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Happy Sunday my Lovelies!

One of the ladies in our community made a beautifully  intricate Celtic bookmark and decided she wanted used it to raise money for a charity of my choosing.

I chose The Donkey Sanctuary in Mallow, which is in Cork.   I've spent a lot of time there.  The place is like one big joy area.  It's the most beautiful place.  

The donkeys are so calming and kind.  The best I saw was the blind donkey who's guardian donkey brings him around all day.  It's such a wonderful place.

Have a listen to the video and also to the linked video at the end to learn more about them!  Go fall in love with some donkeys!


Gaelandia Cares Charity Raffle 2017!

I'm so lucky to have such a kind and caring community. Have a listen to this lovely video and may the luck of the Irish be with you in winning the gorgeous handcrafted prize while donating to a very worthy cause. Learn More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How to enter: 1. Donate €2 or more to the Donkey Sanctuary Ireland at www.thedonkeysanctuary.ie/donate 2. Take a screenshot, snip, or photo of your confirmation page, receipt, or any other proof of your donation. 3. Email the proof of your donation to: GaelandiaCares@gmail.com 4. If you donate €2, your name will be entered in the raffle once. If you give €5, you will be entered 3 times. For every €10 you donate, your name will go into the raffle drawing 7 times. 5. If you want to donate but don't want to enter for the bookmark prize, you can always donate your entries to a friend, family member, or fellow Lovely. Please DO send an email to GaelandiaCares@gmail.com so that we can add your donation amount to our total raised. 6. On November 18, one winner will be drawn. The winner will be notified by email. 7. If you win the drawing, please email your shipping address and the name under which you want the prize delivered (any name the postal service will deliver to you under is ok). 8. Enjoy! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Aww awesome 😊


This is truly wonderful!


Donkeys are so adorable 😍


This is great!


There's a donkey on their website who reminds me of you, G. I think his name's Lorcan -- the one with the flopped-forward ears. In one of his pix there, he looks super-earnest, and in another he looks goofy & playful. Just reminds me of the different tones you strike in your audios. Hmm... I notice he's up for virtual adoption for €25... By the rules of the raffle, that would be what... 17 entries? Just sayin'...


This is so awesome! The ones for adoption are so cute as well. (I'm already falling in love with them) 😍😍 It's so nice of the lovely that thought of this.😊 And thank you G for sharing😊


❤❤❤Orlaith Jane


Donkeys are my favourite animals. They're smart and have incrediböy soft ears.


Donkeys 😍


Poor Lorcan was even injured on a barbed wire fence in the Irish countryside 😢 It's a sign, you guys - clearly he and Gael go together like peas and carrots!<br><br>Who's the donkey version of Seanie? Richie? The site says Richie is boisterous, well-liked, and all about playful antics! It also says that visitors can't resist his charm and good looks, which is a description that fits Seanie like a glove 😉<br><br>(Charm is charm, after all! Even if a person's particular brand of charm is more of an...acquired taste ☝️😌)


The only thing I don't like about this post is the fact that Patreon will only let me ❤️ it once. So here are the rest of them: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️<br><br>A huge thanks to everyone involved in bringing this idea to life! It's a beautiful, generous gesture. And we all know how much Gaelandia loves its butt stuff, so it's only fitting that we all rally together to support some of the finest asses I've ever seen! 😍<br><br>Would they let a visitor hug the donkeys there, Gael? If so, you should give them some hugs on our behalf. (I mean, I think it's horses - not donkeys - that can kick someone so hard that any kids he/she has in the future are born with a congenital fear of horses, right? So surely there can't be much danger in hugging a donkey if the donkey's cool with it 👍)


I went to the website in the video, and there are pix on a few of the pages of some of their donkeys being very cuddly with visitors. &lt;3


I love donkeys. One of my fave animals. The donkey sanctuary in the U.K. raises more money each year than the Samaritans and Mencap


I'm guessing that Autocorrect messed with your comment, but I'm still going to use "incrediböy" as my Word of the Day. Can you provide a definition? Right now all I'm getting from Google is that "Incrediboy" is the childhood alter ego of Syndrome from <i>The Incredibles</i>. (Great film, btw 👍)


This is a wonderful idea and a great cause! Thank you, ladies, for doing this and to G for helping get the word out.


