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You don't feel like you measure up... but baby there is no one who compares to you and I'll prove it....




Happy Sunday to us. Not able to listen atm. But quite intrigued. I love the softhearted romantic audios.


Oh come on, was supposed to finish this report for tomorrow, but I guess this can wait now, thank you Gael for contributing to my procrastination, I'm not going to complain though ❤️


On the other hand.. I might as well just multitask 😏


I know good and well you just didn't!! After ALL we've been through today and now THIS!!! THAT'S JUST.....AWESOME! 🤣🤣


Omg yayyyy I've got so many ideas bouncing around in my head for audios now!! Hehehe thank you !! 😈


I think you are truly TRYING to crash Patreon today, between looking for recording ideas and now this! LOL Hope the rest of your vacation has been going well and that you got the much needed rest and relaxation you deserve. Will save this for later when I know I won't sleep as it's the first day of school for me tomorrow (have never been able to sleep the first night before school starts). Hugs to you!


Saving this for later. Thanks, G ❤️ Enjoy the rest of your vacation 😘


Wow we've been spoilt recently, i have so many audios to catch up on! Thank you Gael, I REALLY needed this 😘


Lol, I read the filename as "sexy-proof" and I'm like "that's me!" Immune to the sexy. 😝


Why has NSFW suddenly become my favorite abbreviation... I swear i tingle when I see it!!! 😍😍


It is truly touching how sweet, caring, loving, and sexy this audio is. I adored everything you said! Not only do I feel cherished listening to it, but it's also hot, hot, hot! You left me breathless here. I loved it.❤


More lovely for your lovelies 😂that was so hot 😍🔥🔥


Without listening, I think this could be a good one for me ...

Gri (Sassy_One)

Empowered and sexy! That's how women should feel all the time! Thank you for this audio, hot and messy as we like it😏😉

Jasmine sanfi

That escalade quickly boy 😍damn I love your style.I just can't 😍😍


Wonderful. Sexy, loving and amazing. Thank you! ❤️💋


Oh, baby! Mmmm that was sensual, sexy, sweet, reassuring, hot..just..amazing! I love when you read my mind! You have the uncanny ability to give me just what I need when I need it. Can I borrow your crystal ball one of these days?


Very EMPOWERING! EVERY woman should feel this way! Uuummm.....


So this is my first comment yay!trying comment on my cell is proving to be a task. Smh. I was alerted to your post in mass. Thank the good Lord Jesus everyone was singing because i shreiked involuntarily and was not prepared to offer up any kind of explanation as to my sudden state of unrest. Thanks, Gael. 😜


Omfg. "...the energy in your kiss..." ugh. I almost died. Gael- I need you to come over and give the hubs a primer in hot talk.


So are you a long listener/1st commenter?? Or a "newbie"?? either way HI 👋 😀😀


11:35 should be a ringtone.


Gael, this was so sweet. Your words made me feel comfortably sexy in my own skin. The transition from assuring calmness to sexy talking until erotic love making felt natural and intimate. I love this audio very much.


A++++ ...like, not enough plus signs in the world for that, lol! 😂 oh my. I loved this one, thank you. Perfect balance of reassurance and gorgeous hot dirty talk 👌🏼🌺🌸💖


Delicate Rose ,people that talk behind your back are doofus. You don't want doofus idiots in your life. You can feel pity them, you can pray for them...just make sure they stay ELSEWHERE, while you have your happy life!


Edit: Reposting my comment because I'm trying to edit it, but Patreon won't let me 😐 So I finally had a chance to listen to this. I had to stop six minutes in, because the reassuring words made me cry. I've been feeling so down these past two days, pretty much ever since I found out I need professional help. Knowing I need professional help combined with knowing there are people talking about me at college behind my back, didn't help make me feel any better about myself. But this audio has the right amount of reassurance and dirty talk and sexy sounds. Thank you for this. Hugs ❤️


This is happening now...I have been waiting all day ☺️


Greetings everyone! First comment here and the only thing I could come up with is "Daaamn!!!" That was incredible, your words, incflection, intent...all the things, just lovely. Thank you Sir Gael 😊


Gael, you're so magical. I'm loving this talking through your teeth type dominately sensual voice you have been doing. 😍 Please don't ever stop that.


