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Happy Saturday, Lovelies!




Oh my💦💦💦


so delicious, I have a thing for hands, so so much yes for this one


Could you pls do another version of this plss this is a masterpiece and that little spanking and the whispers and OMG I WAS SO TURNED ON


Well hello and happy Saturday afternoon to you! X


Yay! Just in time for the weekend! Thanks Gael❣️


I really needed this.


Just came back from work! Nothing better to treat myself than a new audio <3 Have a nice weekend Gael, relax and be a bad boy! ahaha


Perfect timing...guess I'll stay in bed a little longer. 🎧❤️💋


So this is similar to the last audio but that's for a good reason! I'm putting this on my new album, I'm revamping 'hands on' for audiobooks.com Also, it's the beginning of a JOI adventure I hope you all enjoy!! Happy Saturday sweethearts


I like adventures! Now I'll listen to this while working on a text about fashion. Suitable, eh? (aw, aw, BAD PUN!) Enjoy your Saturday, Gael.


Are we sitting in front of a mirror here? We should be. Add that.


Seriously these tongue sounds drive me crazy 😍


Seriously love this 😍 nice start to my weekend! Have a nice weekend yourself ☺️


Melissa!!! Did he say kiss me deeply and make my cock crow? (he didn't but I'm dying 😂😂)


"Tap that pussy!" Oh you can tap it!! Tap it like you're speaking in Morse Code!!!! LMAO!! I'd be all oiled up glistening like a new copper penny!!!! JOI adventures here we come.... Or cum... Same difference!! Happy Saturday y'all!!😁


Holy hell! If all of these are is one place we are going to combust, Gael! I didn't think it could get hotter than the last one, but you worked your magic! Keep em coming, love!


Happy Saturday to me is right! :) This makes me feel so thoroughly cared for. The idea of guiding your big, oiled up hands over my body, *sigh*, delicious. If this is a taste of what's to come, I can't wait. Audiobooks.com isn't going to know what hit them! 😍Happy Saturday ❤! 😙😙


Master of sensual audios!! 👑 Oil is so sexy and sensual, and love the idea! Don't you dare saying again that Gael is a pornstar or what you do is audio porn... it's NOTHING like porn!


When I first saw the notif for this and saw the title, I was like, "Awww Take My Hand, how sweet." Then I see the pic and the tags and I was like, "Woah... Not as innocent as I initially thought." 😅 <br><br> An enumeration of my favorite parts:<br> 1. Those shaky breaths transmit so much excitement and anticipation through my ears. Very much helpful in pushing me to the edge. <br> 2. The position here with you behind the listener is so sexy. It triggers me to imagine some warmth on my whole back side and breaths on my nape and behind the ears. Neck kissing is ❤❤❤. <br> 3. Sexy clean-up at the end. <br> 4. Breast play... oh yeah... <br><br> Thanks for this sensual treat. May everyone have a restful weekend! 😙


You, sir, are a sensual gentleman. 💋 Asking to be guided the right way, saying "please", AND cleaning up?? 😊 Love the sensory overload of the simultaneous nipple and pussy attention!

Kathy M

This isn't like "pull my finger" right? 😳🙄😆

Greek Goddess

I'm listening the audio at the bus station.Im waiting for the bus to depart in half and hour and it's full of people here 😂😂


Gael! Two in a row? Oh my goodness baby! Talk about sensual eroticism! Those trembling breaths, that urgency, your en-JOI-ment made my body quiver head to toe. Was it a rule that my other hand had to stay on the floor? Because it wouldn't have. It would have shot up to the nape your neck; grabbed a handful of your hair to make sure I didn't buck across the floor. "Fuck, YOU are amazing," Gael! I'm starting to feel a bit guilty, though. You've been in "bits" with your work yet you still won't let the pleasure be reciprocated. You've been beyond good to us Gael, let us be good to you. Please baby?