This is über-cool, you guys! Well done lovelies! It's really nice to hear some voices of Gaelandia, too! ☺

Kathy M

My friend survived a donkey assault when we were 15. We were at a park and there was a sign that clearly stated DO NOT FEED THE DONKEY. So of course my friend didn't listen and offered the donkey some grass and stuck her hand in the enclosure. The donkey promptly bit down on her wrist and I had to help wrestle her away. Suffice to say, it's still ranks as one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Not every day you get mauled by a donkey. It was her fault so I have no guilt laughing about it to her face even now. These Irish donkeys look lovely and calm so in my dopey friend's name and the poor nameless donkey from long ago, I plan to donate. Thank you. 💗


Aww 😘 I love donkeys! My nan always used to adopt a donkey and I've kept her tradition up! For the past couple of years I have adopted a donkey near me she's called Violetta I visit her often too! she so gentle and sweet ❤️


What an awesome venture! You ladies are wonderful for setting this up! Thanks and kudos to you! I don't think I've ever been in close proximity to a donkey, being a city girl and all. I think we have some in our city zoo. But my mind's ear give them all Beaky the Buzzard's voice from Bugs Bunny cartoons. XD


Jacksie=mine ❤❤


They all kinda sound like Eddie Murphy in my mind 😆<br><br><img height="185" src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/2f5fb5e2187d178b324ddcf2c16dcfe2/tumblr_ml622ymnhX1r5zq6ao2_500.gif">


I love Lucky and his story😍, Lorcan, Roisin...I love them all😍😍😍


These assssses look rather tassty... they have deliciousss bits. The crunchy earss, deliciouss muzzles and juicy dicksss. I wonder if they would give me one or two to feast on... in exchange for sssome treasuresss?...


I took the liberty of reading The Donkey Sanctuary's mission statement on your behalf, my Queen. I'm afraid I must inform you that facilitating the consumption of donkeys by man or beast isn't on their list of aims (but please don't eat the messenger 🤞). <br><br>Perhaps you could instead feast on those wayward youth who chased dear Lorcan the Donkey into a fence and now totally have it coming? They know how to run, so you could play with your food a bit. You know, chase them around, make them marinate in their own fear. Does your prey not taste better that way?<br><br>(I will respectfully avoid asking you how you know that donkey penises are juicy, my Queen. Unless you consider all manner of dicks to be juicy, in which case please disregard my last two sentences 😬)


Awww, that's so cool of you girls and G to do this :) Donkeys are so cute! Some houses down from mine, there's a farmer who owns a donkey, and I just smile when I see him/her out and about as I drive by; it just looks so soft and sweet X3


Awwwwww this is awesome!!


The piece is really beautiful - a handmade treasure. And what an awesome cause. Cheers!


I am now a mother of 2 boys and they are a couple of gorgeous asses...four hooves each and a tail...their names Jacksie and Lorcan!😍😍😍


I had to adopt Lorcan, too! Such a sweetie 💕😊


So a lot of lovelies made this video? Wow.


I can't help but wonder if the sanctuary knows there's a donation drive going on in their honor or if they are in the dark but counting their lucky stars for the seemingly random bump in their donations over the last 24 hours.