Loved it. You've melted my cold heart again lol 😚


I really love how you've tied this to the weight gain audio with only a few words, and how the two now completes each other ❤ the build up was amazing, and how you really proved to her just how sexy she is 😍 much appreciated ❤


Yes, Foxie! I spent my day Sunday afternoon working at home while listening to some of my favourite romantic/comforting audios, including the weight gain one. I forgot how much I loved this one, and this new audio completes it wonderfully 👍 💕


And how do you know his "ball" is made of crystal?? No wonder the TSA guy made sure to touch that left one. Oh wait, you totally meant something else didn't you? lolol


Ok no comment by Doc??? OH DOC!!!! Where are you???


Best reward to come home to after a busy day. <3


Raquel, what you have written here is very powerful. Thankyou for it. ❤❤❤


Those kisses..😍


The sexiest thing a man can do to his woman is to crawl inside her mind and make her imagination run wild and to me personally you reached that point in this audio.....those sweet caring words you said, your deep moans, passionate kisses and tender whispers ugh everything you said and did felt so close and intimate.I did feel sexy while listening to you.This one touched my heart!!!


Damn, damn, damn! I knew I shouldn't have listened to this one. I was all set for a NSFW audio and then you threw a curveball and added the feels to it. I was a mess about halfway through when you started talking about how beautiful and sexy she was. One minute I'm thinking this is sweet and lovely and the next I'm a weepy romantic female. What is it about hearing those words, even in a fictional sense, that causes us to feel that way? Why can't we just accept ourselves and love who we are -- mind, body, and soul -- without craving validation from someone? Everyone wants to feel loved and desired, but what is it about the words that leave us undone? I loved this audio, every part of it (yes, even the part that made me weepy). I just wish I didn't crave those words in real life so much, that I could accept me more than I do. Thank you for creating this for us; it really is beautiful.


I struggle every day with accepting how I look. Whether it's from being conditioned by the media or experiences with some real life mean girls in school, I've been shown that I am not beautiful, not even a little bit. I remember a friend of mine in junior high school being torn between two guys who had both asked her out. I was her shoulder to cry on as she agonized over which to choose (as if that mattered; we were 12 years old!🙄) and she said, "You're lucky you're not pretty--you'd never have two guys fighting over you!" And she said it so matter of factly, like it wasn't even an insult, just an objective truth. This was my normal--"It's okay that you're not pretty because you're so smart," or "you're nice; maybe a boy will like you someday for your personality." I heard stuff like that regularly. My ugliness was fact. I have seriously considered having several cosmetic procedures, and am still on the fence about some of them. And despite my sweet husband's continual reassurances, I generally hate what I see in the mirror. And then here you come with this audio and I'm a crying mess. I think what makes this so believable for me is the passionate urgency that is so difficult to fabricate. My husband can tell me he loves me all day long, and I don't doubt him for a minute, but does he want me, desire me--that's a different question, and I have a harder time believing his answer. You sounded enthralled, captivated, and that is the best proof in the world. ❤️ Maybe one day I'll be able to feel good about the way I look; you give me hope that it's a possibility, anyway. Thank you. 💋


My sweetheart Laura allow me to tell you this ... YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL...beauty starts in your head not in the mirror.you may look in the mirror and see flaws it’s your imagination but someone else can look at you and only see beauty, like us or your husband...besides true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul and not in her face or body, it should come from inside.I know you know that but once again you are beautiful, you have a big heart and sexy mind.You should never doubt yourself. You're strong and fabulous and strong powerful women are in their essence a great gift to the world.have more confidence and love yourself.I love you XD


"Perfectly wrapped up boxes of BULLSHIT"... Best quote ive heard in awhile!! Thank you Gael!!😍😍


Gosh, I was a bit harsh on this! Sorry about that -- I really loved this audio, I guess the message and the words got to me more than I was comfortable with. This was a lovely audio, and the message was so positive and heartwarming. I didn't mean to seem like I was angry about it -- far from it! More angry at myself for getting weepy, not at you for creating something so sweet. Thank you again for this!


