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Stay close to me... I want to feel you all over me... on top of me.. around me...




That was unbelievably hot.

Scarlet Kitten

You have a way of getting to me that is inspired. Love this wish there was a button to let Gael know that this gets ❤️❤️❤️ instead of just ❤️.


OMG this is the first time I heard this , but NOT the last.


So dang sexy!


sensual, sexy, closeness, snuggles that turn into deliciousness...oh so good


I just love this audio I'm certain I commented on it when I first hear it a year and a half ago but I was creepily overly exuberant and turned on as per usual. From the throat play to the dirty words and liberal use of the word "fuck". To the bed percussion, the morning voice ad the making out with da pusseh, this left me wanting to sleep naked with someone special..Gael is at his sexiest here with a beautiful mix of sensual and demanding.. Faaaaaaaack. Boy is the sex god or demon. Amen, In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Turn up your nose, strike that pose HEY MACARENA!…


I don't know how else to describe this except for I FELT that. Each time the words "sit up" were mentioned, I felt this intense tingling in the bottom of my stomach like butterflies gone mad. And the kisses, omgawd, they sound so yummy. I just love the mood of this audio. Putting it on repeat for a while.....


Oh yeah💦💦🍆🍆


30 minutes, jaysus you're trying to kill us.


Almost 30 minutes 😱 Great way to start a Sunday 😉


G.. dont you dare make me mess up Sunday dinner!!! 😝😝😝.. must listen later..😘😘


Ooooo! Happy Sunday to you! Lol watch my productivity fly right out the window!


I'm about to go into a Halloween themed kid's birthday party, great timing G! 😑


Aaah, can't wait to listen! Just hafta get honorary nephew through his breakfast first. Thanks for the early treat! Happy Sunday, a chara!




I'm only in at 1:55 minutes and my head, face and and neck are already tinglingggg so good!!!!!! 😍😍😍 OMG!!!! he said, "do you want me to get it" 💦💦💦 HA! get it boi, get it! I don't know if I'm going to survive the rest of this audio.😳 UPDATE: I'm alive...but it took me about 15 minutes to get out of my chair after sitting and staring into space. 😳😍😍💦 G, your versatility is off the charts!!!!!❤️❤️❤️


30 minutes!!! What the?? No need to bury me cause I'll be a pile of ashes after listening no doubt! Y'all just make sure my urn is fabulous! 😁


Omg, dude, I'm so behind on listening and now there's thirty MORE minutes of deliciousness from you? I'm not sure if I'm bummed I can't listen now or excited to have so much yum waiting for me for when I finally get a break!


Public service announcement: Do not attempt to operate heavy machinery, say drive your car to the store, while listening. Holy crap! 😎😂😂


Honestly this was an amazing beginning to a shite day. Thank you so much for this, Gael. You continue to outdo yourself with each video.


i feel like your dinner xP


Oh, definitely dropping what I am doing and listening to this right now!


I love when you cum like that 💣💥💦.


This is so deliciously close, intimate, romantic, and slow, with just a hint of naughtiness.😍 I love how you took your time here. Your breathy whispers feel amazing, and those long moans at the end, whew. I loved this.❤


Amy..when it comes to The Mayors audio... Dont attempt to WALK!!!! Lol


Ooooh 30 min of sheer unadulterated bliss.....?!? 😣 I have to be a good girl and get my house work done first 🙅. From the looks of these comments, I'm in for a wet and wild ride💦💦🙌...Is it possible for panties to turn into a slip and slide? 💦💦💦Can't wait to find out😏


You're so good to us! I can't wait to get a moment to myself. 😘


Did I hear actually finger sucking at 2:50????!!!!


The best 30 minutes of 2017 👐 Tanks 😜


"Stay close to me. I don't want any space between us. No space between us. Body to body. Skin to skin"....this audio remembered me of Take Me (part 2)😍your moans, kisses, growls and whispers were so intimate and intense. Pure real slow love and a piece of joy😳😍😍❤❤


G: "You're so sexy" Me: Damn right I am... . . 😳 Me: *looks around* Where the hell did that come from? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 PS: This Titty committee is verrrrrry happy - It was lovely! ☺️


Perfect way to start my busy Sunday. Lots of work to do today, but I so needed this little respite. I LOVE when you mix erotica with true ASMR binaural play....damn!


OH, That sucks to the 10th power. Make sure they are stereo quality buds, takes the entire listening experience to another level!😍


And then he says "You're such a good c***sucker".... Sweet Jesus, I never thought I'd like that! 💦💦 Who knew? 😵 This has been a big day. 😂🍾

Gri (Sassy_One)

'Raise your head and take it'...hell, yeah!! That's a very sexy position, G! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Just as the curse comes this drops. *pouts*. Not fair!


