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Just some bantz and stories






Yay!! Happy Friday 😘


Not first?


Yay!!! I’ve missed your audios!!


Where’s Podcast No 1 tho? 🤔


Yaaay. Happy Friday for us, and for you Gael. ❤❤


Have a good night G! 😘


Happy Vendredi🎉❤❤


Yay! Happy friday everybody!

Jasmine sanfi

Yaaaaayyyyyyyyy 🎉🎉 I've been missing your laugh,enjoying this with a big smile in my face


Going to listen to this while decorating my dad’s cake. Fun! 😋


Yay! Something to listen to for a road trip!


Rambles Yayy ^.^ I needed this today


Yay...I just step into the grocery store!!! ✌✌💗💗


I love your rambles!💓


Yay!! In the perfect place right now!! Enjoying the rain and listening!! Perfect! 😍😍


I've got something to listen to while I go to bed!! Yay Gael, perfect moment!! You just made my day PERFECT!! 😘😘😘

Jasmine sanfi

😂😂😂😂I can't think about you running out from the club😂😂😂oh my...


I was just going to listen to a Nerdist podcast in bed but nope this is better! Thank you!


omg.. got your email and started blushing so hard... ugh i must be ovulating. babies!!! thanks!


We were all excited for that moment!! So much good vibes in here... ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Be careful! Do not get pregnant! 😝😝😘😘😘😘


You bastard, you have a such beautiful accent. I can't with it.❤


I feel you about the hayfever. I suffer from it as well. Teary eyes all season long here. 😭


"Fuck you and your First World problems"--The gods🤣🤣😂😂


Story time is my favie.


😂 😂 The Viagra sisters! Sounds scary, honestly! 😄


There you go another bad Viagra joke 😁 Q: Have you tried Starbucks new hot beverage, Viagraccino? A: One cup and you're up all night.


😂😂😂 Viagra slave! 😂😂😂 #dead


Viagra slave by the Viagra sisters!! 😂I can't deal with you, fella!! 🤣😂


That viagra wife bit is soo funny, I haven’t heard that one before ... thanks for the cheer up you delightfully funny man you🤣🤣🤪🤪


Thanks for the jokes G. I won't be able to sleep tonight....you crack me up 😂😂


I could listen to you making animal sounds all day, every day 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The whale joke fuckn killed me! Oh god. My morning has been made 😂


Love it G! I love your rambles so much! Have a wonderful weekend.


Riiiiiight. I’m glad someone decided to discuss this aspect 😂😂😂😂


The bee story is really cute. I had seen the pictures online. This reminds me of a story Guillermo Del Toro told us at the masterclass I attended this week. He said he was obsessed with insects and he believed they are like fairies. When he was a teen he would lay in his garden and observe them and talk to them. He said he thought he was best friend with an ant 😂 It’s crazy but I love his imagination and it shows in his movies.


Cocaine and bees!! I'm 💀💀! His sound effects are epic! Save The Celtic Warrior!! 🤣😂


I agree about the seagulls, I live 15 min. from the sea.. I know.. But no pepperoni, or any bees on cocaine 😉By the way, it was a wonderful gesture, to speak on behalf of the animals ❤️🙏Among all the funny stuff 😄😄Have a wonderful (water) sparkling evening 😉😆Goodass Prana 🤣🤣😘❤️😄😆🤣🤣🍉🍉🍓🍓🥑


G! They're going great guns after palm oil atm so the orangutans will hopefully be in a better place soon too! 🤓👍


These jokes. I can’t! 😂😂😂


Yay can’t wait to listen to this!!❤️

Ms. Donovan

Well this Friday just gets better and better. First I get to have my Ellen and now some G? #spoiled


I love your delightfully psychotic mind, G. It makes me love you even more. 😅😘🖤💋


I love your rambles 😊 and I love elephants so much, i actually have a tattoo to celebrate the power of love in elephant families 🐘 it's unbelievable how intelligent they are! they're so similar to us.. and they love each other so much ❤ (this site is perfect if you want to learn more about elephants : <a href="http://www.elephantsforever.co.za" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.elephantsforever.co.za</a> )


