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I hope you're all keeping well on this rainy Tuesday!  This is some fine recording weather to be sure to be sure. XXD

Our PA draw winners this week are:

Kari MR 


Personal Audio FAQs! 




Congrats lucky ladies! 🍀


Congrats to the winners!


Hiya Gail! Congrats ladies!


Congrats to the winners! I hope your week has started off well, Gael. Mine has been a bit full on, I had my Nanna's funeral yesterday, it still feels surreal. Your audios are a really big comfort and help during times like these.


Evening Gael 😘 Congrats to the lucky ladies.


Wishing I didnt have to work today... rainy days and some G.. always nice💗💗💗 😉😉... Congrats Ladies!!


Congratulations to the winners.


rainy weather? Sounds perfect for a snuggling audio.~ hint hint haha.


Congrats ladies! Hey G be careful of that other chair it has a broken leg😉😂 Happy rainy Tuesday!😘


Congrats ❤


Rainy day in Massachusetts as well! ☔


Congrats ladies!!! Gael, grab some tea, snuggle up, and enjoy that rain! Wish we were there with you! *Big sigh*


Comhghairdeas, Lovelies!


Congrats ladies! Enjoy your audios! And G, enjoy that rain 😘


Congrats guys! Hope the sun comes out for you all ^^ Gael, I’m really sorry but I’m in a conundrum and it just occurred to me you might actually be just the person to ask! Please can I ask for some advice from a veteran kinky roleplayer/character actor?? I’ve somehow fallen sideways into this gloriously crazy enjoyable fuckbuddy situation and we’re going to break out a Hallowe’en BDSM session soon - he’s promised me a tacky supermarket vampire costume + proper veneer teeth. I’m currently this mad combo of helplessly horny and giggling madly at the prospect. It’s going to be so much fun! But I’ve never roleplayed before! I really don’t want to ruin a potentially mad fun night! I’m going to do a proper kink negotiation session with him first but I’ve just got no idea how to even go about it! You always maintain scenarios so well in your audios. Any advice on improv-ing/not breaking character?? (I’m sorry to drop tmi on you guys but we’re kinda having to keep it under wraps and I can’t ask anyone I know in real life!)


Congratulations, lovelies! No need to tell you to enjoy yourselves -- I'm sure you will! Happy rainy Tuesday to you, G! Been raining here in Virginia, too. Have a lovely and productive day! 😊


I am really sorry to hear about your Nanna, Pru. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ❤


I don't think there is a couch big enough... but could you imagine??!! 😂😂😂😍😍😍


Herzlichen Glückwunsch ihr Lieben. Congrats lovelies🎉🎉


Congrats girls!!! 😍😍😍 Have a great day everyone!


If I were rain,  That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch, Could I join two hearts as well?


Woop Woop girls!! Hope you're all having a good day xx


Congratulations, girls! 🎉 Hope you all are having a good week. 💋


Congrats lovelies! Personally, I'm looking forward to a rainy day - we're supposed to be getting a cold front and I could use the cool down. lol Happy Tuesday all!


Yeah, it's been a little hot in here lately...oh, we're you talking about the weather? 😉😂


Keeping well here but it's raining here too. We are on a Flood warning until 10:30 tonight (it's already been extended once from ending at 8 am today) and we are on a high wind advisory until 3 am tomorrow. It's been raining non stop for 2 days now. Oh well, no plans here to leave the house. Went yesterday and got 26" of my hair cut off. Feels soooo different. Especially when it's time to brush it. LOL Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!!


Congrats, girls! :D Have fun! I almost jumped when I saw 'Kristen', but that's not me =P


Don´t be sssad. Sshall I make a PA for you my dearesst? Hm?...


Congrats ladies! I finally upgraded to the tier where I can win a pa.


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Mittwoch - Wednesday!? I´m busy tonight... have to finish some important Stücke - pieces. So I´m just here for a little wine and Fragen break. XPP What’s the dreckigste - dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger? Do you prefer ice cream in a cone or a cup? Have you ever illegally downloaded music? If you flip a Münze - coin, what do normally you call? Would you rather be a tiny rhino or a giant hamster? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen... bis dann XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´s spooky Fragen.:)


Good evening everyone! The weather's been lovely here in Atlantic Canada; sunny, not too hot but with a warm breeze, just perfect! Today was a little rough on me as I ended up having an anxiety attack at work today 😔 buuuut hopefully nothing a good night's sleep can't fix.


Greetings, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy cherrybombs!<br><br>I've never tried the wine n' <i>Fragen</i> combo before, although now I really want to. Alas, I shall have to make due with my okay-ish cup of instant coffee. (At least you tried, Nescafé! ✌️)<br><br><b>Dirty thoughts about strangers!</b> One day several years ago, I was taking the bus to work when it stopped to pick up 2 passengers. One of them was a man who appeared to be in his early to mid 20's and was the spitting image of Craig David (who I've had a notorious crush on since I was 13 😜). The other passenger was a man with global developmental delay. Based on the conversation they were having with one another, I surmised that pseudo Craig was a disability support worker and the other fellow was his client.<br><br>I watched them out of the corner of my eye as they laughed and joked together. Pseudo Craig was already a 10/10 in the looks department, but the way that he seemed to have a kind heart made him about 1000 times more attractive.<br><br>As far as the naughty part of this anecdote, I basically thought pseudo Craig was so desirable that I wanted to take him with me to work so that the two of us could hide in the staff locker room. I'd then proceed to rip his clothes off, pull him into the shower with me, and jump those sexy, compassionate bones 😈<br><br><b>Cones or cups?</b> Mmm, I prefer cones! Especially waffle cones 🤤<br><br><b>"YARRR!" says the Internet pirate!</b> Do you folks remember Napster? I do. I have fond, fond memories of Napster... 😏 [/subtle incrimination]<br><br>(<b>Edit:</b> Okay, I just realized that Napster still exists today and seems to be a service you have to pay for. My answer above was referring to the version of Napster that Metallica and Dr. Dre got hate boners over 😎)<br><br><b>Heads or tails?</b> I generally switch it up each time, but I probably call "tails" more often.<br><br><b>Adorable or even more adorable?</b> I love hamsters, but I think I'd be the tiny rhino 🦏 Rhinos have a much longer life expectancy, and it'd probably be easier for someone to construct a nice habitat for me than trying to find a giant cage, running wheel, and water bottle if I was the hamster 🐹


For the most part, things have been pretty mild in Ontario, too. In fact, I think this might just be the warmest autumn I've ever experienced 😯


Ssshhh... Herr Gael... You know what I´d like... I´d like for you to come to my royal hall and tell usss all a good, old ssscary sstory for All Hallowsss´ Eve by the crackling fire... Like the scéalai - storyteller of the olden daysss... And if you do really well you won´t get eaten. Promissse!...


Plus there'll be food! I already have your hatchday cake picked out, my Queen:<br><br><img height="190" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8beo6MG5NIk/SsJp5NPLSaI/AAAAAAAACxI/U2dXqvV12qk/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/gay-porn-pic-COLT-Carlo-Masi-cake-p.jpg"><br><br>As far as the party games go, this is the closest thing I could find to a piñata made in Gael's image:<br><br><img height="190" src="https://www.imprintitems.com/userfiles/files/asi-media/6317846.jpg"><br><br>(You may have to use your imagination a bit, but I assure you that you can at least smash some candy Cock Keys out of him! 🤓👍)


Gael, it sounds like you're in a chair-rific mood right now . . . 😅😂