Laura, I think you may have mentioned in the past that both you and your husband are a bit bashful when it comes to sex. With regards to your questioning whether your husband "desires" you - what makes you wonder that? Do you feel it's a lack of confidence in yourself? Or perhaps he may be having trouble expressing his emotions? I know you mentioned that there's "passionate urgency" in this audio - is that something you feel is lacking in your marriage, and if so, have you talked with your husband about it?<br><br>(I certainly don't want to be intrusive, so of course you don't have to think about or answer any of these questions at all, but sometimes asking ourselves <i>why?</i> - in a non-judgemental fashion - can be a helpful inquiry.)<br><br>With regards to you having a hard time accepting how you look, I'm sorry that you feel that way, Laura. And I'm also sorry about the experiences you had that contributed to that feeling. But I can assure you that almost <i>everyone</i> has felt like that to some degree at least once in their lives. I once read an article that listed the physical features that different celebrities apparently felt self-conscious about, and I was surprised to see the answers. Things like Uma Thurman hating her feet, Sarah Jessica Parker not liking her nose, Tom Cruise being self-conscious about his height, etc. Even Hollywood actors and actresses - what many people would consider the cream of the crop of beauty - feel insecure about their looks. So I think it speaks to how we collectively as a society are far too demanding and critical of ourselves, and how we often miss the mark in terms of determining <i>real</i> beauty. You and Raquel are right in that inner beauty outweighs outer beauty any day of the week. Despite being physically very handsome by society's standards, one of my exes looked like the ugliest motherf*cker I'd ever seen when I saw his picture in the local newspaper. He hadn't won second place in a beauty contest, though - he'd been arrested for child luring. And in my eyes (as well as in the eyes of several other people), he would never be seen as desirable ever again. No amount of physical attractiveness would make up for how truly horrible of a person he was. I'm not in your shoes, Laura, so I'm not 100% sure about what sorts of things you find attractive. But I'd hazard the guess that traits like kindness, honesty, generosity, and compassion are probably far higher up on your list than a tight ass or huge muscles or bedroom eyes. And if that's the case, why would that not be true for yourself? By which I mean that regardless of what you may look like physically (and for the record, I think you're gorgeous, anyway), you'll always be beautiful because you're a gem of a human being. Well, unless you turned into a douchemuffin for some reason. Then you wouldn't be quite as beautiful. But I don't think you'd turn into a douchemuffin, so you're good on that end 👍 When you apply this line of thinking to everyone else in this community, you have to admit, this is one big smorgasbord of sexy. Like, there's so much sexy here than I can't believe we haven't arranged a giant group orgy yet. Sure, the first 10 minutes or so would probably be pretty awkward as we went around the circle introducing ourselves and saying one random fact about ourselves for shits and giggles (<i>Doctimus loves coffee and is chronically late for everything!</i>), but after that, the place would be <i>on fire</i>. <img height="190" src="https://68.media.tumblr.com/2579413bdc64f863116662b4f9b3acf3/tumblr_mwan6qdS951qc2zhlo1_250.gif"> <b>Figure 1 - A visual representation of the first official Gaelandia orgy.</b> <i>(Not pictured: Doctimus with her congenital lack of rhythm.)</i>


Hello Lovelies! Happy Wednesday! 🤗 I'm reading the comments on my lunch break and, since I also feel prone to self doubt lately about how my life goes, I feel like telling you all that you are beautiful no matter what people may tell you. You are strong, even if people make you feel like you aren't. You are appreciated, and you don't need to change who you are. Have a nice day everyone! 😘 ❤️❤️❤️


I had a BF who used to look at me so sweetly and ask "why are you so pretty?" I would usually tell him to shut up, but sometimes my answer would be "because you love me". It's always nice when other people see in you what you can't see in yourself. But its always better when you can be your own confidence booster. That way if that person changes their mind about you, you're not destroyed behind it. This is why I don't care about compliments like this or look for validation in other people's opinions. I don't necessarily see pretty when I look in the mirror. Sometimes I see my mama, or my daddy, or my niece or nephew, just features that we share. I could never think "ugly" about them. I guess I'm saying is you can loose or gain weight, change your body shape but at some point you have to accept your face. Learn to play up features you like, never leave the house without mascara and walk like you have treasure between your legs.😘


