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Back to work today.  The weather is calm but this weekend will be stormy.  Good recording weather!

Our draw winners are:


Gina Amanda!

Personal Audio FAQs 



Congratulations you lucky ladies 😘


Congrats loves! ❤ Have a lovely day Mr. 😊


Congrats ladies! Have a good week, G. 😄


Congratulations ladies! Have a beautiful day, G! ❤️💋


Congratulations, ladies! 😊 Enjoy your day and the rest of your week, G! 😚🤗❤


Congrats, lovelies 😊 And have a great week, G ☺️


Most Excellent Lovelies! Enjoy!! 😍🤗😄


Congratulations you lucky ladies👧👧🎉p.s stay safe sweet cookie😘


Congratulations, Lovelies! You're in for such a treat! Glad you're getting some good weather, G! (Both the calm & the storm -- we know how you love a good rain!)


Good to hear y’all are doing well in Ireland! Congratulations ladies!


Congrats ladies! Glad all is well! Have a great day all!!


Congratulations ladies, enjoy, it is well worth the wait 😉😉. And Gael, it is nice to hear that all is well in Ireland. Have a great week !!! 😘😘


Congrats ladies! 😘😘😘😘 Have a great day Gael!


Congrats ladies! Enjoy!


Is the moral of the story that if you pick a pseudonym after a weather phenomenon, you will henceforth emerge victorious from any onslaught by said weather phenomenon? If so, I'm calling dibs on the name "Nuclear Winter" if I ever venture into the audio scene 😎🌨<br><br>Huzzah to the winners! 🙌


Congrats ladies!


AGH!!!!! Best Day Ever!


Congratulations, ladies! 🎉 I hope you're all having a good week. 💕


Congrats girls! X


I sssee, the sstorm is over... I´m glad that there were no heavy casssualtiesss. Ssso, Herr Gael you lazy langer, you go back to work ...and we can go back to play...


Another purely hypothetical question, my Queen. What sorts of non-Cock Key gifts would you want for your upcoming hatchday celebration? 🤔


Perhaps it extends to any natural cataclysm—in which case, I call "Volcanic Eruption." Dat supervolcano in my region is overdue.


Huzzah to the glorious winners!


Congrats, lucky ladies! :D


Congratulations, lovelies! 💜


Ladies, Enjoyyyyyyy!!!


Congrats! So happy for you!


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. Hope everyone has a pleasant Mittwoch - Wednesday!? Tonight everything is quiet here, the kilns, the kittens my man... Oh... tomorrow I have to bring the kittens to the vet for their Impfung - vaccination. It´s gonna be a fight to stuff them into the carrier and to hold them during the shots :) Here are some fresh, silly Fragen, if you are in the mood? Would you rather... Have a third hand or a third Auge - eye? Be attacked by bees or piranhas ? Take a guaranteed $100,000 or a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000? Be able to fast-forward life or rewind it? Never open your eyes or never open your Mund - mouth? Danke for your Antworten my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! I count myself lucky that I've never had to wrestle a cat into a carrier. Hope all goes well for the vet. 😶 Not much to report; the library is still dragging its feet in getting me a book I requested last week, and their turnaround is usually same- or next-day for materials in-stock. Oh, well. I would go to retrieve it in person, but unless they "fulfill the hold," I won't be allowed to check it out. The libraries are staffed by a bunch of work-study undergrads, so odds on getting someone who knows the computer systems is...low. And now, this: <b>Fifteen digits or three pupils?</b> — Practically speaking, I'm not sure where I'd put a third hand on my body, so I'll say a third eye. But could it be on the back of my head? I think that could be useful. <b>"The piranhas are out of control..."</b> — (I get that song stuck in my head for some reason.) I think I would take the bees. I carry an Epi Pen anyway, so as painful as it would be (and I have no reason to believe I'm even allergic), I'm more likely to survive. <b>A bird in the hand</b> — I'm not much of a gambler; I'll take the guaranteed $100K. I know that the 50/50 chance is perhaps more sensible, as you're guaranteed not to lose any real money and have pretty decent odds of walking out with the grand prize, but that's small comfort to someone who could put $100K toward fixing my physical health problems, possibly for good. <b>Netflixing my life</b> — I would choose to rewind my life. It's not for the good moments, really; it's for learning. I miss so much the first time something is told to me that it would be nice not having to drag the other person through repeating themselves. <b>Blind or mute?</b> — I've got to say I'll choose never opening my eyes. Never opening my mouth means that it's prohibitively difficult to eat; I don't fancy a nasogastric tube. I'll drink the damn medical food before I get a tube—and that's saying something, because that stuff's <i>nasty</i> unless you hide the taste in something else. (I prefer a fruit smoothie.)


Congratulations Ladies!😊


I gotta stop getting excited when a winner shares my name. I got my turn last year, chill out 🙄 Congratulations to the winners!!


Are there some posts missing or is it just me? Like the ones about the storm? Am I going crazy!!!???!!! Please someone!! Validate my sanity!!!!


I've never won, and yesterday I had to give myself a 'stern talking-to' about the mini-emotional rollercoaster when I see a draw post notification 😂. Stastistically, with over 1K of us, the odds of winning are very different now, than when I joined... so I think your chances may actually be greater in the "previous winner" group! 😊 PS I'm not complaining! I'm so glad there's 1K! I just had to get logical about it 🤓 👍🏼


Congrats ladies!... Wish I had won one also, would have been awesome, since it was my birthday but I've had one so I'm happy lol.


