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Hop into bed baby!  I'm gonna cover you with kisses!

♥ ♥ ♥


Covering You In Kisses | Irish Accent - Romantic - 3D ASMR

► My Albums: 50 Shades Of Gaelforce & Moving In are now available on Audible and Amazon! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY Get them free when you sign up for Audible! Come here baby, get into bed with me and let me cover you in kisses... ♦ Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



First?<br><br>Muahaha, first! Now I need to go buy a lottery ticket or something, since this will likely never, ever happen again 😎


Your kisses are everything! 😘 ty x


Sweet Gael 😙


Oh my god, I'm so far behind! I'm having to wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks, so if I binge all these audios, am I going to get a call from my doctor? LOL


Awwww kisses. Yes please. Cum here... 😙😙😙


This is so sweet! Perfect for this Sunday where I did lots of adult stuff (voting for elections in Germany, building Ikea-furniture). Thank you, Gael, for this perfect 3D audio! Have a lovely Sunday you all! ♥


G... 🤤 This audio had me digging my nails into my pillow while I was listening, and that 3D mic 😱 Makes your kisses feel so real and so pleasurable 🔥🔥🔥


Thank you. This is amazing! 💋💋❤️❤️


I love your kisses so much! ❤️ Thank you, and enjoy your evening.💋💋💋


Lol "the Kissing Bandit". Gael the Kissing Bandit can burgle my goods any day or night.😉 This was phenomenal, so steamy and sensual. Your whispers, kisses, nuzzling, the visuals you described, speaking in Gaelic, and your use of 'good girl', made me quiver. 😍💋 I just loved it, G.❤


"You are the only one I want, the only one that does it for me". I'm so happy for you and those 3dio ears, may you stay together forever.


I have to listen later :( Broncos...early game... Nuff said...Sorry..but not really🙍


You, sir, the rightfully dubbed "Kissing Bandit," are far too distracting for your own good. Four audios in one weekend, how's a good girl supposed to get anything done? And, of course, I listened to them all, spending most of the weekend in a G induced coma, thank you very much. But what can I say -- I loved this one today, really needed it for some reason. So, I am now a happily melted lump of feels who is going back to grading student essays -- my kids will thank you for it as I will probably be more nice than I should be. LOL Thanks again for spoiling us!


Well, now I have to wait til bedtime so my weird synesthesia can do its thing properly.


Love this, the kisses, the whispers and your breath as you nuzzle my neck... so relaxing 😍😍😍

Greek Goddess

I love kissing!So much hotness in 10 minutes 😍 Muaaahhh 😙


I always get notifications whilst I’m at work or traveling! Having to wait to listen is sweet torture! ❤️


I love it when you sound so close, Gael. Your whispers/nuzzles/breaths/kisses feel wonderfully delicious! <br><br> When you mentioned "muscular back", it intensified my tingles because I associate with it the image of a woman holding on for dear life during climax. And when you asked, "Do you wanna give up control?" I found myself arching my back and further surrendering my neck to the kissing bandit. Other favorite words are "strong arms" and "squeeze" because they make me feel secure. <br><br> With whispery audios like this one, i usually don't touch myself at first. I just let your sounds flow through me and they touch everything. 🔥🔥🔥 "that's how you do it for me. That's how you make me yours" at 11:23 is my favorite part. I love how low you whispered those lines. <br><br> mwah ~~~ 😘😘😘


Muah! Muah! Muah!💋💋💋😘


Next time, floss


“When I turn around, he cups my face in his hands and he kisses me so deeply that I don't know who is breathing for who, but his mouth and tongue taste like warm honey. I don't know how long it lasts, but when I let go of him, I miss it already.” ― Melina Marchetta


Aww, Elaine ☹️ You'd made so much progress in conquering your Broncos addiction, too!


