be honest, I never thought I‘ll enjoy ASMR, until I found your audios, so this type of experience opened up new horizons for me. And the stories you tell! It‘s like sitting with a friend and having a conversation over a cup of coffee.  They literally encouraged me to start listening to audio-books (I know, I know, it‘s weird I never tried it before...). So, keep up what you‘re doing, Gael, because you‘re on the right track!


I actually thought about this recently. I think for me, more than anything, listening to you specifically has reinforced an idea that I subscribe to but haven’t felt the mental freedom to practice: Just be kind and just be happy!! Lift people up. Things will work out. You don’t have to feed the negativity in the world. Whether that’s one of your intentions or not, I’m thankful for that. It’s been easier the last month or so to just tune out the drama and bullshit and ever-increasing negativity since listening to your work and engaging with the community of people you’ve got here. I noticed this especially when I logged back into Facebook (after a legit two week hiatus) and was basically slapped in the face with every single problem in the entire world. That, and people selling leggings and workout programs. 😳 Additionally, OTHER people have noticed my attitude shift, which is actually really cool. I’m like a happiness magnet these days and it’s wonderful. Thanks, G, for all you do- both intentionally and unknowingly- for all of us 💜💜


I'm listening to Asmrzeitgeist and Cardlin since ages and recently discovered you thx to our gorgeous Valentina🤗 I'm excited and really surprised with your work Sir😳😳😳😳


Happy Monday to you, too, G!😙 Yes, your meditation audios have helped me to relax and feel calm, rather than listening to the thoughts that can sometimes be unhelpful. Rambles/podcasts are like having really pleasant company, and feel like sitting down to get to know a quite interesting person better. The belly laughs are greatly appreciated, always.😄 Also, your bedtime audios have been so very welcome, because they have proven so useful in soothing me and allowing me to drift off into peaceful deep sleep with a smile on my face. The truth of the matter is that I found fixes for things that I was dealing with all alone before discovering audio. I thank you immensely for that. Kisses and hugs and much, much love to you, G!❤❤


Yes audios have helped me so much! For one your sleep related ones have helped me so much! There are many a nights that if I didn’t have them I probably wouldn’t have gone to sleep at all. So thank you so much for them!! ❤️❤️


I’m biased about anything to do with audio/music/sound itself because I’m a raging musician hehe and I can go on for ever and never shut up about it all.. 00ps! But when we look at what quantum physics has found out about the way all matter is energy vibrating at different frequency levels and how different vibrational frequencies can alter the structure of things through mediums LIKE sound... it puts a whole other wild and mind blowing spin on audios..! (Maybe this isn’t the kind of answer you’re looking for 😂😅) But I like to ponder on this sort of thing in regards to not just music but audios with affirmations, or soothing or meditative words, etc. etc. Idk audios are powerful things! Words are powerful things! I also love how this is us, humanity, communicating and growing through each other’s experiences in advanced ways that once didn’t exist.. We have so much more access in this internet age to the lessons and experiences and memories and stories of others than ever before, it’s beautiful. It definitely speeds up the expansion and progression of our minds, dat’s fer shore 🌊 And on a personal note audios sometimes feel like by putting on some headphones, I’m slipping on someone else’s brain for a while and that is so dang cool for a multitude of reasons to me


it's an awesome melting pot here. also, it's funny, i read each word in your accent and voice and then, i tried to imitate it. i hope my mind did it justice. it probably didn't 😳


My introduction to audios wasn't exactly the most proper. I hang out in the commentary/meme community a lot more so they show a lot of weird af audios. I like the vegetable chopping ones tho. They make me feel like eating something healthy. One time at work I just wanted to listen to something dirty (preferably with a Spanish accent LMAO). But your audio was the first one to come out and I also listened to your Spotify. I only listened to one nsfw audio guy before, his name is bourbon neat on soundgasm and his voice is deeper than yours, kinda too deep for me. I mean my friend just shared his stuff to me because he sounds like Markiplier. Grew tired of his stuff fast tho. When I came across your audios, I'm often impressed by the nsfw ones because every single one of them is like a breath of fresh air. You know how to experiment with themes that would make your listeners comfortable. My favorite ones would be your Double Gael audios. I get mind blown everytime because they're something I never thought would be possible. I listen to your nsfw audios and comfort ones from time to time. The comfort audios are great when I'm either overthinking or on a verge of a breakdown. I try to avoid the romantic boyfriend audios, I gotta admit. They kinda make me cry more, because I would really prefer to hear words from an actual person and not a character. It's unhealthy if I depend on those. Some of your audios, they brought out that more dom-switch side of me, I gotta admit. I'm sorry if this looks messy 😅


Since last year, your audios have helped me so much! Definitely with my sleep, and also on my mental health. Please keep doing what you’re doing, it’s incredible! ❤️


When I found audios I was suffering immensely from loneliness and insomnia. Ever since I’ve begun listening I’ve finally felt more free, more relaxed and I actually fall into a deep sleep fast. My health has also improved, my depressive episodes are few and far between and I’m actually motivated to take care of myself-working out eating healthy (I actually lost 10kgs 🎉🎉) And I’ve begun to explore a bit more of what I enjoy. I’m Christian so personally I’ve come from a quite sex-phobic community (I’m still standing by my choice to be celibate) but I enjoy listening as I’m able to explore and discover safely and in a way I’m comfortable with ❤️❤️


Hello there! Well I myself suffer from really bad anxiety and insomnia. So it’s hard to fall asleep and sometimes I end up only sleeping 4 hours. I’m a college student and also work so with my lack of sleep its bit hard and I can’t concentrate and have headaches. I also have a very low self esteem. I myself have only been in one relationship and I’m just insecure about my body, so... Yeah, Gael. Your videos have really helped me. A lot. It’s funny you mentioned this because yesterday I was thinking about telling you to make more relaxing/sleeping videos. I always go to sleep with one of them. (I always end up picking the one hour long one lol) I’ve been getting eight hours of sleep and my anxiety has definitely decreased. Now your erotic videos...for some reason they just burst the little self confidence I have and bruh...I’m naturally a shy girl but damn lol Your audios turn me into something else haha. I’ve seen improvement in loving myself the way I am. I feel sexy and beautiful...(btw I enjoy mostly the videos were your literally interacting with us, touching yourself with us, or telling us what to do. Yup. So far the unboxing toy one is my favorite lol) Anyway, got off topic, ha. My point is, that your videos have definitely and most certainly helped me. So thank you, Gael! And keep on going with them videos😉♥️


I found your first YouTube channel while looking for things to relax me before my first gynecological surgery. I used some of your meditation audios before sleeping or before appointments (I still do it!). I found your romantic and your old "Reading your comments" audios that I loved, your Literotica audios (the 1st one I listened to was the Lingerie Store I think, it left me quite speechless). After the surgery, I was stuck in bed for weeks. I took this time to listen to all your audios. I couldn't do anything obviously, but it helped me to feel better. I did the same for my second surgery, but I focused on romance and audios about confidence, because I was quite alone and depressed. When I started to feel better, I used your sexy audios to slowly get my body back and to feel sexy again. It really helped me. I had worries about my body and my scars, about how it changed me and my daily life, about relationships. But I know now that I am worthy of being loved the way I am, that I'm strong. And maybe someday, I'll find someone who will accept me as I am. It was a hard work on myself, and you were indirectly a part of this work. I used your audios a bit like a therapy. ❤️


Also because of you, I think Gaelic is one of the most beautiful languages I've ever heard and I really wanna learn it now. 🍀


We'll, I can tell you that I had Rest your Head on loop all of last night, so I wouldn't think about the fight I'm having with my brother. Its my bed-time go to recording. I'm new to the audio world though. Music generally helps me; it's helped when studying as a balm, or as a catalyst for action.


I enjoy listening to someone else's positive vibes for a while because it takes me away from my present negativity. My mind gets noisy often and by noisy I mean it gets filled with anxious/guilty/regretful thoughts, irrational generalizations, traumatic memories, etc. Your audios provide a fresher distraction and kind of takes me away from myself for a while.


Yay! Bedtime stories are my favorite - especially if they’re stories I’ve never heard before!!! Do it!!!

Deborah Deardorff

I really enjoy audios in general, but I am more prone to listening when I'm having a rougher bout with my depression. Sometimes its just that little extra kick I need, and it picks me right up.


Hello G! Happy Monday to you. Before I started listening to you I honestly never enjoyed ASMR or sexual audios, the few artists I had listened to sounded like they were reading from a script or like a disconnected robot. I was in shock when I first discovered you, within a 60 seconds I knew I had found something special. I couldn’t believe how genuine you were. Since I’ve started listening to you last fall I’ve honestly been inspired by your positivity and sexual energeee. You help to remind me that I’m beautiful inside and out❤️ I’ve meet some wonderful lovelies here on Patreon, you have a very special community here G. Thank you for all you do, I’m in awe of your wonderful brain. Whether it’s a naughty audio, meditation or a silly ramble, your audios simply make my day better.


Facebook can be really toxic unless you really carefully select your friends... and still there is a lot of negativity. I even got told off for posting too many positive posts and not about the real world. lol


One of your audio rambles actually led me to listen to you further. It struck a different happy feeling for me. Whether it's music or rambles, the audio evokes a different feeling every time! Audio is LYFE when you feel a certain mood or want to feel a certain mood! Hats off to you, my friend, for using your talent and gifts to help heal and bring joy and enlightenment into the lives of others. You're a true blessing! 💚💛


Your audios are literally healing all over <3 With my depression, anxiety, self esteem. They make me feel calm, comforted, and like a sexy confident woman. They make me feel like I am not alone. Like I have someone who understands what I need and actually gets it. I always listen when I am driving, as I get severely anxious driving, and it helps so much! I swear lol. Other than you i Listen to Goodnight moon, and I like her fantasy role play stuff because you feel like you are transported to another place and its like having a vacation. Giving a much needed break from the chaos of life, if only for a moment. That being said I enjoyed the sexy vacation in Bangkok haha ;P This year has just been really tough for me personally to say the very least and I rediscovered audio in January, I am so happy did <3 Thank you for being a major part of my healing and self love <3 Muah much love to ya G


I also listen to Olivia Kissper...she is very uplifting like you with her rambles... Always positive!!! ✌✌💗💗


I am reading through all these comments (who needs to work, right?), and all these stories are so touching.


