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Still a bit wound up?  I have another way to help you get to sleep...

Night night!




Oh my god. This audio is so incredible. I don’t know if I’ve heard one yet this profoundly erotic. The super quiet voice creates this intense depth of intimacy, it just really blew me away. You banged this one out of the park, Gael. Hats off, babe. 👌🏼💕


How had I missed this bedtime story! It includes so much of my favorite things 😍❤


That was beautiful. I'm not even a little bit sleepy now. I love when a man just wants to make me orgasm. When the pleasure he seeks is the simple desire to feel powerful and skilled. When he uses all the knowledge he's gained about what pushes my buttons, says what I like to hear in the perfect tone, pays close attention to detail...When I become a project he wants to execute exquisitely...ah.


Definitely one of my favorites 😊


Just HOT, HOT, and always a fav. You sir are the best!


So sexy! 🔥


Amazing, as usual ❤️❤️❤️


perfect way to be put to sleep


Sweetjeezus.... 🥵 Hot and sensual and attentive. Another amazing audio. .... I need some water now 😅


Perfect 💜


Bedtime is going to be amazeballs.


Should I wait until my bedtime to listen? Real question is ...CAN I?? 🎧❤️


You say "Sleep" but I think not....😉 Goodnight G! 😁


I'm going to sleep VERY well tonight lol 😴💋


You're not right, you know that? 😝💕💋


I must wait to bed time... I must wait till bed time... I must wait till bedtime... I can go to bed at 6pm, can't I??


It's not bedtime but Ima listen to this anyway haha 😂

Gri (Sassy_One)

Fuck!😵 Ladies, this is good, good...so damn good! Gael, you did it again, dude!😵😵😵


If I listen now I'll never pack for this trip!!! I'll end up leaving with just a toothbrush and some socks!!! Lol!! I must wait dammit!! Dammit all to hell!!!


Now this relaxed me no end! Nice work Mr Force! 🤞🏼


Well I couldn't wait. Perhaps I should have at least waited until I left Starbucks. Pretending to read a book on my tablet, Hopefully I didn't look too dazed sitting at the table by myself. 🤤. 🎧❤️


Oooh...the sweet anticipation this brings! Can't wait to be done packing for our camping trip! 👏🏻


Nails and fingers. Yup, yup.

Greek Goddess

Omg that was really hot and sensual! 🤤


Awesome! Love the First part of the bedtime stories haven't listen to the 2nd part yet. Thanks again G for doing this😄 Here's a goodnight kiss for yah!💋Nighty night!


Initial impression is that That Was Amazing!! ...but I'm going to listen a few more times just to be sure. 😍💋😘💕


Ohh, those whispers ... like you wrap your breath around me, caress me, so sensual ...


I'm breathless. Just when I thought bedtime stories couldn't get any better, you come up with this delectable gem. This was so unbelievably hot and sensual, then to end it by being held tight and hearing your even breathing, perfect. This would surely relax me to sleep if your stories didn't do it yet. You, Sir, are a treasure. Sweet dreams ❤ 💋💋💋


Oh you bastard.


Oh my!!! If you can do this to us while working all those hours Gael, I can't wait until you do this full time!! Oiche mhaith Binneas!!


I'm sorry...you expect me to sleep after this?


Morning sex would be awesome. ! Put Gael on a plate and sop him up with a biscuit!!! LMAO!!!!


<img src="http://68.media.tumblr.com/0bac7c0d4c75c7bd8038a3812711b5ca/tumblr_nry4vlx83E1tap2dlo1_250.gif">


What the faaahk is this trickery and where can I find a man like this??!! **waving my white flag of surrender** Right ear gets me every time! Good Gawd!!!!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Oh my, it´ s Montag - Monday again... time flies! Anyway, wish you all a pleasant week. I´ m in a rrush today... :) So here are some sexy, scientific Montags Fragen... Have you ever put on a strip show? Have you ever sexted while at work? Have you ever used Handschellen - handcuffs? Have you ever watched porn with someone? Who get´ s more pleasure from sex... women or men? ;) Danke for your answers, as always... bis dann XD