Oh I cannot wait to listen to this!!! 😍😍


I like this direction Gael. It feels more in the moment... more free... more authentic. 🔥🔥💛


Right!!! I had to play that part back twice!!! 💦💦💦


Love love LOVE.... when he cums when "we" are on "top"!!! Something very empowering about that..👑👑 #YESKWEENSYES!!!


On top of the world!!!


Happy Sunday and have a good week coming G!. I'm stuck at the mall so I'll listen to it later. But if this was a challenge I would😉😜 Some of the lovelies already know I love to be challenged😁😎😂. Happy Sunday to all the lovelies here😘


Awww...sorry love..that was me earlier this month!! Not fun..😳😳😳


OMG!! This right here, this piece of auditory excellence, is what DREAMS are made of!! I'm telling you! (At least mine anyway) 😜 INTIML! This tapped into almost EVERY sensual and lustful response to a trusting partner. Only a TRUE craftsman could put this level of sensuality and imagery into an audio. Mad props to you, G! 👏 👏 You are THE f'ing man. 🎩#commanderbadass #hecangetit 🤓


Gael i cum so hard that i had to berry my face to my pillow. How can you sound this realistic baby? Well done, sir. Well done.


I get off work, come home, prepare to take a nap, but I come here first and see this! ...The nap had to wait. And boy, am I glad it did! I was still really tired so I listened to this on my bed. Post-listen, I'm feeling really sexy and super relaxed. I wanted to purr like a kitten; I was that comfortable and happy XD Pat yourself on the back, G! You did good!


#RIPme What a fucking way to go. XD


...wow. The sex is almost always incredible with you (I say almost because we don't need to inflate that ego too much, do we?). But this? THIS? The ASMR qualities are outstanding. I've never listened to one that set the scene so crystal clear as this did. From knowing you were on my right to start, hearing you pat my ass in the left ear after you had me turn, hearing you dead center when you were on top, and the bed creaks/sheets. They were peppered throughout in all the right places to make this Feel. So. Real. Not to mention being able feel you "go south" just by the sound of your voice coming from below. I haven't a clue about what it takes on your end to have all those elements take shape like that in an audio, and "well done" doesn't seem an adequate phrase to cover what you accomplished here, but I'm at a loss for words otherwise. So take this WELL DONE YOU and know that doesn't cover how happy this work made me. You're clearly finding your stride with the 3D audio and you have a strong voice within what you're creating. There really is an art to this. Please keep 'em coming.


{cue obligatory thirsty fangirl comments accompanied by never-ending lines of emojis} "OMG this is so hot... You're so unbelievably sexy... You're trying to kill us... I'm at work/church/pet store but I can't wait to listen to this... I came soooo hard... We don't deserve you... etc., etc., etc." But seriously, this was really good. Nicely done.


<img src="http://i.imgur.com/gxPFwkS.jpg" width="190"> FTFY 👍




I listened to this last night after work, half asleep and such. Definitely fit the mood ❤ it was amazing.


I'm really loving these 3D audios! So beautiful, sensual and so masterfully done! I love the slow pace, the soft dreamy voice, and the whispers...just perfect! Wonderful job as always😍❤️🌟


This is the second time i have listened it in 24 hours. You made thr perfect audio! The perfect.


....how I feel when I listen to this audio: 🔥🔥🔥😍😗❤❤👅💋😳😳😏🙄😉😚😁😀😈😈😍😍😍❤🔥🔥💣💣💣💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 💦💦💦💦💦💦 👧👑


The foley was fantastic as always—I know it's well-done when I can "feel" my hair and mattress move around me. But the proximity effects, I think, were the best I've heard from an audio to date. Getting the up-close-and-personal sense from one of the 3D audios has never been difficult, but this time, I didn't have to work to conjure up whether the partner was close to my face or down by my thighs or even sitting up above me—the sound of the voice made that clear without even having to be told. I'm impressed! Well done!


Enveloping. Gorgeous. Langorous. Painfully tender. I've not heard anything like it. Truly remarkable.


So, the beast that is Patreon ate my comment, so I will try this again! What can I say about this that has not already been said? I have to say that this is one of my new favorite audios you have created lately, and that is saying a lot! The sound in this was very well-done, from your vocal location/mic placement to the rustle of the sheets and the bed. I also felt the 3D work was equally strong, with the movement from ear to ear, and in between, being fluid and slow – I didn’t have the bob-and-weave moments I did when you were first experimenting with 3D. But I have to say the part of this audio that I loved was your vocal work. The timbre of your voice – from sweet to sensual to Alpha at key moments – was both soothing and sensual, relaxing yet arousing (while I am not sure how that is possible). The moment in the end when you just let yourself give in to the pleasure of the moment was beautiful to witness. I know some have commented on your growls, or lack of, in this audio, but I found it worked really well – the growls that were included were much more real, much more in the moment. While I love the growls in your work, I sometimes find myself expecting them, ticking them off in my head when I hear them. The fact that these growls seemed more natural made this work stronger, less “scripted” (although your work never appears that way to me). Another fine audio, sir!!


