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Early day tomorrow!  

Oíche mhaith, lovelies!



Top ten Irish traditions for Halloween

Halloween was first celebrated in Ireland, around a thousand years ago, which is why so many of Halloween traditions – regardless of where you are in the world – are Irish. Halloween was originally a pagan festival called “Samhain,” meaning “end of summer.” The Celts believed that on the eve of Halloween dead spirits would visit the mortal world. They lit bonfires to keep evil spirits away and dressed in disguises. Although our Halloween is less about dead spirits and more about having fun and dressing up, there are some traditional aspects of an Irish Halloween that we have kept going. Here’s some ancient, and some more recent, traditions from Ireland that have stuck over the years. Read more: http://irsh.us/2e8QSId



Goodnight lovely Gael😴😍


Blindfolded cabbage picking. It's what's been missing from my Halloween celebrations. Not anymore!


So fun!! Close your eyes and sleep well lad, you've got a full day of brightening our lives tomorrow! No pressure! LOL 😙😙

Kathy M

Between Irish soda bread and the bread in the videos chock full of presents, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say bread isn't your country's thing 🤔😋😄


Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the creepy crawlers bite!😉😁😘


Barmbrack is a Halloween and fall staple for my family. And that kid is rocking that hotdog for sure! Night G!


Jack-o-lanterns -- check; trick or treating -- check; costumes -- check; bobbing for apples -- check. Blindfolded cabbage picking? Not so much...lol Good night, G-man, and the pleasantest of dreams to you!


Oh Kathy, have you had wholemeal brown soda bread, though? No currants or raisins or other inclusions -- just slabs of creamy, dense, harvest-flavored amazingness with a bit of good Irish butter spread on? And blackcurrant jam, if it's breakfast... Come visit sometime & I'll bake you some. It'll change your mind, I promise! 😋🍞💟


Interesting! Thanks, G, I love Halloween. Goodnight and sweet dreams Count Ghoulforce! I know, busy day tomorrow. Those necks aren't gonna bite themselves. 😉😙❤


Nice! I love learning new stuff ‘bout Halloween. Can’t wait to listen!


Fascinating 😜 Night, G


For all of you ladies and gents who plan to dress up for Halloween, what costume did/will you pick out?<br><br>Every year I tell myself that I'll be either Slash or Alice Cooper for Halloween, but the idea never seems to come to fruition. Mostly because I'm too lazy to put together a Slash or Alice Cooper costume. For the non-lazy individuals among us, inspire me with your ideas! <del>(I may or may not go on to steal said ideas)</del> 🤔💡

Kacie Kelly

I don't go too crazy with the Halloween costume, so I'm probably just going to be a skeleton again this year. I do put a lot of effort into the make up tho :)


Asian here be like... uh... we have the haunted house and the giving out sweets to the not-asian kid neighbours who do dresses up and go knock on doors. Also maybe celebrating on tumblr, remembering Oct31 is a dark night in Harry Potter. The “disguising from evil spirit” part reminds me of Supernatural LOL anyone? Morning everyone☺️ shd be nite nite to y’all.


Halloween is the only day of the year I hold sacred. Was wondering this morning what Irish Halloween consists of haha. Can't wait to listen and learn. One of the campground owners in the national Forest is from London and has a Guy Fawkes bonfire each year...Have you seen the viral video of the "haunted" school in Cork? Or near Cork? Can't recall. I love the metaphysical quandary surrounding belief in ghosts and spirits. I'm agnostic, so I tend not to believe in the probability of such things but my insatiable curiosity leaves me enamored with the possibility. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for a plausible theory of ghost physics. Why can't we throw some grant funding that way? Lol. Wish it didn't still have to be an academic interest banished to the realm of laughable.


In the Midwestern US, hayrides and apple picking/apple cider were staples of the season. I love both. Also the ever popular corn maze....


Jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and trick or treating (candy! Lots of candy!) every year. Plus, haunted houses and ghost walks. I wanted to bob for apples once, but the parents wouldn't let me for sanitary reasons. We do something similar to the barnbrack, too, but that one's on New Year's. The throwing dust on a fairy part was interesting. Have a good night, G!


Hope you're sleeping well ❤️


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any special weekend plans? We gonna have a nice autumny weekend... sooo time to climb some mountains. :) (No I´m not looking for the Cock Key there... well... maybe?) The daily Fragen for the sexy Fraugen... Have you ever assembled Möbel - furniture by yourself? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? If you could have any feature from an animal what would you want? What makes you nervös - nervous? Have you ever demolished a wall or building? Do you throw bread for the Enten - ducks? Danke for your answers, for science of course... bis später XD Danke Frl. Elaine for yesterday´s sexy Fragen :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, Claudia, if you do intend to go in search of the Cock Key this weekend, keep an eye out for a large feather. It marks the entryway, I've gathered from my notes. I really must find out how that Amulet taught me to write in Sumerian... And now, this: <b>I'm a boss with an Allen key</b> — I've assembled bookcases, sure, but that's the largest furniture I've had to construct. <b>Born to be wild</b> — It's been years since I've ridden a motorcycle—or, more properly, a dirt bike. My cousin had one and used to take me around our family's property. I really enjoyed it at the time. <b>Furry features</b> — If I could have one feature from an animal, I think I'd take the tail of a cat. Having better balance could be handy. <b>Anxiety-inducing</b> — Lots of things make me nervous. Talking about my research is one of the bigger ones. If I'm talking to someone who doesn't know much, I'm afraid I'll misspeak and mislead them. If I'm talking to someone who does, I'm afraid I'll look stupid. <b>Demo day</b> — I never have demolished a wall or a building, but I was present when several buildings on my family's property were torn down: the old homestead shanty, the garage, and finally my childhood home. The ruins of the house sat on the same spot for probably close to a year until my family rented the equipment to haul out the debris and bury it. It was really strange to drive up every day and see the walls of my bedroom open to the elements and sitting off at an angle. <b>Feed the birds</b> — Nah, the ducks around here do fine on their own. I watch them once in a while, if they're out when I walk by the crick that runs through the park.


My Halloween tradition: celebrating my birthday for like 3 days XD


Halloween isn't really celebrated here. We know about it, because TV. Some stores and clubs have recently started trying to capitalize on the fun, and there are scary movies shown on some tv channels, but there's no trick-or-treating or house-decorating, or the like. Cake with prizes inside it is an idea I could really get behind, though! 👍🏼 Enjoy all your Halloweeny things, guys! 🎃 👻


A staple Halloween game in the U.K. is called hunt the sausage. We also love to cover ourselves in goat flesh and watch crows peck it off. The first to cry out loses 🙄


Psssst... as we are talking about Halloween. 31st is the Queen´s hatch-day... I´m just telling you so you are prepared and have enough time to get a suitable queenly present for her. She can get a little... cranky if she get´s the wrong gifts...


Ooh, how exciting! We should throw a party for her! I'll organize the party games she approved of: the Wheel of Misfortune, Pin the Tail on the Lizard Queen, and Trivial Pursuit (WHERE'S MY COCK KEY?? edition)!