Reschedule worked, thank you for your patience and kisses! 😘😄


I'm in a better frame of mind now (Broncos lost---Idon'twanttotalkaboutit) I just keep going back to the beginning of this over and over and over and whatdaya know...I feel better! This was veeeery sexy! I love how you splashed 'dominant Gael' here and there. Those kisses in my left ear..GD, Gael! I love having my nails imbedded into your muscular back..damn that was mmmmmm! Do I want to give up control?...Let's see if you can take it. 😏 Fuck! This was endearing without being too saccharine. (just how I love my coffee: Strong, smooth, bold and not too sweet--perfect!) Thank you for bringing me out of my football funk!! Smooches!!


This one is my absolute favorite it's so sensual and romantic I fell in love 😍


Guten Morgen luscious Lovelies. A wonderful Montag to everyone. Hope your week will be pleasant as well! I had a fantastic weekend... everything was perfect! Hmmm... :) And now I have some assorted Fragen for you. Would you rather... ...stay up all night helping an irritating family member with a problem or babysit a baby that will not stop crying? ...take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence? ...take a shower with ice cold water in winters or hot water in summers? ...know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried? ...relive the same day for 365 days or lose a year of your life? Danke for your answers, ja for science of course... bis dann XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´s really good Fragen. :)


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you scrumptious lovecakes! I'm pleased to hear that you had a wonderful weekend and I hope the coming week is just as good for you!<br><br><b>Babysitting a big baby or a little baby?</b> I'd pick the irritating family member. At least with an adult I could run off for quick reprieves under the guise of going for bathroom or snack breaks. However, I don't know that I'd feel comfortable leaving a baby alone, and their cries are just at the right pitch to make me want to ram sharp objects into my ear canals 😖<br><br><b>Holding out or clamming up?</b> I'd take the vow of celibacy. I may be a quiet person IRL, but I still need to do things like speak in order to work and function in my day-to-day life. Not that I wouldn't miss sexytimes, but being able to buy groceries and pay my rent are higher on my list of priorities 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br><b>Hot or cold?</b> Hmm...I'd pick hot showers during the summer. I'm usually better able to tolerate cold over heat, but just because it's summer doesn't mean that my apartment would be scorching inside. If I wanted to cool down after a hot shower on a sunny day, I could turn on the AC.<br><br><b>Infinite knowledge or infinite skill?</b> I'd pick being amazing at everything I tried. I think it'd be a lot less frustrating than knowing everything there is to know, because there are tons of things that I'd be happy to never, ever find out about. Plus I might actually be able to become a professional basketball player despite only being 5'5"-ish! 🏀<br><br><b>The plot to <i>Groundhog Day</i> or nah?</b> I'd pick losing a year of my life. I think I'd essentially lose a year of my life either way, but it would suck more if the day that I had to relive was a shitty one. I suppose I could pull a Bill Murray and learn some useful skills during the days I have to repeat, but I wouldn't be surprised if he (well, his character in the movie) was left with some severe psychological damage as a result of him being caught in a time loop. They just ended the movie <i>before</i> revealing that little plot point, and the world subsequently never saw Andie McDowell again 🤔


<i>"Do you like feeling my muscular back?"</i> Hmm...I suppose if your traps and lats have similar levels of muscle hypertrophy as your biceps (and please feel free to provide pictorial evidence of this for the visual learners amongst us ☝️🤓), I would very much enjoy feeling your back. However, I may or may not mutter something to the effect of <i>"Show off!"</i> under my breath in the process 🤐 But don't worry - that would just be a manifestation of my internalized guilt over how I hate <i>and</i> suck at upper body days in the gym, rather than an affront to what is presumably your very impressive physique. For if anyone here has earned bragging rights over how "swole" <i>(this is the term the young'uns use these days, yes?)</i> they look, it would probably be you 💪 Oh, and I'd say you've also earned bragging rights for reaching the 30,000 subscriber milestone on YouTube! 😃👍It's mint that you're away for slates, fair play to you, and other congratulatory terms that I'm likely using incorrectly! 🥂🎉


Hi, rachel. Now that you mention synethesia, i'm curious. I find synesthesia very interesting. Would you mind if i asked how you experience gael's audios? Do they have specific colors or tastes? If this is too personal, I'd understand if you won't answer. :) tc!


