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Let's watch something scary tonight, baby.  Don't worry, your big strong Alpha man will protect you...




Hahahhahaha rofll lol G your so funny scarry creative 💞👍


I'm late. I'm late. For a very important masturdate. Or giggle fest. Or both. Cos I'm easy like that sometimes. Simple pleasures. *Downloads*


yay yay yay scary movie time <3


Ugh...now I just have a craving for popcorn, cuddles, silly stories and corny jokes(lucky for Gael I love a good “Dad joke” as some call them). Also one of the only horror movies I can stand is the original Saw movie. Cary Elwes is probably my favorite actor of all time hands down!


🤣 Super cute! Totally cracked me up. Thanks!


I love scary movies, and with sexy Gael its even better! I'm a sucker for those jokes too😌


This ride is closed! lol, very cute






Good morning G! Can’t wait to listen 😍


Comedy...my favorite tag 😊❤


Well, I was going to sleep... 💕


Gael's Patreon notifications are now my favorite 😍😍😍😍


Hehe! I know you're gonna like it! Good morning ☘️☘️☘️

Jasmine sanfi

Ahahah ok you are spoiling us right now.I can't tell how much you make me laugh,you are a ray of sunshine Gael.Always thank you for your work.


Was juust heading to bed! Nope nope!! Well...with you? Hmmmm....ok!! Hehe.... Hi G!! (((Hugs)))


I’ll listen it tonight ,thank u G ( ̄▽ ̄)


Well, good morning again 😜


WAT!! why u gotta.,,.,,I’m getting ready for snooze o’clock 😴🙃


Not scared of scary movies but I can pretend to be for you😊😉😄


Jaysus G,, that is some impeccable timing. I had literally just sat down when this notification came through. Haha yay! Using the phrase "Scary movie" will always get my attention. XD Can't wait to listen!!!


Just crawling into bed, too! Might have time for a quick listen before sleep...😁


Hallo G! Good evening! I was just about ready to go to sleep! This will be the perfect bedtime story, hmm? 💜


lol! Grab yer popcorn! Snuggle up!


Good morning G!


Alriiiiighty, then.


Would like to clarify, I don’t just sleep all day. I feel like I keep saying I’m going to bed :’-)


Oh, you plum. Love the audio! HAHAHAHA well done!


"It's just make-believe. The ghosts can't get you through the screen." <i>Have you seen The Ring?</i> "Your big, strong, Alpha man will protect ya." <i>Oh, God, we're doomed.</i>


He's right about the couple having sex. That's horror 101 right there


Sooo, I snuggled back into bed with my earbuds. That was cute...but I totally jumpscared at that lightning...had my volume up too loud! Ride's closed? 🤣


ahahaha sure tough man, i'll even pretend to be scared for u 😘 /edit/ i’d be the one to pretend to comfort u while plotting another jump scare &gt;:) awww what a baby. u’re so cute


I was just about to go to bed, and by that I mean lie down in bed and read a book 🤓😂😂 But I decided to listen anyway. This was cute, lol. How you sounded so confident in the beginning but you ended up needing to be protected. So cute 😅 And I admit the thunder sounds made me jump, lol. But that was probably because my volume was up too high 😂🙈 Good morning to you, by the way 😋


Wooohooo! Warning! May contain jump scares :P Happy Sunday Megan ❤️


Nothing like a quickie before bed Laura Quick listen that is Watch that dirty mind.. young lady 😜


Another morning I should be sleep but my phone told me Gaels a calling and it's a Force I just can't resist😂


Well it’s a good thing I don’t scare easily from scary movies.....ghost documentaries, however, are a different story. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️🙈 I usually have to leave the lights on in the house 😂😂😂


Oh god, I love it 😂❤ just be careful which parts of you are out of the blanket... the monsters from under the bed likes to munch on those... 😜


Hahaha! I really was laughing out loud when you said, "Don't go in there, ya langer!"🤣 I'll admit, you did make me jump later on, though.😅 This was so cute and funny, with a few good chills as well. ;) Don't worry, I'll protect you, G! You can be my little spoon anytime you need to.❤😙