Oh my goodness, I promise I didn't mean to start a pity party or group therapy session! 😂 I was just a little emotional after listening. Next time I'll wait before commenting so I don't vomit out all my insecurities upon you poor people! 😳Y'all are very sweet. I think the trauma I suffered at the hands of said mean girls (I have stories for days! 🙄) coupled with my naturally anxious disposition have left me vulnerable to self doubt, but I'll deal. My husband is a saint--he's just shy and quiet, like me. So no, he doesn't tell me I'm beautiful. And if I ask, "Does this look okay?" or "Do I look alright," he'll say, "Yeah," or "looks fine." That's the most I'll get out of him. And how silly of me to want more from him when 1) he's always been shy and quiet, so who am I to try to change him now and 2) if I have to ask for compliments, then they aren't from his heart, and I don't want that. I know that he loves me; he shows me that every day with his actions. But the words would be nice to hear, too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But ultimately, I just have to learn to accept myself as I am, and then I won't have to seek validation from him or anyone else. And on that note, I'm shutting up now!😂 Love you guys!!!! ❤️


I know I am strong. I know I am smart. I am proud of what I have achieved. My body is not perfect, but it works and I love the pleasures it gives me. I am not ugly, not handsome, although sometimes I look sexy as hell and I don't mind showing it either. I enjoy dressing differently, in stylish dresses and petticoats. I am weird, but probably not weirder than most other people, so I guess you could even call me normal. I have issues like everyone has issues. Yet I wake up every morning not wanting to meet the day and the outside world, which is why I avoid getting up in the mornings and go to bed late. I know there's a flaw in the plan here. The world is big and interesting, so much to do, so little time, tons of books to read, places to see, people to meet (and I love doing all that) yet my bed is my best friend because it's warm and safe, a cloud to float on and spout philosophical ideas, have internal dialogues and bathe in nothingness. Now, try and audio THAT away. Ehm. Anyone who can relate to this?


Yes absolutely I can relate to what you said👌*and like Cat said there is no need of validation....I agree.Actually why we care so much???No one is allowed to judge us.We are who we are and we should be proud of ourselves.That's it!!!!


The support on here thrills me!! I love how it goes from commenting on the audio itself to us Ladies lifting each other up and up and UP!! To all you wonderful Ladies on here... Ya'll are beautiful..kind..sweet..desirable..sexy..positive Women!! ❤❤❤


Group hug? Group hug! 💕<br><br>(I just realized there's no hug emoji, so try to imagine a happy and socially acceptable medium between 🤝 and ♋️. And I'm not implying the astrological sign with that last one)


A Sia wig!!! I love it!!! 😂😂😂😂


Hello, Gael and lovelies ❤️ So am I the only one who does this? I've decided to try listening to all of Gael's erotic audios without touching myself. I've listened to six of them already. And listening to them without touching myself, it is pure torture 😩 Remind me again why I decided to do this? 😅 Oh yeah, because it's sexy 😈😂😂😂


ALL OF THEM!? You are a brave soul. Sometimes I use the audios as an edging tool and see how many I can listen to (and touch myself to!) without cumming. I think my record is 4? I might have to try this tonight though~


Good morning/afternoon/evening, lovelies and Gael ❤️ So, here's an update: I'm continuing listening to all of G's erotic audios. I just finished listening to the "The One Who Got Away" audio. I know it's not real, but audios like that always make me a little sad 😢 Because obviously the lovers broke up for whatever reason and they run into each other again, they've broken up, but they haven't got over each other. The guy especially, hasn't got over the girl. Stories like that always make my heart tighten and I get tears in my eyes 😢😭 I think I'm going to listen to something funny to cheer me up ❤️☺️


I've only listened to that one twice, for that very reason. It's too sad :( I've never had 'one who got away', but...putting myself in "her" shoes, because they haven't really moved on, and when he said that he couldn't move on from "her"...ugh, it was heartbreaking; he misses her ;_;! It makes me wonder 'why did they break up/what happened?'. And it's strange...I think about the story in that audio from time to time. They say that the sad stories are more memorable than the happy ones...


I bearly got a notification and it already has over 100 comments lol, have not even listen to the audio yet...


haha they are from the higher tier they got the audio a week earlier xd


By far my favorite one


Omg....when I thought it couldn't get any better...ugh.... #seeyouinmynightmares😉


Man I wish someone wanted me like this. :(


i love listening to you explode