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A sexy summer storm.  The power goes out.

Just you and me alone together... in the dark...

Whatever shall we do? 😈






Methinks Claire has had her coffee this morning...


*Rises from the dead* Must. Listen. ❤️ Oh Gael. You’re killing us today 😘


Glad you're not frozen.


I’m sure you’re having a lovely time regardless


Good morning Gael!💜 I hope you get your car fixed and you stay safe. Thank you for the post.😘💕

Jasmine sanfi

Can't wait to listen to this.Hope you can fix this soon.But I'm glad you are ok.I love the way you handle situations like this.Sending good vibes to your way!


Stay safe handsome 😘


Mr Force, you do spoil us! I hope you manage to acquire a semi-sober mechanic today! 😂


I don't think I can handle another one... 😂 Hope you can fix your car soon! Have a good day! 😘


Well, I was gonna try & sleep but it can wait lol


Whaaaaaaaat? Another one already? 😄 #spoiled These are my favorite kind! Stay safe, Mr. G!


Good morning! Glad you're safe and okay. After the last audio I'm not sure if I'm ready....said NOONE EVER! 😚


Gael: "If you walk around and I walk around we are going to bump into each other sometime, okay?" Me: "Brilliant plan. I like that plan."


I'll do my best! But i may have to stay for another night but...hey! Its all good!


You just need a bit of oil rubbing on your engine. I’m happy to help you out with that one 🤣


Oh man. Your car dieded??? Not gooded.


Good morning sweet man. Hope your day is full of laughter (and car mechanic'in)


Aye, i dont know how long i'll have internet..so i decided to play safe and change the scheduling! S'all good!


You say adorable shit like “blankies” and “lickle snuffles” and now “dieded” and it’s stupidly the best thing ever and I needed you to know Okie BYEEEEE


Aw, man, that sucks ☹️ Hope you're alright. Thanks for spoiling us anyway! ❤️


Morning Gael! Two things to listen to when I finally get all the excited, over-tired small children out of my house. Why did I think that anyone would sleep at a sleepover? 😂😂 Being stuck in a small village alone sounds quite peaceful! Can I come join you?


Good morning, Gael!😙 I'm glad to hear that you're doing ok. Aww, that was so sweet of you to try to film St. Patrick's Day. Your heart was in the right place, as usual, you sweetheart.😙💋❤ I hope you'll be able to find a mechanic soon!


Did you really dieded or your car? We're already dead too G.


Two audios?? A good morning inded. Hope all goes well with your car soon. In the meantime I'll just lay hear and enjoy that sexy voice of yours. Safe travels home, eventually love. 🎧💋😏


“When they Telly’s broke, have a poke.” Lol😂😂😂😂


I have to wait until the afternoon to listen to this one... 😩


I just finished listening to the other audio and now this? I guess I’ll be revived to survive through this one now.


Morning sexy...Hope you're ok and all goes well with your car. Stay safe sexy daddy 🔥♂️👄❤ and let us know when you get home safely. Meanwhile...I shall enjoy listening to your sexy voice and enjoy myself 💦💦💦👄


Llolololloll don’t forget “sleepies” !!! Want to slap someone in the eyeball just thinking about it. My heckin hort man. 😤😤😭😩


OK keeping this one for the evening. BE. MUST. STRONG. Every time someone mentions being in a village I am having flashbacs of Little Britain's skit "I am the only gay in this village." Haha you can be the "only sexy one in this village."


Omg, G, ya killing me this morning! 😣 Now I'm dieded, ded, kill't! Those damn heavy intakes of air just...Mmmmm! "Pull your man in" is the nail in the coffin!! My vocabulary is spent just like me! #pitchblack #crisismanagementpoint 🔦

Ariel Diamond

Damn it, Gael! So hot and funny and sexy...fuck, I'm glad it's a Sunday. Totally dead. Done. Done, I tell you! 😂😘


Happy Sunday and BE SAFE 😊


Blackout? Careful not to grab the Fleshlight instead of the flashlight 🔦 😏 I love this new piece! I'm glad to hear you are okay, I hope you can find help for your car and hope Bobby isn't too worried about you.


What a great send off before I head to work ...you always manage to get me what I need!


