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Evenin me Lovelies!

 How ya keepin? 

The only trouble of snow days is making up the work!

But don't ye worry, I snuck in some recording of a popular theme to release to you tomorrow!





Keep at it! X




Praise Jesus. Or Hail Satan. Whatever you're into. Can't wait.




YEY!!!!!! We miss you!


I look forward to tomorrow! 😍💖


Hi G!!! Patiently waiting the next filthy audio! Hope you’re doing well, happy almost Friday to you😘😘


Hi G, remember have your pets spayed or neutered


I’m doing decent , struggling with spring not arriving for the good 😂 good vibes sent as always (: Hope you’re doing well!


Evening, G!! I can’t wait to hear what you have for us tomorrow.💜 this week has been hectic! I can’t wait for the weekend!


Yes, boy do I need it!😍


Looking forward to friday and hearing your lovely voice 😊


Hopefully its a bedtime stories!!Those are my favorite audios!


Don't work too hard G! Glad you made it back to civilisation though 😂💕


Eiii it’s ya boiii. 😂 Nice to know you’re alive. Stay warm!! 🍌😘


Heya! How ya been? 😁 Hope you’re doing well. Looking forward to tomorrow 😍 By the way, don’t work too hard 😉


Yay!😄 Hard at work as always, busy bee. I'm glad to hear you're doing well and no longer stranded, pretty though the scenery may have been.😊 I hope you have a restful night's sleep, G. Sweet dreams, handsome.😙❤


Glorgenheim ain’t deaded y’all! 👍🏼✨🆒


Yay for snow days!! My mind is now pondering what you have up your sleeve now! Glad ya made it back safe! Hope it was a sweet time for ya!


Hiya, G! Enjoying snow days in Virginia, too, the only ones we've had all year. I always think of snow days as God's way of saying you need a vacation 😊 Pace yourself, busy 🐝, and I can't wait to hear your newest audio. 😚💕


Can't wait for tomorrow 😘 Hope you have fire/blanket/etc to keep you warm!


I trust you made it home from your busted car???? Been thinking about you stranded all week lol! Don’t work too too hard ;) 💕💕


When you have had a bad day at work...but then G posts and the day isn't so bad after all...well that and this glass of wine I'm sipping on!!!! 🍷🍷😁😁💋💋


Your work ethic really is something to aspire to, G. But even in the midst of it all, you never forget about us. I can't begin to express what that means to me. Anxiously awaiting tomorrow. 🖤💋


I didn't send the snow, why does everything have to be my fault? 😝😘😂


Thanks for popping in! I think some were ready to send a rescue team. 🤣 Can’t wait for tomorrow! 😘


OH SWEET JESUS HE'S ALIVE!! *almost literally explodes from joy and excitement* lol jk we knew you couldn't resist us 😈😘 I do hope you had a fun time while you were stuck 😄 anyway don't push yourself too hard and take care of yourself!! Also, can't wait to see what naughtiness you have in store 😉💋




So great to hear you’re back...can’t wait to see what’s in store tomorrow...😋💃🏿


He's aliveeee!! Make sure you keep us warm and cozy... (and that you upload it before 2:00pm, by the way) 😂😂😂


You spoil us, Gael. Hope you're keeping warm and safe. I'm not doing too bad. Been busy at work. Things have been a bit up and down lately but I'm still going.

Meghan McDonald

Missing you Gael.I have a cold and want to hear your amazing voice.


Work hard play hard, amiright? 😊


Hey you! This will be the perfect ending to a long week. Popular theme, huh? 🤔 Happy Friday and enjoy! 😄


You work on a chain gang? Now Sam Cooke is in my head. Thanks G! 😜


there you are! i hope all is well! take it easy!


Was wondering where you were! Enjoy the snow!


G...How they hangin' !?😉😁


Hi G! Glad you’re well. We missed you 😘 Guess what...it’s spring break for me!!!! And I’m excited to hear what you’ve been cooking up. 😁


Irland is going to be breadless I mean it's going to snow again on Thursday next week. Make sure to get plenty of bread G. 😂


Gail what's up dude😎😎


Looks like you've already been missed👀 I wonder what you've been up to🤔😉 You must have worked very hard👷🏻‍♂️ I guess a little break is in order, right?!🏝 Have a wonderful evening, darling♥️😘 P. S.: I’m very curious about the popular theme😏


Emmy, a couple of erotic audio creators started to follow me too on twitter. Are they trying to steal lovelies??? Nooooooo way, we are the most loyal and faithful ones! We are G's squad! 💪💪


Popular theme huh?🤔 *Secretly hopes it’s a dd/lg audio* 🤗


Daddy is home!!!


Where's Seanie's rap album btw?I've been waited for sooo long 😥


Thanks for the check in. How am I? I really don't think I could be any better. Feeling very spiritual, hiking and soaking in peace and love here. Since ALL your themes are popular I can't wait to see which one you chose for us. Stay warm sweet man.


I can only imagine the pile of work you have, between being stranded and spotty internet service, no bueno! Glad to see you're still alive and haven't kickeded the bucket. 😘 Happy Friday Eve, dear sir. I'm sure you're looking forward to the weekend. As for me, one more day until Spring Break, so I'm pleased as punch! I get to relax, get in some hikes, and plan my summer trip to Ireland.🍀 Yeah me. 😁


How's your car and did you manage to get it fixed?


Great to hear from you as always, G! I hope this popular theme of yours is uplifting and good for the soul, as I certainly need it right now. Life has been absolutely miserable lately, but like always, we just gotta keep on truckin’!