Perfect summer night ❤️

Kathy M

Lusciously sensual 💗


Hallo, Frau Claudia! I modified the original draft of this comment so that my answers are up front in the name of science. My whiny word vomit - which is mostly just me thinking out loud (or on screen?) - is located <i>below</i> my answers so that people looking for Montag's <i>Antworten</i> can easily scroll past it to find the next comment beneath 👇 <b>Strip show:</b> Nope, I have not! But if I ever do, it'll probably be to the tune of R. Kelly's "Strip For You" (you have to admit, that's a sexy song 😌) <b>Sexting at work:</b> Yes, but it was while I was safely locked away in the bathroom during my lunch break. (I get bonus points for not making inappropriate use of company time, yes? 😝) <b>Handcuffs:</b> I've not worn them myself or used them on anyone else before. Not even the day when I rather unexpectedly wound up in the back of a police car, which is something I have managed to successfully hide from my parents for almost 3 years 😎👍 (And no, I wasn't getting freaky with a cop or anything. Get those sexy minds out of the proverbial gutter, ladies 😛) <b>Watched porn with someone else:</b> Now that I think of it, I've not done this either 🤔 Probably because I don't typically watch porn to begin with since it doesn't really do the trick for me. <b>Battles of the sexes during sexing:</b> Hmm...it probably varies depending on the situation. Hopefully both partners get a kick out of it 😏 <b>Word vomit that you should probably not read since you could be doing something a lot more fun, like watching water boil or cleaning your toilet:</b> Ah yes, it is (almost) Montag, but I'm surprisingly not fussed about the weekend coming to an end. Mostly because the past several days have just bled together into one giant blur of work and stress and trying to decide if I'm mega-screwed, ultra-screwed, or super-screwed because I'm so far behind in <i>everything</i>. 😫 I'm sure if I were to take a step back and look at the big picture, things aren't nearly as bad as they seem in my mind. After all, when it comes to picking my poisons, my cognitive distortions of choice are mental filtering, catastrophizing, jumping to conclusions, and disqualifying the positive. 😕 I'll confess that I read some of the comments about the Bedtime Stories 4 audios with a bit of envy, since so many of you really enjoyed them, felt that they reduced your stress, made you feel special, etc. Which I think is absolutely wonderful, no doubt! 👍 But when I tried to listen to Part 1, I actually missed a good 5-minute chunk of it because I was too distracted with staring forlornly at the wall, silently sipping my third cup of coffee, and despairing that there was no way that I'd be able to do all the things that still need to be done in the time I've been allotted. I managed to snap out of it long enough to catch the joke about identifying the body, which made me laugh. 😆 But then I more or less reverted back to worrying until I finally decided that I was fed up with worrying for the day. Instead of replaying Part 1 or listening to Part 2, I yanked my ear buds out and used the time to give myself a pep talk that was about 40% me trying to CBT myself and 60% <i>"Are you there, God? It's me, Doctimus"</i> praying. Which made me feel better and enabled me to push forward through more paperwork, until now since I have called it quits for the night and deemed it <i>Fragen</i> time. And nothing messes with <i>Fragen</i> time. 🤘😎


Holy ffff... this one honestly left my body shaking, my breathing increased, and my heart pounding. What an intense hands free orgasm 😍 Talk about sensory overload. The ear nuzzling, the fingering and the playing with the clit... wow... my legs were wrapped around my body pillow, my back was arched and my whole body was shaking 😍 And you said it was just a sweet audio. Yeah right, ya big tease! 😉😂😂


I have no words... but I'm going to take two of those and go nowhere in the morning! Bravo Gael, magnificently done


DAMN!!! That quiet sexy sensuality! shittttttttt!!! 💋💋💋


Seriously, dude? How do you do these things to my body without touching me?! 🔥You were right to warn us--seat belts, air bags, we need 'em all! This was absolutely amazing! 💋❤


I'm having a lil bit of rough time with some people and camp organizing, so these two were really amazing gems to start this week! ❤ Bedtime stories are real special for me, for reasons, and I've been waiting for an audio like this (no spoilers 😉😂), so: just perfect! Thank you Mr. Mayor! ❤