“Don’t kill animals that Fart Rainbows!” Well said Sir, who could disagree? 🐋💨🌈


Listening to this at work and grinning so hard, just made my day, thank you! Great way to end a long week. Ah man, "We make Viagra"...on one hand, lmao! 😂 On the other, *face palm* 😥


Jaysus Gail!! I laughed so hard in bed!!!!! My neighbors probably be thinking I've lost my head.. Hahahahaha I love that mind of yours 😂😂😂 oh God...


These rambles make my day, you really are a great story teller, Gael. I remember reading about the Bee story (props to my fellow Scotswoman) it's such a 'sweet' story. That monkey joke at the end though 🤣


Love the talk on animals 💙 I don’t think there is anything that makes me smile more than videos of baby elephants 😂 sea turtles are my favorite though 🐢


😂 😂 Funny Friday afternoon and I’m trying not to LOL at my work desk. I live in the Pacific NW in the States where we are known for our beautiful Orca family pods, but never ever have I seen a whale fart a rainbow or heard a whale joke and I’m kind of shook (in a good way). ❤️ the 🐝s and 🐳s here and all the rest of our critter family. You’re right, leave them alone...fookin’ humans.


I can't listen to it atm and I probably will do it while driving to uni on monday (omg who cares, I know, I'm sorry lmao) but I HAD TO listen to the "hello, everyone" ♡ I can feel the smile, and that's my favourite part.


Omg G the puns, the puns!!!


Wait just a minute, you had a master class with Guillermo Del Toro?!?!? That had to be fascinating!


Lol, your first world problems!😂😂😂 You had me cracking up from the very beginning with that. Feel better, sweetness.😚 Your studio sounds like it's going to be awesome!!😄 G, you've coined a new term, Viagra slave! The way you did the Viagra sister's voice- "We know what's UP, like."- made me laugh so hard! Escaping out of the club's back door may have been a wise decision.😳😂🤣 That honeybee story was so cute! I've actually had butterflies land on me and walk on my hands from time to time. I ❤ it.😍 But can you just see a drugged up bee dusting cocaine off its face and dance pointing in the wrong direction? Lol!😂🤣 Your bee joke was the cutest, btw. I'm really glad the wasp didn't do any major damage, but I must admit, that man's joke was a good one!! Also, I couldn't agree with you more about leaving the wild animals be.💕 Those videos you linked were so cool! The elephant moves the paintbrush so gingerly, with such precision. Amazing.😍 I loved this positive podcast! It was hilarious!! Hugs and love and kisses.😙😙❤❤


"Fuck you and your first world problems"😂


It's a shame that there are still quite a lot of people think that animals aren't intelligent or don't have feelings. When I was little I already was aware how cruel humans could be towards animals (and each other) and since then I was determined to help them. I'm actually hoping to go to South Africa next year to participate in a wildlife vet training, so I can learn more about elephants, rhinos, big cats, etc. and how I can help them!

Ms. Donovan

Never have I wanted to SEE you ramble more than today when you were talking about the bee dance 😂😂


That wildlife vet training sounds incredible! South Africa is on my wishlist too! 🇿🇦


Beautiful podcast! I know the feeling when it comes to recording and something goes wrong like noises outside (or in my case getting sick this week). But you still sound just as charming and just as wonderful!!


Yay...got my "bye-bye"!!! Luv that!!


