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So which do you llke best?



Lol at "you leprechaun" 😂


I dont care just make audios, you leprechaun x2.

Greek Goddess

You forgot to put the funny audios/rambles love


"I don't care, just make audios, you leprechaun" 😂😂😂😂😂 You're so funny 😂😂 I like erotic audios, and your rambles 😋


I love your audios on the meditation app!!!


Ooh, i like this voting malarky....cant wait till the votes are in. How long is it running for?


I love all of them

Kathy M

Whaddabout rambles 😄👍


Casting a comment vote for rambles & story-telling audios too, since there's no entry for them. Also: are we counting meditation audios in the "relaxation & sleep" category? 'Cause if not, they get a comment vote too.


I heart rambles too. I was just thinking this morning, I miss some of your vanilla stuff. Vanilla and rambles make the best busy work audios for me 😊


That leprechaun thing lmfao😂😂 You didn't mention "rambles" Love them too, luv!!!


Of course, make the darn audios, you leprechaun! Chop chop, get to it, time's awasting, luv! Variety is the spice of life, after all 😊💕


Make the darn audios you leprechaun!🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


Don't get me wrong, I love your erotica deeply (ahem), but: Rambles rambles rambles! x100 Also vlogs with Bobby.

Greek Goddess

All the above! 💕💕


All of the above : variety being the spice of life, and all.


Erm...all of the above!!!!!!!


May I ask what would you prefer G. ...which one do you like best?


One of the greatest things about you is your versatility Gael. Keep going with it


He knows all us Lovelies like what he brings us.. He's just being cheeky!! 😜😜😜😜


You know what, I've changed my vote to all of the above 😋 And what about rambles? 😝


Vlogs with Bobby and rambles are my favourites 😋


All except vanilla and shout outs. Rambles, Relaxation/Healing, and Erotic in that order if I had to pick a top 3. <br><br>Now go make the damm audios ye fookin' leprechaun!


The second to last one 😂


All of the above! Your voice is just so magical! 🍀😊🍀


All except vanilla and shout outs. Rambles/Vlogs, Relaxation/Healing, and Erotic in that order if I had to pick a top 3. <br><br>Now go make the damn audios ye fookin' leprechaun!


Just like you're not a one trick pony, I'm not a one trick listener....GIVE IT ALL TO ME!!!😘😎


Yeah, I agree with many ladies here. Rambles ftw. I actually like your meditation stuff most, but that's everywhere. I subscribe to Patreon for the rambles. So... Rambles with a side of rambles, please and thank you.


I feel like you just wanted to try out the "poll" function. 😜


Lol....all the above boo...always 😝


I don't care as long as I can hear your sexy voice

Kathy M

I suppose if you were looking to narrow things down, we didn't help that much 🙊😅😊😚


All except vanilla and shout outs. Rambles, Relaxation/Healing, and Erotic in that order if I had to pick a top 3. <br><br>Now go make the damn audios ye fookin' leprechaun!


Exactly as long as it's his voice I don't care. I trust him anything!!


All except vanilla and shout outs. Rambles, Relaxation/Healing, and Erotic in that order if I had to pick a top 3. <br><br>Now go make the damn audios ye fookin' leprechaun!


Yes! Rambles rambles rambles... pretty please, G? 🙄 (= cute imploring look emoji, I hope)


You make it, I'll listen. Doesn't matter what it is. :)


The ones I will automatically want to listen to are the erotic audios but I will go back and listen to the relaxation/boyfriend audios as well on a rough day or when I just want to hear your voice. It's all good in my book hon! Just keep them coming and I'll be happy!!😁😁😘


I love falling asleep to your comforting voice and when you tell your bedtime stories, and I love to hear you growl and groan when you tell me to cum. Ladies, am I right? Give it all to us!!