The laughter 🤣 and the sensuality is so on point. Love it ♥️♥️


I’m still recovering from the other one 🙊🙈 Playing along with that one was a little too intense. But who’s complaining? I like it rough 😏😋🔥


"In the dark" you are even more passionately😂.. And it spreads Butterflies in the hole body 😆And then there was light 🤣😊Romantic and fun 😄Have a wonderful carfixing day 😉☺️Goodass Prana 😆😘❤️❤️😄☺️😊😊


Ooh, this was so sexy, with a few sweet romantic giggles thrown in! A different take on search and rescue and crisis management from you, that's for sure!😉😅😍 All of that whispery closeness in the dark, yes please! You have me all aflutter and tingling all over with this. It feels so amazingly good. I love it.😍💋💋💋




I just found the youtube version of this. Ha!! 😂😂 You’re so cute 😂😂 Maaan. Gael overload 🤣


Why do I love it when a guy calls me a "woman"? Or even better: "female". I am such a dork! 😅😂


This is the perfect amount of cute and sexy. “Blow out the candle”. Mmm, yes daddy! 😛


stay safe!


here’s to gettin the car fixed and “forced” relaxation time in a cute lil village ☺️ this was so very sweet- I might have to start the ‘movie night rule’ if no phones! 😆💙


“When the telly’s broke, have a poke” is my new catchphrase, I’m literally going to tell everyone I know 😂😂


Ok the start was just hilarious and adorable and then THAT happened......you are determined to make me do laundry today aren’t you? 😖 I'm starting to hope you ARE trapped out in the boonies for a while where you can’t get up to mischief! Might give me a chance to wear knickers that actually remain dry for more than five seconds.....


Yay 😍😍😍 Happy Sunday G. I’m still recovering from the last audio ☠️☠️☠️. Happy Sunday Lovelies 💕💕💕😘😘


Holy shit!!! 😍😍😍 Your voice is even more sexier than usual!!! What the hell!!! Now do you really want my head to explode Mr. G.?? 🤯🤪 This just totally does it for me!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Absolutely Fuckin’ Perfect!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Three words. Space. Them. Out. Oh and do you have one of those rubber sex sheets/mattress protectors? Throw that down before Good Girl to conserve water and energy. And you're gonna wanna be sure your house is empty and close neighbors are not home. Sound carries 🍍😉


I am wrapped up n' drinking tea! The snow is falling! brrrrrr!


I'm at an asian restaurant at the moment. Will listen to it in the bus back home! Can't wait!


Soooo damn sexy, romantic and funny. Boi, you're constantly making my lady parts do acrobatics!!!!! 😂😍🔥 BTW I absolutely love the advice...."When the tele is broke, have a poke."😂😂😂


Ok had coffee now and am less grouchy. 👍 that was really cute ^^


OK, I'm in the bus already. Gonna press the "play" button and take G with me on the trip back home! (I choose the window seat) 😂😂😂


"He's making your lady parts do acrobats"😂😂Imma gonna steal that line immediately. I can't with ya Ta you're hilarious😋😘


OK... Didn't read NSFW... 🤦🏼

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Ha, Ha, Ha!... this was so much fun!! 😄... I was grinning like an idiot the whole time 😁... and he said "Sweetie"!.. awwww - *sigh* - I melted 😊... couple "technical" questions, though... 1. Why wouldn't you have lit the candle as soon as you found it in the kitchen, instead of walking half way back to the living room first?... 2. Wouldn't your eyes have adjusted to the dark eventually and been able to see *something*?... anyway - loved it as always you sweet, sexy, lovable, goofball!... hope you're keeping cozy in that village and are able to get home soon... wait - is Bobby with you??? If not - is *he* okay???? 😓


I smiled at first... BUT when I realized how the story really was.. I acted as if I was sleeping!!!! (by the way... I love the "sweetie" thing... Brings me good memories 😂😂😂)


Love this it was hot and made me laugh!!


This one was sweet and funny among other things 😏 So loving with all the sweeties and sweethearts. Aww! When the telly's broke, have a poke 🤣🤣 You're too much! 💖


1h before I can listen to it. Shivering with antici... pation! 😂


Nothing like a good grope in the dark. The whole fun of it is the anticipation of not knowing what's gonna happen next. It's akin to being blindfolded. Your sense of sight is taken away, so your other senses are heightened. When it comes to sex, light is DEFINITELY overrated. Muahaha. 😈 🖤💋


Well this hit all the right buttons! ☺️ I even prefered it to the previous one... I was already half there with all the humour... « I’ll be back! » 🤣 So good G!


:o Gael i hope you'll find what you need for your car :/ I loved this audio, clumsy/funny Gael is the cutest. 😳😳😳


<i>"The Crisis Management Point."</i> I'm dead. 🤣


My couch is now known as "The Crisis Management Point"! I was waiting for a lil Marco Polo in the dark! 🤣 As for the sexy time? Mmmm...Im thinkin I want you to go get stranded more often! (I'm assuming you did this on location in a hotel?) Either way....hot!!