I haven't even listened to the first three minutes yet and I'm already hot. Geez. Guess I'll have to wait till I get home 😂


Did Patreon eat my comment through the night? That only happens when I say some borderline embarrassing shit. So again good looking out Patreon 😂😂. (Or Jesus it was probably Jesus🙏🏾)


"My cock is jealous" 😋😌


Sleep? I'd need to return the sentiments. 💖


This...all of this. The slow pace, the soft spoken tenderness mixed with the ever-present (albeit just slightly understated) dominance. I kept thinking to myself, " This. Is. So. Fucking. Hot." Amazing work...bravo! Oh, and...it's equally important to note that I fell asleep and awakened this morning feeling vibrant and refreshed. Definitely a new favorite for me...thank you 💚


Gods damn. That's some Druid magic, right there. More please. X-D


THAT was the sexiest damn lullaby EVER! I cannot wrap my brain around how an audio can turn me on so much. Tingle and butterflies and...sigh. Please do more like that, Gael! Thank you, you fookin genius! 👌🏻👏🏻

Kathy M

Quiet, sensual and hot as fuck! As always leave me wanting more 💗 I would love to hear something more along this line with spooning sex, you taking her from behind, whispering in her ear, clutching her tight while you drive into her over and over, your fingers on her clit and...so forth ☺️😚💕


The fact that he thinks the night would have just ended like that is cute tho. 😂😂


So I THOUGHT I wouldn't be in the mood for sexiness, but I was wrong! Or I was right, but then this fixed me. Whichever. So, yep, this audio works! 👌👍


This was beautifully sensual, Gael! You used the perfect tone, the perfect words, the perfect everything!! Your breathing?....Phenomenal! It's nice to hear a guy is being turned on when he's pleasuring you! That was more that hot baby that was on the Super Nova scale!!!! I will listen to this over and over! Fuck "Goodnight Moon!" this is the best ever!!! Thank you Gael! You just always seem to know what your harem needs! Smooches!! Have a great day everyone!!!


This is either unnatural or I need help. 😳


This audio is ASMR heaven, not to mention hot, sensual, romantic, intimate and just soo incredibly beautiful! You, sir, reign supreme as an ASMR/erotica/meditation, everything artist, I really believe you can do anything you want with that beautiful expressive warm amazing voice! Congratulations on the continuous success on the audio books! So well and beyond well deserved ❤️💯✨🌹


didn't realise how pent up I was but now I'm relaxed as HECK my headache is almost gone maybe doctors should start prescribing these audios hahah


Love, love, love this audio! I don't usually get the ASMR tingles as much as others, but with the story here, the reaction was different! The whispers not only created the tingles, but the intimacy of this as well. So very sweet and sensual! Thank you for this!


Holy god, I've been listening to you for years but this may well be my favourite audio ever!! I made the mistake of listening at work, underwear change needed 😳 now I can't concentrate dammit.


I cant stop from listening every single damn of his audio that has a NSFW tagged on it during work. Sorry not sorry?


You know, I have a thing for etymology. Lullaby is an interesting word and an interesting topic. Have a look... Okay the Lilith story is a little hazy, but a good story nonetheless. :) <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lullaby" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lullaby</a> <a href="http://www.jeanniemusick.com/lilith-legends/lilith-as-the-origin-of-the-lullaby/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.jeanniemusick.com/lilith-legends/lilith-as-the-origin-of-the-lullaby/</a>


Lullaby is a funny word when you're Dutch, lul meaning cock.


I have no words for this level of audio perfection, so I shall express myself in emojis..💦💦💦😻😏😻🔥🔥🔥🌋👍👍👏👏👏❤❤❤💋


OMG. That release was relaxing. Zzzzz.... This was perfect! 👌👌👌 <br><br> Favorite parts:<br> 1. Sensual hand travel from breasts to *down there* (Gosh, I've listened to many of your audios but I still can't say p-p-pussy... there I did it)<br> 2. Shoulder biting 😋😋😋 <br> 3. Tongue sucking<br> 4. Kissing before climax<br><br> Thanks, puppy.