I agree with so many, rambles are loved because they make us feel more connected to you, or allows us to see the man behind the Gael characters. 😍


I'm here for the fucking. I don't care if you do girlfriend/romantic/relaxation stuff. But when you do erotic, do it like you're fucking and go for it. Label it appropriately and do it! if you wanna embrace a kink coz someone has asked for it, go for it 100%. Don't water it down....now jizz on my tits


Is there a difference between "I don't care" and "All of the above"? 🤔 I voted all the above, but that's with the caveat that rambles and comedy are included, too. I just love you, dude, so I'm here to listen to whatever you want to share with us. ❤️


All except vanilla and shout outs. Rambles/Vlogs, Relaxation/Healing, and Erotic in that order if I had to pick a top 3. <br><br>Now go make the damn audios ye fookin' leprechaun!


A-FUCKIN-MEN LUCY!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Stop typing and start fapping. Just kidding LOL😂😂😂 I don't care, is always nice to hear you. But I agree with the ladies, rambles/comedy are always fun to listen.

Meghan McDonald

The eriotic ones for me.Can't handle the sweet ones that much.I have never had a good relationship.So when I hear the sweet ones I break down.I end up crying and feeling sad.Is that wrong of me?


I initially found your work as I was looking for meditations on YouTube. Then I was introduced to the vanillas there. That's probably what hooked me. Your rambles keep me. The erotic audios were a fantastic and wonderful and sensual surprise. I hadn't listened to erotic audios before so yours were my first and are wonderful. So preference? All of the above, but for different reasons. ❤️💋

Kathy M

I've sobbed openly at The One Who Got Away and I there was another with pillow and loving talk, just hits you in the feels and there's nothing wrong with that 💗


I love the bedtime stories but I also love the erotica. So when you did the two part-er that started off with a Bedtime Story and ended with Fingertip Lullaby my heart, brain and uterus simultaneously exploded. I was a mess💦


I like the story ones. Either where G is telling stories or he is role playing a situation.


In the words of one of my faves by Blaque and JC Chasez, "Oh Baby Bring it All To Me!" I do like them all even though some of them (romantic/sweet) make me sad sometimes because it reminds me of what I've lacked for a long freaking time. However, it let's me know what I would love to have if I ever enter into a relationship again (yeah right) I love Seanie's funny ass! But, most definitely keep the hotness cuming! I can't get enough of your aroused state! Just thinking of your tasty bits and all of your encompassing sexuality... it's enough to keep me in a state of "wetted" bliss!!! So keep it cumming!!! And bring it all!


I voted but not totally clear on which audios fall into erotic/vanilla/meditation. I listen to most and enjoy pretty much all that i listen to - but sometimes a given audio seems like it might be different than I thought it would be. Also appreciate the variety, exposure to new tings and thoughtful vibe in interactions.


Hmm , well well. Lemme see, for erotic I pretty much like anything you've made. I mean, I'm okay with it. I'm not sure about Vanilla.<br><br>For the sleep/relaxation audios, in my mind it was like "Bedtime Stories", I like something like that and me having a severe insomnia , it helped me a lot. I hope you make a sleep audios that consists of talking, making jokes, and then a sleep sounds with you breathing like sleeping.(Honestly, this is my personal audio's idea and i would like him to make it a public if it ever happens. Hahaha but until then)<br><br>Also, I enjoy something like em damn it I forgot the audio title, oh yeah! I remember it. The Masquerade! It's a very fun story. Yeah Audio story, where we can also take part in it. Other example is like the one where you saves us from the blizzard. Yeah like that one.<br><br>I think all the above is the highlight one. Yep. Yep bye. XD


I concur! My experience matches yours almost exactly &lt;3


I'm going to make up my own category of "Other". Create whatever you feel you need/want to create in order to learn and grow as an artist, and to achieve what you hope to achieve. If your goals - whatever they may be - change over time, that's cool, too.<br><br>The only limits are the ones that we place on ourselves. That, and trying to divide by zero. <i>No one</i> can pull that shit off 🤔