Omg lmao the seagulls were flying dolphins


HA! Come on G......Why did she name all of her dogs Tara?...........what a silly question.😜😉😂😂😂


I hope I'm not being seen as rude, I don’t mean to be, I just want to point some things out about the elephant painting. Yes, elephants are very intelligent, and probably can be taught to paint because they've been "told to" where they need to put their brush. And me always wondering and being very critical on those kind of things, I'm quite concerned of how the elephant has been treated. Of course I cannot be sure, yet there are a lot of touristy elephant acts in Asia (if not, all) where the elephants are being abused to do things (in this case painting). Baby elephants are taken from their mother and "must be broken" following the 'phajaan process'. I'll put a link: <a href="https://kimpluscraig.com/2014/01/10/phajaan-breaking-the-spirit/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://kimpluscraig.com/2014/01/10/phajaan-breaking-the-spirit/</a>

Ms. Donovan

Hahaha! Ellen and I were talking about the rambles at lunch today and I was telling her the “Yay!” is my favorite 😊


Hooray! Rambles are my fav. Thanks for this one ,G!


I ❤️ your rambles so very much. Oh and I caught that Samuel Taylor Coleridge reference.


Oh man! Stuck at my sisters until tomorrow, so this audio is going to have to wait. On the bright side, it's something to look forward to.


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a wonderful Samstag!? Don´ t have much time tonight, have to watch a kiln and take exact notes. :) Just some quick daily Fragen... dies oder das - this or that? Prince or frog? Fast or slow? Buttons or snaps? Tie or no tie? Drums or guitars? Cycle or walk? Pasta or rice? Expresso or latte? Noise or silence? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD


So I’m in the whale watching capital of Australia right now, and I’ve just finished listening to this while sitting by a resort pool in a deck chair that’s situated right next to a giant whale statue coming up out of the concrete. The dude’s eyes makes him look hilarious, its expression is that of a drunk whale if that can be imagined! I turned to glance at it at the same time you told the drunk whale joke, and your drunken whale noises matched its face PERFECTLY and I laughed SO loudly it echoed all over the resort! Like it bounced off the balconies facing into the pool area and now all the swimmers are giving me the side-eye 😂🙈 Time to excuse myself and hide in the room for a while 😅


The seagull/whale/monkey sounds absolutely did me in 😂


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you [insert cute term of endearment here because I’m too tired to think of one]! I don’t consider myself a superstitious person, but I’ll be damned if today wasn’t the most fucked up Friday the 13th I’ve ever experienced. My evening shift at the clinic was an absolute shit show. First I had to tell a sweet, hopeful young woman and her excited mother-in-law that her first pregnancy was actually <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_trophoblastic_disease" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">gestational trophoblastic disease</a> and that she’ll need surgical treatment. Then there was the patient who’d been on high-dose benzodiazepines and narcotics for 20 years who was tweaking out from withdrawal in the exam room. She’d run completely out of medication after her family doctor retired, and she hadn’t been able to find another GP. While we’re heavily discouraged from prescribing controlled substances at the walk-in clinic, I couldn’t just send her away with nothing, especially since her family doctor’s irresponsible prescribing practices are likely a large part of why she’s currently in this mess. So I had to plan out a weaning schedule for her megadoses of lorazepam, tell her that if she tried to pull a fast one on me about her narcotic use I would cut her off, and pray that one of the docs in the area who specializes in chronic pain will take her on as a patient. And finally the icing on the shit cake was a belligerent woman in her 20’s who demanded that she be able to skip the queue to get a doctor’s note because she<i> “wasn’t about to wait 3 f*cking hours in this f*cking sh*thole for a f*cking note, and what kind of f*cking c*nt was I to tell her that she had to wait her f*cking turn?”</i> When both the receptionist and I informed her that she would have to wait in line like everyone else, she refused to move from the front desk. One of her friends (or boyfriend, I have no idea) started arguing with the receptionist, and two patients approached him to tell him to lay off. This guy was over 6 feet tall and wasn’t a lightweight by any stretch of the imagination, but neither was one of the male patients who confronted him. Things just got louder and more heated and other patients in the waiting room started getting scared, so we had to tell Bigfoot and the Bitch from the Black Lagoon that if they refused to cooperate and act civilly in the waiting room, we were calling the police. Thankfully they stormed out before fists started flying, but holy shit, I am so <i>done</i> with today. So some quick <i>Fragen</i> before bed because I get to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again! Prince or frog? - Prince. RIP, you magnificent musician, you Fast or slow? - Slow, please. It seems less stressy Buttons or snaps? Snaps - they require less manual dexterity Tie or no tie? No tie, since I don’t even know how to put one on Drums or guitars? Guitars, since they seem more badass (although drums are still pretty badass) Cycle or walk? Walk. I have a much lower chance of crashing that way. Pasta or rice? Pasta - oh God, I can’t remember the last time I just had a huge plate of that glorious carb-filled food of the gods Espresso or latte? - Latte, although I’ll probably need the former tomorrow morning Noise or silence? Silence. Sweet, peaceful silence