Not much of a story but. there are times when life gets too much and i get too tired, i just turn on comfort audios like Comfort thru the tears, tender loving care, its ok now, cheering up my love, and even a small ramble request u did for me. (i dl them and put at a specific place outside of this app so i can find them easily). I just listen to them and cry it out. and i’ll feel so much better afterwards. You’re my safe haven. When life gets too harsh on my sensitive self, you’re the soft presence to give some support and positive energy for me to hold on to. And before i got a bf, you’re the only voice that be such a gentle soft comfort to make me feel not alone. Like, yes i can text close frd when i hv breakdown but when i dun hv that energy to reach out to ppl, ur comfort audios are the things i can passively receive. :) I always wish u’d know how much those audios mean to me but i dun hv good english to fully explain it to you :)


So many lovely comments here. ❤️ I listen to a lot of music, but not a big audio listener untill arriving herre. The audios have been an amplifier and accellerator for me. More pleasure, more playful, more gentle and more cheerful in my day for sure. That's profoundly good and it seeps in deep to help refresh and renew on the daily. I have a particular love of the meditation catalog. The erotica of late has had an exquisite rightness of relationship between him and her - that's a qualitative thing but tangible to me. It's really nice to sink into the experience without having to filter so hard. Cheers G!


Hi Mr. G! Well for me, there were 3 specific positive changes since listening to you. 🎧 1.) Sleeping Habit Before I couldn't quiet the mind so I had trouble sleeping at night. That is how I found you on youtube actually. Helped me tons! 2.) Disposition When I listen to the Romance ones, I get an instant surge of giddiness which is kinda contageous. People noticed how calm I have been. How can you not be when you are all loved up on the inside? 💖 3.) Sensual Side Effect I have become more attuned to my body and more expressive sexually. Before listening to you I have never "self-serviced" and I have been missing out! This opened me up to new ways of Self Love. 😊 I swear, Mr. G, you are magic! Hope these answers are helpful. Have a good week! 💖


Your audios, specifically, have done so much for me. ☺️ I’ve dabbled with the more ‘traditional’ ASMR audios before for my insomnia (and they worked fine) but the audios from here really made an impact. This is the first time I’ve really immersed myself in audios and IDK? It just made me loosen up and enjoy things a lot more. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for years now and it’s been an uphill battle. In my real life, I do take conscious steps on how to improve myself and manage the anxiety and I’ve actually been doing great. Discovering your audios gave me that extra boost I needed! Instead of being so scared of being alone with my thoughts all the time, I actually found this little area where I can have fun. Where I can find comfort when I am alone. It’s very freeing. I get to enjoy myself more and this extends to the other things I do in real life. I’m more relaxed. I am more easy going. The people around me have even noticed. So yeah. Audios are definitely a good added ingredient to my recipe to positivity ☺️ I still have my days.. a lot of days.. but oh well. I know I can get through them. 🌈


Hey everybody! I think audio in general is a huge bridge in connecting with other people and learning about lives and stories outside of what you know and are comfortable with. I remember when I first moved on campus and one of my first roommates was an international student. At first it was pretty awkward trying to get to know one another, until we discovered one day that we both had the same taste in music. That day we had one of the deepest and longest conversations with each other about our favorite music and songs and it opened the door to getting to know one another a lot better. In listening to your audios, Gael, it's given us all a bridge to connect with one another a lot better here and building a super supportive community, as well as getting to know you and a bunch of the experiences and things that make you the man you are today... all using the sounds of your voice.


I had a nervous breakdown a little over a year ago after working for 3 years at a job where I would work 80 hours a week, sleep in the office, and generally get treated like shit. ASMR and meditation audios really helped me with panic attacks and depression, and especially helped me when I found out I had undiagnosed PTSD from my childhood. I go to therapy every week and am doing what I can to take care of my mental and physical health, but the audios are really helpful in addition to treatment. Your audios (in addition to the amazing community here) have particularly been helpful to me because I grew up in an incredibly sex negative culture (American evangelical purity culture), and have just recently been realizing how much of my PTSD is related to the that. You and all the lovelies here are so sex positive, and it's nice to be in a genuinely safe sex positive environment where everyone is so encouraging. ❤️


I’ve been trying to figure out my sexuality for a while now and it turns out I identify as asexual, which is weird to explain and even weirder to actively be. For me it means I don’t really wanna have sex with anyone, that doesn’t mean I won’t have sex with anyone or will never have it, it just means I won’t ever actively /want/ it. It’s easy when you don’t actively feel sexual interest in someone to feel broken, like there’s something wrong with you and when I became intrested in figuring out what made me feel pleasurable it made that feeling of brokenness even worse because that wasn’t normal for some who didn’t want to have sex with someone to mastrabate. Over time I’ve been able to come to terms with what I enjoy and a large part of that is because of your adios who’s offered comfort and support when i need it most. Than you, I don’t think I’d be as comfortable in my body and with my sexuality if it weren’t for you.


Hmm. I've been in the ring with anxiety for as long as I can remember and sometimes it's quite hard to just let go and ignore the stupid things my brain is trying to tell me. I can't remember how I came across asmr but it's been so helpful in slowing down, focusing on the present calm. My weaaaaaakness is when people with long nails scratch the metal part of their 3Dio lol. I found your channel in my suggested videos and here I am, delighted to find they have the same effect. Thanks for doin' what you do G, have a happy Monday!


I got really ill last autumn, and had to stay in bed for three weeks.. That's why I actually discovered audio visions.. I was bored and started to explore YouTube, and found a really sweet piece.. where you supported a friend /the listener, in a hospital.. It just went directly into my heart...and then I heard about Patron ,and got on the "boat" 😃The rest is history.. And it's just Goodass Prana ❤️You are a beautiful soul and person.. And just look what joy and support, you give out to the world ❤️❤️Have a beautiful day 😄😃Goodass Prana 😊😘❤️❤️❤️😊😄😆🍓🍉🍉🍓🍌


@Gael, Berta and Angie sorry I couldn't reply to my original post anymore. Patreon playing wicked🤦 ...well yes the more we look around the better we know that you're the only one G. and Nr. 1 for us. This I truely mean it and I'm not going into details but lord knows how your audios and especially that voice of yours helped me to come back to life and my senses....


Happy Monday, lovely G! Audio, most specifically music, has always had a strong presence in my life. It's been the friend that was there for me when no one else was. I have a strong tendency to want to bottle up when things start getting too intense. But it gives me a means to vent and release those emotions so they don't fester. Not to get too heavy, but I am not afraid to admit that it is a huge part of the reason why I am still alive. Your particular brand of audio is something that's incredibly new to me, but it doesn't veer too far off course from the reason why I love music so much. It's just something that's always there, helping me to feel less alone, like any good art should do. xo


For me personally I never really understood the erotic audio/asmr stuff (before trying it out mind you). A little background, I have a toddler and I think like a lot of moms I kind of lost my mojo a little bit. I had difficulty with health issues during and for months after my delivery, my daughter had health issues that needed surgery shortly after she turned one and then my husband works 3rd shift and I work almost 50 hours a week. All of those factors combined made me feel everything but sexy and in the mood. I discovered your audios and felt something (that I've always had in me but was laying dormant) awaken. I felt sexy again, I felt desire again, I felt confident again. Although you're kinda my naughty little secret that no one knows about, I'm sure my husband would thank you as these audios brought me back to how I was prior to having a baby and that would be a sex kitten 🐈 Now on a personal level not dealing with sex, I've met some amazing women on the community and have forged friendships with many of them and will be hopefully meeting up with a few of them in June! 💋💕


Yeah, looking around only reaffirms that Gael is the only one! I really feel you Vally... That voice is heaven! And how much effort he puts in his work just makes it better 😊😊😊


I have really bad anxiety and I tend to get panic attacks at really bad times, like in public or when there’s nothing at all to distract me. Having audios to listen to with such amazing, sweet, and kind hearted people behind them gives me a familiar voice to focus on and calm down - which is actually how I found this lovely place 😊 but there are so many other reasons, and fun things; that just happens to be my most important. Thank you G ❤️


I suffer from depression and audios have helped me feel not so depressed. They help me forget about my sadness for a little bit


Good morning and happy Monday dear man. Hope all is going well! Now for me, I came across your work one night when I was feeling lonely and wishing to connect, I believe I typed in the search "ASMR boyfriend role-play." I'm picky about music and voices, in about 5 seconds I know if I like something or not. I loved your voice from the get-go. I've tried other artists and didn't like them, with the exception of one voice, but his storylines are rather repetitive so I got bored. Guess that means I'm here to stay, because I'm done looking. If it ain't broke, don't fix it and all. As for your question. I use your meditation ones to relax and zone out while grading students work. I use rambles for entertainment while driving, I've listened to all of them once, don't dare go back for seconds or thirds or my crazy brain will start memorizing stuff and it has already complied quite a comprehensive list of facts on you as it were without any additional help, haha. I use the massage and migraine ones to relax my muscles on my drive home and when I have a headache. I use the sleep ones to fall asleep from time to time, I usually sleep like the dead but it's nice to fall asleep to your sweet voice from time to time. Finally, I use the vanilla and erotic ones just for the sheer bliss of them, they make me happy and, for whatever reason, more confident. So, as you can see, your work helps me in a plethora of ways. Intrinsically, I know it's a make-believe world, so I don't take it too seriously, but it is a lovely world nevertheless. Thank you for all you do.😘🤗


So lovely to read all of your comments!! ❤️❤️❤️

Ms. Donovan

You’re a rockstar, mama. Even if June doesn’t work out, me, you and Ellen still need to get together! ♥️

Misa Amane

ASMR (the more traditional types) helps me quiet my mind at night before sleep (I have a tendancy to overthink the day and get into a "Yeah but did I.." loop). The story based ones help me refocus since I can't get into a loop if I'm listening to a story. It's nice to have a pretty broad selection. If I want something cute and funny, it's there. If I want something with drama, it's there. Or horror, or erotica. The erotic audios have also helped me really tune into how I actually feel which has been a big ongoing goal for myself (emotional detatchment via past trauma + therapy and coping abilities that are helathy= hey suddenly I'm actually feeling things more acutely which is nice.) The audios I listen to (not just you but I've got a good mix of different artists) help me stay comfortable with expressing myself. And that's pretty cool, to put it mildly. ^^


Also: it just feels nice to be loved - even if it's "just" audio, in those moments I can feel like I'm finally worthy of it.


