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Welcome to the world, little one.

( I wrote this particular piece with being an 'uncle' in mind... aka: Luke I'm not your father lmao!

I'm a bit away from doing a fathering audio yet... but wheel C

I'll do one sometime ❤️)






Oh what fresh hell is this. I'm melting already.


Thanks G, happy Saturday! 😘


Aaawww, a baby!! 🐣👣




This so precious 😍😍


Waaat is thisss?? ❤️❤️❤️


It's not my baby I swear ❤️😂

witch's brew

Is this one practically everyone is/has been requesting!


I knew all of those rubberless audios would lead to this. But I wanna marry now that I have your child.😚❤️🙏🏿


Truly heartfelt. 💜


So sweet. I was alone after delivering twins. Always wished they'd had a dad who would promise himself to them. What a nice thing. Aww. Cutie patootie.


This is absolutely adorable


Nah This is probably me being the Uncle lol I left it up to interpretation like Also the child's gender isn't revealed


that was the cutest fucking thing I am actually crying 😭💜 I could listen to this all day!!!!


G! This is so cute!! 😭😭❤️


You need some kind of audio Oscar award for this fella 😍 it’s far too adorable!


Is it Seanie’s? I bet it’s Seanie’s.


omg you spoke gaelic to the little one <3 so cute so cute so cute!!!!!!!


I’m listening to this RIGHT NOW and I couldn’t stop smiling😭😚❤️🙏🏿


So sweet! I had tears.


Gael this is so adorable whether it's yours or meant to be someone else's.


Oh my, that was so touching.💕 Heartfelt and simply beautiful. These are the sort of sweet, tender words that everyone should hear upon their arrival into this world.❤


Omg i neeeed more this is so freaking cute 😍😍😍😍😍😍


Beautiful 👼🏼

Rachel Baird

Omg!!! Gael you are a natural!!! I love this!! I’m crying!! This is sooo beautiful!!😍🤗🤭😶💕

Deborah Deardorff

Oh gawd! I'm crying; this is perfection!!!!




What's that sound? That's the sound of ovary shrapnel flying everywhere. 😅💕


I’m crying and I need a hug now. Your voice got a 1000% gentler and tender that it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thank you so much for this *dreamy sigh*😚☺️💕


Gael is ticking every box guys. We can all go home. I will lock myself in a safe. I surrender 😂 I’m yours 😂


Oh that baby coo, settle down ovaries, settle down. Gael you’re killin me. Lol


So beautiful. Ovary explosion over here...

Mimmie Pedersen

Is it cold hearted of me to say that i hate baby’s and children? This actually sickens me a little. But i still love Gael. I so confused. Like wtf


At first I was..."What the what? But after listening to it, I admit you likely re-melted a large population of girl's hearts! As if a bunch of us didn't wish you were ours for keeps!! Sigh.... So...ya basically had almost 1800 babies tonight, G! Congrats Proud Papa!! Lol... Seriously though....your sweetness and hearing you speak in Irish makes me a sighful happy melty mess!


It was so cute!!! 😍👼


WOW, This hit hard! This reminds me of two of the most loving men that I absolutely loved with every bit of my soul and was blessed to have had in my life, my father and my uncle! I'm a complete mess right now! 😭❤️❤️❤️


Nope! As I'm currently bouncing a screaming baby. 😂😂 Ya killing me G.


Oooohhh.... Gael, this was a big surprise! You nailed it, so sweet... I absolutely wouldn't mind having 20 babies just to hear you talk like this, sexy daddy! (and a very big house, maybe a whole Irish castle would fit better)🏰😘 But yeah, I bet it's Seanie's too!😁😜


Field test the magical baby hold!! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnWynN_tPTQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnWynN_tPTQ</a>


This is so adorable I can’t cope 😍😭😭


I swear only dolphins can hear me right now. ♥


This is just the most adorable thing ever! ❤


😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Oh G


I'm not sure I'm ready to listen to this particular audio, the idea of pregnancy/having a baby is a very sensitive topic for me. But I'm sure it's very sweet and cute ❤️ I keep it for later for sure. 😘


Omg this gave me chills ❤


I’m kind off new here, and i’m wondering who Seanie is. Can you please tell me? 😇


Oh my!!! Gael, you would make an awesome daddy!! I'd offer to help you out but alas, I am far too old for that. lol


So lovely, took me back to when my daughter was born.... 😊😊😊


(Shivvers) no babies for me thanks very much. Always nice to hear your voice though G x


G: making ovaries explode all over the world.


My Heart Just Burst Into A Trillion Pieces 😍😍


This reminds me of when I held my nephew for the first time. I already had a big heart, but I felt like the Grinch, wherein, my heart grew two sizes that day. I just looked down at him in my arms and thought "I have never loved something so much in my whole life"


I feel the same way. Children are not in my cards, but I was there for the birth of my niece. I lost a piece of my heart that day to a little ginger girl with blue eyes. She opened up her little eyes, looked at me...and stuck her tongue out. The force is strong with this one ♡.