Yay! More comedy! Me likey! 😄👍🏻


Hahaha if you feel scared I can protect you Gael


lol I almost died when I started laughing &amp; you said not to laugh at you lol


I remember when I was around 8 or 9 my parents had a date night and left my older sisters and me home alone. They offered to buy the four of us two movies and one of them was The Ring. My innocent self just wanted to watch Sweet Home Alabama, but my sisters were evil and made us watch The Ring first. Whoever chickened out faced a great punishment of being made fun of/hazed, so I had to stay and prove that I was cool enough to hang. So, we start the movie, and you know how it begins--two girls home alone, they watch the video that guarantees their death, blah, blah, blah. We're all freaked out by this point; anxious, twitchy, I notice how many windows our living room has and how big the house seems without our parents home. The movie then gets to the part where the phone rings, ominous music playing, and I shit you not, our fucking home phone rings at the exact same time, and that's when all hell breaks loose. Everyone screams, and my 8/9 year old self starts crying hysterically, thinking we're all about to die horribly. No one wants to be the poor soul to answer the phone, so we sacrifice the second youngest. She picks it up, hand shaking, only to be greeted by the cheerful sound of my step mom, drunk, asking if we've burned the house down yet. After that, we turned the movie off and watched Sweet Home Alabama lol. I dont remember much about my childhood years, but this memory is vibrant, and this audio reminded me of it. Thanks for the laugh G.


Aww this was cute lol


Aww, poor Gael! Too genre-savvy for his own good there, at the end! This was funny &amp; cute, and reminded me a bit in tone of your old "Nightmare Inn" YouTube audio. I love it when you tickle our funny bone!


“This ride is closed” “Even Crying Gosling, I don’t care... I can handle that kind of horror” 🤣 You’ve actually put me in a mood to watch a scary movie haha! oh goodness. All this talk of The Ring reminded me of when I watched it with two friends, Myself and one of the guys wound up laughing through most of it due to the third guy being terrified the whole way through! The funniest bit was during one of the lightest of scenes, too! When the fly comes out of the television set. At the exact same moment that scene happened, a fly landed on his arm in real life so he stood up, screamed and just left the room without telling us what had happened, until he returned half an hour later. 😂😂😂😂😂 we had no idea what was going on! But I am terrible with horrors because I do giggle through them. 🙊 Thanks for the laughs this weekend 😆

Stella Rose

But Gael, I'm a scaredy cat myself 😰Always covering my ears when the creepy music plays or when some ghost jumps out of nowhere. What ever are we gonna do? We're doomed.


Good morning! Hilarious! If this were reality I'd be laughing my ass off! "comfort me... in bed" but no sex cause couples having sex are the first to die in the movie! Bwhaaaaa 😂🤣 I just adore your comedic side! Thanks for adding more laughter to our lovely weekend! 😊😋


Ooooooh saving this for later when I’m home alone and don’t have to explain away the cackling and looking forward to this a SHAMEFUL amount. 😂

Greek Goddess

Awwwwww cute cute cute 😍😍😍😍 and funny!I laughed so hard with the comment about Ryan Gosling 😂😂😂


Ekkk! New audioooo *grabs ear buds*


Oh my goodness!!! Priceless!!! I started laughing in all the places right before you asked the question and it just made me laught harder! And the first scare had me out of my skin..so thanks for that...Then it sounded like you were watching zombies!?!? I'll admit, I almost tapped out..But I had my Alpha there to protect me...oh wait...That's a big NOPE! Even had "Wee" Willy Winky ducking for cover! And, YES, I probably would have scared your ass too!! My poor big ol' Gael-y Bear...I would have wrapped my arms around you and lulled you, with my melodious giggling in your ear, to a safe and sound slumber...Wonderfully, Amusing! Awesome work, sweetie!! Smooches!!