Audio is something I can't live without. Somemes life just goes by really fast in a sort of constant buzz and, when I'm depressed (which is most of the time haha;;;;;;;) I enter a sort of desensitized state. I go by without actually focusing on anything emotionally. I guess I've trained myself to ignore all of the bad things in order to not go in a downward spiral mentally. However, I do pretend to be happy and normal around everybody else because I don't want to be a "debbie downer" Yeah, I know it isn't healthy to ignore your problems but I've been dealing with depression alone since I was very, very young. Because I've had to deal with depression alone for so long, I just don't want to inconvenience anybody else with my personal problems. That's when audio comes into play. When I pop my earphones in, I'm forced to deal with my inner conflicts; whether it be body image issues, ptsd, or  anxiety. Audio has helped me in an immense way that I can't live without it. And especially here, this community is so warm and welcoming. I don't usually comment on anything but when I do....I don't feel judged. It's a nice reprieve when I constantly feel judged in my everyday life. And Gael, I think you've helped a lot of us ladies. And I am pretty sure I can speak on the behalf of all the ladies, thank you so very much for everything you do. You don't just create audios. You've helped and saved many of us in desperate times. I know it's true for me at least. Haha my comment is pretty long so I doubt anybody will read it but, it was nice to let it all out. Thank you ladies and thank you Gael ❤❤ ^v^


For me it started almost exactly 3 years ago, but not with the typical asmr or audios. There was a key moment: It was a normal sunny day until then, I woke up at machines and tubes in the intensive care unit. A longtime very good friend of mine was looking for a way to cheer me up. Since we are not from the same country, not easy. So he came up with the idea to send me an audio every day, simple things like reading something out of a book or newspaper, watching TV show together, or telling strange jokes. It helped me focus on the essential and made me feel really important. I searched for similar things on YouTube and ended up with you and here. Your audios really have something special and a breakfast with you will make you smile. A small gesture like this one can be very special in someone else's life. I hope you will bring us this happiness for a very long time ...


Yes! Right now I am going through so much and your audios do wonders. My parents are currently in the middle of getting a divorce and I am only eighteen with a ten year old brother. I am with my dad and my mom took my brother. At this age I had to learn how to pay bills, taxes, and basically just grow up too fast. My mom is also blackmailing me to meet her boyfriend (the one she was cheating on my dad with) and since I still don’t want to she is now just ignoring me. From this little rant you can tell now much stress this is giving me not to mention my amount of panic attacks has really increased. Whenever I feel one coming I can lay down and listen to your voice and forget about everything that is happening. Thank you Gael, you really help with my anxiety and all the stress I’m going through and I couldn’t ask for more💕


Well, yours is the first audio I’ve ever listened to, and I had been going through a rough patch in my life. I was failing school, couldn’t sleep, having to balance pressure from outside sources to do well and I just couldn’t take it. I went looking for relaxing music for meditation but I found people had been recommending your channel so, I clicked on one of your bedtime stories and “popped in my earbuds” and listened. I remember how it felt like you were actually there, talking to me and comforting me with the night of the cats, and I found myself giggling which I hadn’t done in over 8 months. Sure the NSFW audios also helped, but it was the comforting audios that made me feel like you cared about how I was doing without asking or prying which people kept doing and they just started to wear me out. It was nice to hear someone send me kind words through a story, like someone didn’t care how sad and a wreck I was, and that they wanted to cheer me up. I honestly have to thank you, because after a few nights of listening to the bedtime stories I started sleeping again and I Then was able to think clearly again. You also helped bring back my creativity which was suffering and almost gone, so thank you Gael. Sincerely, thank you.


For me, it has helps a lot it makes me feel calm, sleepy, horny, and much more. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, and I really am. I think about someone being by my side at all times feeling and touching on me, making my body feel all tingling inside and out. I'm addicted to your audios and I'll never stop listening. Thank you Gael, you really help me with a lot of things like, anxiety and depression. ❤❤


Your audios fulfill my sexual fantasies! Thank you for that! 😘


I found asmr audios during a very difficult time. I was hospitalized for anorexia, depression, self harm and a lot more. One night, a nurse told me about asmr on youtube and roleplay as well. She told me, it's one thing she really likes. Hospitalization for those kind of illeness is really lonely. I wasnt allowed to get visitors. So, that night i looked on youtube and i found you and cardlin's audios. Since then, you became my favourite (You're both different in your works. So it depends if i'm more in a “Gael mood” or a “cardlin mood” if it makes sense). All your relaxation, comfort, sleep aids audios are life savers to me. When i can't eat, your rambles save me. Your sexy audios help me realise my body is all mine and i can do anything i want with it. I've found some other asmr youtube channel, but it's more occasionally In general, audios/asmr help me to escape when reality is too hard.


I find them extremely comforting. I have issues with anxiety and insomnia and your audios specifically help me calm. The cadence of your voice is so soothing, it does help me sleep a lot of nights. Sometimes I don't even finish an audio all the way through the first time because I fall asleep and I mean that in a good way.


I'd like to add one more comment to my previous comment is that I only listen to your audios and your audios make me feel beautiful and that I'm wanted and that is nothing wrong with me.. Your audios make me experience moments and situations I never experienced before, like marriage proposal for example..


I don’t know if music counts in this particular scenario, but music has always moved me deeply. It’s always helped to allow me to work through an emotion. It doesn’t take away anything necessarily, but brings me some relief in letting out an emotion or escaping to daydream. But when it comes to your audios, I have to say, it’s been the first time where I feel like I truly have a nurturing person to help me through my anxiety disorder and depression. Whether it’s a sexy audio or a cute/taking care of you audio (my favorite 😋) it’s all brought me a sense of comfort and protectiveness that I haven’t felt in years. Also, because of my anxiety it normally takes me a good hour or two before I actually fall asleep, but if I listen to one of your sleep audios I tend to fall asleep within 15-30 minutes 🙌🏻 you’re my blessing in disguise 😊 seriously, thank you for all that you do!!


I've got both anxiety and depression. audios in general help me feel better when im down or at the very least I don't feel alone. They bring comfort when i cant seek it irl. Audios also give a quick and fun escape (and usually bring laughter if it's one of yours).


Your adios helped me to be more self confident especially with my body and my sexuality, i feel free and liberated :)


Morning G! Up until about 2012, I had never suffered an anxiety attack, although listening to music always soothed my soul I'd never had to use it as an aid to get me through any sort of episode. That is, until May of 2012 when my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. Throughout the emotional roller coaster of him being treated, going back and forth to the hospital for cancer related illnesses, surgeries, pneumonia etc. I quickly learned that my bouts with shortness of breath, breaking out into hives and the feelings of doom were all anxiety related, all of which reached a major boiling point the day I walked into his hospital room and they were trying to revive him. My father and I were extremely close and the word "devastated" barely describes what losing him did to me. The 27th of this month will make 5 years since his passing. As a result, I sometimes have bouts of depression and anxiety that can hit like a ton of bricks. Your meditation and relaxation audios, which I discovered in 2016 have done WONDERS and I THANK YOU!❤️ Seriously speaking, aside from the sexiness in your voice we all rant about, there is sincerely, a soothing tone that physically resonates and relaxes me. Prior to finding your audios I would also listen to beach sounds, soft wind, water falls etc. and anything else that would trigger my ASMR. Fortunately, I now have less of these episodes, but they still rear their ugly head from time to time.


(((hugs))) Tarah ❤️


I first discovered asmr audios when I was working as a correctional officer and developed some bad sleeping difficulties and anxiety. Asmr really helped me relax and get some much needed R&R. I still listen to a few channels in particular that I've come to enjoy immensely. Your channel is the latest I've discovered that I listen to on a regular basis. I was looking for a deep manly voice in particular to listen to and got hooked on your amazing accent and soothing tones instantly. Your relaxation audios help me sleep at night and relax during the long drive to work during the day. And your more erotic audios are...well, we all know the benefits and more enjoyable aspects of those, lol. Sexy tingles and an escape from the humdrums of life for a while are always welcome any day. Keep up the fantastic work, Gael, you are a master at this.


