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What could possible go wrong? 

(This is a very raw file....it shall be cleaned LOL )




I'm already cringing😋


Hahahahah 😂😂


I knew it Seanie Boy ---- you're in the news! :D


Don't know if I should be worried for Seanie or the Americans 🙃


Absolutely nothing can go wrong...😂


OMG!!!! I was dying just from the teaser! Brava to the Uber driver! I can't wait to hear how this turns out!!!


😂😂 This is going to be amazing car crash entertainment!!


😂 😂 😂 Already hilarious and only 2 minutes in....I can't wait to hear the rest of this!!!




This might end up being my favorite Seanie audio.


Marvelous! Can't wait for the rest!


This sounds like fun 😄


OMG...I can't stop laughing. 🤣🤣🤣 Seanie I can't wait to hear what you do to LA. Almost tempted to hop a flight to join in your adventure. 🛬 🎧❤️


Lmao. That "bzzzzz" at the end cracked me up 😂😂😂😂


Will L.A. hit back is the question.


I'm half a country away and it feels too far away! 😘😁😂 Seanie, my friend Sal can always help you out of you get in trouble out there. You know he went to high school with Leonardo DiCaprio. 😊

Kelly S

I feel like the answer is... Oh hell yes. Poor Seanie is in so much trouble! Haha


Love Seanie's determination. His naiveté is so endearing I just want plant a great big wet 👄!!! Can't wait.


Sex Parties, yeay! xD go, Seanie! XDDD




Ohh, another day... another recording to sssslither away from... At leasst thisss Seanie guy apparently left Europe... may the dark, sscaly godsss be with the new world...


You might find something very very interesting in this one your Highness! *curtsies nervously*


Yeh I was already howling and this is just a teaser!


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Director's Cut of this audio will contain the deleted scene entitled "Seanie's Cavity Search, like". You know, for maximum hilarity. Because no one knows how to give foreigners a welcome that they'll never forget quite like the TSA! 👆

Kathy M

Don't take any wooden nickels Seanie!


The best of luck to Seanie Boi! Although I am cringing a bit. Queen Bee, girl, don't be too hard on our Boi there. I AM afraid for him if he actually meets Ice Cube!! Cube don't play! A little advice..."Check Yo Self" before you meet him. And "Bow Down" when you do- "Hello"- 'he started this Gangsta Shit!' Don't, for the love of God..Don't call him "Dough Boy!" Show him "Love Up in the Club!" If today was "Good Day" for him, don't fuck it up! And watch out for "Ghetto Birds," You don't want any encounters with LAPD! But sweetie just remember "You Can Do It-Put Yo' back Into It!" (Sorry y'all! I HAD to......Cube is my BOY) I'm rooting for ya' Seanie Boi!!!!


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears! Hope everyone has a wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday!? So for many of you yesterday was a holiday... Memorial Day, ja? Did you celebrate? It´s really early here and the night air is so sweet and warm and the stars so bright... hmmm... delicious! Some Fragen, as always XD... What do you think would be the härteste - hardest thing for you to give up on? Are you usually late, early or right on time? Which is your favourite part of the menschliche - human face/body and why? Would you rather eat Giftefeu - poison ivy or a handful of Hummeln - bumblebees? Would you rather have X-ray vision or bionic hearing? That shall be enough... I think tomorrow we need some sexy Fragen, so if you like leave some hier - here. Danke for your answers... bis später XD


Don´t forget to think about the new project... don´t be shy! "Naughty Thoughts Of Gaelandia" Same rules as before... I want you to record a little piece (.mp3, .wav, .m4a works fine) Length up to 2 minutes... just tell your naughty thoughts, maybe some dirty talk or moans? Or anything that crosses your sexy minds. (Let´s turn him on... shall we? Time for revenge!! Hehehe) EDIT: It doesn´t have to be a 2 minute "moan-orgy-cosmic orgasm-sound thing" (though that´s all right too! XP) Just record what you find erotic or sensual... some whispers? A line from your favourite poem/novel/song? ASMR crinkling sounds? A delighted sigh, because of something Gael said....? I will collect all your audios, edit them and send them to Gael. As before I promise I won´t listen, and I won´t post the finished audio publicly! It´s solely for Gael´s ears and entertainment!! And again I will make sure he will listen and enjoy and will express his everlasting gratitude... hahaha Deadline... let´s say... June 5th? Ja? Send your (sexy) audio to: the.frau.claudia@gmail.com If you have questions just ask :) Danke and see you later my dears XD


Hi, Claudia. It's still early evening here. But happy Tuesday to you. And I don't think Canadians celebrate Memorial Day. I don't know. I think it's just a US thing. 😜 I think the hardest thing to give up on would be Gael's (or the man behind Gael's) audios. They always help me. Whether I'm feeling depressed, in pain, like I hate how I look or feeling like I don't matter, or even when I'm just feeling horny. xD Lol. Like tonight I was crying a lot. It's a long, boring story. And now my head hurts because I was crying so much. I cried for 40 minutes straight. Yeah, 40 minutes. That's how much emotional pain I was in. Now I'm in physical pain, so later tonight I'm going to listen to one of his massage therapy audios. If I'm focused on it, and my eyes are closed, I can actually feel his warm hands on me, gently easing the pain away, and it works like a charm. ❤️ So, yeah. I think it would be very hard for me to give up his audios. ❤️ I'm usually early. I'm quite the punctual person. xD My favourite part of the human face is the eyes. The eyes always catch my attention first. If the eyes are blue, fucking gorgeous. 😍 Excuse my French. Lol. My favourite part of the human male body is the cock. But that's just the naughty side of me peeking through. 😈 I would rather eat a handful of poison ivy. I hate bees 🤢 I'd rather have bionic hearing. It would be helpful when I'm trying to hear what people are saying. Well, you know me. I'd love some sexy fragen. 😈




Already sent :) you say he'll enjoy them?I'm not sure....ich bin mir nicht so ganz sicher hahahhaaa er würde meine Stimme eher witzig finden and laugh his ass off...ugh!!!!Just joking I know it's all about having some fun❤

Ileandra & Raven

Cool idea. May I just post you the link of some of what I've been doing, inspired by Gael and the like?


Did someone mention party with Seanie? I keep hearing 🎵"Boogie Shoes"🎶 when I think of him in LA.


Nah.. this is still ok... were preparing and expect too much cringe i guess.. but glad its not that bad... good job seanie boy