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How's you?

I didn't forget the draw, I fell asleep XD  I put the Patreon number after your name in case we have similarly named lovelies.  This week's winner is 

♦ N Jenkins (5535576)

My work week has been manic already, please forgive me if I'm not around as much in the month of July.  I'd much rather be here recording for you!





Gael, bro. You're doing excellent. We can be patient because whatever you give us is worth to die for. Hope you're doing well. -the one from Chicago

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Well please do record and be safe. Work shouldn't be twisting you up 😘🌹 Your magic is amazing 😘


Hi ☺️ That's okay. Really. Don't worry about it. Just take care of you 😘


With all the content you put out we'll be just fine! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. We're so lucky to have you Gael! 😘 I hope you have time to take for yourself though. Don't work too hard now.


Wow, I win a draw as soon as I join... How awesome... Now what? Lol


I am right there with you Gael...I have two jobs and they basically have in overdrive do to the 4th of July holiday...


My dude, don't worry. Do your thing. Be safe. Stay strong, stay healthy. Do not forget to eat and get the right amount of sleep. See (hear?) you soon BB ♡


No worries, Gael, we understand. We'll all be waiting with bated breath for when you can be at 100 percent with us again. 😊


Take a rest, babe. Take care. Dont work too much (reminder for myself too). Prioritise yourself first yeah. Xxx


Honestly wishing I could give you a hug. Don't worry too much about us. We'll be fine ☺️ And if we get lonely we always have your audios to listen to. You have a way of helping us to feel like we're not alone through them 😘


Don't fret, you've given us more than enough work to keep us busy while you step away for a bit. Take it easy when you can love. 🎧❤️


You are doing as any other adult would do. You are just being responsible. Stop apologizing for being a responsible human being. We appreciate everything you do but as we've all said, we're here for you. We will wait patiently. 💞


My goodness, get your rest! It's very important that you take care of you!❤


Congrats! :) Send him a message (on web: top right corner, message feature; on app: account, message), and tell Gael what you want - ramble, romantic audio, something erotic - whatever you enjoy! :)


Really, apologizing for falling asleep! Take care of yourself, luv, and stop worrying about us. We're rooting for you and would rather see you healthy and happy than drained and overworked. Trust me, you've left us MORE than enough to keep us busy!


Exactly. He doesn't have to apologize. And I agree with you 100%. I'd rather see him happy and healthy ☺️


There is nothing to forgive! Take care of yourself☺💟


Well... since I've fallen asleep a time or twenty listening to your kisses, here are some for you! Sweet Dreams!!! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋


You've been around here with us the whole time.so you don't need to apologize.what for?take good care and be happy😚🤗


but look after Seanie before you go to sleep ... who knows what he's doing when you're not around😂


Congratulations N. Jenkins, enjoy your PA!


Take care of yourself, Gael. xoxo


G, go to sleep. 😴😂 You're sweet to apologize but truly, no need. We're grown, we understand, and you've already explained the sitch. 😉 Now rest up so you can kick this week's ass! 😘💕


We love you, dude. Get your beauty rest (not that you need it😘); we'll be fine. 💋💕

Kathy M

You could record yourself sleeping 😌😴💕🤔 maybe you talk in your sleep. It'd be for science. 🔬🔭⚗️🛌


Sweet dreams! Take good care of you!! 😊💕 Congratulations N Jenkins!!


Health comes first! We will still be here ... Patiently waiting. 😎


Take care sweetheart and don't let work make ye crazy!!


Woohoo Ms. Jenkins! Congratulations!!!! Have a ball!!!!


Gael, in list Seanie Boi to tuck you in. Have him make your tea and your veggie meals. He needs to be occupied! He gets into you ASMR goodies! Just promise when you get time, help the poor boi dust the attic! Now, I love Seanie Boi, but he's obviously got some dust bunnies rattling around that head of his. Just help him, please!