Happy Friday all! This podcast made for a lovely drive home. I was at an English department dinner with my lovely co-workers celebrating the retirement of our co-worker's retirement after 38 years of teaching. I got to hear her inspirational love story with her hubby. I'm gonna share it on the community page, I actually got a little teary. Your bee story triggered a memory of watching The Wonderful World of Disney on bees as a kid and being totally facinated, so I already knew of the bee dance.


The Viagra sisters, the Viagra wife story, AND the Viagra joke! I'm done, G!! I am done 🤦🤣🤣 The part about the bees was interesting; someone really close to me has a form of arthritis, so that was an eye opener. This was so nice to listen to after finally leaving my work shift 😊 I was intrigued and smiling through the whole podcast! And I forgive you for those last two jokes... Keep being you, G ^_^


Mr. Gael, your mind truly does work in mysterious and unique ways...your sense of humor is something else 😂 you go from gulls to Viagra to an Apiology lesson (interesting by the way) to the wanders of whales and elephants. I must know how the hell you remember so many jokes off the cuff? It truly amazes me...I wouldn't be able to tell you a joke on the spot if my life depended on it! Well except that one you told once about the three stranded men etc etc and the Irish man takes the car door so he could roll down the window if he gets hot 😂😂 I laughed so hard at that one. Okay this post has taken a life it's own. I'm tired and loopy (as you might say 😋) So going to sleep. Good night and thanks for the ramble!


Your ramble was great your personality always shines through


Ok Gael. Let me just lie down, make myself comfortable...and listen to you speak 😍

Mimmie Pedersen

I didnt know Gael was shy. I do like me some shy guys


So, as a Canadian-Gaelandian, I feel a mighty need to add a couple more details to that seagull story! As soon as you started telling it I IMMEDIATELY knew where you were going with it; the man in the story is actually from the city where I'm living now, so it's a well-known tale in these parts, like! So, Fun Fact #1: All of this happened on a business trip. Not only that, it was this man's FIRST BUSINESS TRIP with a company that he had just started at recently. Way to make a first impression! Fun Fact #2: The pepperoni in question is by the company Brothers. Lads, if you ever get to try Brothers pepperoni, please do. It's locally made here in Nova Scotia and it's simply the best I've ever had. Definitely a local delicacy, so I can see why the humans and seagulls alike made such a fuss out of it! Fun Fact #3: When he went back to the hotel recently to ask for the ban to be lifted, he brought along with him a peace offering...a 1-pound package of Brothers pepperoni for the hotel staff, to be exact!


Gael... First thing I did this morning was laugh... When I opened my eyes, the seagulls were screaming out loud and thought about your audio... (I use to compare them with evil babies crying! 😂😂😂) I live in the coast too, so trust me... I FEEL YOU


Aaahhh G. I can't with ya ❤! I swear to God the whole city heard me laugh 😂😂10 minutes in and I was already a crying ded mess ! That Viagra sisters story was incredibly hilarious lmao !damn right these ladies seemed fooking seRious !! You were on a Celtic Warrior Saving mission like! I wonder what would Seanie do in this kind of situation tho 🤔 ? Btw speaking of deadlines I have been thinking since your last post... *knock out audio : 4 weeks before the 'fight' * *-updates busy bee post : 4 weeks and ready for Sound * Coincidence or was it already an implicite msj out there G huh? Either way...it matches so well like 🐝❤🍀 Me brain went into some "Sherlock Holmes " mood... Luved this Ramblecast/Podcast/ Craìccast (had a great one for sure) 💛🌺💛! PS: For some reason, that Sparklin Water ASMR was relaxing 😃 I need more of this in my life😃😃 = Back to finishing that fookin' project = Hope you had a great 1 sweatin' &amp; flexin' those muscles luv #gainzz💪🏻🏃‍♂️!


