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 Let me wrap you up my big arms & please you with some up close & personal kisses. 

Happy Humpday my Lovelies!


3D ASMR - Sexy Ear Licks & Neck Kisses [Irish Accent] [Binaural]

► My Albums: Fantasies, 50 Shades Of Gaelforce & Moving In are now available on Audible and Amazon! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY Get them free when you sign up for Audible! ♦ Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



I was just about to start packing for the airport. Obviously this is much more important 😋😋😋


And here I go down the rabbit hole again...love love LOVE this! Happy Wednesday, Sir & Lovelies! 😗😗


And just like that my day got better😊


ear licking and kissing and breathing in the ear is superrrr asmr triggery that i’ll never get numb of! Great one Gael thanks☺️ i was physically squirming every time


Yay! Time to write another shorter review. Good lord I feel so spoiled. :3


Soliciting wild thoughts in my left ear and getting what you ask for in my right ear!! Such a Pavlov dog when he says "nod your head for me". Was I the only one?? And that inhale breath towards the end...my God! Love the voodoo that you do!! 😁 💋


I LOVED it! Especially the ear switching sounds. Have a nice evening.


You sound surprisingly sleepy in the beginning of this particular audio- it's evident until about the 1:30 mark. Then your tone shifts to a deeper, sensual, flow and it dips towards your more 'turned on' mark. Your breathing is legitimately spot on for the entirety of this audio as well- it's never overly close to the mic and there's only two spots where it causes a tiny amount of feedback (Between the 4:30 and 5:15 marks and again at 6:15 to 7:00, I double checked). It's the right balance of soft and harsh together, I think the fact that you maintain relatively deep breathing throughout the piece is probably the reasoning for this. I think if you'd been panting or overly growling the effect could have been too intense. Subtle use of background noise was nice too. You masked the rustling with what sounded like a hissing inhale but when you wrapped your arms around your partner I did notice a slight skin-to-clothing (from the sounds) contact. Nice addition. On a personal level, though I usually avoid this: 7:45 - 8:00; the moan turned growl that became a chuckle was unfair and very tingle inducing. I was unprepared given the moderate tingles the rest of this audio had caused to this point. Not fair. All I have to say. All in all, a decently tingly audio. Mouth sounds aren't usually my trigger but this still did the trick even with them- so I would say success as an ASMR for sure. The whispers, though sometimes ending up a tad unintelligible (whether from sound level or your accent I couldn't tell properly), added to the effect and pulled the piece together nicely. Very well done, Gael. A nice, sweet, piece for those who enjoy the more sensual things vs the erotic.


Definitely wouldn't say no to an "all night long" version of this TLC. ❤❤❤


😲😲🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️😊 Happy hump day Gael and all thanks for making my day with this audio ❤️❤️❤️


You would not BELIEVE how much I need this right now! These people are trying to give me a coronary! Our district manager is coming in today so they are piling every thing on me so they can look good when he gets here! I'll listen to this @ lunch so I can get some proper TLC..at least for my ears XD


Jehzus, the ear licks are strong with this one!!!! It’s like Niagara Falls in my pants!!! Way to leave me wanting more!!


Please, please, PLEASE make these available for download on the Patreon app! I have LOVED the past couple YouTube videos but want to be able to watch whenever regardless of internet connection. PLEEEEEASE?! 🙏


Shiver me timbers! Ya giving me Spine tingling goosies!😊 Happy humpday G and lovelies!😘


What a birthday it's turning out to be! Yay me 😁 gotta love the ear smoochies!


Staycation bonus. 😂


Ahh, such throaty little moans and whimpers you drew from me with this one. I loved, loved, loved it.❤❤❤❤ This abundance of squeezing, ear blowing, and neck and ear kisses is heaven.😍 By the time you asked, "Do you want to be mine?", you didn't even have to ask me to nod my head that time. I was already doing it.💋 Happy Humpday to you, too❤! Xoxo😗😗😗


Those ear licks get me every time. I was laying in bed listening to it and I was literally moaning in pleasure 😍🙈


Oh, that was funnn ❤️ I politely demand a sequel to this, though


A very hypnotic voice, calming down all stress issues... Romantic and sensual... You did it again.. Have a wonderful evening... Good ass Prana


Another one that requires multiple listens. You know, for science like. Seriously though this might actually be your most tingly audio yet. It's really quite exquisite 😋


You evil, evil man. Ye just are. 😜🖤🔥💋


God, I had tingles down my spine.