Morning Gael. Happy Sunday! Paddy's ghost car story was hilarious 🤣🤣. This was very cute, little scaredy bairn that he is but trying to be all Alpha. Don't worry pet I'll keep you safe til morning 😍😍


Yayyyyy another comedy flick.I laughed so hard at this #goosebumps😂😂😂Good scary morning Alpha Gael.


„Don‘t worry, your big strong Alpha man will protect you...“ And then... Baby will you spoon me ’til I fall asleep?😂😂 Of course my terrified and scared „Alpha man“, Mommy takes care of you and protects you💪🏼👩🏻👍🏼👩‍👦😜🤣 Fun fact: Last night, was Horror Movie Night with a friend. We watched "The cabin in the woods" (rather funny than creepy) and it was actually the couple who had sex that got killed first✌🏼😁 It was short but really funny. PS: I hope Willy's all right?👍🏼😉😆 PPS: Have a nice Sunday☺️😚💖


😂 Poor Gael! But with thunder like that, don't count on me to comfort you, I'd already be hiding under the bed! I love your comedy audio! 🤗


Good morning Gael and loverlies another awesome audio to wake up to love it 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️


Well well well, the Alpha man turned out to be a scaredy-cat.. But a cute one 😆 And who would have thought, that goosebumps actually had a practical purpose 😉😂😉 It was a really sweet piece... Though that Thunder effect was Really effective 😅😅 An effective way to wake you up on a Sunday 😅😅 Have a lovely wonderful Sunday Good ass Prana 😄😘❤️❤️❤️😄


This is very well done. Very natural and sweet.❤ Ladykiller was overdone and a bit forced. But this. PERFECT.


Good morning, Gael! Well gosh, what happened to "It's all make believe",and "It's just a screen." X'D This was pretty good, and rather cute to hear you go from Alpha man to chicken. Gael, just repeat to yourself "It's only a movie." ^_^


Oh it's darling. 🤣😎😋


This was such a sweet treat to wake up to -- really, really needed a laugh to start my day today. Alpha Gael is human after all, and so very sweet here! Now, my question is, did she scare you with clowns or cats? ;^)


Ah I LOVED it!!!! I was nervous bc I hate scary movies but this took a nice turn ;) it just felt so natural and real and just so well done!!! (plus that goosebumps joke was hilarious) 😂


Back in the 70's there was a scary movie called The Last House On The Left. When I met my husband, he took me to meet his parents. As we were going down his road (it was a dirt road in the middle of nowhere) I asked which house was his and he said it's coming up here on the left. Yup, it was the last house on the left. I was terrified thinking "Oh God, what did I get myself into??" Now it's funny but back then I was scared silly.


I find that if I stick my fingers in my ears and hum "Oops I did it again", it's not scary anymore. 😉


hahaha awwwwww how CUTE. &lt;3 even though I'm the bIGGEST baby about horror movies, I never watch them, this was adorable. Love being asked to be the comforting one. &lt;3 love big-baby!Gael.

Gri (Sassy_One)

This was adorkably sweet😋 Happy Sunday, G!


Why are you so cute? Seriously, I'm asking. 😚 Thanks love, I needed this laugh. "This ride is closed," haha! Poor Willy (and poor you, of course) 😆


Holy mother of perfect specimens ❤This. Is. So. Cute 😍❤😂 I would spoon the hell out of you and fight off the monsters 😎🔪💣🔫⚔️🔥


Oh sweetie, I’ll hold you all night. Just promise that we will get down and dirty in the morning. I’m hungry 😋


Hooray for getting to be big spoon! 90 seconds max, though. I’m fidgety.


This is hilarious &amp; adorable at the same time. You are adorable when you are scared ❤️


It's so real and so cuteeeeee :3


Awwe! I just listened to this. Don't worry I'll spoon yah, comfort yah, and protect yah! This girl is not scared of horror movies😊 Although the thunder made me jump a bit😂


Let Seanie listen to this audio. His reaction will be hilarious😂


you just make me smile so hard