Gael, absolutely, scintillating 'choreography'! The movement and positioning of your voice during certain 'activities': pure perfection. You created a powerful, and vividly enhanced 'tactile' experience. And you KNOW how much your whispers affect me! Loved that you also directed the nipple play toward yourself; hotness X 100 . And your orgasm! Wantonly un-tempered - almost abrupt, comparatively speaking. Like you couldn't hold it one moment longer! (It was 30 min after all ). Sexy to the Nth degree!!! Bravo maestro! I love relaying the joy I derive from your wonderful audios. You deserve to be commended, applauded, and 'emogi-ed' to death for the hard work you put into each and every one you produce. I want and need you to know how much I appreciate your diligence and time. And I want every lovely here, to feel comfortable enough to do the same. Unencumbered by anything or anyone! Whether it be through words or depictions, ladies, let your feelings be known!!! Smooches!!!


Well said, Elaine, bravo 👏👏👏💟👍💋💜😗 He deserves whatever positivity is showered on him. From a simple punctuation mark to a string of emojis, it's all Love ❤️


<i>"Whether it be through words or depictions, ladies, let your feelings be known!!!"</i> Well, when you put it that way, Elaine 😏...<br><br>I originally wasn't going to post this because I thought, "Oh, surely I can come up with a better way to describe my reaction to this recording. Something that eloquently describes my enjoyment and appreciation not only of the overall theme of the audio, but also every nuance of emotion within it. Something profound, something meaningful - something that would make a person think, upon reading it, <i>'Yes, I know exactly how she feels and I could not have described it better myself!'</i>"<br><br>But sadly I could not compose such a powerful critique. Because this is essentially what I'm like after every time I listen to this audio: <img height="190" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/12mTpB44R80i7C/200.gif"> Although it gets mighty close, this audio doesn't quite top Take Me (Part 2) on the Richter scale of pelvic sorcery. After I listened to <i>that</i> audio, I thought, <i>"Welp, I might as well just quit the Internet now. And potentially my job. Because I have suddenly lost all capacity for rational thought, and oh God, please don't let this be a permanent side effect of listening to the recording."</i> I really liked this audio, I guess is my point 😎👍


These 3D erotic ASMRs will be the death of me😍❤️ It's so real. Every👏🏾 fucking👏🏾 thing👏🏾 about this audio was pure magic. From the slow kissing and ass grabbing to the "Spread your fucking legs" and the way he ATE THAT PUSSY👅👅☺️☺️☺️And just when you thought it couldn't get better that this he lets us ride him till he cums😩💦💦💦💦 How one man can be so fucking hot, romantic, sexy, amazing and so much more is beyond me💖💖💖💖💖💖


This was such an eargasm for me. So many delicious parts! My body did so many things on its own accord I had no control. Right off the bat, when he whispered how my nipples were so fucking hard, immediately they perked. When he whispered in my ear "I want your pussy" my legs actually spread more. And don't even get me started on the way he ate that pussy 😍 I almost came when he made flicking sounds @ 11:17. And me riding him with his hands on my ass and bouncing and rolling, and on top of that then we get to cum TOGETHER? 💦💦💦 I usually prefer the alpha audios over the slow, sensual ones but you made it work so fucking well. Thank you for this wonderful piece of magic. You keep raising the bar for erotic audio and I'm not sure if anyone will be able to top you tbh. P.S I actually rly enjoyed the face fucking. I usually dont but the way the audio paced everything made me love it and want to do it more.


This audio got under my skin - I've gone back to it and it hooks me physically and emotionally each time. Evokes: familiarity and ease, freedom, confident/competent lovers (both), a sort of delicious movement between the individual and shared experience. Also, he read as so open and unguarded. Such a turn on. I think the audio drew some stuff out of my head(?) and it melded together. I'm not entirely sure I can say what came from where. I had the thought that it connects to some personal erotic touchstone. I continue to marvel at what this extraordinary, creative work does for me. Very much appreciated. 🙏


I can't even begin how stressful my week has been, and it doesn't end just yet as I'll be spending my weekend typing up an article for my college. I was so tired coming home from work and needed some help with de-stressing and somehow I always end up here! Gael do you know how much I crave for your audios whenever I'm stressed?! I don't think I'll be able to ease up without listening to at least one of your audios. And this... this right here. omfg GAEL!!!! This has got to be one of my many favourites! I love the build up and slow sensual audios for me is just asdgfjafldjfhalk ~ Anyway, better get started with my article... Love you loads xx


You came like a super slut in this one. Fuck. Such a filthy slutty fucking cum....goodness gracious... 😏😈😉




Hearing the sheets rustle, your breathy whispers in my ear....the pleasure was amazing. 💋


Bless the day I got in here! 🙌 This audio is absolutely splendid! That orgasm sounded perfect, just perfect! More days like this.