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Are you gonna wake up for me?  

I swear no one can sleep like you can!  

But I think I can find a way to open those beautiful eyes...




I’m up! 😂


😍😍😍 Yay!






What! Perfect timing, just in time for bed! Thanks G. 💖

Ariel Diamond

I'm awake...but I wouldn't mind spending the whole day in bed like this 😍😍😍


I DO sleep like a bear in hybernation... but jumps up to this notification. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm awake I'm awake! I'm definitely down for breakfast in bed and I can't be the only that likes G's terrible jokes 😂


I love weekends!


*rolls over, snuggles into duvet* .......nope. Not getting up for ANYONE. Sorry G!


Good morning, handsome,! Enjoy the weekend! 💜💛


It's 1:30 am so I guess technically it is morning.......


Almost bedtime here....some snuggle up on muh ears!!


This would make me less grumpy in the morning 😂😄


I wouldn’t mind being woken up like this 😋 Good morning, G! 😁


*with one eye open, Good morning G! Will listen to this later. Happy Saturday!😊 *goes back to sleep😴


I’d go to sleep early just to wake up to Him every morning. 😌💘💘


This is probably not the best audio to listen to right before bedtime, but it’s fine. He’s right at least, I’m a world champion sleeper. Very good audio!!!


Seeing as I’m a deep enough sleeper that nothing but my sister playing her HS band music at full volume can wake me up, and even then mostly just when I fall asleep on the main floor, I suppose one could call me a world class sleeper. 💙 this!


Yeah you just woke me up but would love to stay a bit longer in bed. No morning walks. May I?Huh?Good Morning/Night sleepy heads💕


i will slap anyone in the face balls if they attempt to awaken me from my slumber 👀💥🥊


Lmfao. That sheet music joke is my new favorite. 😂 The vanillas aren't normally my favorite audios, but I really love this one. It made me laugh, gave me the tummy butterflies and stimulated my lady parts. There are worse ways to wake up. XD 🖤💋😘


Not sure if I'd play sleep for the kisses 💋 or wake for the breakfast in bed?? Win, win either way, huh! Just bring coffee please!! 😋 😙

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

How are there 24 comments in the 3 minutes since I got this notification?... I was on the friggin' page, for cryin' out loud!!... ah, well... as I've said before - I am *not* a morning person... but I would gladly wake to such sweet seduction as this 😙... as always, Mr. G - you da besht! *hugs* 💜😊💜 (I think we've heard this joke before, though... a little humor recycling, mmm...? 😁)... does no one in Gaelandia get kitten breath in the morning?... no pre-requisite teeth brushing before the tongue-tangoing?... maybe it's the kool-aide... I haven't had any yet... *shrug*... okay - audio over and I've run out of thoughts... 🙃


OMG GAELFORCE, I’ll wake up for you anytime...😏


I’m not even joking I woke up kind of startled and had that feeling like I needed to check my phone and I come to find this... I’m getting a gaelforce sense now!!


6:45am... OK I can listen now... That was seriously adorable. I am a light sleeper and yep I would totally fake sleeping for more of those sweet kisses. 😈 Have a nice weekend, G!


Absolutely Adorable😍


Who wouldn't want to stay in bed if they had you to wake up next to every morning?😍 What a sweet dream, indeed.💋 Good morning, handsome.😚❤


As I already said good girls deserve to be woken up with sweet honey kisses like this...and your joke was so bad' I mean so good it made me jump out of the bed😁you're the cutest!!


Just what I needed on a lazy Saturday morning!! 😍😍 It’s amazing how soft your voice sounds Mr. G.!! 😊😊 Wishing you an amazing day!! 😉😉


😂😂tOUNGE TaNgoINg??? *throws everything off desk*


“I just want to pamper my baby” omg ....


I just got off work. Wat diz?? Will I swooooon? Will I melt? Weeeelllp. Something to listen to when I go to bed ❤️


How did you know I had to work today? That audio made me wake up with a huuuuge smile upon my face! I had to hurry up to not be late, you such an addictive damn creature!😜 Love your morning kisses 😄😍


Morning earthlings!! Chirp chirp!


This totally sounded like me 😊❤ what a way to wake up on Saturday 😍 Have a lovely weekend you all ❤

Stella Rose

You sound so dreamy and goofy in the morning, Gael 💗


Don't forget my coffee! (Add some milk. And 3 sugars) 😂😂😂


Also, I had a dream G was scared of the microwave 😂😂😂

Mimmie Pedersen

Gael never never fail to make me feel happy and cute


Good Morning audios are always a winner and this came 1st place. What a lovely way to start my Saturday after a long working week. I'm not really a morning person but these type of audios definitely might change my mind. I. Loved. It ! Happy Weekend 💛


Good morning! I love to wake up with sweet audios like that 😊 But I'll get up only to go directly on the couch and get pampered a little. Cramps are being meanies 😔


love this!