Ta much love to you. A very tight and warm hug my love❤❤❤


Your audios just make me feel confident in my body and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever felt that. So thank you.


yes, you help me can fall asleep quickly, thanks😘


They got me through my surgery last year. It was a necessary procedure for a life threatening scenario and I was terrified because the last time I had surgery I almost didn't wake, I had a reaction to the anesthesia and should have stayed in a come, rather that the 5 hrs it took for me to swim my way back to the surface. So I commissioned an audio, hypnotic, directing me to trust and to do what the drs said, all the things I needed to hear that I have no one to say to me as a single white female. I needed a Master to direct me, to trick my mind into acquiescence of the situation. You and Cardlins audios were my post op cate along with one other commissioned piece It worked, I got the surgery and I'm still here to talk about it. I have gained much in many other ways too, but this is the most impactful for me to date Gael. Thank you for your aftervare and caring audios as well by the way!


I have had misophonia for years. Listening to asmr helped ease me into hearing noises like this so instead of the reaction I normally had with little noises (bad anxiety, irritability, etc) now I can tolerate them. It’s helped tremendously with my going out with friends and family. The sensual sounds have also helped me with any sexual dysfunctions I’ve experienced while on antidepressants! It’s been a game changer! 🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️


- Meditative/relaxation purposes - anxiety relief from PTSD symptoms - cure for loneliness (rambles/romantic audios) - reduces or eliminates effects of long term insomnia - alleviates sexual dysfunction (never been able to climax with a partner, and even when it’s just me I have a hard time having a truly “satisfying” orgasm; this has allowed me to relax enough to at least enjoy being with myself 😜💦)


Your audios and other audios relevant to what you create have allowed me to safely explore and establish what I look for in a future partner as well as providing me with some form of company as a single woman. They have helped me learn a little bit more about Ireland and have provided a judgement free space for me :) Keep doing what you do, it is amazing and so sweet!


I love this question! Audio of some kind has helped me all my life. I grew up pretty poor and without a lot of resources, so music has always been an escape. Due to my parents, R&B is definitely my musical foundation, but I've been obsessed with all kinds of music my entire life. One of my earliest memories is listening to "You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon and dancing out a bad day (I still dance to it). Music was/is my therapy. At least once a week I'll turn off all the lights, put on my headphones and spread out on the floor like a teenager to jam, lol. It was all music until around 2009. I had a terrible job that made me anxious everyday. I had to keep it for 14 months because it was around the time of the economic crash and it was suuuuper hard to find a job. I found meditation audios on YouTube and would listen for about 20 minutes every morning in the parking lot of a grocery store up the street from that damn job. Those would help get me through my day until I was able to leave. You can close your eyes and go anywhere with just sound, and hearing just that one voice helps you focus if you're anxious. I think that's amazing. Also, please do more meditation audios, Gael! Your voice has a kind, warm quality that's hard to find. I know the dirty stuff probably pays the bills, but your meditation audios are awesome :)


Psychologically, huh? I’m intrigued. 🤓 Personally I’d say the best thing it’s done for me is to help me be more accepting of myself. I used to beat myself up for feeling strong emotion or crying. I thought I was weak. I finally let go of whatever had been building up inside when I knew that I wouldn’t/couldn’t burden the person comforting me. After doing that, I’m a lot more in-touch with my feelings and allow whatever comes to come without judgement. I’ve been taking better care of myself. It’s helped with self-image too. I was sure for a long time that no one would ever want me. I don’t remember when I first looked at myself in the mirror, told myself I’m sexy and believed it. I don’t know, but I love it. I could go on about how the sleep audios make me feel well-rested and the meditation calms my thoughts and all that good stuff. In the end, audio makes me feel good, it makes me feel and want to be better.

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Some of the biggest challenges I've had over the years have involved a serious lack of self-confidence, self-appreciation, motivation, and inspiration... things that, in one way or another, play into eachother creating a vicious circle that I've yet to break free from completely... I can often "talk the talk," so to speak, but I haven't managed to "walk the walk" yet... at least, not in any meaningful ways... I have listened to many audios/videos intended to be motivational and inspiration, but more often than not, I'm left feeling like more of a waste than I already do... even with Gael's audios, as lovely, kind, and soothing as his voice is... it's not the audio, I'm sure - it's my brain... I can't seem to get out of it... perhaps I'm expecting too much (of myself or the audio, I don't know) or making more out of some things than is necessary... this has, not surprisingly, led to an extended bout of insomnia and occasional (or not) fits of anxiety... that being said, there are two audios that come to mind that have been helpful... I recently latched on to a piece of advice in a video (okay, so one is not an audio) that has helped me at work, at least... dedicate the first 90 minutes of your day to the most important task you have, exclusive of anything else... that has helped me tremendously with a major project that I'm in charge of, which has relieved a bit of pressure from that source, at least... for the insomnia, I still find Gael's "Sleep With Me" audio to be very comforting and relaxing... after all that, though (sorry folks), I still keep keepin' on with the hope that I will, eventually, find a way to be satisfied - either with the way things are or by finally finding a way to bring about the change I want and most assuredly need... in the mean time, I'd like to share a favorite quote from an individual that I've found to be most inspirational and whose words keep me moving forward on a daily basis... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..." - Dory 😋... okaybyeyas!! 🤗


Gael, youre so talented at what you do. Your meditation audios are so relaxing. The timing of spacing between words, the pitch, the tone are very soothing yet masculineMotivational energetic audios by Tony Robbins are awesome for finding my life's passion and


The audios really help with my stress, tbh. It's easy for me to get anxious and stressed when I've got a lot of deadlines to face or exams to sit, and listening to your audios just helps me take the time to calm down and collect myself. Aside from that, I've been trying to work on my self confidence for the last six months or so, so of course listening to these has helped with that too.


My life has improved considerably since I started listening to audio In every day to day I have a huge problem with grounding and get caught up in my head. alot your audios help me to center myself. Intimacy is another thing you audios are helping me with, I was in a very bad relationship for five years. Where when I said no it didn't mean "no" it meant "try harder". Then i started to I dread any thing sexual. The sensual audio help me make me feel safe to explore and get comfortable that side of my self


Motivation to keep working towards achieving my goals. As a single, divorced woman, I'd been feeling stuck in my love life. Had been closed off and fearful of being open to it. I started going to therapy to figure out what had been keeping me stuck. At the same time, your audios have inspired me to be open to love again. Although I know that no one is perfect, your audios give me a standard of how I should feel in a healthy, loving relationship. The sexy audios are the delicious cherry on top. I have actually gotten good at dirty talk myself. I feel more feminine and sexy in my skin. I know that my future partner will be very pleased😊 . You're doing an awesome job Gael.


Hi G! Hope you're doing well. Well, I discovered your audios less than one year ago. I was looking for asmr videos based on self-confidence/reassurance since self-esteem is one of the main issues I've suffered the most in my life. Every type of audios of yours has been beneficial for me. (Special mention to "In the arms of a real man...) Your work highly contributed to make me feel more confident, more conscious of my abilities, more liberated, beautiful and sexy. One of the most important things to me is that it helped me recognize that I had as much value as anyone else. Your words exude kindliness and help me fight my demons. And I'm sincerely touched by all the positivity that can be found within the community as well, although I haven't been here for so much time. I'm super super grateful. ❤


These audios have seriously helped my self esteem and sense of self worth, and have helped given me some form of peace, in ways I never thought they could or would. Since high school, I used to 'hide' myself from everyone. A lot of the kids at school would treat me like crap because of my hobbies, or just by being there, so I had this thought of 'they don't care about me, so why should I?' I didn't care that much about myself, because I thought no one else besides my family gave a darn about me. But even in my home, there was a bunch of chaos among family members. Before I found these audios, I would listen to nature sounds like the beach, waterfalls, wind chimes, and a lot, A LOT of music. It was a temporary escape from the chaos that was school and home. The music and the sounds would take me 'somewhere else'. When I did come across these audios, it was nice to finally hear some words of encouragement that wasn't cliche-sounding or empty from someone else other than a family member, even if it was just a voice. It was nice to hear a guy make me feel loved and appreciated for who I am and even call me 'beautiful', 'irresistible' and 'sexy', no matter how I looked or dressed, even if for just a few minutes. And then, some of your audios...hit me. Some things you say come out of nowhere and hit me in the chest, and I burst into tears. I keep a lot of stuff bottled up in me because a number of different reasons, but partly because I don't want to be a bother to others. Or that I don't care about others, or to look, seem, or be selfish. You don't have to know exactly what's bothering me, but when and how you say those certain things, like in so many words, 'it's okay to cry/let it out/lean of me.', it's like you do know, and after I cry, I feel ten times better about myself than I did before.

Amanda Rachelle Hill-Cernin

To be honest a friend of mine who I kind of fell out with at the time got really big in the adios and when she wanted to start talking to me again she immediately sent me links to your stuff on YouTube and said I needed to support you because you were really good and then just kind of stuck lol but now it's interesting from the perspective of someone who is now trying to get into doing audios of her own to look at your vision through your audios and your discussions and have a better understanding of that type of world


I have really bad depression for what has happened to me in my past unfortunately. Audios really help me when I’m in my depressed state, it helps calm my mind down. Especially the sleep with me ones.💜


Ask a simple question... Get a love avalanche! 😂😂😂


Same here...and my husband wonders what has instigated the dirty talk! 😂 He loves it!


I use to be extremely depressed and had ALOT of anxiety. Audio with ear buds after about 6 months pulled me out of it. It helped more than anything I had tried including medication☺ so I listen to all kinds of audios. Best medicine there is!