Damn! Sexy as fffff...! It's all Good Girl fun and games until he starts speaking Gaelic and whispering in my right ear.. then..😈 ! Love, love, love this!! ❤️


I've waited all day for this and finally get to listen ~ needed a new bed time one! Thanks Gael 💕


I know you want to be sensual but when you growl at me like that it makes me want to be dirty and naughty and rough. I shiver and squirm every time.


For a piece without explicit content, this was super seductive - magnetic. It kinda wrecks me - particularly his coaxing out of the lover's passion. Ffs.


Definitely one of my favourites!

Kathy M

Ded. Again.


Is our glorious Lizard Queen around? If so, she might want to bust out her various tasty marinades for there is the possibility that she may soon feast on some barbecued <i>Doktimus fleisch</i>. It is a whopping 40*C with the humidity here (or 104 F for my neighbours to the south)! 🔥<br><br>Think about that: <i>40*C</i>. At the end of <i>September</i>. And I'm <i>Canadian</i>. This is not how Doctimus do 😵<br><br>I'm sure you hardier folks from Australia, Africa, and other much warmer locales would call this child's play, but when it comes to heat and humidity, I'm a <del>wimpy</del> delicate lady. Please send cooling vibes my way, and to anywhere else that needs them 🤞😓


Send some of the warmth to Europe, doc, I'm freezing! It's not that it's cold, exactly, it's just that I miss that hot blanket of woosh from when I was in the Southern States. Plus I just had a tooth extraction (nothing serious, but I'm a ehr ... delicate lady, too. Ok, ok ... I'm a wimp.) But hopefully the bit of instrument that a previous dentist dropped in one of my root canals is now gone as well. I really really hope so because I'm very, very fed up with inflammations. Oh. My headphones beep. I think that means it wants me to listen to my meds. GF = painkiller, right?


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Dienstag - Tuesday!? We had a wonderful sunny autumn day. I found some tasty mushrooms and cooked them outdoors...while the kittens played with the slow butterflies and then they stole my bacon. XD The kilns are good tonight, Lil´ Seanie is humming happily... getting hotter and hotter. ;) Here are some simple Fragen... this or that... Salad or French-fries? Golf or putt-putt? Electric stove or gas stove? Cycle or walk? Name brand or discount? Passenger or Driver? Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Up Side Down? Honesty or Other’s Feelings? Danke for your Antworte my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Hello, Frau Claudia and the rest of you lovely Fraugen! Happy almost-Tuesday to everyone. Claudia, your day sounds heavenly! I have never picked wild mushrooms as I am afraid I would get the wrong kind, but my mother-in-law does and swears they are wonderful. Life has been very warm (my AC broke in my classroom today, so it was about 90 F in my room all day – yuck!) and very hectic. Seems like the evil paperwork fairy keeps coming to visit and brings me more to do. Oh well, it’s the perks of teaching tougher classes, so I will suck it up, quit whining, and just get ‘er done! LOL Here are the answers to your simple Fragen: Salad or French fries: I love them both, but eat them with certain things. I love salads when the hubby and I go out – usually a salad with fruit, nuts, goat cheese, dark greens and usually salmon. If we’re going out for burgers, though, it’s fries – steak fries are a favorite, especially when dipped in Thai chili sauce. Golf or putt-putt: Putt-putt! That was always a go-to date when the hubby and I first got together. I am awful at regular golf, but I can hold my own in putt-putt. Electric stove or gas: I have had both, and I will say gas stove wins hands down. That’s what I have now and I love it. I can control the temperature so much better, and my gas oven cooks things much more evenly than an electric one. If I ever move, I will be sure that the kitchen has gas fixtures over electric. Cycle or walk: I prefer to walk when I can. I love my bike, but my neighborhood is too crowded and has too much traffic now (as it’s become a pass through to get from one end of town to the other) that it’s just not safe to be on the road. We have lots of bike paths to go on around our area, but I am just too lazy to put my bike in my car and go. I have no problem going somewhere to walk or to go hiking. Name brand or discount: That depends on what it is. Most things, I will buy discount as name brand is just too expensive near me. However, when I bake, I always buy name brand flour, sugar, butter, and seasonings. I’ve tried using discount brands for that but the quality is never the same. Passenger or driver: I am always the passenger as the hubby prefers to drive, and honestly doesn’t like my driving (course, I have no accidents or points on my license, but he has both – just saying!). Says I drive too fast. I much prefer to be the driver, especially when I can just drive and listen to music and see the sights. Cups in cupboard: The glasses and mugs in my cupboard are upside down. However, the wine glasses and coffee cups in my china closet are right side up. They look prettier that way, and my china closet has glass doors so you can see everything. Honest or feelings: That is a tough one. I hate confrontation and I really hate hurting someone's feelings. I have found over the years that when I have to be honest with someone, I will do the best I can to keep what I am saying positive, to try not to be blunt and hurt their feelings. You can be honest with someone without being cruel and devastating in what you say. Being a teacher and a mom has really helped me learn how to soften the blow when I can.