Part 4 of "the Fapper" has been added. There is no sex in this one...relax..they can't be pumpin and a sweatin all of the time XD


Holy christ on a pogo stick. I'm pretty much useless the rest of the day. Fuck. These always do me in. Slow &amp; sensual, so intense.<br><br> I'm really excited about the JOI audio, so many delicious possibilities....so many opportunities for multiple orgasms in each story.<br><br>Amazing work love. 💕💋


It's probably a bit too early in the day for a wall of text for those of us living in the PST/MST/CST/EST time zones, but I'm on my second cup of coffee and ready to go! 🤓☕️ <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> As Gael pointed out, this audio was similar to BS4: Part 2. However, when I saw the title of this audio, I was hoping there would be one particular difference between them, and I was pleased to hear that there was. I'm sure we all know that porn can sometimes give people pretty warped ideas about sex. But when I was thinking about it further (I wax philosophical about the topic of human sexuality every 3rd Saturday of the month between the hours of 10 am to 12 pm), sometimes visual, written, and audio erotica can produce similar unrealistic expectations. I mean, we know that "Gael" and characters in written erotica are fictional, that people in visual erotica are actors/actresses, etc. But many of the sex acts portrayed in different mediums of erotica are essentially the same sorts of things people do in real life (like hand jobs, oral, and good ol' fashioned sexytimes, rather than some elaborate Steampunk roleplay involving a sex swing and a flogger 😛). I think Gael does a good job of describing the listener's character in general enough terms that anyone could insert themselves into the fantasy, but he is far more specific when it comes to describing what he's doing to the listener. Which is, of course, necessary because you can't really go far with an erotic audio if it only contains vague phrases like, <i>"And then I do that thing that drives you wild using that body part of mine that you love, including but not limited to my fingers, tongue, and/or penis. *growl*"</i> While describing sex acts in more detail can make for a more vivid story overall, it might decrease the appeal of an audio for listeners who just aren't into that sort of thing. This is both inevitable and normal, and many audio artists do try to make up for that by creating a wide variety of audios to cater to as many tastes as they can. But another (and IMO, less common) way that artists try to compensate is by giving the listeners some creative liberties within the sex acts themselves. In the case of this audio, it was basically the part where Gael tells the listener to take his hand and use it to go to town on herself. I know I'm not saying anything groundbreaking here, but the reason I'm highlighting this specific example is because it illustrates something that probably doesn't happen as often as it should in real life cases of sex and intimacy. I know I've mentioned that I was a late (like, so late it wasn't even fashionably late anymore) bloomer in terms of intimacy, and while I was well-versed in matters of reproductive physiology, I didn't really have any "street smarts" about sex. My thought process was, <i>"Well, stimulating a woman's clit or the tip of a man's dick always seems to do the trick in erotic novels, audios, and films. Plus these are also the areas of the body with a high concentration of nerve endings. So that's probably what we should be doing, right?"</i> Now, the answer to that is, <i>"Well, that depends on the person and the situation"</i>, but I didn't know that at the time. Consequently, I ended up getting frustrated and wondering if there was something wrong with me when my partner at the time did things that I thought <i>should</i> have been a turn on, but weren't. And when I did things that I thought <i>should</i> have turned him on, but didn't. To my credit, I had enough sexual savvy to know that communication between partners is crucial to ensure a pleasurable experience for everyone. But until I was actually in the middle of that kind of situation, I hadn't realized how hard it was to verbally convey what is and isn't working for you. <i>"Uhh, no, that's...just no to that, okay? Can you move about 4 mm to the left and about 7 mm up? Yeah, that's the spot! But now don't do...you know, that thing that you're doing right now. Maybe if you rotated your fingers counterclockwise about 45 degrees? Let's try that...nope, that's still not working. Oh for fuck's sake, isn't this stuff supposed to be instinctive? Why can't I get the hang of this?</i> What am I doing wrong???" I can be really oblivious a lot of the time, so it never occurred to me to just reach down, take hold of his hand, and show him what I wanted him to do. Instead I just went along with it and pretended to enjoy it because I was too embarrassed to say what I really felt, and I didn't want my partner at the time to feel bad. I know my thought processes can be pretty...unorthodox at times, but I would bet $500 that a lot of people (women and men alike) have been in similar situations. Whether it's because they're new to sex and intimacy, or they're not sure how to put their thoughts/feelings into words, or their partners are either not too observant or maybe completely selfish. (BTW, if it's the latter most case and a partner isn't willing to work and learn with you, then they don't deserve you). So I think that this is a really great audio for people who may fall into the above categories, because it shows that guiding a partner to show them the best way to please you doesn't kill the mood, nor is it anything to be ashamed or embarrassed about. If anything, I think it makes a scenario even more sexy because it shows that the act isn't just a meeting of the naughty bits - it's a meeting of the minds/hearts, and a show of trust and care. Whether a sexual encounter is casual or occurs within the context of a deeper connection or relationship, being attuned to and respectful of the needs of your partner (provided that this doesn't require you to do something you're uncomfortable with) is important. Also, I'm really digging these quiet, but passionate whispery audios. I think they're sexy and intimate as hell, even though there may not be any actual mashing together of the junk. There's a time and place for different things, no doubt, but you can still have fun without going balls out primal and moaning as loudly as the annoying couple who live in the apartment above me and routinely wake me up every second and fourth Sunday of the month with the sound of their freakness 😳 #thickerceilingsplease<br><br><b><u>tl;dr:</u></b> This is a very sexy and intimate audio that could potentially be useful in the "Ways to Effectively Communicate With Your Partner" portion of a Sex Ed 101 course. 🤓👍