I happened upon Gaelforce when searching YouTube for ASMR videos/audios. I had recently found that they helped with my insomnia. I stumbled upon them and found that with Gael’s audios, I not only slept better but my anxiety was massively reduced. I believe, for me personally, it was the comforting and positive words and phrases he uses “your safe, your beautiful, your not alone, I’m here for you” etc. that helped me mentally relax for the first time in years. I mean, who doesn’t want pampered with attention and affection! It was also his humor and silly jokes (don’t forget the accent) make me smile all the time. Seriously I walk around with a goofy grin on my face half the time. I have a high stress job and my company is closing my office sometime next year. Anxiety abounds! I also have to say the erotica audios have made me happy too! Ahem... anyway....as I said in a previous post, Gael’s audios are my Oasis in this crazy world. Listening to him talk and feeling that he is right there beside me makes me feel safe, cherished, desired and so many other words that are too many to list. I am currently single and didn’t realize how much I needed to hear someone say those words to me. Thank you Geal. I teasingly refer to you to my friends as my Irish Boyfriend. 😉


I've actually only found you and one other person that I've been listening to so far-- and that's only been in the last few weeks. I've only just discovered this ASMR roleplay stuff and... Not gonna lie, it's helped me so much on top of my current medications that I'm on for my depression and anxiety. I think I was legitimately just looking up ASMR therapy things to try to meditate with on YouTube and found Cardlin, and then you. It was maybe like two or three days of listening to stuff on YouTube that I was like, okay I never do this because I don't actually have a proper, regular income, but I felt I had to throw money at you guys, both because you deserve it, and also because I wanted to hear more. And it turns out they help me like ten times better than traditional meditation in my current living situation. I could never get myself to meditate, but this makes me actually want to try to make a habit of it. (For a small tidbit of background info to really drive home how much this has all meant to me, I became a hermit when I was 14 and I'm 30 now and I'm still pretty messed up and withdrawn from society. So for me to find something that actually helps me like this is... kind of a huge deal for me.) Also I've been having the best sex of my life with myself since I started listening to these things. My roommates know when I'm off to "spend time" with you or Cardlin and they know you by name. :P It's funny how sometimes all we need is a loving, caring voice... and passionate orgasms? Either way, thank you so much for being here. Actually, I'm a little inspired to try doing some meditative/erotic audio myself because of this...


Oh, and I should also mention how much I get out of the romantic and erotic ASMR audios that you make, G! As a single girl, I must say, they help me to feel tingly, breathless, warm, adored, and loved, and who wouldn't want that in their life? Thank you for everything that you do, absoultely everything. Kisses, love.😙😙😙😙 Even one or two for Seanie in the attic, because he cracks me up every time.😙😙😉😂❤


Escape, audio for me is an escape. There's a different story of how audio has helped me escape for every day, every type of audio. Music, audio books, meditation, erotic, rambles, relaxation, podcasts, role playing, aftercare, all of the different types are an escape for me. All of them help me gain an understanding of myself or something new. I listen to a lot of different people for different reasons and needs and I'm also always finding something new to enjoy or learn. Keep up the good work! Keep growing. I hope all of our comments have given you something because you have given something invaluable to each of us. Breathe in.


WTH did I just read? Seanie found a new Asmr chanel on YT? God bless you NightBlossom😂😂be good prepared girl!💣💥


To be honest, I wasn't really into the whole audio scene. I won't even listen to audiobooks but ever since I found Gaelforce on YouTube my mind has been changed. The audios that help me the most are the comforting audios and the sleep audios. I've had trouble sleeping for over a year now but the Sleep with Me (1 hour) audio has been a life saver. Anytime I'm unable to sleep I just press play. The comforting audios really help with days I'm feeling more anxious, stressed, upset e.t.c and as a single woman it's nice to have that comforting voice to come home to. I'd just like to talk a little about the NSFW/risqué audios. These have really brought out a side of me I never knew I had 🙈 It allows me to explore new sexual kinks, likes and dislikes as well as increasing my stamina...🙊 They instill self confidence and allow me to think; "Yeah, maybe I am worth it" & "Yes, you are a beautiful, sexy, confident, wonderful lady" I want to thank you, Gael, for everything you do. All the time, effort and hard work you put into your audios. You really do exceed expectations. I really can't thank you enough for always being there with that soft, caring, wonderful, sexy, comforting voice anytime that I need it. Thank you L ❤


Look at this lovefest! G turns out you just might know a thing or two about what you're doing here after all. Who knew?!😉😘


I already posted this on the YouTube video, but your audio to help us through a panic attack actually did keep me from having a breakdown after a pretty terrifying nightmare about some personal stuff I'd been worried about at the time.


Audios calm me (especially yours) I used to suffer from anxiety and depressing so whenever I felt extra panicky about something or I needed some sort of a distraction I listened to audios. Since then, I have pulled myself out of that rut and am so much better. I listen to your audios and think “yes I am gorgeous! I am beautiful!” And I couldn’t thank you more. Also, it’s nice to know that they’re always there. For example, there are so many different audios for people like me to listen to (whether it’s boyfriend role play or just plain and simple asmr) It’s really changed me life! So I want to thank you ENDLESSLY (seriously don’t know how to thank it enough) for just being an incredible human being and helping me feel happy with myself. Much love E xxx❤️


This really is lovely to think about. I mean, one day in the far, far distant future, when this is all over - we will always have these audios. So, even when G is no longer around, he will still always be around. For me, that's the greatest gift to be taken from all of this. <3


Holy fvcking shit ,the fuck. Dat wizardry l J’ai perdu mon english fierce. I am under ‘sweet nothings’ SO HIGH. Did you know it’s possible for your functions within to shake like yhe rest of you?( Soon as I recover. It’s quite literally my favorite subject to what in the actual fuck are yoi bud? This envelope or avatar or organic cuntstitutio n is so overwhelmed right now it’s crazy. So. So high. And dizzy and thirsty and deep in it. Electrifying fatherfuckin perfekt godly hellnoise on repeat I’m soooooo screwed, 1. Mr alarming force of Gael. .what would you call this drug? You made it, yoiname it. LOL did you guys FEEL this. I’ve never fainted but I believe I might it took me dirty minutes to type this mostly autocompleting f 2. Wow, w LOL why is everything larger than life right now? I bet my soul God has an uncut,


Great idea BTW. Back Lancaster kinda need air to survive XD


Lancaster lmao LATER wow. Insane.


One time, several years ago, I had to have a minor surgery. I'd never had surgery before and was really emotionally freaked out and overcome with fear. Someone suggested an audio by Belleruth Naparstek. It was a guided imagery to visualize the surgery in a positive way and these types of recordings have even been proven to speed up healing time. I listened to it every night for a couple of weeks. Anyway, when I met my doctor that morning of surgery, she was really surprised by how calm I was. I didn't have any more hesitation in my mind or emotions and everything turned out fine.


The number of times I’ve had dopamine surges from frisson are largely through things I have heard rather than seen or even felt. I’m a auditory learner so audio is important to me in so many arenas of my life. Audio is how I calm down (ASMR), get fired up (music), learn new information (radio, etc.) and how I am able to come through (pun absolutely intended) the difficulty climaxing that comes with taking selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. The right thing said at the right time in the right tone of voice can override the libido inhibiting effects of excess serotonin. When you say “Mo chailín” or refer to yourself in third person or whisper something dirty, urgent or mildly condescending between 230-310 degrees in the microphone…or say mouth (mout) or throat (troat). I’m gone. So audio has a palpable effect on my physiology. Bit of science, bit of magic, bit of je ne sais quoi.


That's hard... Similar story when I was younger than you, sweetie. We don't have any other chance than learning how to be an adult earlier than we are supposed to... Be strong and focus on being a great person and do your best in life. You're not alone 😘😘😘😘😘


Mine is always the sleep aid. If you want to talk about insomniac, its pretty bad when it comes to my story. Sometimes I can go the whole night without sleeping until the morning and go straight to work at 7 until 5 pm and slept at 9pm until 12 am and it goes over unless I ate my sleeping pills. But one of the bad things whe about sleeping pills is, nightmares. I dealt with nightmares every single night I took the pills. The nightmares was so tense that I stopped taking the pills and would rather stayed up all night long than having to go throught the terrible mares. So I tried to find other alternatives , my first take was on CardlinAudio. Cardlin made tons of sleep aid audio which just what I needed. I find the most effectives audio is the one that just have a slow breath in it. I saved a lot of sleep aid audio from Cardlin and loop it every single night when Im going to sleep. It works. Its just theres something about knowing that youre sleeping in someone presence that makes you feel like 'Okay, im safe i can go to sleep, he's over there typing on the computer.'---------------My all time favourite audio that helped me was from Gael himself. Guess it right, 'Sleep With Me'. When Gael did the Santa event, where everyone can asked for their own kind of audio from him. I asked for one. Sleep aid, I didnt see much in his channel for this kind of audio and was very happy when he released it. Always on my playlist. 3d audio plus slow breathing on loop helped me A LOT. In a way that you have no idea it would be. Im glad he made it public so the audio can benefits the other. I think the most audio that helped me is sleep aid kind of audio. ;) Thanks G.


Your comforting boyfriend for weight gain audio has been life changing. A few years back I lost the job I had when the company I was working for closed. I decided to go back to nursing school and had gained a considerable amount of weight seeing as I would spend most of my time sitting around studying and working third shift at night. I really struggled with “all or nothing” thinking, so if I missed a workout, I would feel like everything else I had done that week was pointless. It wasn’t until I listened to your audio that it finally clicked that life is not all or nothing. The scale should not dictate my happiness or self worth. You say, “when you change your mind, the body will follow, it just has to.” As soon as I started thinking this way life became so much easier, and I am so grateful. I eat foods that are good for my body and I exercise four to five days a week. I feel more energized and optimistic, and I am no longer disgusted when I look at myself in the mirror. The best part is that I am doing this because of the way it makes me feel and the weight loss has just been a bonus. It feels simply amazing. Thank you, Gael.