Dear Lord.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a happy Donnerstag - Thursday!? Don´t have much time tonight... I have to scrub the kittens. I don´t know what they did but they are covered in Schlamm - mud and feathers and a little Blut - blood. (Not theirs though!) :) Here are some assorted daily Fragen... Do you have fake plants in your house? If you saw someone running down the street yelling, what would you think was happening? If you could name a drink after yourself, what would it be? Do you go up the stairs one at a time or skip Stufen - steps? What makes you unfreiwilligerweise - involuntarily swoon/squeal like a fangirl? Danke for your answers, as always... bis später. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Oh dear, sounds as if the murder-kittens have been at it again. I'll be off to a much-needed psychiatrist appointment tomorrow, so here's hoping nothing much is the matter with me. And now, this: <b>Silk leaves and fake ficuses?</b> — I do have some <i>in the house</i>, but they're not on display at the moment (the fake pumpkins on my mantel, I think, don't count because that's fake <i>food</i>, not fake <i>plants</i>). There's some fake autumn-colored flowers that I sometimes stick in a display, and then I have some garlands and such for the Christmas season. (If I'm being sneaky, I do have some fake plants displayed on a sprig hanging from my front door, but that's outside.) Otherwise, I don't like them. They gather dust and odor, they're difficult to clean, and they're not as pretty as real flowers. <b>Where's the fire?</b> — Boy, in my neighborhood, it could be anything from a domestic dispute to robbery to cop v suspect violence. I would think that whatever was happening was something for which I needed to stay indoors. <b>"Pour me a Rey-Rey."</b> — Hmm...I'm actually a very poor mixologist, but I'm thinking whatever drink I'd name after myself would start with whiskey. Probably something mellow and mixed with ginger beer or apple cider—a good, dry apple cider, not the alcoholic apple juice you find in the US. <b>Well, I was always told to show all my work</b> — The only time I skip steps on the staircase is when I'm in a hurry. Otherwise, the extra energy I expend to go up more height in a shorter amount of time negates the benefits for me. <b>"IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIEEEEEE"</b> — What turns me into a squeeing fangirl? When my two little sugar-snaps are being diabeetus-inducing levels of cute and/or have shown enough maturity to get themselves out of a melodramatic-drama-inducing scenario. I'm so proud of those little honey-buns sometimes.


As tingly as the ear-kisses can make me, I usually don't get a synesthetic response from them the way I do from breathing or from sheets rustling/quiet mattress sounds. This time, though—I dunno if you refined your technique or if my earphone happened to sit just right or what—yup, there was a distinct, variable pressure sensation on my right ear. (Fortunately, my brain isn't adept enough to create the sensation of wetness—I'm not a bodily-fluids kind of gal.) The left ear didn't quiiiiite get there (which is why I'm debating whether it's a headphone-placement thing for me), but you must be doing something right.


Gael, this was perfect! Oh the whispers and kisses and whispers (yep said it again) had my heart (among other things) a flutter. You know how much your sultry, sexy whispery voice absolutely slays me. The moist licks and kisses had me turning my head for a more intense sensation. (It worked) And the breathing..loved that little nuance. Quite intoxicating! From beginning to end this was spine tingling. Had me shuddering in my car seat repeatedly. I can't tell you enough how much I needed that tender intimacy today. It overwhelmed and calmed me, put me at ease and allowed me the resolve to finish my day. So, thank you, my sweet. Smooches and ear licks to you!


So, so good! I could feel you with me, feel your breath in my ears. So many shivers! And when you said, "I love to feel your cheek against mine"--sweetest thing ever! 💞 I loved all the "mine" talk, too. I am yours, G! 😍💋


WOW!!! Words fail me right now, but this was outstanding 💯 😃 Well done Mr. G! Happy birthday to me indeed!!😙


In L O V E with this audio!!!!!!!😍😍😍


I am LOVING the last few YouTube audios, too... These snuggly, kissing &amp; cuddling, pillow-talk ones are pure bliss to me, from beginning to end! And I literally burst out smiling every time I hear that teasing, sexy chuckle that slips out, inbetween the kisses. 😊😊😊 I think the chuckle is so deadly, because it's an equal mixture of "I really like doing this with/to you" and "I can tell you're enjoying it" ❤️


Now that my work day has been interrupted and you've teased me with the ear kisses, can a hard working girl get a back rub, foot rub, something??! Body massage, "hot stones" *wink wink* 😂🤣


I loved the cheek part, too... it was really sweet! ☺️


This might be my new favourite. It had me squirming around on my couch, arching my back each time the tingles from the right ear were too intense, nodding at all the questions (even when not told to do so), moaning, and breathing heavily. The 3D audio was so good on this one it was like I could actually feel everything. As always, well done Gael, I don't know how you do it, but each audio just gets better and better!


Wow 😲 It's like the 3Dio is evolving into a 4Dio. Or Magic Mic just levelled up in his audio sorcery.<br><br>Either way, me likey long time! 😃<br><br><img height="190" src="https://data.whicdn.com/images/205670785/original.gif">


Ok I've listened once again and it has basically given my legs some form of amnesia and now they have forgotten their entire purpose. I feel like a shark that has been turned upside down and tonic immobility has kicked in 🙈 aaaagghhh. I have been subdued.


This audio is making me feel all cozy and warm even though it's freezing outside... 😚


You found a way to keep your mouth busy and I found a way to keep my ears busy....with your audios....so obsessed with them😍