Guten Morgen Mädls. A pleasant Montag to everyone. Hm... Monday yet again... meh. :) Do you think your week will be a nice one? I hope so! It´s a lazy night here. The kittens are asleep behind the kilns, it´s raining... Let´s have some rather silly Fragen... Would you rather? Babysit a toddler or a teenager? Watch a hotdog eating Wettbewerb - contest or win a hotdog eating contest? Have a Spinnen - spider or a roach infestation? Have a hairy Rücken - back or a unibrow? Drink a bottle of tabasco sauce or eat a chili pepper? Danke my dear Sirens... bis später XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, my week will start with a quick day of drawing more pictures with electrons and then a doctor's appointment (because where else would I be?), followed by errands. Who knows where it'll go from there? But rather as for Claudia, tonight is a lazy night. Still gotta cook some dinner, but right now I'm watching football and working on a new sketch. It's Sketchbook Sunday, after all! And now, this: <b>Munchkins or marauders?</b> — Uggh, neither, to be frank, but I'll babysit the toddler, thanks. Teenagers often resent being "babysat" and can be legitimately dangerous when angry, whereas toddlers can be relatively easy to appease with an offering of chicken nuggets or their favorite cartoon—especially if it's only one. I will never in the name of anything babysit my goddaughters, though. Nope. Too much fighting. <b>Stuff my face or clean up the mess?</b> — I would far rather watch a hotdog-eating contest than win one. I am likely allergic to the components of hot dogs and would probably choke and die. <b>Shelob or a bug in an Edgar suit?</b> — I'll take an infestation of spiders. Both would require an exterminator for me, but at least spiders have spent their time here eating other bugs. <b>Hairy back or hairy brow?</b> — A unibrow is easier to deal with on my own if I so desire, so I'll go for a unibrow. <b>The right (hot) stuff:</b> — I will choose to munch on a chili pepper. Drinking Tabasco would just take too long. I prefer that stuff to be over and done with as quickly as possible. Just set some nice, fatty coconut milk off to my right so I can snatch it and chug it afterward.


Procrastinaaaaation tiiiiime! (a.k.a. known as Fragen) Size does matter! I'd rather babysit a toddler because they seem to like me. I'm game for anything. And my brotherly offspring will eventually grow into teenagers, so hopefully I'll be around to experience the difference! My brothers gave me permission to spoil and ruin their kids (as if I needed that!) so they'll learn tons of useful tricks like 'how many sweets can you take from any container without your parents noticing' and get to deal with 'what do you mean, mummy and daddy say no to a baby size firetruck in the house? If Auntie Mads wants to give you a firetruck, you GET a firetruck' So far, it's mostly the kiss-and-tickle monster on the loose. Wettbewerben! I don't like watching them, so I guess winning one would be my option. But I'm a vegetarian, so veggie dogs for me, please! Spiders or roaches? Does anyone have a cottage I can borrow?? I like spiders if they are on the outside of my windows. I can watch them for ages. But an infestation IN the house? Well, maybe I'd get a replacement house in a nice area of the city. Dream on, dream on. Hair here, there or everywhere: Unibrows are hot. I read that on the interwebz, so it's true. Drink a bottle of tabasco sauce or chew a chili pepper? Tabasco. yumm. Can I have an omelette with it?


Ah yes, Madeline, I see you're one of those cool aunts who get the niecefolk and the nephewfolk awesome toys like giant fire trucks! I'm the wettest of blankets and the biggest of killjoys, so I buy my nephew books because Auntie Doctimus is going to <i>increase his BRAINPOWER!</i><br><br>But I'll buy my 1 year old niece adorable onesies that have sayings like "Little Genius" and "If you think I'm cute, you should see my aunt!" written on them. She's our family's little princess and I luvs her, so I just want to buy her ALL the things! 🤗<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/4T1Ahr6.jpg"><br><br>(Including this thing, which is the best thing. If I ever have a kid of my own, this is going to be his/her Monday outfit 😎)


Loving this idea! Brilliant!


Oh my sorry I must be the only one that does not like donkeys !!!!. I got bitten by one when I was very little , and cannot bare to be near them


Oh, I think we're all allowed to have animals that we're not fans of, Lozzy! When I was 3, I was rammed by a massive mother goat at a petting zoo when I apparently got too close to one of her babies. Knocked me right off my feet, it did 😵<br><br>Many a year has passed since then, but I still automatically throw some side eye at every goat I see 😒🐐


Thanks, sorry to hear about the goat !