Your rambles are my favorite. I love everything else as well but I love to hear an open intelligent mind speak. I always feel so engaged by your words. I find myself "engaging in dialogue" with you. And you're always so respectful but honest. Where are people like you in my everyday life tho? 🤔


Gael, you know we all think you're magically delicious!!!!!! XD ☘🍀🍀☘🍀☘


Well Monsieur Jesuisleplusgrosmachodu21s... pour être honnête mes préférées sont les érotiques. MAIS je n'aimerais pas autant si toutes les autres n'existaient pas. Au fil des écoutes tu laisses étinceler tes multiples facettes, et les zones d'ombre, les maladresses. Cette alchimie qui fait de toi un homme et qui le rend si humain, presque réel parfois. Les "rambles" sont magiques, Seaunie et Bobby sont INDISSOCIABLES de l'amour que je porte à ton oeuvre. Non en fait ce que je préfère ce sont : ta respiration tes déglutitions (ben oui elles me font chavirer) les petites failures dans la voix notamment quand tu es "loopy" et tes silences. Voilà pourquoi mes préférées sont les érotiques alors don't be shy come on and let's dance!!! With red shoes of course 😉


Happy, loving and positive - cant get better than that


Omfg the fourth one 😂😂😂


All of the above. Rambles, erotic, relaxation, comedy / the silly stuff... I enjoy just about everything you make. I say again, anyone who creates some form of art should have the freedom to experiment and try new things with their craft. Regardless of our preference, you keep doing what you do, G!


Just listened to " Bring your A game".. again... I can honestly say i would have thrown down some $$ to see that audio made!!! 💦💦


Biiiig Buuuuucks, girl!!! Let me go get my wallet..I'll pitch in!!

Rachel Baird

I have a couple of audio suggestions. I wish were in there😉


Tout ce que tu as dit, tu l'as si bien exprimé! Oui, venons danser avec notre irlandais préféré, et mettons en plus nos belles chaussures rouges pour le faire -- mais comme tu le sais bien, avec notre Gael on ne danse jamais les "blues". ;-)


To be honest, I even am grateful for those audios that are not my cup of tea. One of the most amazing things about these audios and this community has been the opportunity to learn so much about myself. Found Gael looking for relaxation and grounding meditations. The erotic audios have been a whole new level of excitement for me and more important, liberation and self discovery. A brief bit about background for me, I was in a homeless shelter a month ago because I left an abusive relationship after 10 years. I really didn't have sexual identity anymore. So there's some audios I did not expect to like; for example the Shibari one. however I loved it. Maybe ive a bit of s rope bunny side? on the other hand the daddy talk one I thought I might like it didn't get me there at all. But I'm incredibly grateful for it. it's a way to know a little bit more about who I am. it's a safe way to explore all those angles different kinds of kink in a safe space that is presented in a loving and respectful way. Know how else to put it but also helps to set a standard about what to look for, encourage, seek, expect, and accept in real relationships with intimate partners. just keep doing what you do. it's beautiful and transformative.


All! Little leprechaun! 🍀


This is your calling, your craft. YOUR PASSION! Whatever your heart beats to produce for your lovelies will be welcomed with open arms... and other open things but...ahem... Follow your heart as always and know that you are ❤️d and supported!! 😚


Moral of the story Sir, you may give me polls...erm...multiple choice questions...but we all love you and you're sexy! Does it make sense?

Kathy M

I also think we need more Seanie adventures 💗


alpha sexy gael for sure


All of the above/I don't care, just make audios you leprechaun! 😂🍀❤️ You could probably even put out audios reciting the alphabet or reading an instruction manual and I'd like it too. 🤷🏼‍♀️😉


I just realized this was an actual poll..I'm such a dork!