Life is wonderful, full of spices and diversity of dishes 😋😝.. And who wouldn't LOVE to be woken up this romantic, sensual way 😊.. Even the joke was a bit cute.. in its own way 🤣.. And breakfast in bed.. oh dear 😊😆.. Have a wonderful spicy day 😃🤣.. Goodass Prana 😄😘♥️❤️♥️😃😊😃🤣🤣😃


Holy shit Gael! 😩😩😩 I guess you love us THAT much you’re willing to stand morning breath, yea? 🤣🤣🤣 Is this what true love is??? 👀👀👀 Yooooo.


So lovely, Gael.💜💜💜 I loved this so much.😍 and I LOVE your jokes.😂😘


Do you really need all that sugar B? You’re sweet enough already 😘😊😜


No! *covers myself completely in a blanket and lays completely on my stomach*


*reads "corny joke" in the comments* Eeeeewwwwsssssssssssss....ssssssssssss.......sssss.....sss... ...sssss......ssss.......s... *cringe-slithers away even faster and more gracefully than yesterday*


Morning lover 😘 How fares Indiana G? Passed a quiet and restful night of repose did he? 😜


Awww I love vanilla gooey audios. Such a nice good morning surprise! ❣️


Gael u r a blessing in my life


adorable 💜💙💙💜💜 just what I needed today!




EXACTLY WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW G. Current status: in bed fighting to go to kickboxing....I have 30 minutes to get ready...but this my love will have to come first. Mmmmmm 🙏🏻 😋😘 THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You are so gentle, sweet and funny. Perfect as always love 💚


Aww, I love the sweet ones! Lovely!


Loved it. ❤️ You do sweet like no one else.


The Englishman, Scotsman, Irishman joke gets me every time! 🤣 "I just want to pamper my baby, that's all" 😋 And any man that compliments a woman on her morning voice would be a keeper!! 😉👍(the sweetest things you write)


Aaaghh, I just woke up and read this title; are you reading my mind? I have to drag my arse out to the lake for kayak trials this morning and I just want to lay in bed with you for a feeewwwwww morrrre minuuuuuutes! 😍😴 I cant wait to listen to this..tomorrow morning! 😂💜


WHat a sexy sleepy morning voice you have there G. ;P So soft, deep and rumbly. Kisses and bad jokes are more of a treat for me than torture <3 I love being pampered much love to ya Gael thanks for this one was much needed after the hard week i had last week <3


<i>I just wanna pamper my baby.</i> ✨@.@ 💞 Ahhhh~!! 😍😍😍 This was so cuuuute~; you even tickled "us" awake! And if staying in bed means I get more of those kisses...*ducks under the covers* Good luck getting me outta bed now, G! 😁💖 P.S. The 'sheet music' pun was brilliant 😂


Yaaasss! The ‘heeeey’ at the start got me too! Daaannngiiit. Five seconds in and we are already weak 😍 This man can do things, yea? 😂


No work today, so i was going to sleep in. I actually woke up to the sound of my notification for this. I pulled myself out of bed listening to this cause it helped me realize I should be a productive member of society today 😋


Uhhh RIP me 😍 It's been snowing for hours and, being the Olympic gold medalist sleeper-inner that I am, this was perfect.


So sweet and so nice to wake up to this morning ☺️😘


Ffs, sooooo sweet OwO


Given the right conditions, this girl can sleep! Today was 9 hours, yeah Saturday sleep catch-up. I think my personal best was 12, even I was shocked when I looked at the clock. As you might imagine, I'm not a morning person. So this one is perfect, a gentle way to wake up. Only thing is, I usually take about 30 min to fully come alive. Any way you could make a tad longer version? Please and thank you. 🤗


How sweet to wake up with your voice, your caresses and your whispers, a pleasure ...


Your bodyguard loved this alot Mr. Force😁❤


These sweet romantic audios are my favorite 😍 I would love to be woken up like this 😘. I’m now wide awake after listening to this now ❤️


This was lush. A much nicer way to wake up than my reality of a 6yo shoving her foot in my ribs and demanding breakfast 😂😂.


This is definitely me. I could sleep through a hurricane. I’m not lucky enough to get this treatment though :( listening to this will do and crying inside lol :)


@Ladyciara: At least a 6-yr-old does it because they want breakfast. My friend Q shoves me around to get me up because he hates it when I sleep later than he does, the control freak. I'm glad we're still friends, but I'm doubly glad I didn't marry him when we were all hot n freaky. He showed his true, controlling colors over time, and I'm like "Nope. Not gonna put a ring on that." So yeah, Gael's version of wake-up time is much, MUCH more enjoyable.


I’m late on commenting BUT, these sweet cute audios are my favorite. And the gentle quiet kisses give me butterflies every time! Feeling safe is really really important to me so whenever the cute audios or the audios where you literally say, “you’re safe” come out, I get extra excited haha 😊 thank you for this one!!


I know this is supposed to be romantic and sweet but all I see in the gif is this guy trying to wake up his girl nice in gently but her face is buried in the pillow all like *muffled* "leave me alone I wanna sleep!*