Take care of your sweet self Gael. If they over work, you just tell them you have a crew of close to 700 lovelies who will come and open up a can of whoop ass on them. Take time to rest mo gra. We worry about you. <3


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! So, today is the 4th of July... would you tell me about it? Do you celebrate? Ja? And of course some assorted Fragen... What is your grossest habit? Do you ever talk to yourself in the Spiegel - mirror? What animal would you say most describes your appearance? If you could dip anything into chocolate and eat it, what would it be? Do you have nude photos or porn videos in your computer? What would be the most disturbing thing you could find under your Bett - bed? Danke for your answers... bis später XD Maybe you wanna teach me a word today? Some slang? Hm?


Guten Morgen, Frau Claudia! And a happy Independence Day to my neighbours to the south! 🇺🇸<br><br>As a Canadian I don't celebrate Independence Day (our equivalent, Canada Day, was on July 1). However, July 4 is my eldest cat's "birthday" since I adopted him on July 4, 2013! 😻 I'll probably buy him a new cat toy and some treats 💝 (Perhaps your kitten could steal one for him?) <b>Grossest habit:</b> I was hoping to portray myself in a positive light this evening, but since this is for science and Gaelandia is a judgement-free zone... Sometimes I let dirty dishes sit in the sink for far too long. As in, I've actually had to throw some Tupperware out in the past because leftover food may have sat in it for over a week and no amount of scrubbing could take the stench out. I also don't vacuum or mop my floors as often as I should. 😬 In my defense, I do live with just my two cats, so it's not like I'm subjecting anyone else to my mess. Whenever I <i>am</i> sharing living space with someone, I do a good job of picking up after myself. <b>Conversations with Mirror-Me:</b> Oh yeah, I do this all the time. I also talk to myself when I'm not standing in front of the mirror, but I just avoid doing it around other people lest they think I'm a few mental donuts short of a dozen. 🍩 <b>Doctimus in animal form:</b> You know how they say that pets and their owners start to resemble each other after awhile? Well, I think I look nothing like my cats, but here's a pic of me and my handsome birthday boy! <img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/5BSd6X1.jpg"> <i>(I was giving him the ol' side eye because he had just finished licking his balls, which isn't a very gentlemanly thing to do in the presence of a lady 😹)</i> <b>Chocolate fondue!:</b> Hmm...how about more chocolate? In my own little world, you can't go wrong with eating chocolate-dipped chocolate. Fruit or ice cream are also tasty options 🤤 <b>R-rated material:</b> I do have pictures of my ladyparts tucked away in a hidden folder on my laptop, but it's not for what you think 😳 I got my VCH and nipple piercings done by Elayne Angel and one of her mentees down in the U.S., but I wasn't able to drive down for an in-person consult beforehand. So I took pictures of the areas I wanted pierced and emailed them to Elayne in an online consult to ensure that I had the right anatomy for the piercings. I couldn't bring myself to delete them afterwards because they're a bit like mementos of my road trip to the U.S. to get my fun bits pierced. But oh boy, am I ever fucked if someone steals my laptop 😵😝 <b>Most disturbing thing to find under my bed:</b> I'd be pretty freaked out if I found a hidden camera that had secretly been recording me. Or a creepy looking doll because according to the rules of horror movies, there's a 85% chance that I'd get possessed by an evil entity living in the doll and a 50% chance that I'll die as a result. Those odds would be more in my favour, however, if there happens to be a young, handsome priest in the area open-minded enough to believe me and just compatible enough for us to have unspoken sexual tension as a side plot. <i>("Can a man of the cloth and a woman who's slowly being possessed by a demon fall in love? Stay tuned to find out!")</i> A slang word, eh? In good ol' Canada, you will often hear people ask for a "double-double" in coffee shops, particularly in a Tim Hortons (which is a bit like the Canadian equivalent of Starbucks, but with much better coffee). A double-double is basically a standard cup of coffee with 2 creamers and 2 packets of sugar mixed in. 🤓 (Not as fun a term as <i>brustwarze</i>, but we Canadians aren't very good at naughty slang 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Way to go, N Jenkins!! :D And take care of yourself, Gael! We love you, and we will be here :)