Thank you for this!! I discovered you earlier this year and since then I’ve enjoyed all of your audios!!! I have a long history of mental health, and your audios have definitely put me at ease during the night and even helped me with my sleep. Thank you so much for what you are doing - you are amazing 😁❤️ Much love all the way from Australia!!! 😁😁


Good morning, Patreon lovelies and Gael ❤️ So I woke up this morning at around 6:00 am, without my obnoxious alarm to wake me up 🙄😂😂 I tried to sleep until I had to get up at 7:40 instead of 7:30. Because those ten extra minutes make a big difference in the amount of sleep I get. 😂 But I couldn't sleep anymore, because I drank coffee the night before. I know. Bad idea. I couldn't fall asleep last night. Eventually I did, but I'm literally running on six hours. I'm feeling wired, in a good way and a bad way. I'm in a good mood, but I'm also anxious. Coffee always makes me anxious. I've got to remember to buy decaf 🙄 Anyway, I'm rambling now. Lmao. Like Gael, I get that way when I've had too much coffee 😂😂😂 So the whole point I'm saying this is because I listened to Take Me (Part 2) this morning. Am I right when I say there's nothing better than listening to a passionate, sexy NSFW audio, and feeling sexy before getting up and starting the day? 😇 Other than feeling anxious, I feel sexy, confident, and ready to kick today's ass 😈 Sort of. Lol. I'm not going to let my anxiety get in the way 😏 Anyways, have a great day, everyone! 😍 Sorry to bore you with my long wall of text. 😂


Yay for Rosie feeling sexy and confident!


Welcome to the community, Ashlebug! I am hereby giving you the Best Username of the Week award 🏆


Though she may be the life force flowing through my veins, Coffee can indeed be a cruel mistress! I've had to cut my coffee intake in half because my sleeping patterns have been out of whack for several days now 👎<br><br>But I would at least make the switch to decaf is you find that anxiety is an issue for you. Are you a fan of tea? Since even decaf still has some caffeine, caffeine-free teas could be a good option, too.<br><br>And Take Me (Part 2) is probably one of greatest audios ever. So much so that I'd be tempted to have it played at my funeral so that I can have a proper sexy sendoff to Valhalla. (Or Fólkvangr. Yeah, Fólkvangr sounds better - I'm going there). However, I doubt that the priest officiating the services would approve, and I'm happy to keep my family members in the dark about some of my...err, interests outside of work 😏<br><br>But yes, go be awesome and kick today right in the nads! Hopefully you're surviving in the humidity! 😎👍