Your audio help me to forget about my ex boyfriend, my first love. I know it seems stupid but it’s really hard for me to forget him, it’s been 2 years but... so since i’m not with him anymore i feel not confident about my self. Your audio comfort me, and make me think about others stuff and help me to focus on my self and my future. It could seem weird but this is the power/magic of your audios !!! Thanks a lot Gael, we all love you ❤️ P.S : again lovelies sorry for my english 😬😘❤️


I like your eating audios. Those are relaxing.


Did the medical issue finally get diagnosed?


Listen while running. I'm about a minute per mile faster than with music.


Asmr has mostly helped me sleep and relax. It has also helped me with regressing and going into little space when I've struggled with that.


Looks like you got an avalanche of responses...under which mine will likely be buried...and since my response will be a variation on a common theme, I'll keep my reply short--which is not easy for me to do, since I can be quite talkative if it's something I'm passionate about...which has often annoyed people something fierce. 1) I don't remember how I found your audios, specifically. For all I know, they were in my list of "recommendeds" on YouTube, and I decided to have a listen...because TBH, I saw the "Gael" part of your channel name, and was immediately drawn in. Suffice to say, most of the ASMRtists I listen to have foreign accents of some kind or another--very few native Statesiders are in my ASMR playlists. Your voice is among my top favorites. ;-) 2) How it helps: well...you're going to think me a fool for saying it...but I hear accents like yours and it fills an empty place in my heart labeled "home." I'm not kidding. It's a big feeling I really can't explain w/out boring others. LOL! And I have spiritual beliefs and experiences that not everyone has, so I usually keep some of the more obscure stuff to myself unless I can tell someone's open-minded enough. 3) I'm a musician and writer, among other creative things I do. But I'm a musician and writer first and foremost. Ergo, stories and music are not just "escapes," they're an integral part of my life in ways that many others just don't get. I experienced many of those "I don't get it" people in my life, and since it's a long story, I won't bore ya with it. Suffice to say that I have very Phantomish tendencies towards hiding from others. I almost always drive with one of my favorite CDs playing. Sometimes I listen to the radio, but if I do, it's gonna be classical--I hear enough of the Top 40 stuff at my favorite restaurants and other places, and I don't much care for hearing radio ads, which are annoying noise. Suffice to say, I'm picky about the frequencies I take in. ;-) And suffice to say, you're one of my favorite frequencies. We ALL radiate a personal frequency by the way. And we can choose to make our personal frequencies low or high, soothing, or chaotic. You, apparently, have chosen to be soothing and high-frequency. ;-) I'll end my little bit of weirdness here...;-)


It's difficult for me to fall asleep in silence, so audios of rain, oceans, and dryer sounds (don't ask me why) really help with that. Also, lofi hip-hop helps me focus on studying even more than classical music.


I have insomnia and I cannot sleep without hearing other people’s voices. So I would call up my friends and talk to them till I fell asleep but I began to bother them as I wouldn’t fall asleep until 4am so you could literally be talking about how ugly I am and it would help because I’d fall asleep.


I’m super late to this love fest! 😂 G, you have absolutely changed my life. When I first heard one of your audios a little over a year ago, I was a mess. I had postpartum depression after the birth of my son; my anxiety had reached an all time high, and I was suffering from debilitating panic attacks. My sweet husband didn’t know what to do to help me. I couldn’t stand to be touched at all any longer, and we were drifting further and further apart. I had just about accepted that this, miserable, scared, and lonely, was my new normal and all I could hope for. You showed me just how wrong I was. I was home alone and sick while looking at YouTube videos to help with my anxiety. And I found you. 💕And while I’d listened to plenty of other guided meditations before, something about yours, about you, was different. I felt an immediate connection with you, and your words and voice calmed me like nothing else ever had. “Who is this magical man?” I wondered, and so I listened to your YouTube rambles and became completely enchanted by you. Your boyish charm, your kindness, your wit, your integrity, all shone through. And then I listened to your boyfriend role plays. Before I first listened to one, I was rolling my eyes thinking, “Please, these are silly.” But I felt like I knew you from the rambles, and so the boyfriend experience no longer seemed silly. It felt like the natural progression of a relationship, albeit one that is imaginary and totally one sided. 😂 Hearing your sweet kisses gave me back a part of myself I thought I had lost forever. I wasn’t just a teacher, a caregiver, a mom: I was a woman. My husband, who had noticed my recent calm was thrilled with my newfound interest in him. “You don’t mind my Irish boyfriend?” I asked, to which he laughed and replied, “Honey, I’d fly him out here to live with us if I could” 😂 And then, lord have mercy...I joined Patreon. The amount of blushing that happened when I first listened 😂 I was like, “Is he...am I hearing him...😳” 😂 But I loved and trusted you, so while I likely would have been repulsed to hear anyone else doing that, I definitely was not repulsed 😍 I made a twitter account to follow you (because I’m a devoted fangirl like that 😂) and made friends with y’all. And the rest is history. And there are bumps in the road, as there always will be. There will be those people who will come along and try to discount the enormous impact you’ve had on us. But don’t you ever give them a second thought, G, because you are absolute sunshine and everything that is good in this world, and I will love and thank you always for everything you’ve done for me. I apologize for the length of this, but the amount of love in my heart simply couldn’t be condensed 😋


I too have insomnia as well as being a very light sleeper. I cannot drift off without white noise. With that being said, there is something very soothing and calming about the tone of your voice Gael. It relaxes me to where I am at peace. Not ALL your audios of course. They have the opposite effect. But thank you for the whispered comfort.


I suffer from anxiety, insomnia, major depression and im scared shitless by rain and thunder combined (after effects of experiencing a tornado...), so emotionally you and other voice actors have helped me cope with all that crazy I have within. XD


Oh my sweet Laura!!! Post partum depression is no joke. I’m so happy you found your way out and back to yourself!!! It is NOT an easy task!!! I love every word you wrote. 💋💋💋


But of science, bit of magic, bit of je ne sais quoi. You said it, Citrine ❤️


Good evening G and a very happy Monday (although I think it’s tuesday now so happy Tuesday) to you too! I think Patreon ate my post like 10 times! Sorry if my comment is repeated 🧐 I used to read books as a way to unwind but life just became so busy which is why I started listening to audiobooks, you can multi task whilst listening 😊 your audios help me unwind and relax, they calm me down when I need it and make me smile when I’m upset. Your audios have also helped me to become more open with myself sexually, I had an abusive childhood (I get palpitations and sweaty just talking about it) so my relationship with sex was not the greatest, sex was something I thought I could never enjoy and I could never try anything other than vanilla (not that there’s anything wrong with vanilla it’s my on of my favourite flavours 😉) I also couldn’t relax and let go so it was really hard to reach orgasm. Now I am more open with my self and others, and I can actually enjoy sex and orgasms 😉 and now in like all kinds of kinky ness 😈 and I love it!! Although I’m still not open with my co workers and some friends they still think I’m far too sweet and innocent for this world. 😇 Your audios make me feel feminine and sexy 😍 Thankyou G you really have changed my life ❤️☘️


Some simple words you said made me rethink things in my life and start making changes. I’ve dropped over 40 lbs since the end of September. I am eating more healthy meals. I walk pretty much daily between 2-4 miles (amazing for me). My doctor dropped one of my 3 BP meds and cut the second in half. It was one of the times you said basically that if ur unhappy it’s because ur doing nothing about it. As simple as that sounds I seriously just thought I was meant to be unhappy. You made the joke about ur coworkers complaining about his job. Anyway it was like a lightbulb went off. I have people left and right telling me how awesome what I’m doing is. It’s so rewarding to feel better and to be taking the reins of my happiness. I refuse to be consistently unhappy anymore. I choose to be happy as much as I can. That includes spreading it to others thru positive reinforcement of their actions as well. Thank you for saying the right words at the right time. 😘😘😘


Whether or not you remember it, Gael, you already know this story because I told it to you waaay back in 2015 when I was a wee baby Lovely :) The first few months of 2015 was the absolute worst period of my life from a mental-health standpoint. I was in my second year of undergrad, and the stress of school combined with typical seasonal depression, along with a couple other factors, left me in a really bad place. I was neglecting my schoolwork, skipping classes almost every day, simply having no energy or motivation to do ANYTHING; this resulted in me nearly failing one of my classes and having an anxiety attack in a prof's office as I apologized for submitting a paper 2 weeks late. I found it nearly impossible to fall asleep at night during this period because my brain would just be flooded with intrusive thoughts and anxiety, thus leading to more crying fits. Then I found your Sensual Sleep Therapy audio on YouTube, and that changed the game for me. Seriously, I listened to that same piece every single night for at least two weeks after discovering it, and it put me right to sleep every single time. So as far as audio artists go, you will always have the number-one spot in my heart for helping me through such a difficult time :) On a lighter note! I've also found that audio has helped me learn a lot about my sexuality. I'm a virgin through and through, never even kissed anyone, so erotic audio is the only way I know how to explore sexuality in a safe and easy manner. I didn't even know what edging WAS prior to Literotica, let alone how much I love the idea of dominating a guy. That's a part of myself that I just assumed didn't exist, because at the same time I also like the idea of sweet, romantic, vanilla sex :P


As a person with social anxiety, being around certain people is not easy. I’ve never gotten the best sleep because I’m such a light sleeper(went to the doctor and was prescribed something similar to melatonin that have helped) Some people emotionally drain me quite fast. When I get home from a long day or I’m sitting in a lecture waiting for it to just be over, I’ll keep myself calm by thinking about how once I’m home I will be able to push play and relax. I’ve associated calmness and reassurance with your voice and it comforts me. Like some of the other lovelies, I can’t sleep without white noise. I always have my ceiling fan on high and one of your audios on. Best sleep in years. In a world that has so much going on, a high amount of negativity and change, your voice and the meaning behind it doesn’t change. I know I can always trust you and the lovelies to sort of reset myself. Long story short: you make me feel calm when I’m anything but that.