Guys...I have been daydreaming about this sweet, sweet lullaby ALL DAY AT WORK! I really can't get over how perfect the execution was. I have been squirming in my seat for HOURS...so much so I was afraid I'd somehow manage to unscrew my VCH ring 😂 I absolutely can't wait to snuggle into my bed with a glass of wine and do this all over again...and again...and again 💚

Kathy M

An orgasm a day keeps the headaches away 😁


The intimacy of this is the best! I love the audios that follow up with a little bit of the "aftermath/wind down".


I had a little shiver again just reading the title in my email notifications...that's a first! 😂


❤ this, it gave me goosebumps &amp; butterflies in my tummy, one of my fave x


Do you guys remember when, as young children in daycare or kindergarten, the end of storytime meant the start of nap time? And how awesome it was to actually have nap time?<br><br>Well, we may not get nap time anymore as adults, but this is basically the next best post-storytime activity. Because even the saddest or most serious of stories would still have a <i>happy ending</i> 😎👍<br><br>But oh man, this had bucketloads of ASMR. And I'm not even much of an ASMR-y person. I was just sitting at my desk with my earbuds in, minding my own business and sipping coffee as I sifted through a stack of reports, when BAM! I almost dropped my mug because I suddenly got the whole <i>"Oh shit, it sounds like he's right behind me, getting all up in my personal space!"</i> feeling. Which was equal parts <b>tit</b>illating (<i>"Heh heh"</i> snorts my inner 12-year-old), mind-<b>blowing</b> (in a <i>"Damn, technology has come a long way!"</i> fashion) and jarring (in a <i>"Thank God I didn't ruin my pants by spilling coffee on my lap"</i> sort of way).<br><br>PSA of the Day: I don't care how much of a fan you are - <b>don't</b> listen to this audio while operating heavy machinery or handling sharp objects. It's just not worth it. I mean, it's <i>almost</i> worth it, I personally like having all of my limbs intact 😲


Doc, you are hilarious. All well? Coffee-, limb- and otherwise? Gaaah. Bedtime for me. Got huge job. Sadly not boob job, but this one pays well instead of me paying, which is good. And I haven't even had coffee, just a liter of dirty chai. Oh wait, the packet says it contains loads of caffeine. Still, bedtime. One more question though, Doc. As you often write GF audio's don't give you what they seem to give other people, I wondered what they DO give you, if I'm not too bold. Probably am. Asking anyway. For reasons of science, see. (SHHHH I borrowed that one from Frau C!) Oh yeah, bedtime. Say hi to your inner 12-year old from mine. Mine is going to read a book under the duvet, with a flashlight, hoping I won't notice how tired my technically grownup self will be when other people start their working day tomo... later today and I should do the same but won't. La-erzz!