It's okay Elaine! You're in very good company!! 🤓


As much as I'm loving your erotic audios Gael! 😳 (and believe me, I've listened to so many since I came *cough* here a few days ago) your relaxation ones and story times are so helpful! I have a restless mind at the best of times and your voice is so soothing and comforting, like a nice strong and secure hug from a sexy leprechaun 😜 I find my mood is a million times better after any audio you do.. Which is great for all those poor souls who have to live and deal with my grumpy arse 😜😆 you're awesome 😘


tick tick tick and then i realize i tick all the boxes lel i think thats not how polls work.. i think "gaelforce" wouldnt be complete without any one of the three. all are as important! all are of the same importance and demand to me honestly. i need them equally and according to my every night's mood i love and need all three❤️🍀❤️


Leprechaun? So refresh my memory on leprechaun and fairy Irish lore. I'll be visiting there in a few weeks and don't want to cross them


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Sonntag to everyone! I hope you are all safe and sound!? Yesterday we had some Fingerhakeln in the pub - a kind of finger-wrestling contest. It´s a traditional sport here. Have a look if you like... :)) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8oa4vIFKxU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8oa4vIFKxU</a> Some fresh daily Fragen... What's the most annoying grammatikalische - grammatical error? Would you rather be able to jump 10 feet high or run 50mph? Video games or board games? Do you walk around nackt - nude if nobody is home? Are you listening to music right now? How would you react to a Berühmtheit - celebrity knocking on your door asking for directions? Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis dann XD


Guten Morgen, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sensational sirens!<br><br><i>Scheiße! Fingerhhakeln</i> looks a bit dangerous - what is the most common injury that people sustain as a result of playing it?<br><br><b>What grinds my gears:</b> When people use "your" and "you're" incorrectly. I also can't stand when people mix up "its" and "it's", but this is more forgivable than the former.<br><br><b>Jump effin' high or run effin' fast:</b> I'd pick being able to run 50 mph. It seems like it would be more useful, but I guess I would have to be really, really careful not to run into anything or anyone. Or else I would probably, you know, die. But if I was frequently jumping 10 ft into the air, I'd probably break my legs multiple times. 😱<br><br>Man, it feels like there are only wrong answers to some of these questions 😝 Thank God they're hypothetical!<br><br><b>Wicked games:</b> Video games! My older brother was really big on video games when we were kids, and I learned how to play Nintendo (the original NES, 'cause old school is how we rolled) before I learned how to read 🤓👍 NES, SNES, Gameboy, Sega Genesis, N64, X-Box, PC, going to an actual arcade - love it all! 😍<br><br><b>Getting nekkid!</b> I live alone, so I do walk around my apartment naked sometimes. But usually only when I go from between my bedroom and my bathroom before and after showers. I don't attempt to cook or clean in the nude because that's how very <i>un</i>happy accidents happen 😵<br><br><b>Music or nah?</b> Not at the moment. Right now all I can hear is the sound of myself chewing a salad as I work away on the daily <i>Fragen</i>.<br><br><b>A celebrity drops by:</b> Well, I guess it depends on the celebrity. If it was a celebrity I admired or had a huge crush on, I'd probably get all nervous and starstruck and end up making a fool of myself. If it was a celebrity I couldn't stand, I'd give them the wrong directions. If it was Kanye West I'd say, "Kanye, I'mma let you finish but-" and then slam the door in his face.<br><br>But to at least try to be nice, I'd also say through the closed door, "P.S., I think your kids are adorable! Tell Kim I said 'hi'!"


I completely agree with Lucy's earlier comment. Stick with creating a variety of audios but whatever genre you decide on, go ALL out. Enough with the watered down nonsense. If someone on here can't handle a specific kink done completely full-on, then they can click off and go back to their Disney fairy tales. In your old audios, you knew how to get completely down and dirty. Now it's like you're treading verrry carefully because you're worried about offending a certain audience. You have an incredibly creative, uninhibited, and brilliant mind, but these baby step audios make me feel like we're not always getting the real authentic you.