I send you sunbeams from Spain to warm you🔥


My day started at 4am and just ending now at 8:33pm. You ain't kidding!!! Long days are right!!!!! Best part about them... eventually they end.


Ohhh I can’t wait !!


Welcome Back Zaddy💛


Chain gang labor, hm? I knew you had been sentenced to hard labor, but I was under the impression the Queen was working you hard in an entirely different way...


A sweaty G in chains....dirty....panting....I have to...um...go...um....yeah....


😄 Yay!


You are the best G 💚 😘 is it sad I refresh every 2 hours or so to see if you post things? 😒😋 even these little check ins make me smile ☺️


I’m feeling quite knackered actually, but I’ve got about 2 more hours of work to do before I can catch some Z’s. At least I have something to look forward to tomorrow!


Guten Morgen Mädls. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any cool Wochenendpläne - weekend plans? Here the weather shall be sunny, so I think I will visit some friends and we may go hiking in the mountains. :) Let´ s have some assorted daily Fragen, for science of course... If you were a Hund - dog for the day, what would you do? How eifersüchtig - jealous do you get when you are in a relationship? Have you ever won something from a giveaway? What is you answer to stress? Danke my dear Fraugen, as always. Bis später. XD Danke Rachel for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Fragen time! A dog for a day.... Bask in all of the pets and scratches, run full out like I all unable to do as an adult human. I don't think I'm very jealous. Unfortunately I have won anything in a giveaway. My answer to stress is a bit of venting, a wee dram of whisky, eating my feelings, masturbating - or various combinations of the them all. (thanks for the help on the last one, Gael)

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Ahhh... Mr. Gael... there you are 😊... good to see you've returned to Gaelandia at last... now what is this "popular theme" of which you speak?... hmm... ?... 🤔 I am intrigued, to say the least... does it involve a charming, slightly silly, handsome lad of the Irish persuausion?... will there be words and whispers?... tongues and tingles?... giggles and groans?... heartbeats and... dang - can't think of anything to illiterate to that 😋... well, you've obviously been sorely missed and can't any of us wait to see how you'll spoil us this time😉... you sweet ball of giggly goodness 😘... and though you may have some catching up to do that your infamous work-ethic won't let sit any longer... pace yourself, please... we have a little e patience left and would hate for there to be any - uh... - work-related injuries 😁... which reminds me - Lovelies... has anyone else ever wondered if G ever develops a *ahem* chaffing problem?... no?... just me?... okay... bye-yas! 🤗


Very excited to hear what u have for us tomorrow


He's aliveeeeee UwU


I’ve wondered that too 😅 With how hard he... um... smacks it on his hand or whatever 🙈 I wonder sometimes if that hurts at all, or if it just feels good 😅


I'm already feelin it. 🙃 Hope you're well!


Ah Gael, welcome back my dear! Glad to see you are in one piece and generous (from what I just read) I look forward to hear what you have in store for us. Happy Friday!


‘Pleased as punch’ is such a lovely phrase!🌈🌸




Hello! Glad to know you are doing well! You won't have to go on a snow fast to survive this time 😝😝 I'm intrigued about this new audio 🤔 🤗


<img src="https://78.media.tumblr.com/64f88d3e9cab1a8b610481d45f910f47/tumblr_o6locyAVQz1tdjooxo1_500.gif">


Hello there G &lt;3 Doing better. Hopefully you're at least cozy and relaxed. Work can wait. Much love and cannot wait to hear the new audio &lt;3


Angie, I love so fucking much that you posted this! Sorry to be so off topic, but I LOVE Mulan! It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid. I didn't realize until I was much older why I hated that Snow White never freaking DID anything for herself the entire movie. Mulan had some agency and a lot of chutzpah! She wrote her own damn story! (And Mushu and Cricket helped, of course.)


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A wonderful Samstag to everyone! Don´ t have much time tonight... something is stuck in Lil´ Seanie´ s Abluftöffnung - exhaust air opening, maybe a screw? I have to herausoperieren - surgically remove it... and the little langer is hot 1200°C! But of course I have time for some quick Fragen... Would you rather live forever with sunburn or frostbite? Laptop or desktop computer? Which celebrity would you like to be for a day? What abbreviation do you use the most in texting? Can you wiggle your ears? Danke Schätzchen. Bis später. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! High-temperature surgery, you say? Sounds more exciting than my day of tracing wires and cables. It wouldn't have been so onerous if it hadn't involved crawling all over a cluttered countertop while trying not to rip apart the wiring. My advisor suggests sending an email to the guy who built the setup... ...who now lives in another state... ...and hasn't touched this thing in a year. Yeah. I see that being an effective use of our time. And now, this: <b>Burn or freeze</b> — Oof. I've actually never experienced frostbite—or at least, not as severely as I've been sunburned—so I guess I'll stick with what I know. Sunburn it is. <b>On the lap or on the desk?</b> — (Phrasing.) I much prefer the portability of a laptop now, though I'll admit that I sometimes miss the power of a desktop computer. <b>Freaky Friday: Celebrity Edition</b> — I think I would like to be Bob Ross. I'd like to know what it's like to paint so well with traditional media. <b>LOL, OMG, INBD</b> — I easily use the abbreviation "lol" the most when texting or messaging. And no, it doesn't mean "lots of love." :V <b>Wiggly ears</b> — Yep, I learned how to wiggle my ears as a kid while trying to move my glasses up my nose without touching them.