Reading by some comments I felt like it was safer to listen to this one first but fuck that was one hell of a ride. That "fuck me " got me flying and he gave me those "pull me in...." lines Gosh I can't with this 💥💥💣💥💥 This piece is so freaking well done man !! Love your details so much ! Hot as hell and so Funny at the same time!😵 Btw : Did ya say "sweetie" ??ok that's cute.


Oh wow 😍 That was so sweet and sexy. I loved it!! The darkness is a big help for those who are self conscious about their looks, too. You don’t have to worry about the dumb faces you’re making when there’s no light 😋 When you said, “He’ll find her,” I died 😵 And my couch will forever more be called the crisis management point 🤣 I loved it! 😘 Another job well done, G 👏🏻


When he stubbed his toe it reminded me of the scene in ps I love you when Gerry hits himself in the eye with his suspenders lol


I am a huge fan of darkness and candle light. This was romantic funny and oh so deliciously sexy. I too thought bthis was safer haha boy was I wonderfuly mistaken XD. Those details and sounds we're very.... Triggering...yeah we will just say that. Muah Gael :)


The beginning is so much fun! 😄 I love it!!♥️💙


Love the idea of sex in the dark! You get to focus on the tactile and auditory sensations..brings that focus back to the basic senses. And any insecurities are out of the equation!! The soft, sexy words spoken heightened the entire experience! Beautiful! Sensual! Sexy! I love all the places your mind takes us! Smooches! You sexy Beast, you!!


In the dark or candle light, is just sexy as hell. But hearing Gael say things like honey and sweetie mixed in with his naughty growls and whispers just made this southern belle all blushing and swoons. Again you do not disappoint lovey. Man of many talents. So are you going to continue the vampire one by chance?


Hiya! I have something in the works! It's not the same story but I'm liking it so far 😜 I usually take time with those though as I like to add ideas to make them 'rich' So, it's coming as soon as I get it out of my head, fully out! Xd


Wow... So sexy. The enhancement of the other 4 senses... Touch, smell, taste, and hear. To only rely on the touch of her hands upon your body, her unique scent that teases your nostrils, the sweetiness of her juices as she response to your tongue, and the sensual moans that she gives letting you know that you are hitting the right spot. Aww shit G, give me more I love it!


Earth Hour is happening this coming Saturday at 8:30PM where I am from. When I see a candle I might just be tempted to blow it out. 😏


Had to revisit this one today. It’s really the perfect blend of funny and sexy. ❤️


every time it is different and special I liked the meeting in the dark and how from the most tender you burned to burst in the end...


Being that I am a ginormous "Phantom of the Opera" fan, making love in the dark with candles is totally my jam...so this amazing audio got my brain going down the labyrinth of my mind...hehehe...and the only thing playing on my TV when I'm in need of a release is a fireplace video on the PlayStation, a sexy-sounding 8-hr music track on YouTube (on my laptop) and my favorite essential oils in my oil burner...hehehe...


I enjoyed this one alot! I love how it's a mix of sexy and funny. I like laughter and chuckles inbetween. 😄


Faaaak I forgot how intense that was. 🤯 your broke poke joke. Who are you😂 Can I say with respect (smh no). Gael is a bit of a wimp sometimes and it makes me cry with laughter. Big badass Force with a sore toe :(. Call the paramedics. Speed dial *69 Back to the audio.. my favorite. I love the idea and the execution was on point ;)


Listened to this one again and it's so sexy! 🔥


Sweet, sexy, and funny❤ Next time I see a candle, I'll think of this moment😍


Terrible storm outside, and there's a blackout in my house..think I'll listen to my love in the dark😍


I just died in your arms tonight. It must’ve been something you said...




And just when I thought I couldn't get more tingly, here you go and present the link to the erotic version.. 🔥🔥🔥 I'll just lie here still for a bit and gather myself..😅😅😅 Sexy And joking around!! Swoon worthy compination! 😘😘


I love listening to the part where he carries on about tripping over her suitcase. As Anya from "Anastasia" would say, "Men are such babies!" 😂😂😂


Hot Damn Boi!!!!!!!! I would have made you cum and find me in the dark🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤😎😎😎 Me likes!!!!!!!!!!!😈😈😈💋💋💋


Am I the only who got majorly horny with these audios