You know, Gael, I've seen a lot of lovelies saying that you're worried about offending people or scaring them off when you are recording audios with certain kinks, like the DDLG kink or the "butt stuff" kink. I know you care about this, and I know you care about trying to please everyone. But you honestly should stop worrying about what people think. It's only going to make you miserable. Trust me, I've been there. I've been in that place tons of times where I worry about what people think, and all it does is make me miserable. So what I'm saying is, you shouldn't worry so much about what other people think, if that's what you're doing. You can ask for their feedback if you want, and like you said, you'll tag the audios, like for example "DDLG" or "butt stuff," like you did with the other audios, and if people listen to it but they decide they don't like it, then they don't have to listen if they don't want to. But I'm sure no matter what audios you put out, there will always be people who support you, give you good feedback, and trust that your audio scenarios are approached with respect. I'm saying this truthfully. Yeah, there might be some people who don't like certain kinks that you put in your audios. There's no point in sugar coating it. But please don't let that discourage you. That doesn't mean you're not great at what you do. You make a lot of people happy. You are very talented, smart, respectful, and you're very creative. I mean all that. And I'm honestly, 100% telling you the truth. I don't lie. From what you've told us, I honestly think you are creative, smart, talented, and respectful. And there are always going to be people who like your work and give you positive feedback. And I'm 100% positive that I'll always be one of them ☺️ I really hope you see this. I want you to know how great you are at this. Do what you think is right for you to keep evolving in your audio career. Don't box yourself in. Don't hold yourself back. And PS, I will honestly be so happy for you the day you announce that you are able to record audios full time. I like hearing that people are successful in doing what they want to do for a living ☺️ So cheer up. You'll be good 😘 Hell, you are better than good. You're amazing. I hope you believe that ☺️


I love them all I do especially like cuddly/ more emotional audios. As lovely as it is to hear how sexy I am I adore being told how much someone cares about me in a non-sexy fashion. Sending you lots of love Gael!


Jill, I can imagine that this may be a bit of a frustrating situation. Everyone's input is important, but <i>how</i> it's delivered is essential.<br><br>Even if the DDLG audio wasn't to your liking, referring to it as "watered down nonsense" isn't a very respectful thing to say. Although I may not be a fan of every audio Gael makes, he puts a ton of work into each one. I can only speak for myself, but if I was in his shoes and someone called an audio that I had put considerable time and effort into "watered down nonsense", I wouldn't be particularly happy about that.<br><br>It is true that if someone does not wish to listen to a rougher or full-on kink audio, Gael (and other artists) have several other audios that may suit an individual's tastes. But similarly, if one of Gael's audios isn't kinky or rough enough for a listener, he and several other artists have rougher or kinkier material - you just have to look for it. If it is an issue of cost, there is plenty of free material on Reddit's Gone Wild Audio, and that place has some of the roughest stuff I've ever heard. If it's a matter of feeling that one isn't getting their money's worth here, the fact is that this is <i>Gael's</i> Patreon page. He is free to create whatever material he chooses, and Patrons are free to stop subscribing to him at any time if they are dissatisfied.<br><br>The issue of kink-shaming has been brought up before. I acknowledge that it has been/is a problem, and I will admit that I have made comments in the past that probably fall under that category, for which I do apologize. But if kink-shaming is something that can happen, then vanilla-shaming is something that can occur as well. I think that telling people who may not want to listen to full-on kink audios to "click off and go back to their Disney fairy tales" isn't a tactful or sensitive way to try to convey what you feel.<br><br>As I've said in the past, everyone's input is valuable and I'm all for having discussions, sharing opinions, and exchanging ideas. But in order for this community to continue to be a safe and welcoming place, we <i>all</i> need to make the effort to be respectful in our interactions with one another.