Gael, do you know how helpful your audios for anxiety are? I say that because my anxiety was really bad today, to the point that I had a panic attack and I had to go home early. When I got home, I just couldn't stop crying. My mother had anxiety and depression and knowing I possibly have the same thing she has, just makes me hate myself. I hate that I'm like her. I feel like it's my fault 😭 Anyway, I listened to one of your audios for anxiety, and I felt so calm after. I could literally feel the panicky feelings just melting away from my heart, and I started to feel calmer and calmer as the audio was almost done. I just want to say thank you soooo much for making these audios. They are really helpful in keeping me calm during a panic attack ❤️❤️❤️ I am still so grateful that I found your YouTube channel. And do you know it's been a year since I found your audios on YouTube? How time flies ❤️ Anyway, thank you again. You're the best ❤️


I know your comment wasn't directed at me, Rosie, and I'm sorry for butting in, but I'm concerned about you. It's normal for all of us to feel anxious from time to time, but if things are at the point where anxiety is interfering with your day-to-day life, it has to be dealt with as best as we can.<br><br>I remember you mentioning that your doctor was going to help get you connected with a counsellor. What's the status on that referral? If you haven't heard from either your doctor or a counselling service, it'd be a good idea to call/visit your doctor to ask about it. Sometimes referrals get lost amid a giant pile of faxes or there's an online glitch, and since there can be waiting times associated with them, it's best that the ball gets rolling right away.<br><br>I think you also mentioned that your doctor discussed the possibility of medication. I'd say at least half of the people I see with depression or anxiety are reluctant to consider meds, either due to fear of side effects, or not wanting to "become dependent" on meds, or other reasons. I very, very rarely recommend that someone rely on medication alone for treating anxiety - studies have shown that the best outcomes are achieved through a multifaceted approach (e.g., medication AND therapy). But medication can be extremely helpful in many cases. I know that's a discussion that you'd need to have with your family doctor, but I would encourage you to at least try to keep an open mind about it.<br><br>I felt like a failure when I first started taking antidepressants 7 years ago. I thought that I was weak because I couldn't handle my depressive symptoms by just toughing it out. The truth is that depression and anxiety are legitimate medical conditions, just like high blood pressure or diabetes. Sometimes people can manage without meds, sometimes they can't. And I doubt anyone would harshly judge a diabetic for needing to take medication to manage their diabetes, so please don't let any fears of being judged for potentially needing medication stop you from trying it.<br><br>I agree that Gael's audios are wonderful resources in terms of helping people with anxiety, stress, insomnia, etc. But I would encourage you to use his audios as an adjunct to other resources that can help, whether that be counselling, medication, and/or self-care, rather than using them as your primary source of comfort.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone. Hm... you know, I´m not in the Stimmung - mood for Fragen tonight. Maybe one of you clever Fraugen has some interesting ones? Ja? Or alternatively you could write a little Geschichte - story for us... I think we haven´t done this for a while. So let us hear your stories, if you like?... and include these words: uncontrollably, hometown, horny, never ending, pit, Fragen, cheap, key, chance, maw, cute as a button Danke, wie immer - as always my dears... bis später XD


I see what you did there, Missy Claudia! *coughchoughkeycough*, oww, cold coming on, I'm sure, cough! I've got some fragen you sexy serene sirens can answer. (If, like me, you're too lazy to write a story). I'm a language person, so today's theme is words. What's your favourite sexy word? What's the most interesting new word you discovered lately? Is there a word or phrase that drives you mad? Funniest typo you ever saw? Did you ever invent your own words or expressions? Which 3 words would you like to be said about you?


Why ssso quiet, juicy girlsss? Hm?... Come out and tell me what you are up to... I ssseriously hope it´s ssomething... devilisssh!?...


Well, I have an optometrist appointment later today, but that's not exactly devilis(ss)h 😐 Unless I plan on using my retinas for the forces of evil, in which case ensuring that they're in good health could seen be seen and sneaky and underhanded, I guess? 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br>Ooh, and I'm probably going to get my ass kicked at the gym this evening! I didn't think it was possible for dumbbell split squats to be even more <i>ugh</i> than they already are, but wouldn't you know it, those crafty Bulgarians found a way 😖 How did you get so strong, my Queen?<br><br><i>(Is it because of 'roids? I promise I won't tell anyone, I just want to know where you might have procured them. Solely for academic interest, of course 🤔)</i>