Guten Morgen Mädls. A wonderful Donnerstag to everyone! I survived the kitten/vet drama... all involved (me,kittens and vet) are alive and well. The kittens are a bit groggy though and are pouting behind the kilns. :) Guess what?...I have some Fragen for you.:) Have you ever looked up your house on Google Earth? Do you take a Pflaster - band-aid off fast or slow? Have you ever tried to use Regenschirm - umbrella to attempt to float down to the ground? When tipping someone how do you decide the Trinkgeld - tip? What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work? Danke for your answers, as always... bis später XD


Hi, Claudia and all you Lovelies! :D :D Good to hear the vet trip went OK. The nights are finally getting chilly on my end! I'm ready for Fall weather :D If I had hot apple cider to sip on, I'd be set. Looked up my house on Google Earth? Yes. At a museum called Wonderworks. It was kinda neat. The family and I then talked about the Google car that passed by not too long before. Band-aids come off fast or slow? Slow. I use the cloth ones, and they're VERY hard to get off. Used an umbrella to float to the ground? Twice, when I was little. Doggone Mary Poppins for giving me false hope... How do I decide the tip? By their service. Sometimes I'll do the 6%, but the better their service, the more I'll tip them. I always leave something; I'm not cheap and I can relate. Dirtiest fantasy I've had at work? At work...I haven't had one D: I don't get turned on easily at work. At home, however...:3


Ssso... tasssty human femaless... How isss your day in your own realmss ssso far? Did anything juicy happen? ...bold, delicious tresspassersss? ...annoying, tassty adventurersss? ...exotic spiess? ...


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any interesting weekend plans? I`m drinking tea and try to stay awake ´cause I have to watch my kiln. The kittens are back on form again, terrorizing the Mäuse - mice. I´m too lazy and sleepy for the Fragen, can one of you ask some? Bitte? That would be nice :) Danke for Fragen and Antworten... will see you later my dears.XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you red hot chili peppers!<br><br>The only weekend plans I have so far is that I'm working on Sunday. Boo-urns 😒 Hopefully it will be a quiet work shift!<br><br>Would you lovely ladies care for some This or That? <i>Fragen?</i><br><br>Be tone deaf or colour blind? Go skiing or snowboarding? Spend 1 hour in a septic tank or a room full of spiders? Pick Marvel or DC? Do a cartwheel or a handstand? Permanently change your hair colour or eye colour? Write a book or record an album? Always be sleepy or always be hungry?<br>Be bald or toothless?


So quiet today Gaelandia? Nothing to tell? Where are the Friday lurkers? Hm?... :))


Lurking, lurking....no kids today, so trying to finalize my grades before the end of the day. Sooo ready for my weekend and fall break. Oh, our lovely mayor has a beautiful new set of avi eyes on Twitter compliments of Gabbie. Maybe they'll make an appearance here. How is your day, Frau Claudia?


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. Hope everyone has a nice Samstag!? Someone told me today is the "Sweetest Day" in America... is that even a thing? :) Well it sounds süß - sweet. Haha Here are some daiy Fragen for the sweet Fraugen... What is your favourite/least favourite Süßigkeit - sweet? What is the largest crowd you have ever been in? What's the funniest place you've ever fallen asleep? What is your favorite movie adaptation of a book? Can you recite a Gedicht - poem? Danke my Süßen for your answers... bis dann XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, I dunno if this Saturday is the "Sweetest Day" in America, but I do know it's my friend's wedding. There is an open bar. Shenanigans will inevitably ensue. And now, this: <b>Cavity-causing cravings</b> — I used to love, love, <i>love</i> Milky Way bars. I can no longer have Milky Way bars. Thus my new favorite sweets are sour gummi bears/worms. High fructose corn syrup may be everyone else's devil, but it's safe for me. 😀 My least-favorite? Mmm, I guess I'll be ordinary and say licorice, although it's not something I outright <i>hate</i>—especially red licorice. Black licorice is pretty gross, though. <b>A press of people</b> — The largest crowd I've ever been in was the March for Women in my state capital. Over a hundred thousand people—folks were circling back around to the park at the end of the march before we even got up to the street. My participation in that event started a few fights between me and the women I knew. <b>Narcoleptic much?</b> — Although I'm tired all the time, I tend to be able to stay awake when I want or need to. Thus I don't know of any truly funny places I've ever fallen asleep. The closest was probably a department colloquium a couple of years ago. I was just 500% done with that day and the colloquium topic meant nothing to me, so I just put my head down and slept in the back. My friend woke me up at the end. <b>Is the movie ever better?</b> — There are some movies based on books which I quite like, but I haven't read the book itself, so I can't count those (e.g., <i>Jurassic Park</i>). So I'm going to go with <i>The Princess Bride</i>. The book is great, but the movie captured it so well that it's nothing but a delight. (If you haven't read the book, I recommend it.) <b>Well, Gael can't seem to finish one, so...</b> — I cannot recite a single poem. Poetry was never really my thing. Don't get me wrong, I like a good poem when I stumble across them, but I won't seek out a book of poetry for the hell of it. (Do songs count? Because I can "recite" a ton of those. 😝)