I lean more towards the comfort and relaxation audios, I suffer from severe anxiety and insomnia so those audios really help me wind down and enjoy them ❤️❤️❤️ thanks Gael sending much love


Chaps I want to apologise if my bluntness has upset anyone here. We use Gael for different reasons. To me he's a voice to get off to ( as if you didn't know) but I do appreciate that there are other needs. My point is that for kinky or rougher audios then as long as it's tagged correctly it should be as kinky as possible. The only way to truly understand a kink or what u like is to really experience it and not to get a feel for it using audio. This is just fantasy


Have you tried Gentlewhispering or other ASMR youtubers as well? I find them very helpful


The part I miss most about a relationship is the vanilla stuff. So that's my favorite because it makes me feel less alone. I guess. Plus, I have trouble sleeping and it's relaxing. I'm still waiting to hear you play some music though!


May I ask what "as kinky as possible" means to you? I ask because I think that's totally subjective. I also disagree in part. For example, I really like spicy food. I even put cayenne in chocolate. Certainty food should not always be "as spicy as possible," and there's always gonna be something too spicy for me. If I'm served a dish that doesn't have a lot of chile, I might want to add some, but that does not mean that the chef served bad, bland, or boring food. Similarly, as a cook, I know that every one does not like spice the way I do, so when cooking for friends, I keep that in mind, because I love cooking for them and want them to enjoy the food I made *for THEM*. There are a few spicy dishes, but I warn folks. there's hot sauce on the table for those who want more, and something soothing or cooling in the palate for folks who try the spicy thing, but need some refuge from its intensity. While I agree with the sentiment that G should be free to express himself without holding back for fear that someone won't like it, It's my oponion that all these audios are expressions of his spirit. Therefore I'd hope that each would be as kinky (or romantic, or spiritual or whatever as HE *wants* them to be. Back to the food analogy, spice does not have to be as extreme as possible to be enjoyed, to "reallly experienced."


I wonder when it started to be okay to bring other people down and to judge them here...


I don't normally do this, but I felt something needed to be added to the discussion that has not really been brought up. There has been a lot of talk about vanilla v. kink, trigger warnings, kink shaming, and other issues around audios which potentially portray sexual violence and/or sexual dominance. While Gael makes every effort to gentrify his portrayal of these subjects, and treat his partner with love and respect, it does not fundamentally change what these audios represent for some listeners. Statistically, many women in our community have experienced sexual violence. The official statistic in the U.S. is that one in five women will be victims in their lifetimes. One in five…..there are 871 of us as of right now. That means that statistically, one-fifth of us have been or will be victims of sexual violence - 174 of us. 174 of our fellow Sirens. We need to remember that when having these discussions. Rape and sexual assault are predominately perpetrated by someone the victim knows - in 78% of the cases actually. These are family members, partners, and friends who are committing the assaults. The location of the assault is predominately in the victim’s home - in 55% of the cases. A weapon is only used in approximately 11% of cases. Think about this for a minute. The stereotype of rape and sexual assault is that a stranger grabs you, drags you into an alley, has a weapon, and assaults you. That is not the reality . Women are being assaulted by people they intimately know, in their own homes, without the use of weapons. These assaults may only happen once, or they may be repeated over a period of time. The largest age group affected are women 12-17. Many of us are being assaulted before we even have a chance to figure out romance, sex, adult relationships, and intimacy. This directly affects us, our relationships, and our sexuality for the rest of our lives. That is where the trigger warnings come in. Why they are so important, and why no one should ever be made to feel that they are less than or child-like because they utilise those trigger warnings. A “Daddy” audio is realistically not something a survivor of family member rape or assault would be able to listen to. A “spanking” audio or “tied up” audio may not be something that a survivor of partner abuse or assault can stomach. Does that mean Gael should stop making those audios? Absolutely not! As long as they are labeled appropriately and listeners have the opportunity to choose before hitting play. People’s sexuality, and sexual proclivities, are driven by multiple factors. Trauma is obviously not the only factor, but it does play a part. Let’s all please be cognisant of that when we have these discussions, and when we make our word choices. If you want to know more, here are some resources: <a href="https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fvsv9410.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fvsv9410.pdf</a> <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf</a> <a href="https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf</a>

Kathy M

*stands and applauds* so well said Joan. Thank you.