Truly heartwarming and adorable!! Aaawww.....😍 Now go back to ya momma!!! 🤣#ovarieswentintohiding


Pregnancy wigs me the fuck out, ngl. I can't imagine myself as a mother, I'm still trying to keep myself alive, ya know? On the otherhand, my older sister is due any moment now. I wouldn't touch her stomach because scenes of that alien bursting out of that one guy always came to mind and I was just like, nahh I'm good lol. So this audio is interesting and I expected it eventually because who doesn't enjoy a handsome man taking care of a baby? I mean, I like it for the wrong reasons, but still lol.


There may have been a small earthquake...either that or its just the force of all the ovaries bursting from the ladies listening to this audio. Excellent job G.


Happy to see you writing new material and trying scenarios outside your normal wheelhouse. This was very well done and sweet. It is definitely not my thing, but I can appreciate the artistry of it. Well done 💗


Oh my heart 😍 This was too sweet for words, G 😭❤️❤️❤️ *goes to hug something/someone*

Kiara. B

This is too precious 💕💕💕💕


Aww this is beautiful 👶🏻❤️ made me cry 😭 very precious. Melted my heart ❤️


I'm going to have to take this one in small doses. From the first 1.5 minutes (what I've managed so far), I'll just say: -- G, you're an excellent voice actor; -- The start of this audio took me right back to the first time I held each of my niecelets: the now-medium-sized girl when she was a month &amp; change old, and I held her &amp; rocked her &amp; sang her to sleep so her parents could pack to move house, and the 3-year old when she was just a few days old &amp; still in the NICU. -- G, you definitely sound like an awed uncle to me, the way you ask if you "may" hold an leanbh. And y'know what? Yay uncles! Tá siad (well, sibh) tábhachtach. -- And now I'm off to have a small bit of chocolate and remind myself that I get to travel, which is a joy; and that my niecelets will grow up knowing that I love them &amp; will always have their backs, which is another one.

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

I really shouldn't read the comments before I listen to an audio... it's obvious from the picture and description what this one is about, but I don't wanna cry!!! I HATE crying!!! Even happy crying makes me feel like a giant boob!! 😭... okay, I'll listen... but if I cry - I sue... 😋


This makes me too melancholic. But it's sooooo sweet ❤


I feel you sis! I hate the idea of having children but a hot guy with a baby will always explode my ovaries.


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A nice Sonntag to everyone. Hope you are all safe and sound, since the Wetter - weather seems to be chaotic in many places. Well here it´ s quite nice, yesterday was cold but sunny. The kittens were sooo happy to play in the sun again... and of course they brought me a mouse.;) I´ m too lazy tonight for the daily Fragen. Can one of you Fraugen ask some? Bitte? Danke my dears for your Fragen and answers. Bis später. XD


.....and just a gentle shout out for those that suffer with infertility ect.... I've been there. Torturous 7 years with everyone having children but me. So, if that's you... It's ok not to listen and just let it be. ((((Hugs)))) Deb


Fragen questions? Sure, I'll step in, Claudia! Have a good lazy evening!! Ok Fraugen, here ya go! 1. What is your favorite kind of candy? (If you don't like candy, then snack?) 2. So you like to cook? If so, what is one of your favorite recipes? (If not, what kind of take out is your fave?) 3. Have you seen any good movies lately? ( or what TV series would you recommend?) 4. A naughty one..... How often so you masturbate? 5. With what? Ok....made myself all blushy asking the last two! Haha! Have fun!! Think sexy thoughts! ~Deb


Must not listen at work. Must not listen at work. Must not listen at work. -oh but it sounds so sweet though- NOPE... not listening to more of this at work...


Listened to this after putting the last of my brood to bed. This was so sweet, Gael. This is the kind of promise I wish every baby got when they were born. Just melted.


Beautiful. ❤️


1. Lifesavers 2.i like to make Thai soup because it’s cold in the IE. 3. I’ve seen black panther. It’s amazing. 4. I do it when I’m not busy. 😈🤤 5. With my hand. I know I’m lame.


It's about damn time we had a child after all the "fun times" you give us lol XD this was sooo friggin' cute!! *squeals fangirlishly* man I bet you'll be a great dad someday 😊 (that is if you want to, some guys don't want children) but your so sweet and caring plus your a huge dork lol I can see you and your child playing "the floor is lava" and eating cookies in pillow forts ❤ and both of you plotting ways to give mommy love attacks lol


......help, I'm a pile of mush. What a sweet video; I find something incredibly calming about little baby giggles and babbling? Thank you for the extended wordless interaction at the beginning! And also IN GENERAL (and what a touching promise.)