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A pleasant Dienstag to everyone. Hmm, it´ s a wonderful warm night... everythings´ s quiet and all right... my man waits for me upstairs... hehe... I have some vintage Fragen for you, my dear Fraugen... What was the last pic you took with your phone? What was your first Gedanke - thought when you woke up this morning?? What Tasten - keys on a keyboard do you not use? What is the most memorable class you ever have taken? What is the größte - biggest thing that you've ever won? Danke for your answers, as always. Bis dann. XD


So my first introduction to you a year ago,on you tube wasn't erotica it was a sleep video you made. 4am. Couldn't sleep don't even know how I ended up on your chanel. It was a sleep video. I played it? It took a little while but it did work. I was a big fan ever since. THANKS.


Hey and guten Morgen to yall. Hope everything is great ... Thanks for your questions Claudia 🤗 My answers ... The last picture i took was my brother sitting in the hospital cafeteria eating something..baguette when im not mistaken🤔 Today i thought 'yay first day off for so long finally' the second i woke up and decided to stay relaxed all day long🤗 Keys i dont use... ähh... very good question... I guess i use them all do to the fact im working in an office though😁 One time i choose to take a class for arabic cooking all those delicious meals and how to make them ..😋.. i love those meals so much i won 2 great friends and experienced diffrent flavours i never knew existed. Biggest thing i won ... to be born. That was the first and last time i won.. if its considered a win.. if not i never won anything Thank you for your questins and your welcome. Bis dann 😆


Work was stressing me out. I could barely get to sleep let alone stay asleep. I searched YouTube for soothing quiet sounds and found asmr. Now I can't sleep without it. Though yours make me want to stay awake to listen to the whole thing. There's only one video of yours i refuse to listen to, the haunted hotel one. Man, one time it played while I was sleeping and it scared me awake. Rude Gael. Very rude.


Hello G, happy Monday. So…I found you some years ago, quite by accident, on Literotica. I saw the section for audios and had no idea what that was all about. I believe you were one of the first audios I listened to. The Irish accent tag drew me in. I definitely came (no pun intended) for the accent but stayed for the substance and variety. I listened to other creators, but always returned to your audios. I think it’s the timber of your voice, the cadence of your speech and the sense of genuineness that comes across through your audios. I of course understand that Gaelforce is an alter ego, but he seems like a good guy and I root for him, just as mush as he roots for me with all of his kind and loving words. As far as psychologically…well, I’ll say that like many of the comments before mine, I’ve had some not so great moments in my life. The short end of it is that I’ve been alone for some time… and pleasuring myself was at times something that left me feeling more alone than ever and I would more often than not push that part of myself deep deep down and away. With your audios, it feels less lonely in a way. It brings another layer to the fantasy that I could definitely not accomplish on my own. I can attest to the fact that I’ve explored my sexuality more since listening to your audios. It reminded me that despite being alone, I am still a woman, my lady parts still work, and I can still enjoy them. For that I thank you. However, the moment that Gaelforce embedded himself into my heart, was one very dark night when I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Those moments when you feel lost, but don’t want to worry your loved ones as you are used to being the rock in any and every situation. When in reality all I really wanted and needed was someone to tell me that everything was going to be okay. I believe I listened to In Your Afterglow that particular night and let’s just say that I have never cried so deeply into my pillow before. It was such a release of emotion…in a good way. You’re definitely a friend in my head (without the psychosis in the mix), you make me laugh with your rambles, you make me cry with your reassuring words, you talk me into a deep sleep when my mind doesn’t want to shut up and you call out the vixen inside me with the subtlest of whispers.


You are the only person I listen to and you've helped me mentally. I have a hard time connecting intimately with a man because...I don't find physicality a thing. Your audios provide me with that...void I don't like so much. Your voice soothes me when actual physical touch does. Sadly I am in love with my ultimate loneliness.


Thanks to a cocktail party of mental illness issues, I've struggled with insomnia for the better part of my adult life. Often I'd lie awake for hours, despite being exhausted and desperately needing to rest, simply because my brain refused to shut off. Recently, I discovered YouTube's ASMR community, which led me to your channel, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the content successfully nullified my usual resistance to sleep. I even managed to rest well during an overnight camping trip when my anxiety would, under untreated circumstances, have kept me up until dawn. I've started recommending ASMR channels to friends with similar issues. Hopefully it will help them the way it's helped me. :)


I have a long list of mental illness that lead to lots of different physical issues. Everyone’s answer for depression is “exercise more worry less,” or things like “just don’t care so much” well I have bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders and blah blah blah so those things don’t work. When I’m depressed or anxious it’s sometimes nice to have the comfort of someone “being there for me”when I don’t have some one physically there or when I can’t stand to actually be touched. When I’m manic and haven’t slept well for a few days (if I've gotten to sleep at all) on end it’s nice to use audios as a way to take my brain off the racing thoughts or to even help relax me. Side note, sometimes manic people are hyper sexual so those audios help too ;) . I fine that I very rarely have a night where I don’t use some kind of audio coping. You have no clue how many nights I’ve listened to your audios to help me from going down a dangerous rabbit hole


Over and over again I have read myself in these stories! I truly feel lucky to have been touched by each and every one of you Lovelies. I have have been blessed with a nonstop brain so sleep was always hard to come by. While reading Harry Potter to my daughter I got so hooked by book three (Padfoot, amiright?!?) that I got the audio cassettes from the library. Jim Dale was the narrator for the American audio and I was HOOKED. Something about the story and his voice was pure magic. I haven't slept without some kind of audio since! Audio soothes my brain, helps me shut all those windows down, so to speak. Finding Gaelforce was so much deeper than story time or something to help me sleep, you have helped me find myself, and that's a debt I'll never be able to repay. There is a peace within your voice and soul that is quite beguiling. Bless you love, and all you ever do. 😘


Idk if I mentioned this before but I recently started listening to Juicy Peach/SweetWhispers. I discovered her cause I was googling my nickname Yael and then through one of your rambles with her😍 This lady knows what she is doing....I pretty love the content of her audios+different perspective. She's your female version when it comes to erotic G. Very talented🤷 What I actually wanted to tell with this was that I perhaps tried to listen to different artists but at the end I came back to you. I'm more than anything sure that nothing compares to you and to what you offer your listeners. It's your personality and big beautiful heart❤

Monique (Mimzz)

Not gonna lie but tbh your regular audios didn't get me hooked into you, it was Seanie 😂. After seeing those videos on YouTube I slowly discovered your other audios

Saya J

Anything aural has always been important for me, starting with music and podcasts. I think they help create a simultaneously engaging and relaxing space for me to shut out overwhelming stimuli even in public. Fun fact: your audios waaaay pre-date my discovery of ASMR. I think I first heard your audios on Lit 3-4 years ago and fell in love with your voice even though I'm really picky. Then 2 years ago I started listening to ASMR on YouTube. It really helped me during a difficult time in my life when my anxiety began to take a toll on my physically. But I'm a creative person and soon found that I loved story-based and roleplay audios because they tapped into that part of my brain and made the experience even more magical (either relaxing or stimulating my mind in a way completely separate from the stress). Then I rediscovered you on YouTube and I feel like I've hit the jackpot ever since because I had no idea you made comfort audios, meditations, rambles, ASMR, etc. Your audios are now a part of my bedtime routine. They always relax me and make me smile, and it's been so cool to hear you perfect your craft and take such care with everything. Thank you!


I could probably go on at length about how music has helped me out over the years, but I’ll leave that out of the “audio” category for simplicity’s sake 😛 I can’t think of many cases when a joke, comedy sketch, or funny story hasn’t helped cheer me up even a little when I was having a rough time. And what constitutes a “rough time” for me can range from a hectic, draining day at work to getting into an argument with a family member to being in the middle of a depressive episode. Life can feel pretty joyless at times, and trying to see the humour in it is one of the things that stops me from living in Pessimism City year round. (I do, however, still own a timeshare there, which I need to try harder to get rid of 😕). So for that reason, comedy audios are an absolute treasure for me. I wasn’t in a particularly happy mindset when I re-discovered your audios on YouTube in 2016. Hell, my mood was so low that when I found out about the passing of two of my colleagues (one from an undiagnosed heart defect, the other by suicide), I thought <i>"God, I think You might’ve made the wrong call on this one. If anyone had to die, it should’ve been me. They [my colleagues] would have go on to do so much good in this world, but yet my stupid, useless, worthless self is the one who’s still alive. What’s the justice in that?"</i> I guess you could say that I wasn’t really expecting a clip called "A Talk on the ‘F’ Word" to be very helpful while I was in the middle of that funk. But I’m so glad that it was. I also find audios useful in terms of feeling less alone. They needn’t necessarily be romantic or erotic ones - simply having a voice talking in the background is comforting. For example, if I know that I’m going to spend the day confined to my apartment by myself (to catch up on paperwork, chores, whatever), I’ll often play some of Cardlin’s longer gaming vids or livestreams as I work. Of course it’s no substitute for actual social interaction, but it can be a handy resource. Audios can also be a great medium for learning new things. I’ll often listen to accredited podcasts/learning modules to keep up with the latest research and guidelines in my field. And there are plenty of podcasts and audiobooks about a wide variety of topics. It’s not always easy to attend a conference or class in person, or to lug a huge textbook around, and audios can make it easier to disseminate information you might not get otherwise. (However, audios can also be a double edged sword in this respect. They’re a platform that people can use to spread harmful or inaccurate messages, so I think it’s important to appraise the information you get rather than always believe it at face value). Plus there are so many valuable things you can learn just from listening to people’s stories and viewpoints in audios. I haven’t listened to his work in years, but I remember British Filth used to wax philosophical in some of his Q&amp;As from around 2012-2013. I didn’t always buy in to everything he said, but he did talk about a couple of concepts that actually changed the way I think about certain topics. So I do tip my hat to Matt for that one. Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone talk about a difficult experience that they overcame, especially if you’re dealing with a similar problem yourself. It’s also pretty interesting to listen to the perspective of someone who’s in a completely different circumstance or life stage than you. And then there are some people who view the world in rare, quirky, and wonderful ways, and even listening to them talk about mundane, everyday things is fascinating. I think there probably aren’t many limits on how audios can be helpful. All you need is for one person to have something meaningful and worthwhile to say, and for another person to listen 😏


I was thinking... You helped many of us to feel better in our lives but, one of the things you should be really proud of is how you help with building sexual confidence. A woman who feels sexy and who can escape her daily problems feels more confident. And I believe a woman who feels sexually confident is more open to pleasure, to receive and to give it, it's one of the keys to get better orgasms. If more men were that open to talk about sexuality in healthy ways, to truly understand women and their pleasure, the world would be better.