I feel like this needs to be said: If you love vanilla, you are NOT boring or childish. If you love kink, you are NOT a freak or an outlier. (Edited to say, unless you like being called a freak or outlier, in which case you are a total freaking freak 😉) You are also not better than others because of your sexuality. We can't generally control how we are wired and putting somebody else's sexuality down is not cool and is reflective of a lack of self love. Love and embrace yourself for who you are, because that is what makes us all sexy as fuck.


My Dear Sirens,<br> As someone who has a deep respect for both Gael and sec in all of its many guises.  Please allow me to say that *sexual shaming" in any form is never acceptable. <br> As a person who has a background in sexaul psychology, let me also state that "everyone's sexual experience" whether it would be considered "vanilla* or no in the eyes of another is an integral part of that person's make up, and as such should be respected. <br> We have to remember that for a great many of us Gael is a teacher. PROVIDING  SAFE PLACE TO LEARN EXPLORE AND EVEN HEAL.<br> <br> On the flip side of this coin. Gael needs a safe, judgement free place to create for ALL OF US.<br> Please respect that.<br> All My Love<br> Frishawn


Hi, Gael!<br><br> I chose ALL OF THE ABOVE! I love the variety in your content; the rambles, the comedy, meditation, romantic stuff, erotica, vacation/bobby vlogs... even the one where you got yourself stuck in dough for your flat bread. <br><br> All these show us that Gael the creator is different from Gael the character. So to me, you are not just a hot alpha sex god or a sweet boyfriend. You're a hardworking author, a quiet funny friend, a kind human being! So whatever comes to your creative and limitless mind, create it! Don't be afraid to experiment! I love being surprised by your posts. <br><br> ❤❤❤


Ladies, I apologize to those of you who took offense to my comment yesterday. Reading it back this afternoon I can see why my tone and statement "go back to their Disney fairy tales" could be taken harshly. I spoke out in a moment of frustration but it certainly was not my intention to make anyone feel personally attacked. Yes, we all have different needs. Yes, we all come here for a variety of reasons. Yes, some of us need to take one small step at a time into exploring something outside of our comfort zone. No, no one here should ever be shamed. But please remember that it works both ways. Please respect that some of us here would like his kinky audios to be full on and undiluted. I realize that everyone's version of kink can be very subjective but I'm basing it strictly on the content he used to create. G himself has said in the past that some of you have taken offense to some of the words or phrasing he's used, so he's tried to cater to that. Alright, cool. But now you've just taken away what gets some of us off. Point is, G has the very difficult task of trying to come up with content we can all enjoy. But let's try to respect that he's not always going to create audios that satiate our individual tastes every single time. Chances are, I'm unlikely to get off on an audio with a vanilla or romantic tag. But I know many of you do. So enjoy! But if he gives a particular audio a BDSM, alpha, possible trigger tag, and you're not a kinky person or you take exception to dirtier talk, it might be advisable to not click on it or if you're curious, only listen to it a minute or two at a time. I do believe that creating a safe and accepting space for individuals in this community is important. But perhaps we should also be creating a safe and accepting space for G to feel like he doesn't have to hold back when it comes to creating a specific genre. That's all I'm trying to say at the end of the day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I'm out. x


I don't think there's one of Gael's audios that I don't like. As for caring what people think, I gave up on that ages ago. If they like me, fine. If they don't, I really don't care. It makes life so much easier than getting feelings hurt because someone doesn't like what you said or did. I too will be happy the day Gael can chuck his regular job and create audios full time.