Gael, you need to make more of these!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I am a puddle. Someone mop me up, and pour me into a pretty jar, please. Much love from the floor, guys.


Absolutely heartwarming. I loved this.


when you don’t really like children but you still listen because gael’s voice makes you question if having a child would be the worst thing ever.


good to hear this audio in a start of lovely Sunday. I always appreciate you❤️


Perfect timing; I saw a four-day-old little girl today and I melted... and then I heard this and now I’m an irreversible puddle of sappy mush. Well done, Gael!


I checked; it was the 19 second mark when the maternal instincts punched me in the heart and I swear to god I’m about to start lactating or something Get outta here with those precious baby sounds!! 😪


Awww, Gael ❤ so sweet 😍


Oh my gosh that was the sweetest thing ever! Great job Gael! I may or may not have even teared up! ❤️


So cute ❤️


It was very beautiful, full of love.. Actually, if all children had such love in their lives, what an amazing planet we would live on 🤔A beautiful, heart melting, wonderful way to start up the day 😃 Have a wonderful happy day 😃 Goodass Prana 😃😘❤️❤️❤️😃🙏🙏😃😃😃

Greek Goddess

Awwwww cuteness overload 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


im not sure if im stressed by the baby on the verge of crying or soothed by gael’s voice. im rly not a fan of babies they’re so uncontrollable and unpredictable! listen to it it wants to cry! omg gael keep calming it dun let it burst. somehow im some distant godmother of my young long distance frd’s son, whom i only saw and hold like once during the chaos of wedding banquet. Its very noisy, we (bridemaids/ so-called godmothers) have this one and only chance to hold him and take photos. he keeps wanting to cry. i wanna pat him like how i try to calm a dog but babies don’t work like this and i find it impossible to communicate with babies. its... i really prefer dogs. i mean, i hv a godson i guess i dun hate babies its just rly hard to get along with them lolll


So sweet!! Beautiful words for a new life!! I agree... wish everyone had this much love to go home to! This is soul touching... like your audios for depression and boyfriend comforting words like. I need these as much as the sexy thang audios! love it❤️Keep being you!


Does this mean I get to call you "Uncle Gael" now? 😂😁❤


And this day shall be known as THE DAY THE OVARIES EXPLODED. 😍🤣😎 Great job as always, Sir.


How precious i loved this. You are so wonderful &lt;3


I was instantly transported to the moment they laid my niece in my arms. I have never felt such immediate, overwhelming love before, I burst into tears like a total dumbass. 😁


I'm melting.


This is the sweetest audio yet, I cannot deal 😍 Babies are the most innocent and vulnerable creatures and to hear you speak with such tenderness and warmth in your voice is simply heartwarming. Good job "Uncle Gael" 😂 ❤


This was the sweetest audio I’ve heard you do yet, so why was I crying through it? The moment you created, the feelings you reminded me of, just struck a chord. While I know you set this up as an uncle idea and not a parental one, the feelings are still there. It is one thing for a woman, a mother, to hold a newborn, but it is a whole other experience to watch a man hold a newborn for the first time. It is a beautiful and profound moment, and you captured that perfectly. I love the title you chose – “The Promise” – but you could have also called it “Promise.” While all we can promise a child is to love it and surround it with love, the child itself is full of promise for a hopeful and bright future. This was a wonderful little piece, G – thank you for reminding me of a wonderful moment in my own life. It’s good to have that reminder sometimes.


Awwww ❤️❤️❤️


This was sweet from uncle's perspective. I think it's ok if u dont necessarily want to do a "father" one. Whether you want kids yourself or not, it's perfectly acceptable not to want to "pre experience" every sacred human emotion with strangers via audio.


I couldn't resist and had a listen. It was short and less personal than I thought it would be so, I didn't burst in tears (even though I feel a bit like someone is chopping onions next to me). It was very sweet.


My ovaries exploded.


Oh my goodness! Adorable can't describe what this was!!! My goofy self smiled all the way through! What a beautiful, heartfelt oath! I believed every single word! Well done, my love! Smooches!


Noooo, c'mon this is my weakness, it's so beautiful hear a guy talking to a baby. This audio is adorable.


Pretty crazy this notification popped for me while at a baby shower.. insanely wonderful and loved that it was from an uncle's pov. 😊


Aww, so precious... As an Auntie only, I can relate. 💓


I'm... not even going to lie about tearing up. All of the happy tears are happening, this is such a beautiful piece.


The timing on this is very eerie my sister had her Son just a few days after this. It was so sweet i wish i had this before he was born would've helped a lot. :) I know how it feels to be an Aunt only.


... I... :'( :') have always wanted someone to speak to me this way. :'( :') ... Well, I hope you like new patrons, because this netted ya another one. Thank you! 😁


My ovaries exploded❤