Yay!! 🎉 Podcast day is always a happy day!! 😊😊😊 Thanks G.!! ❤️❤️


Oy, I have so much to say about so many things Gael talked about, especially about bees and wasps! (<b>#InvertebrateZoology</b>) But for now I'll just say that yes, there most certainly are bees that just do their own thing. Many many species of them, in fact! 🐝🐝🐝🐝 There are about 20,000 different species of bees, and only roughly 10% of those are eusocial (one reproductive female - the queen, or if we're being jargon-y, the gyne - morphologically distinct from the sterile female worker bees). Most of the species native to North America are solitary (bumblebees are native and many species live in small colonies - 50 to 400 bees as opposed to about 50,000 in honeybee colonies - and their colonies are only "primitively" eusocial because the female worker bees aren't sterile and can compete reproductively with the queen). European honeybees - the ones that most people are familiar with - are an imported species in America. 🌻🐝🌻🐝🌻🐝🌻 Oh, fun fact: male bees are called drones. 🐝 So most bee species are either solitary or more loosely social. The females of these species each mate and then dig their own burrows (70% of bee species, including many eusocial species, nest in the soil) where they tend to their own offspring. 🌼🐝 Often several females dig burrows right next to each other in aggregations of nests, but they are each operating as neighbors, not as a colony. Ground bees, miner bees, carpenter bees, squash bees, orchid bees, alkali bees, sweat bees, even a few species of bumblebees live like this. Most of these species don't make honey, with each female just collecting nectar and pollen for herself and her offspring. 🌺🐝 I don't know about in Europe, but native North American bees are really, really important pollinators, sometimes even more efficient than honey bees, especially in orchards. 🌳💙🐝 Ground bees and other solitary species are often very harmless, even docile. 😊💙🐝 They only have their own nest to worry about, so they don't swarm or attack in large numbers like honeybees or sometimes bumblebees do when they think their hive is threatened. Even though most solitary bees can sting multiple times and not die, most of them won't attack even if you're right next to their nest - many of them only sting if they're pressed against skin. But this doesn't mean that anything that buzzes and nests in the ground is a nice little bee! Don't get ground bees mixed up with wasps/hornets/yellowjackets (yellowjackets and hornets are types of wasps), many of which also burrow in soil. These guys are often as aggressive and sting-happy as ground bees are helpful and docile. Most wasps are carnivorous or parasitic, NOT pollinators, and most deaths from "bee" sting allergies are actually from wasp stings. (Yellowjackets and some other wasps may be slightly hairy, but they're never fuzzy like bees are. Bees can be furry on different parts of their body, though, like just on the legs or just on the abdomen.) Remember: if it's not furry somewhere on its body, it's not a bee! I still have SO much to say about bees and wasps, but I think this comment is already way too long. 🐝💙🐝💙🐝💙🐝Bzzz. 🐝💙🐝💙🐝💙🐝


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A wonderful Sonntag to everyone. Hope you are all well? I´ m watching how the kittens are "playing" with an Igel - hedgehog... seems like they don´ t remember that the last time the hedgehog won. Or maybe this is the rematch? Don´ t you worry though everyone will be fine in the end. :) I have some daily Fragen for you, if you like?... Would rather run marathon in high heels or run a marathon barfuß - barefoot on Legos? Do you have a bed time? Would you give up your Zehen - toes for a million dollars? Do you prefer to ride Achterbahnen - roller coasters at night or during the day? Danke my dear Fraugen, as always. Bis später. XD


Can I just say, I absolutely love the way he says Bye-Byyyee!