So sloooow and sexy...and oily mmmmmm🔥🔥🔥 You did it again Gael! 👏🏽 Now excuse me while I go indulge again 😉😚


Totally agree and very well described!! He captured the essence of sensual communication without "going balls out primal" which is a rarity especially when it's only auditory.

Kathy M

I've been done taken to church! Amazing audio, touched all the right spots and tones, thank you 🔥💗🔥💕🔥


I wasn’t sure to what to expect with this audio – you’ve used “take my hand” so many times in your other audios, but I have to say this request was so unexpected and greatly appreciated. The sensuality of your latest work is thoroughly enjoyable and impressive to me: the whispers, the actions, the intimacy you are creating is so much more than what one might expect from an audio. How you have grown to create these feelings is nothing short of amazing; it’s one thing to make audios that cause sexual satisfaction, quite another to cause a sense of well-being and of feeling cherished. Bravo, luv! I agree with Doc’s take on this audio. Communication is so important between partners no matter where they are in the course of their relationship. The first time I was asked to “show” my partner what I liked, I was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say – shouldn’t he know? – instead, just saying I liked anything he did. As we grew to trust each other more, it became easier to tell him when he asked as I learned that it was as much of a turn-on for him as it was for me. Now, many years later, he knows what I like, so when he asks me to show him, it’s different. It becomes more intimate, more mutual enjoyment than me just “instructing” him. I get the sense from this audio, and “Fingertip Lullaby,” that the “Gael” character is enjoying the experience just as much as his partner. That is so important to convey – it’s easy for a woman to feel selfish when it is “all about her.” I used to feel that it was all about his “happy ending” for him, but I’ve since learned it’s not. The fact that you let her know that it was about her, that it was okay, makes these audios special. I look forward to seeing where you go with this series and to the JOI (which was my favorite kind before you got me feeling all the “feels” here! LOL)! If the rest are as good as the first few, I definitely think you’ll give “50 Shades of Gael” a run for its money!