Oh, Madeline 🤗 You complete me the way peanut butter completes chocolate! And I mean that in a friendly, platonic way, although I'm sure you're a very attractive woman because you are clever and funny and thoughtful 💕 I was really touched by how you and the other ladies here offered your support and words of wisdom the other day, so thank you all so much for it! 😊 I felt a lot better today. I was properly caffeinated, my limbs were all intact, and there was much less freaking out. I know that I'm burnt out and I thankfully have vacation time coming up in about 2 weeks. I also know that I can be pretty Type A sometimes, and that plus depression can be a shitty combo. But I'm lucky in that I have my own little toolkit to sort things out (e.g., medication, CBT, a personal trainer to keep me exercising, a couple of close friends), and I just need to remind myself that in the grand scheme of things, my life is actually fucking awesome compared to what a lot of other people go through. What do I get out of Gael's audios, if not the orgasms to launch a thousand ships? 😝 I suppose the answer to that million dollar question depends on the type of audio. 🤔 The Seanie and other comedy audios make me laugh and they cheer me up if I'm having a shitty day. Now, I'm sure several listeners are almost classically conditioned to get excited the moment they hear the growls or the Gaelic wooing. In contrast, I could be completely distracted with something else (e.g., eating, exercising) while listening to the audio in the background, but the moment I hear, "Do you want to hear a joke?", I automatically stop what I'm doing and think <i>"Do you even have to ask?! Of course I want to hear a joke! When do I </i>not<i> want to hear a joke? Hell, I want my future eulogy to be at least 60% jokes! ⚰️</i> I haven't done a whole lot of meditation in my life, so I find it a bit tricky to get into the right headspace for the actual meditation part of a meditation audio. But what I <i>do</i> find extremely helpful are the underlying principles behind these audios. When I CBT myself (and I'm referring to the therapy, not the sexual act because I obviously don't have a twig and berries 😝), I identify my maladaptive thoughts and cognitive distortions and then try to reframe or challenge them. That requires a lot of thinking and reflection, which works reasonably well for me because I'm almost always thinking anyway. But I do have the tendency to overthink things, which can make CBT feel a bit exhausting at times. Gael's meditation audios tend to be based more on mindfulness, which takes a different approach than CBT. Both acknowledge that a person can be having negative thoughts, but rather than trying to challenge them by finding evidence to the contrary, mindfulness is more about accepting that the thoughts are there and letting them pass. Instead of focusing on them (even for the purposes of trying to reframe them), you focus on what's going on around you in that very moment, usually by tapping into your senses. If you're honing on what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the moment, it's almost like hitting your brain's "mute" button. I think I could get a lot of benefit from practicing that, or at least from periodically trying to let the negative thoughts pass by instead of forever being in analyzing mode. And what of Gael's rambles? The YouTube ramble snippets were actually the main reason I joined his Patreon page because I found them almost...baffling at times. Not because of his accent or how fast he spoke, but because he just sounded so cheerful. Almost <i>too</i> cheerful. I remember thinking, <i>"There is no way anyone is this upbeat. No damned way. I'll bet he only posts the cheerful parts on YouTube and saves the angry ranting parts for Patreon. I'm going to sign up as a Patron and find out."</i> So I joined Gael's Patreon page, listened to the full version of the rambles, and felt even more baffled. <i>"Is this what he's actually like most of the time? I mean, I'm sure he has periods of feeling angry/frustrated/sad/confused just like anyone else does, but is 'Diddly dee!' actually his baseline? As if it is, </i>how does he do it ?<i> Is he on twice as much medication as I am? Would it be rude to ask him that? Oh, what am I thinking - of course that would be a completely inappropriate thing to ask! But then how- okay, let me think about this for a minute. I'm a Type A kind of lady. Most of my friends and almost all of my co-workers are Type A people, and that's who I spend most of my time with. However, Gael sounds like a Type B sort of fellow in his rambles. Man, have I actually forgotten what it's like to be around someone who's Type B? Wow, I need to get out more."</i> I know it's silly and probably naive, but part of the reason I listen to the rambles is the hope that he'll one day drop the <i>Dr. Gaelforce or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Just Embrace the Diddly Dee</i> bombshell. 😯 But realistically I know that the answer of how to be more positive and happy is 1) multi-faceted, 2) probably different for everyone, and 3) something I'm going to have figure out for myself. But I suppose I find it reassuring to know that there are people out there who seem to have it figured out at least a little bit. Or at least they come across that way when you listen to them talk. This isn't an exhaustive list of what I get out of Gael's audios, but I know that this wall of text is getting pretty long 😧 It does, I hope, at least somewhat answer your question, Madeline? If not, let's just pretend that I use the audios solely as a masturbatory aid and call it a day. After all, it's almost 11 pm in my neck of the woods, and that's when I usually have my nightly ladyfap while listening to a Seanie audio. (I'm a woman of very particular taste, you see 😝)


😀 Doc, hope you are feeling better? Did you see my message in the Monday Fragen above? 💗 (I wish Patreon had a better notification system)


actually, that is a good idea! I would love to fall asleep with Gael sounds in my ears instead of the Big Black Wall of Emptiness. White noise Gael style!! Mmm.


Uggghhh so goooood. Slow and sensual. So sexy.


I love this. 💞


Absolutely exquisite.

Ileandra & Raven

Mmm this was delicious. Simple and yet wooooooonderful to listen to.


*sees your comment* *remarks on it just to be contrary*


this is one of my faves 😊❤️❤️🔥🔥


I kinda died a lil😌


Good f#ck!!! H.O.T.T hot! 🔥🔥🔥