I should lead with qualifier: My abuser loved to tell me that I had taken something wrong and he was sorry about how I felt but never for what he'd done. Because of this, I'm incredibly sensitive maybe even triggered by non-apologies.@ If folx think im being "too sensitive," they might be right. By "non-apology," i the "I'm sorry YOU feel that way," the "I'm sorry IF YOU took offense," the "I'm sorry but you did something to frustrate me," the "I'm sorry but my excuse is _____," the I'm sorry but what about me, and my least favorite of all, the "here's how YOU can make it better."


Wow! Niki B. I know it's highly unlikely, but it sounds like we were married to the same person! I heard the same shit for over 15 yrs. It depletes the very essence of you. You can never do anything right, its always your fault, and you rack your brain thinking "how did we get here? How can I avoid it next time" And you continue to sacrifice 'self' to keep the peace, to keep him from being upset while you slowly but surely die inside. I know I've said this to you before, but I m so sorry you had to go through that. No one should. And I am soooo happy you've cut that cancer out of your life! This may not have anything to do with why you posted this, but you are on your way to healing. Keep on that path and don't let anyone or anything slow your movement; your growth! I can tell you are a strong woman, even after all you've been through. Continue to build it. Increase your endurance and strive toward a healthy mental, emotional and physical life, lady. You deserve all of that and more.


Awe, love you, too! Elaine, I did 10 years. Its funny, the language that makes most sense to describe this experience does seem to be like serving time in prison. Some days I think i'm permanently broken, hyper-vigilant, too sensitive, and maybe even defensive. That's not true, tho. I am, however SO much better equipped to spot gaslighting, deflecting, projecting, crazy-making and fake apologies that come laced with blame and completely devoid of actual expressions of regret or desire to do better. I was doubting myself when I first read the one above, that's what the abuse does to you. The reality is, we'll heal. I love reading your posts. I can tell that you've been healing, living, and have a spirit of joy and power, and not fear, and that you've claimed it. You're also hilarious, and have a way with words! If I grow out of this to be half as delightful, I'll be elated! Cheers!


You're not kidding it's like a prison sentence! I spent 15 years in my confinement. I understand how your brain sometimes places you back in that mental state. Where that hurt and degradation consumes you. Overpowers every little thing you do and you find yourself reliving those moments where you feel your worst. Where you believe absolutely nothing will pull you from that previous mired existence. I still have nightmares about him coming back and seeking revenge for uncovering his lies and evil deeds. I still cry about the things he put us through. I still rage about the overall damage he did. The havoc he wreaked. And I get pissed that, over the years, my fear overwhelmed me too much to do anything about it. I'm still in the process of healing. Still coming to terms that this was by design to make me doubt my abilities, my sanity, my worthiness, to possess a 'normal', healthy, happy existence. It kills me so many us women and men live this life. Sub/consciously knowing this is not normal, this is not love, this is not right! Yet staying - out of fear, lack of resources, support. We stay hoping that maybe, someday, somehow, someway this person will love us, care about us; totally make a complete about face and see us as deserving all of those things. But, alas...(stepping out of the darkness). There will be brighter days for all of us. Where we can look in that rearview mirror and learn from our past. Gain courage from it and not cringe because of it. Days will come when we'll appreciate the downfall because we increased our strength picking ourselves back up. We'll turn those stumbling blocks into stepping stones and walk with our heads held high. Because we deserve the reciprocation of the love, respect, care, happiness, intimacy that we are more than willing, longing, to give. And one day, when we can open our hearts again, and fully realize we ARE deserving, we'll receive it with open arms. OK i'll step off my soap box now!!! Miss Nikki B. You are an awesome lady! I love reading your posts as well! Your wide-eyed enthusiasm and excitement is refreshing! I love how you take something by the horns and own it girl! Make no mistake, you are healing. You take your time and make sure you are ready for any move you make! Love you girl! Hang in there and know your worth and never forget it!!!