*screams internally bc I listened to this while babysitting*


One day, Amy, when I'm a 'real' grown-up, I want to be as eloquent as you and Doc. 💗 I had the same feeling in this audio and Fingertip Lullaby (*shiver)....of being allowed, encouraged even, to be selfish. And that 'Gael' was enjoying giving the pleasure just as much. Being made to feel cherished, special and sometimes even beautiful is, personally, the biggest thing I get from these audios. But I didn't have the words to convey that. So, thanks, you two, for expressing it so well 😙

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Our God has spoken ladies.....may we bow our heads in prayer.....our church is so blessed......Whoever is new to our church, welcome. Time for our readings and new baptisms....🔮🌹🔥


Ack, such conflicting feels about Montgomery! On one hand, I'd be mad and creeped out as hell if he just showed up at my house like that. 😠 I mean, he probably would've found out my address by sifting through my wallet and looking at my driver's license or something. But then when he whipped out the daisy and started getting all nervous, insisting he was a good guy...my Spidey sense would be all <i>"Don't believe him - every word coming from that sexy, sexy mouth is a lie!</i><br><br> But then the <i>D'aww</i> part of my brain would think, <i>"But what if he's not lying? What harm could it do to just go out for dinner? It's a free meal, at any rate. He's rich, so I could totally order two appetizers and the steak and lobster without feeling guilty."</i><br><br>And then I'd realize too late that "taking me out for dinner" was a euphemism for <i>"He's going to try to eat you out under the table at a 5-star restaurant and you will never, ever get the chance to eat that steak and lobster."</i> 😳<br><br>I guess you could say that I'm really looking forward to Part 5 😆 Thanks for sharing the story with us, Elaine 😃👍


Yes! Our anamchara has shared the Word! He loves it when we stroke his cock and kiss him. If It's the way he want us to adore him, it's what we'll do! 😍


Euh ... I think this particular head of church also wants to please US.


Sensual and intense Gael.Loved it✌😚


Those nibbles had me gasping for air and moaning uncontrollably. So sexy and tender.😳😩💕💦


I loved it but it felt like it ended so abruptly. :(


So after a stressful day of running around I finally got to rest... And melt a bit... Ok maybe a lot. This was 😍😍😍


Just listened--don't mind me, I'm just happily melting into a puddle over here. 😌 Everything that makes this lovely has already been said, so I'll just add that I love, love, love these quiet, whispery audios. And I love that you are so excited to please her, that pleasing her pleases you, too. That is a revelation to me. Thank you for this. ❤


This is so sexy in so many ways. It's 2:32 AM, and I have intentionally put this off until the wee hours of the night. Oooohhhh, it's perfection...I swear I have had this exact fantasy and played it out in my mind so many times, but you have taken it to the next level. The pace, the tone, and hearing you command me to feel you and watch you play with me through clenched teeth...you are a sexy beast, and I know my fellow naughty vixens felt this one as deeply as I did. I'm going back for seconds now. Yes, this is just soooooo good...makes my pretty kitty twitch with delight 😊


Someone, tell my mom that I loved her. I am so dead! 😍😘❤

Kathy M

You'll be doing more like this? *gulp* If you insist. No biggie. It's cool. *goes away to combust quietly*


Listened to this on repeat last night before sleep, love love sinking into your velvety voice and letting go of the stress. Listening to your instructions, which have just the right amount of command, mixed with a sense of tenderness creates a sense of safety and trust. Love hearing the amount of pleasure you get from giving her pleasure. Really good stuff! 😙


Oh myyyyy. Oh. My. Listened before sleeping. Woke up with the name of a man I've have met in my lips. ♡♡♡


Finally got around to this and wow! I love the position this audio has the listener in. And those ear nibbles though! Gets me every fucking time ❤


Oh yaasssssss.



Prue (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:07:52 A great way to end January.
2017-08-27 15:37:56 Just..... wow

Just..... wow


When you whisper, I feel like I'm going to melt literally!


omg tingles


Why the fingers?? WHYYYY??!!!😨🌋 I thought we were just going to hold hands, that's the ONLY reason I listened to this 😇


so tingly 🤤