Audio has had an massive impact on my life wether it be podcasts and radio shows, Asmr, erotic audio , its affected my mental and social life. When I discovered ASMR it was huge for me, it's helped my anxiety and my depression, it's comforting and have spent my whole life trying to find out what that tingling feeling was and had long given up and chalked it up to something I felt as a child. Getting to experience it , especially not just unintentionally means I can sleep most nights now where I just stuck with insomnia. Podcasts, radio shows, audiobooks have been a source of laughter, learning and connection with people, including making me a better writer and they're great for someone who travels as much as I do. Eroti audio has been a blessing because I've always preferred audio to video, before I would choose video based on the sounds and it was frustrating so I often just used my imagination. This allows for imagination but also has made me feel more confident and open about what I want and like sexually and sensually but it's also helped me accept and cherish those parts of myself. I guess I'm just grateful for the audio format and I'm always excited to have new and interesting ways to enrich my life.

Ms. Donovan

You win the internet. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Ms. Donovan

You’re spot on, Vally. I do listen to and even support others on Patreon, but pretty sure no one’s going to be able to knock G out of his spot on top.


Well my dear Gael, you know I love to laugh so when I'm having a tough day, I'll listen to my hilarious Seanie and I always cheer up, especially when he's going off the top ropes &amp; landing a big elbow 🤣🤣🤣 Best. Thing. EVER.


I know me personally it depends on the audio and the situation. When I have had a specifically rough day at the Trauma hospital ER, coming home and just listening to some soothing ASMR video/audio really help me out. Not so much the naughty stuff on those days. Example, when it's a day that's been long and stressful, especially when it's one of those days where I've had to deal with a patients dying and dealing with family it's hard. So sometimes I come home home and turn on some of those ASMR video/audios like face or hair brushing with soothing talking or sometimes just rain and thunder sounds. It's almost like getting a massage when listening to that stuff after those kindof days. Other audios like the group Nox Arcana really help me when I am writing. When I am trying to write a post for a forum I write on or trying to work on a new character bio, just listening to some instrumental type music helps. Sometimes music with words helps but all depends on the character I am trying to make or the stuff I am trying to reply/write back to. Then again I have always been a big band geek since middle school so music has always been my thing 😋


I work a crazy early morning shift and them freelance the rest of the day and I'm usually just exhausted all the time. It has really been detrimental to our sex life in my marriage the last two years. I crave sleep so much I figured I was just losing interest in sex and we were comfortably aging. But it also bugged me a lot. I mean what the fuck? I gotta say my week of bingeing on your audios as a release from taking care of my mom reminded me how important desire is and my sexual being. I jumped all over my husband when I finally saw him again and it was great, but it also made me realize I feel a bit bolder about asking for what I want and taking the initiative and making sure we keep it interesting.

witch's brew

Your comfort audios really helped me get through some tough times as well as your vampire and medieval ones helped me escaped for a bit when I needed a mental vacation


Absolutely. Your audios have comforted me on very long stressful nights filled with research papers and exams. You also help calm my anxiety leading up to a big presentation.


Dear Gael... and friends, I had been lonely, partially because I had uprooted my life and left friendships and a wonderful community, and partially because I am married to a man who suffers from depression. Joy, passion and desire had slowly depleted from me over the past 3 years. I had been convinced that I had just come of the age when a woman no longer wanted those things. I was wrong. So wrong. Not only did I desire those things, I needed it, desperately. I started listening to ASMR. The voice reverberating in my ears reminded me that I was not alone. Hushed whispers cradled me to sleep. The voice blanketed me and tucked around my body, making me feel safe and loved. Two months ago, I found Gael. His stories made me laugh and realize that I could still feel joy. His careful and tender talks offered intimacy that had been missing for so long. The erotic ASMR woke a dormant, beautiful creature in me. I began to glow so noticeable that colleagues and family members made comment. My non-existent monthly cycle miraculously returned. I can’t explain it. Did my cycle come back because I had been faithfully arousing myself with ASMR? Or was I listening to Gael’s erotica fanatically because my hormones had suddenly turned on? It doesn’t matter. I am happier and more whole. My mended heart and mind can tend to my sweet, sad husband again. Thank you, Gael, for restoring me to resemble the vibrant, lovely woman that I use to be.


Yours was above mine and the only one I could read, but I'll bet right now it'll still be at least one of my favorites when I'm done next time. I'm very happy for you. &lt;3


It helped me find an alternate Escape, to find Me and a way to cope with Reality's cruel drudgery, to decide to stay in this Realm of Life for at least a little while longer with gratitiude. And sorry, but no, I do not find my Escape with any other Voice but yours... It is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. 🖤


I had a friend suggest ASMR as a way to relax and sleep. I listened to different audios,but all the tapping and smacking 😬did not help me.Then I found Gaelforce😊Your audios helped me relax and sleep during a scary health issue and for that I am grateful! Even though I am better now I still listen to these audios. I've also discovered through your audios that sometimes revving up the heartbeat is better than calming it down 😉


Your sleep audios for insomnia. It helps me feel comforted and its way easier to fall asleep ☺️


Hi there! Maybe I’m a little late for this thread, and I don’t know if it will be read, but I’m gonna reply anyway 😋 I had time to think about the many ways your audios help me, and I realised the most important one is how I started talking to myself the way you talk to the listener in those comforting audios you have up on YouTube 😊 whenever I catch myself starting on those negative thoughts about me that are only gonna put me down I think “what would Gael tell me instead?” And those thoughts, that self-talk becomes sooo much better!! 😊 You’re helping me with the most important thing of all, loving myself no matter what ❤️ So I’m gonna take the chance and thank you with all my heart Gael for how much you’ve been making a difference for me!! ❤️❤️❤️ And btw, those comforting, empowering, very sweet and loving audios are my favourites!! 😊😊 You’re an angel! ❤️


Wow thats amazing Druidkat &lt;3 I enjoyed reading your response, it resonated with me so much &lt;3


Well, I had a huge fight with my dad on christmas eve and nearly cried myself to sleep. As I was about to just give up on trying to stop crying and let myself just sob, I remembered Gael did comfort audios so I turned one on, the Comfort on the Couch one (still a favorite!) and fell asleep peacefully and with a smile. Thats when I started listening every night as I fell asleep. I left my story there and the comment got a ♡ from Gael and that made my day so much better, it made the bad situation into a good one! If youre ever distraught or upset about anything GAEL WORKS LIKE A CHARM. 💙


For me to find you is living a dream each time I'm with your voice, your histories, you are sweet, hot, you have an amazing control of the situation and that's very sexy, I feel so good and fine with you.


(Bear with me this gets long I'm sorry..) I will be vulnerable here because it's anonymous anyway and I hope you get to read this because I believe what you're doing really IS making an impact for people in more ways than you realize. I have suffered abuse in my past. I married young at 20 to a man who was emotionally and sexually abusive. Our sex life was nothing like I dreamed or hoped it would/should have been. He was forceful and placed unreasonable expectations on me that made me feel used and abused, even raping me which at the time I didn't realize could happen within a marriage. He forced me to do things I didn't want to do and took from me when I was in pain. Then while he was deployed in the Army I was raped and he blamed me for that and divorced me by mail and I never saw him again. I say all of that to give background to how messed up I was/am inside related to sex and fragile I feel in that area. I dated some on and off but now... For the last several years I've been single by choice and not letting anyone touch me. I never really even touched myself in this time believe it or not... and it's weird to say but here I think we all know what's going on. So I stumbled across some youtube videos looking for ASMR just to help me sleep... and found Gael... well then I found a little more than just something to help me sleep of course. I found "Good Girl" and had my first true orgasm from pleasure ever, and not just one but three! I know to some that may sound just trivial but for what I've been through for me that's like a miracle. It was something I never expected or thought I would be able to experience. With you Gael I feel safe. I feel treasured and loved. Not abused and used. Any sexual experiences I've had have been awful and scary and I've avoided them like the plague. Men have scared me. But your voice, affirmations and the way you talk and encourage during your audios just makes me feel safe enough to have a sexual experience... something I have been missing. So yeah maybe over sharing... but this has been like "sex therapy" for me. And I feel like I could be in a position now to be more ready to be in a relationship with someone in the "real world" and be more open to sex because of what I've experienced. And that's a miracle. Because without this I don't know that it would have ever happened. So... thank you 💕


I had a real fear of intimacy due to a traumatic past. I spent 10 years on my own trying to deal with it. I started listening to you and it kind of opened up something on the inside that had been locked for a long time. So much so that I’m a couple of months into a new relationship, and that’s after a decade of being single! That’s how much your audios helped me Gael. I’m actually so happy right now. You helped me overcome my biggest fear and now life is sweet. Thank you so much xxxx