What kind of torture monger thinks of that marathon, Frau?! Yikes!! Are we talking full 26.2 or are there options?! I’m gonna have to go with heels but golly, that’s not much of a choice! I have no bed time which is why I’m a spastic 73% of the time. I would never give up my toes for anything! And I like roller coasters in the day or night!! 😘

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Well... the energy of this Quickfire Ramble was absolutely giddy and infectious! 😊... I don't know if it was the hay fever, the excitement for his new studio, or what, but there was an extra dose of boyish charm today and it was totally adorable 😍... I love how these Rambles sometimes seem to feel like he's talking to some of his best buddies - like he really is happy to see us and can't wait to share a story or a corny joke or the latest exciting thing in his life... makes me smile and feel all fuzzy 🤗... I actually laughed out loud when he talked about moving out of the city to get away from the seagulls - and then moved to the coast! "What was I thinkin'?!" - HA!... the Viagara Wife was CLASSIC!... and the "Bea" story! I actually caught that on Facebook a couple weeks ago!... what a coincidence 😁... it was a very sweet story and the photos are lovely... I hafta say, though... the seagull impression... Oi!! 🙈... I suppose nobody's perfect, right? 😘... 😉... the monkey was spot-on, though!... *hugs* and happy whatever day it is wherever y'all are!... byeyas! 🤗


Love your voice Gael ❤️❤️❤️


Don't worry gael focus on you personal life for now. So sorry for you loss. Peace an d love


I really enjoyed this. You sound extra happy in this audio, extra energetic and just more of your joyfull self. You must have taken my advise 😍 Breathe in, fill yourself with the beautiful day. 😍 I love it when you say eighteen. It's the little things. Keep up the good work.


Full of beans in this audio 😍


Gives me muchas butterflies hearing you so happy and animated 😊 lovely


Awe yay so happy to hear you&lt;3love you're voice erotic and otherwise &lt;3


I love bats ;)


Gael, You did it again and made me laugh out loud at work, AGAIN! My naughty boy.


I didn't say: 'people should know me' I said: 'people should know my sense of humour' My sense of humour is and always has been silly and light. But having said that, my personality is laced in everything I do. It's just how I am. I'm sitting down for 30 mins talking about the stuff that amuses me, that interests me. I create audios that I think will be helpful. I'm constantly watching and listening to others, to events, to life. So, in a way the work is a reflection of my mind. It's not too difficult to piece together a personality, or facets of that personality by what takes in their interest, by what they speak about, by what they're passionate about. That's what I mean by 'knowing'. No one can ever really know another, that's true. But we can def see traits and such. In the end, my own intention is to bring some light and help make people feel better. Everything I do has that intention. There's enough misery, conflict and crap going on around us all. You can either shovel more shit on the pile, or go off in a different direction. And there's perspective: yesterday I attended the funeral of one of the lads I grew up with who killed himself because he was born with a disease that made him look different to others. He felt like an outcast and felt alienated his whole short life. Events like this stir feelings and thoughts of compassion in me and focus my mind on the bigger picture. I'm always looking at that picture. That's what takes my attention in and pushes me to create what I think is helpful for others. I may be on the losing end but I can only try. So when I pour a glass of water in an audio, I'm just being silly... nothing else. And what ive said here is not supposed to cause offence either, it's just an insight into what spurs me on and what I'm about.


BOOM Shaka Laka!


P.S. Could you pour that glass of water on the floor (While on your hands and knees) and do the slurpy thingy sounds some more G? 😳


Just here to cum and go... 👀 jk


I can't help but sing your name Everytime I scroll and see you haha


Can't stop laughing thinking of the seagulls, I can't stand them because they scare me when I lived in Vancouver I used to run with my chips so the wouldn't spot me. they're so so loud in dover as well. the stories are so funny, also speaking of viagra its now available over the counter in the uk. so my fiancé ought some for the lols, I relate to the viagra wife &gt;&lt;


So fun to listen to you being your everyday “Day” self. What a fun guy to hang with... of course your “night” job is the bow on the package. 😉